Umm... shouldn't the name of this forum be "SDA News & Site Suggestions?" (Damn, I hate that quotation mark rule.) I mean, we aren't suggesting news.
SDA (Site & News) Suggestions, not SDA Site & (News Suggestions)
SDA News & (Site Suggestions) wouldn't work either, as there's a news page for that.
Furthermore, this forum does suggest stuff related to the current news, even if it doesn't suggest news directly (which is what news suggestions means, as far as I know).
I think they mean that the way it is implies "news suggestions and site suggestions" instead of "site suggestions and news". I'm not sure which one is actually meant, though.
Oh no, I'm double posting! Anyway, I just noticed something on the Final Fantasy III page. About timing, it says, "Game's timer is referenced at its last visible point, then real time from then to final damage numbers appearing is added." However, in my run there are no damage numbers that appear on the final boss, since I use an instant death attack on him. I don't know how you want to fix this (or even if you want to fix it), but I thought I'd point it out anyway.
Yay, for double posting! Here's a nice list of minor typos and inconsistencies for game pages starting with A. I'll get through the rest as I have time and update this post as things get fixed.
On the Secret of Mana page it says that he did the run on the PAL (French) version of the game. Yet it says:
Best time: 5:15 by Frank 'Seiken' Cid on 26.08.05 in 8 segments.
While it should be:
Best time on PAL version: 5:15 by Frank 'Seiken' Cid on 26.08.05 in 8 segments.
On the index for N64 games it says that the best time for Yoshi's story is 0:23:01 (European version.) While the American version is 0:16:48, which is about 5 minutes faster. There for the American version should be showed on the index.
On the Legend of Zelda page it says that it was released in July of 1987. While it was really released in August 1987.
On the Super Paper Mario page it says that the game was released on March 2007. But it was really released on April 2007.
On the Super Mario World 2 page it says that the game was released on August 1995, that's the Japan release date. The US release date is October 1995.