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Sleeping Terror
You are not part of the moderation team either, hyperryuken. And, just for the record, I disagree with pretty much every word you've typed. He was being nice, not creepy; his joke was funny; and one can fight crime without being a cop.

If you continue to act rudely, your posts will be the only thing "taken away".
Men &gt; Women
He was not being nice, the *hugs* and "giving up a treasure" crosses the nice border intro creep territory.  And while i was not trying to be a moderator persay, I was trying to help establish some morals to this place.

And that joke was not funny at all.  You have broken the rules of opinions, as that is a wrong opinion.  I will say this for the first time, based on that post by the moderator, this is the first time I am disappointed with the legal side of this board.  I have a request for the administrator to read that post, and tell me that is the kind of behavior he wants on his message board.  Granted, he can easily say that to "show me" one way or another, I have shown this thread to many people, and they all agree that that guy is a creep. 
He was not being nice, the *hugs* and "giving up a treasure" crosses the nice border intro creep territory.  And while i was not trying to be a moderator persay, I was trying to help establish some morals to this place.

And that joke was not funny at all.  You have broken the rules of opinions, as that is a wrong opinion.  I will say this for the first time, based on that post by the moderator, this is the first time I am disappointed with the legal side of this board.  I have a request for the administrator to read that post, and tell me that is the kind of behavior he wants on his message board.  Granted, he can easily say that to "show me" one way or another, I have shown this thread to many people, and they all agree that that guy is a creep.  

Yet you lack the objectivity to be making that decision.  Although you could have been a lurker for a long time, your post count proves that you have not been an active part of this discussion board for a long time.  We have, and we experience other people's personalities firsthand. 

Now, those people that you asked, who agreed that post was "creepy," do they have as much experience in the forums to know Sir_VG's personality?

I can wholeheartedly see that you could find that post creepy since you haven't experience Sir_VG's mannerisms firsthand for as long as we have.  I can clearly say he took that photo on purpose to make people laugh.  I did laugh, quite loudly too, partly because he had the balls to make a fool of himself in front of other forum members he grew acquainted with.

You, seemingly a new member walk into this post and see a "creepy" post.  You have every right to think that it's creepy, but did you ever THINK that he was just trying to be funny?  You were the first person to say something negative, and Sir_VG, politely ignored your "trolling" (albeit minor) and made a funny joke.  He was basically saying, if you don't like the way someone acts, don't say anything at all.

And now you go and make a big hoo-hah about everything, based off the assumption that he was trying to creep people out.  That original assumption was 100% wrong, and your reaction was 100% negative.  Even the response right before you post was positive, and I'm sure got the reaction he intended to get.

Thus by simple logic, you are inadvertantly at fault (for not know what type of personality Sir_VG has), and more at fault for calling him creepy.  If I was in your position, I'd just ignore him.  Otherwise it looks like you were trying to start something.

This is from a completely objective view, so I'm not accusing you of anything because I'm mad or don't like you, its just what I observed (and nothing can change that).

Hope that clears things up.  It's bound to have some syntatical errors in it, since I'm sooo tired.

Have fun everyone.
Sleeping Terror
He was not being nice, the *hugs* and "giving up a treasure" crosses the nice border intro creep territory.


Poor hyperryuken. You must not have had many good relationships if you find hugs and flattery to be creepy. Maybe you just need a hug.

*hugs hyperryuken*
Not going to school today
He was not being nice, the *hugs* and "giving up a treasure" crosses the nice border intro creep territory.  And while i was not trying to be a moderator persay, I was trying to help establish some morals to this place.

And that joke was not funny at all.  You have broken the rules of opinions, as that is a wrong opinion.  I will say this for the first time, based on that post by the moderator, this is the first time I am disappointed with the legal side of this board.  I have a request for the administrator to read that post, and tell me that is the kind of behavior he wants on his message board.  Granted, he can easily say that to "show me" one way or another, I have shown this thread to many people, and they all agree that that guy is a creep.  

Why do you care so much about instilling "morals" in us?  Quit being a dick, and either post a picture or go post something game related.
Just call me the cynicism machine
Cool pictures aside, this is how the drama seems to have unfolded:

I like how this thread is completely guy pictures.  Come on ladies, I know you exist here (despite what Samus_Aran claims).

Frankly, I don't blame our few female members for being reluctant to post pictures. On every gaming-related forum I've been a member of, whenever a girl posts their picture, they're immediately hit by dozens of "OMG you're so hot!!!11" replies, followed by PMs that border on stalking.

I agree with Arrows' statements. Every gaming board I've been to obsess over any girl that comes on

Anezka posts pictures here and here.


Awww...sorry dear.  Yes, his stupidity should make you laugh...he gave up a treasure. ^^  *hugs*

Drama ensues.  It's as if this was all predictable...
I think people just need to lighten up about it.  I found hyperryuken's comment more comical than insulting.  Everyone just needs to chill.

Also, to contribute:
Men &gt; Women
seriously bro, to the comment above this one, if you guys think im some sort of avenger sent from the heavens to fight evil in the world, you need to all get out of the the game.  I was just messing around in a dramatic way.  And, I've been reading since the first ridiculous Metroid Prime run a few years back to whomever said that. 

And for the record, i take back nothing.
Let us begin:

And to the guy who called me a troll, don't fight crime if you're not a cop.  Message boards have moderation for a reason, and last time I checked, you are not part of that team.

I will say this for the first time, based on that post by the moderator, this is the first time I am disappointed with the legal side of this board.

Seriously though, that is the creepiest thing I've ever read, and that's only because this guy is dead serious.  "He gave up a treasure", c'mon man, this girl is a total stranger, for all you know she could be a complete psychopath.

Although I find those comments all funny as a hole, I'm inclined to agree with Zurreco on some points. And agree with hyperkurren's comment, "Do you think the administrator would like this kind of chat on his board?" Or something along those lines.

That about sums it up for me.
Ride on shooting star

It's not just a message board, IT'S LIFE.
Fucking Weeaboo
I love how every time I turn around, I've created drama.  Now knock it off before I post more pictures of my scary self from my digicam.  Grin
Hi! I'm andrewg!

just if anyone wanted to see this if they haven't already.
You remind me so much of my friend Aaron in that video.....
Hi! I'm andrewg!
can he juggle? or is it just appearance or something?
Yeah, his appearance. And to the rest of this topic, and after reading it over again, this video came to mind immediately:

Hi! I'm andrewg!
i see. i used to have longer hair, when i used to be cool.
Jungle Rat
That would be my dad when he is very happy...(notices in the picture he needed a hair cut :P)
I geuss you can say we look alike except of course I'm the smaller version...with very short hair.

Fierce, were you and your dad at Funspot 2005? Unless I'm mistaken, I recognize your dad!
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Fierce, were you and your dad at Funspot 2005? Unless I'm mistaken, I recognize your dad!

Yes, he was the guy....playing tron Tongue
I was playing on my Purple GCN with the 5" LCD screen attached to it. Tongue
Jungle Rat
I was playing on my Purple GCN with the 5" LCD screen attached to it.

Cool, I thought that must have been you. You do look a lot like your dad. I was the guy playing Super Monkey Ball on that 5" LCD screen. Smiley That 0.1 path was murder on such a tiny screen!
No the Quail is not riding the Q
Cool, I thought that must have been you. You do look a lot like your dad. I was the guy playing Super Monkey Ball on that 5" LCD screen. Smiley That 0.1 path was murder on such a tiny screen!

wow!, cool.
Might I add that you really own at that game Smiley
Hi! I'm andrewg!
i need to go to dunspot sometime. maybe next big event there.
Edit history:
7 0 x 7: 2005-11-18 05:57:49 pm

thank you. i been trying to say that all along. poeple here take this place so seriously... loosen up

Men &gt; Women
In regards to the post above, I just wanted to own the kid.  I don't take this place all that serious, as i never even post, except when ownage in necessary.  Im still waiting for the admin to say something about it, I'm sure he got a kick out of it in some way or another.
No the Quail is not riding the Q
In regards to the post above, I just wanted to own the kid.  I don't take this place all that serious, as i never even post, except when ownage in necessary.  Im still waiting for the admin to say something about it, I'm sure he got a kick out of it in some way or another.

How about lightly put:
Drop the subject already because no one cares.
You had your fun....posting the above is overdoing it...
Still alive...
In regards to the post above, I just wanted to own the kid.  I don't take this place all that serious, as i never even post, except when ownage in necessary.  Im still waiting for the admin to say something about it, I'm sure he got a kick out of it in some way or another.


Go back in your cave where you belong and Troll around there...
This is my last response to you, cause i dont feed trolls.....