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Mr. Anderson.....

I don't think you look weird, Lag. That's mostly because of the people who go to my school who are simply just.... weird..... @_@;
Zelda Scientist®
course they're weird dude, you go to school in canada. Heck, in america our schools have already killed off the wierd ones, or they've killed us... either way, they aren't at school anymore. I can't seem to find any pictures of me other than graduation pics etc. But I'm gonna have to scan them up... I actually want something recent though so that I can showcase my fro. And yes, you can add me to the list of black dudes on SDA.
Oh, and Insane... you look like steve nash. lol
there are like a million thousand people registered on here, where teh girls at?  Grin

I think they are all just too shy  Shocked
i dont have any digital camera so you wont see me Sad

i could draw my portrait my in paint its and a mus eits hard Wink

( and no im not a girl ksitrjinis )... srry for ur name =)
This is precisely the reason I didn't want to post my girlfriend's picture @_@;
Now a hit show on the CW
Frankly, I don't blame our few female members for being reluctant to post pictures. On every gaming-related forum I've been a member of, whenever a girl posts their picture, they're immediately hit by dozens of "OMG you're so hot!!!11" replies, followed by PMs that border on stalking. This forum has proven itself to be somewhat more mature than those other boards, admitedly. Still, I'm just saying that this may be one of the main reasons why you haven't seen any yet Wink
Sleeping Terror
I don't have a digital camera, nor any pictures to show. I'm not sure if I'd post them here even if I did have them... but I don't, so it doesn't really matter.
Eternal Understudy
I agree with Arrows' statements. Every gaming board I've been to obsess over any girl that comes on and treat them disrespectfully, so I don't blame any female member here if they refrain from posting their pic.
Edit history:
7 0 x 7: 2005-11-10 09:48:58 pm
yeah, just like everytime us guys post pics we get like 20 PMs from every girl on the board. doesn't bother me, i just try to be nice.

OH! and where is Radix? i wanna see his pic  Grin
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soteos: 2005-11-10 11:48:55 pm
Ok, what's the best way to put up a picture and/or eight minute video from my computer?
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slYnki: 2005-11-10 11:54:17 pm
Putfile for the video, and for the picture. I dunno, you could host it on photobucket, then post it here. That's what I did for my picture.
Putfile has max 10mb for video, so your video would have to be very compressed to fit.

Another option is which is excellent imo, but it probably wouldn't stay up as long since it's not really a storage site.
Smiiiile &gt;:)
I agree with Arrows' statements. Every gaming board I've been to obsess over any girl that comes on and treat them disrespectfully, so I don't blame any female member here if they refrain from posting their pic.

Ya well...there is this saying that goes "THERE ARE NO GIRLS ON TEH INTARWEB!"

Been there done that...after 7 years you eventually get used to guys freaking out about girls on a PC Related Forum  Roll Eyes

Thought I'd give a short introduction of myself.
I'm 19 years old, live in South-Germany (yes, you have international Fans wohoo) and I'm female.
Been watching this Website + Forum for about 1 year now ish. Great work  Smiley

But to contribute to this thread and scare off the guys, here a picture of me:

Edit history:
soteos: 2005-11-11 04:17:05 am

This is me my junior year of high school (I'm in freshmen year of college now). My hair is now 10 inches long, and looks totally wild and wavy. I should get a pic of myself now.
Yousendit says they only keep the files for 7 days or 25 downloads or something, so if it doesn't work, PM me and I'll refresh this link. (btw, I had to get YSIGet to make sure it downloaded all the way- there's a link on the page)
This is a video two friends and I did for a talent show junior year. It's us doing some martial arts stuff, but we're not all that good. I'm much better now than I was then. Hehe, was fun though. I'm the guy starting out in the middle with the white shoes and shirt and the broomstick handle (my name is Wayne, btw). Later on I use a gold towel rack. Eh, what can you do when they don't allow weapons on the campus?
Yoshi's eggs are at my mercy!
I don't have a digital camera, nor any pictures to show. I'm not sure if I'd post them here even if I did have them... but I don't, so it doesn't really matter.

Cool, I prefer it this way. I hate to admit the truth, but had you revealed your pic, it would've affected the way I reply around you and the such. Glad to know we won't be having that problem. Wink
Sleeping Terror
I hate to admit the truth, but had you revealed your pic, it would've affected the way I reply around you and the such.

I don't know if I should feel insulted or what...

P.S. Welcome, Anezka! ^_^
Still alive...
Oh, and Insane... you look like steve nash. lol

Errrrrr..... Do you mean ME? Because i do not have the slightest clue who that guy is.....  Huh?

Anyway, i do have SHORT hair since yesterday. I finally cut them off. (no more "Metal" like)
Maybe I'll post a new Pic during this weekend.
Putfile has max 10mb for video, so your video would have to be very compressed to fit.

Another option is which is excellent imo, but it probably wouldn't stay up as long since it's not really a storage site.


Errrrrr..... Do you mean ME? Because i do not have the slightest clue who that guy is.....  Huh?

Steve Nash is a basketball player:
Yoshi's eggs are at my mercy!
I don't know if I should feel insulted or what...

P.S. Welcome, Anezka! ^_^

Oh, I didn't mean it in a negative manner. But had you revealed I would've been like "OMG, She really is a girl, and she knows this much about speedrunning?! Wow, maybe my peanut-sized brian can ponder about how many other forum/gamer girls exist in the world!" ... Maybe I'm just thinking out loud, but it would've affected how I treated you, I probably would've been more selective of what I say around you, to make sure not to make you mad, since you're such a "rare breed" and all. Tongue
I shall ask also. WHERE IS RADIX? wheres the main man? Your photo should be posted everywhere man! You are God to us. ->Hail<-

I'll give a photo if someone can tell me if you can post them from a file and how?
We shall not force Radix to show himself if he doesn't want to...
Eternal Understudy
I don't think Radix doesn't want to show himself. He's already posted a video of himself (and his apartment) in another topic.
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CannibalK9: 2005-11-11 03:54:37 pm
give me your eyes!!!

Oh, I didn't mean it in a negative manner. But had you revealed I would've been like "OMG, She really is a girl, and she knows this much about speedrunning?! Wow, maybe my peanut-sized brian can ponder about how many other forum/gamer girls exist in the world!" ... Maybe I'm just thinking out loud, but it would've affected how I treated you, I probably would've been more selective of what I say around you, to make sure not to make you mad, since you're such a "rare breed" and all. Tongue

I think appliying the term rare breed to a person is insulting, but whatever.
Strangeness is clearly very intelligent and has made her personality evident through previous posts, which is what I adhere to when I read one.
A picture would not change that, it would merely be interesting to see.

(Sorry Strangeness to refer to you in third person but I didn't know how else to get that point across)
I don't think Radix doesn't want to show himself. He's already posted a video of himself (and his apartment) in another topic.

That was the same video where he totally slammed those landlord bitches. "I think that's enough evidence..." Oh man. You can also see his Quake profile.

And soteos, you shouldn't have posted that picture, man. I will now proceed to PM you and stalk you :D.