I've never had to deal with that problem oddly enough. Yes, contrary to popular belief, I do speedruns :P. I prefer playing guitar over playing videogames, or reading before doing speedruns. I dunno, I just find time for everything, especially guitar. I've never found a band that was dedicated enough to "go to the top" if you will, and I'm tired of basement or garage bands that aren't going anywhere. So I'm gonna stick to eventually becoming an old dude who's good at guitar. Either that or become a teacher.
Yeah, maybe I just have poor time management skills >_>
It's hosted by TwitchGuru, but back in the day, it was Tom's Hardware. I considered it quite an honor, though the writer badly misquoted me, which I guess is the fate of anyone who encounters the media...
A little older than TSA, a little younger than Radix (I remember seeing their ages somewhere). But thats all Im saying. Though its kinda wierd when you find out your arguing with a 14 year old.
Since i actually know how to put a photo up now, I might aswell do it... Btw, awesome shirt MissileWaster!
Heh, I don't even think I have that shirt anymore (the picture is from December 05). I was wearing it because some theater thingy was going on and my sister was in some play of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. It wasn't as funny or as fun to watch as the actual movie, considering the fact that they only had, like, 3 guys in the whole thing and they didn't have them play either of the main characters (King Arthur (or however you spell it) or the dude with the ridiculously large mustache).