How High is a famous 70's flick about pot heads, and you will never get a taste of my handsomeness. Mwahaha
Actually, everyone around me in that photo is a pot head now. 'Cept for the dude on the far left. Hard to believe that was taken in Grade 8 @_@;
Or was it Grade 9...? Ah, I dunno. Senior year now. I look somewhat different. Shorten the hair a little, dye it black, add some chin hair, we're good to go.
Hmm, I need to find a camera so I can get a more recent picture of me. Although, I might have one SOMEWHERE in this computer. I was thinking about dying my hair black so I would look like the lead singer of My Chemical Romance (Gerard Way) used to. But I dunno, it might not turn out so sexy.
EDIT: Okay, I found two semi-recent pics of me (from May, I think) but unfortunately I was dressed for the occasion (ie, I looked okay). Although, in one picture I had food in my mouth and opened up >_> I have one where I look like I obviously didn't want to be there, might post that one.
EDITIT: This was at some awards ceremony thing that was going on. I was getting an award for being good in Biology, even though it was my 2nd most hated subject. I think it was cause the teacher thought I was a good student.
Also, I wasn't in line for too long (my last name starts with a 'J') but my parents wanted to stay until EVERY student had been gone through. So we were there for a while. In the picture, though, I just plain didn't want to be there and was tired of standing in line.
CAKE!!! Also, try not to look directly at my skin. The flash from the camera kinda increases my whiteness, and it has been known to cause temporary blindness.
Oh, well, thanks! Although that was taken at my wedding, so I don't always look that great...
And we actually have a member thats married? Strange times.
I guess I am pretty unusual on this board, being a female and married as well. Although where I'm from, it's not unusual for people to get married this young (I'm talking in their early 20's).
edit- wtf.. djs, stop deleting your posts.. The following paragraph doesn't make sense anymore.
Ok, you really are 10. I had my doubts. Not a bad pic but...... WHY DOESN'T ANYONE EVER SMILE?!
This is me at my local climbing gym. Picture is from two years ago, can't really see my face, and it looks like I'm grabbing my crotch but I'm about to bring the rope up to make the next clip.