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Why does Radix's Pikmin 2 run have a manual time, then?
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andrewg: 2007-12-09 12:33:56 am
Hi! I'm andrewg!
How could anyone ever find it, it's not listed anywhere.

Oh wait, I'm wrong. But it should have a time I think.
Apparently the days in Pikmin 2 can be time based improved, or something. Uhm, better let Radix respond to this I think Smiley
Why does Radix's Pikmin 2 run have a manual time, then?

You do not need to wait for him to respond because he has already answered your question.

But soon I learned that that isn't the case at all, because the majority of the game takes place underground and when there, time on the surface is mysteriously stopped.

The author's comments are there to be read when you have a question about a run.
Edit history:
Manocheese: 2008-01-06 06:32:03 am
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
The "newer news" link on this page is broken:

It should link to this:

The time for Yoshi's Story is listed as 23:01, but the fastest time on the page is 16:48 (23:01 is the PAL time).
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tenfoLd: 2008-01-18 01:49:47 am
In the Jak II game summary,

the word "ottself" should be "ottsel"
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Manocheese: 2008-01-20 07:28:46 am
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
On the Mission Impossible page, the image displayed is of the box, and it links to an image of the title screen. I think it was probably just supposed to be the title screen without a link.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Manocheese: We resort to the box when we can't find a picture of the title screen (rare, but it happens).
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Polsy: 2008-02-05 08:45:12 am

The second 'Segment 21' should be 'Segment 22', and 22->23, 23->24, 24->25, 25->26, and delete the existing 'Segment 26'.

(segment 22 is the dragon fight, 25 climbs the root, and 27 has the shopping)

Also You->I in what is currently 24.
we usually don't fix typos in people's comments unless it's requested by them - and even then, we put a lot of time into this site, and it would be nice if people submitted comments without typos in the first place. that said, enhasa is still a newb at this and might feel differently than i do.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Nice, I love the (probably true) implication that once I have more experience I will probably lose all tolerance for things like this.

That being said, just now I thought about this thread (I never have checked it before). It's possible I will try to go through this thread sometime and fix things. It's extremely low on my list of priorities though. Also for some reason, I don't feel too keen on fixing typos that were brought up before I came on board SDA.

Maybe I will ask for forum mod status, lock this thread, and then start a new one and sticky it. This might weed out some of the people who were being pedantic and the people who had an error that really bothered them would just post again.

In any case, I ask that you forgive me beforehand if I do a terrible job on this or ever give up. Like nate alluded to, I think the onus should fall on the runner to make sure their comments are correct.
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mikwuyma: 2008-02-06 03:30:56 pm
My feelings on The Demon Rush
About comments, I only correct really obvious typos that are easily corrected. It shouldn't be my responsibility to clean up people's comments, especially when I have more important things to do for the site, such as timing runs or working on html.

It's up to the runner to have good spelling and grammar, which is something I also fail at in my comments :P.
Well, I only mentioned it because it was making it confusing to follow the comments along with the videos. If it had simply been spelling/grammar, I wouldn't have bothered.
I'm not sure if this fits in here... Quoting from the Metroid Prime: Hunters page:

"It is also the first 3D, first person perspective shooter game on a handheld platform."

There were actually several first person shooters released for the GBA, including Doom. Doom is 3D, so don't whine about the engine or the absence of models.
meant 3d in the sense of true 3d, not fake 3d like the early 90s fps.
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Poesta: 2008-02-07 12:39:25 pm
All right, but Quake is true 3d, isn't it? Quake and Quake 2 were ported to the Pocket PC in 2001.

Edit: there was also a port of Quake 3, but the site went down Angry

Of course, these are all unofficial ports. But there was another fps, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent, released for the DS in 2005, with true 3d graphics.
could say pocket pc is not a handhold console but the goldeneye thing sounds like more of a challenge.
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Poesta: 2008-02-14 07:31:53 pm
Judging from this trailer, I think those guys who get shot are made of models.
Fucking Weeaboo
Nicholas 'SirVG' Hoppe

Sir VG has a space.  But Enhasa is new, so I'll forgive him. ^^
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Enhasa: 2008-02-14 06:43:28 am
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Even though I've seen you more than enough and know how to spell it, I copied that from somewhere I think. At any rate, it's fixed.
Fucking Weeaboo
Thanks.  Grin
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Manocheese: 2008-02-17 12:07:23 am
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.

they also had to put up with one of the bounciest, shortest music loop ever heard in a NES game.

"Loop" should be "loops".
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I don't know if anyone has mentioned this earlier, but if not, I guess nobody reads the old news. At the top of every single one of them were typos like "News from to April through June, 2006." instead of "News from April through June, 2007." So I fixed those.

I also fixed the Castlequest but please don't bombard me with new typos or get the impression that I am going to go through this entire thread soon. Tongue
This is a mistake on my part, but the Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliances comments state "Recall" is a great way to make some room, even though I should have said "Repulsion". Also, in the next bullet point  it should say "--jump on platforms that are already falling OR jump from the very edge of the platform--".

Could you please change those things?
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music