And soteos, you shouldn't have posted that picture, man. I will now proceed to PM you and stalk you :D.
Apparently you haven't seen the video. Just try and stalk me, I'll whoop yo ass! 8)
Does anyone else not care whether there are girls here? Or what Radix looks like? Just go to the Quake part of this site, and look for the Nolans. You'll see him in all his golden muscular glory.
I think appliying the term rare breed to a person is insulting, but whatever. Strangeness is clearly very intelligent and has made her personality evident through previous posts, which is what I adhere to when I read one. A picture would not change that, it would merely be interesting to see.
(Sorry Strangeness to refer to you in third person but I didn't know how else to get that point across)
Yeah, I couldn't think of a milder way to phrase it. I was best off to never think outloud. And, yeah, what CannibalK9 said, you're cool Strangeness, keep it up (God, I'm horrible at wording what I say now)...
juhu, ich bin nicht alleine von deutscher seite hier im forum
I am not alone from German side here in the forum
Of course you aren't, there's plenty of German members on this board! Well, living in Germany I don't exactly know, but there's German people here.
Selbstverständlich sind Sie nicht, es gibt viel der deutschen Mitglieder auf diesem Brett! Gut wohnend in Deutschland, weiß ich nicht genau, aber es gibt deutsche Leute hier
Ya, that time (okay..1 month ago) I was pretty much pissed at everything as my bf dumped me. Then again...his stupidity should've made me laugh
Ya, that time (okay..1 month ago) I was pretty much pissed at everything as my bf dumped me. Then again...his stupidity should've made me laugh
Awww...sorry dear. Yes, his stupidity should make you laugh...he gave up a treasure. ^^ *hugs*
And just so this isn't spam, testing out my new crappy webcam that somebody game me for free.
Nah man, if you don't call people out on behavior like that, they'll do it for the rest of their lives. I would say im no troll, as i did not respond to his weak retalliation.
Yes, as your comment is infinitely better. But I would rather not have all these posts deleted because of spam, so I'm just going to leave this thread until I can get a recent picture of myself, as the ones on the front page are around 2-3 years old.
Seriously though, that is the creepiest thing I've ever read, and that's only because this guy is dead serious. "He gave up a treasure", c'mon man, this girl is a total stranger, for all you know she could be a complete psychopath. If want to be pick up girls and be a creep about it, theres plenty of teen chats that I'm sure will welcome you more so than a video game forum, based around people trying to play video games as fast as they can. Seriously, out of all the people I've come into contact on the internet, you are the creepiest one I've ever seen. And what was with that frog comment? Was that a joke of some sort? Last time i checked, jokes were supposed to have humor involved with them, and are not used when some one is seriously calling you out, telling you need to seriously re-evaluate yourself.
And to the guy who called me a troll, don't fight crime if you're not a cop. Message boards have moderation for a reason, and last time I checked, you are not part of that team.
This is why message boards like this should not be allowed to have topics like this, because creeps like this guy thrive on them. Take this one away moderators.