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Yes Mario Riding A Pole
cyghfer's approximately 3-hour single segment. do you have a link to it?
Well have fun with this I have to go make a route for Paper Mario TTYD. If anyone wants to help post on the thread.
Edit history:
Raiker Z: 2010-11-20 10:21:56 pm
Raiker Z: 2010-11-20 07:09:23 pm

Thats the thread, I think there are links on the first post.

I wish I knew more about TTYD but I've only played it through three times or so 100%.

EDIT: I'll just tack this on here, since this was a short post and all.

At 5:01 (About where my optimistic goal is) here is what I have. 95 Star Pieces. 61 Badges. 7 Star Spirits. And 16 Upgrade Blocks.

To clear up what this means in the terms of my run. I have EVERY star piece I need before doing Chuck Quizmo (I finished Koopa Koot at 5:01). I have EVERY badge I need before going up to Shooting Star Summit and buying/getting the ones up there (and the one in the castle). I have gotten ALL star spirits (including clearing out those horrible White Clubbas -.-). And I have EVERY upgrade block.

So even if I failed my goal (at least for my speed test) I'm only short one (ok so two ish) dungeon, one boss, one shopping spree, one badge, and 64 stupid quizzes.

I came close, so the failure was worth it, I'm hoping that in the real run I break my 5 hour goal in the middle of Quizmo segments. Tomorrow I'll post a video link, showing off what my Quizmo segments will look like. Just multiply by 32 lol. I'll be doing the video to test speed (since you know, it comes with a convenient timer and all that) so I'll probably have a few up testing different ways.

That end went by A LOT faster then planned, after the Crystal Palace everything was basically errands, and the route was so easy it was laughable.

But thats getting a little ahead of myself, Bowser's Castle still needs to be planned, and a billion lava pits/falls stand between me and finishing up my route planning.
You said you only have 95 star pieces. If I recall, 95+64=159. You either spent one of the star pieces or you are missing one. I hope you didn't miss a letter! If you did, Merluvlee wouldn't be able to help you track down that last star piece if it's missing.
Oh yay you noticed, I didn't miss a single one, but you are right, it is a letter, to Merlow (Who does star piece trading) ^.^ I didn't forget, but what better time to go to her then when I need to buy them. Cheesy

I added two new videos, one is just a short video that shows off how fast you can do a single quiz (but sadly doesn't work because he only will spawn once from save unless you move 2+ screens away) and the one that I'll post is a multiple piece segment (3 ironically enough) the most I've gotten in one run so far is 5 quizzes, and I've done that twice, which means less segments that I'll record. Sadly he's quite annoying to get from saves, and its always annoying realizing that stupid little mistakes I don't care about now will mean a reset later. The video I have is about 2 minutes long, but its pretty ugly. I just wanted to show it though ~40 seconds a star piece compared to the ~ 25 of the single one.

Great job Raiker.

I have a question when you jump after the spin to you hold the button down for a split second of do you tap it because it looks like you are jumping a little higher than NoiseCrash did in his any% run.
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Raiker Z: 2010-11-21 05:42:18 pm
I'm just tapping, it may be going full jump, but its not a huge deal for me as of this video. I don't actually know if the height of a jump cuts time, the only noticeable change in time from jumping after spins is if you doubletap. If I notice a cut jump noticably speeds up the run I'll do those in the run, but I haven't noticed a differences in times so I just hit A.

EDIT: Well, its done. I'm on the segment I'll take on Jr. Troopa, but I don't need to continue past here for planning. Jr. Troopa will give me 33 star points, and Bowser will give me 46, I have 29 so I'll level and its all good :D.

Now generally I don't trust information I don't personally verify, but in the any% he's one level lower then me and he gets 34 and 47 in each of those. So I'm fairly certain that the site has its information right. And since there are no enemies after Jr. Troopa theres nothing else to test ^.^

My estimated time for the run is 6:20, I took the any% remaining times and added 1 minute (I think 2 minutes to one of them). Since Jr. Troopa and the Duplighosts were being jerks (along with the enemies I had to dodge) and because I have everything I need planned out (Even the badge set for the final fight)

I'm gonna review my notes and then maybe get started and all that o.O
Nice work :D, can't wait to see.
Quote from Raiker Z:
I don't actually know if the height of a jump cuts time

It does. If I recall correctly, Mario moves even slower while in the air than while walking normally. If not that, then they're at least the same speed. Either way, every second you spend in the air wastes time in the long run. While it may not be a whole lot in the grand scheme of things, it's one of those little details that makes a run look overall less tight and polished if done incorrectly.
Edit history:
Raiker Z: 2010-11-22 07:56:27 am
Hmm, I'll find out soon enough. I know Mario's speed in the air is directly proportionate to how fast he's moving and what direction he's going. At the end of the spin dash for instance his air speed is actually faster then just a running jump (which I think is around running speed unless you keep jumping, then it goes slower) The backwards jump *which is WAY easier to do on the VC* is noticeably slower but between the extra ~.5 seconds of extra air time at a good speed. Hmm... I'll probably make sure to check, in the few tests I did, the air time didn't make a difference, but when you jump did. If you jump ~4/5 through the spin dash, your moving much faster then at the end (Where you move either incredibly slow *Which height would make a difference there* or not at all *Again difference*)

Oh well, as I said in the first line, I'll find out soon enough. I'm going to do multiple takes of the first segment (my average is also my best, and worst times grr) to test these and more. I want to know if holding B and pressing A is faster then just holding B (Because it sure feels like it). This jump theory thing (in which if its noticeable time difference (more then a few seconds, so I can say its the jumping and not my stupidity). And of course to eliminate my stupidity (which will have to be taken out of every segment, oh yay~). My time to beat is 11 minutes (along with my best times, worst times, and every time I get on this first segment) I'm thinking if both the jumping has an effect and B + A is faster like I hope (along with no Glaring mistakes) I can cut high 10 minutes.

My first segment is basically the any%'s first 2 just add getting the Dolly, star piece for the Dolly, and a Goomnut.

Actually I'll post the half of my notes onto here so you guys can read them. This is the route-ish (Some parts are on paper, like maps, star pieces by number and a few others)

If you see a mistake, let me know, I double checked (and my speed test was a check also) but I may have missed something.
Edit history:
qwerty1605: 2010-11-22 03:14:33 pm
qwerty1605: 2010-11-22 03:10:03 pm
I see that in the Final Boss you have 2 Damage Dodges and a P-Up, D-Down, while that strategy works well you might want to substitute those three badges for the Lucky Day it saves time in putting on badges and you can use the any% strategy with easier luck manipulation.And for the part with the gold bullet bill and running away yoiu migth want to equip the Dodge Master because they are the hardest enemies to run from excluding Tubba Blubba iirc.

What are your stats planning to be i'll figure it out or something but if you know could you tell me I'm pretty lazy. Grin
Could someone post out the route or email it to me?  I don't have Microsoft Word, so I can't look at it.
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Raiker Z: 2010-11-22 04:31:43 pm
I should end with 10 Hp 25 Fp and 15 Bp I may be a little off, you can look at the route to verify, but I'm pretty sure those are my stats. As for the Lucky Day; I didn't want to equip it because of the whole 7 BP issue... that Bp is better used giving me power and taking out the effort of blocking the fire attack I'll need to manipulate anyway. Also I want  the little extra power (without using 6 Bp) because I'm pretty lame at Power Bounce, plus, Y'know that one extra damage with Power Bounce can change the whole end of the fight (I may need to charge one less, or require 1 less jump, who knows).

I'm currently working on the first segment (oh how I hate to say that) right now, and I got a pretty good one, but naturally the audio quality (because I went to a different tv... Don't ask it happened that way somehow) isn't that great in it, so I'm hoping I can get another second or two on it. The estimated time (in game) for the run? 11:32 ^.^ I think the any% is like 11:15 or so at this point, so I think its pretty good, but grr to doors, the A button being both action command and jump, and scripted fights somehow changing times... (Somehow one run which looked good went slower through the fights, I used the exact same strategy (Mash A) through both of them, I guess one was just luckier then the other at when I hit A)

After this stuff I'm fairly certain (at least untill I get speedy spin) that jump Height still doesn't change time, shorter jumps look nicer, but up until this last one (with the rough audio) my best time (beating a bunch of short jump attempts) was using normal jumps, I'm fairly sure its just when you jump and how you jump;  over the height, but short jumps make it look cleaner and better done.

And I hope you have notepad FionordeQuester I cut and pasted it in there, it looks pretty much the same, just without bolds and whatnot, but its just as legible (that is to say not very) as the Word one.
Edit history:
qwerty1605: 2010-11-22 04:53:49 pm
qwerty1605: 2010-11-22 04:53:22 pm
qwerty1605: 2010-11-22 04:53:00 pm
Raiker, to get Damage Dodge to work you need to block the Flame so I don't get what you are talking about and with 2 damage dodges the attack will do 8 not 9 if blocked and if you don't block you get killed
So for the first bowser fight you can equip the one damage dodge and block (to give you +2 defence on the fire on the next fight) and the P-up badge to give you more power in that fight and to upgrade FP instead. What I would do is upgrade BP and equip a power plus and dodge master to make the power bouncing easier and the fight will still be the same but with easier bouncing.
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Raiker Z: 2010-11-22 09:38:44 pm
Sigh your right aren't you, damage dodge is blocking, I'll figure that part out when I get to it, I'll probably unequip one and work it out. Thanks for the reminder *sorta... jerk :P*

First Bowser will be like the any%, I'll end up leveling off him anyway.

Right now I'm gonna kill uh... stairs... for not letting me go faster! lol...

This is my first segment, only 15 seconds slower then the any% and I get the Dolly and Goomnut as an addition. Technically I think its possible to go faster, but this is my best attempt without the stairs messing me up. Also considering the mistakes aren't major I like this as my starting point :). Segment two promises to be long and difficult, so it may take awhile.
(user is banned)
Yes Mario Riding A Pole
That is epic. Cant wait to see the full thing.
Edit history:
Raiker Z: 2010-11-23 08:53:52 am
Just wait until you see part 2, it's gonna be 12-13 minutes long and hopefully close to as fast as the any% ^.^, that and the stupid thing's already at as many resets as #1. I had a nice one with a few minor mistakes (I missed the tree for Hammer Throw... A lot) but then at the end I forgot to do 3 things, and 1 was just a "Wow thats early" moment. 1) I forgot to buy a Fire Flower, this makes up its speed in the fuzzy battle, or at least makes it worth it, and when you get to the Koopa Bros its always worth it. 2) Forgot to get a Koopa Leaf, this one is less important, but the best place to grab it is still now over the next segment, its really freaking annoying to grab one every time the fuzzies mess you up, also its just a bit faster at the end of this one since the bush is you know, on the way. 3) Quizmo appeared, I thought he appeared after the Fuzzies, so I wasn't to prepared for him, but I probably should have been. All in all that run was 24:30ish, but I can do better. I've got time, so it may take awhile.

Watch the any% and mine side-by-side use the "Saving Completed" to pause my video and start it when his second has the screen go black to resume play. I beat him all the way till you talk with Goombaria, Goombario, and Goompa. The stupid dolly chat is where he overtakes me. ^.^ that just made me feel like I made the right call when I said that this would be my best run.
Edit history:
qwerty1605: 2010-11-24 12:06:56 pm
qwerty1605: 2010-11-24 12:05:50 pm
qwerty1605: 2010-11-24 11:59:45 am
qwerty1605: 2010-11-24 11:58:57 am
qwerty1605: 2010-11-24 11:58:44 am
Well what is your game time after segment 1 Raiker, because I tried segment 1 and on my first try I did it (But I ignore mistakes) and got 11 min.
Major Mistakes: Jump backwards before going through door. I also missed the save block 3 times lol.

EDIT: With the different Bowser strategies above I found that equipping a power plus and dode master work just fine. you only need to luck manipulate one 1 miss. You could equip a P-Down, D-Up badge and a damage dodge with a dodge master for 1 less BP but I don't think that there are any badges worth the extra equipping time that cost 1 BP.

EDIT 2: You could also equip an All-Or Nothing and Fire shield so you don't have to guard bowser&#39;s flame attack. So the Final Badge setup could be
Power Bounce
S. Jump Charge
Speedy Spin
Fire Shield
All-Or -Nothing
Mega Rush
Close Call
Dodge Master

A Total of 15 BP and you don't have to guard the fire
To only have to manipulate 1 miss you need to 6 bounce at least once.
Only charge once before you bounce <_<
No matter how bad I did I always got 11 min on my timer. My first attempt (which looked flawless) was 11:45 (ish) but this one is 11:30 *again ish* (with minor mistakes) Where does that time come from? Watch the any% and my first segment on the first two rooms of Peach's castle, I pass him up in the second room (despite a minute flaw in the first) because on the stairs I get luckier. Those stairs are a major pain, and the fact I did that good on them is the reason that segment is what I choose as my starter.

As for the All-Or-Nothing equip, ignore it, that badge automatically requires an extra jump. Remember it only does damage (any amount) if you do the action command right, so if you need 5 jumps with it, you need to do 6 jumps (5 with damage, then the one you fail to do no damage) If you fail on the 5th you will hit a 0 for that one, which gives Bowser another turn.

I have a second segment but untill I get to the 5th segment (where I buy speedy spin) I won't be posting it just in case I need to reconfigure some things. Based on both my test and my plans I should have the money for it, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared. The timing on segment two is roughly 24:30, there are a few things I didn't like about it, but most of that is not being saintlike when doing menu manipulation. The ddifference between how fast I go in the segment and how fast is possible is memorization. Yes I know to hit the tree without looking I press A twice left and then A again, but knowing that and working it out isn't the same. I hardly check during any of my fights, but they still could be faster its just hard to tell if your doing everything at the right time or if your to early. That and a stupid koopa leaf went the wrong way, but those are completely random (sadly) and not worth redoing a run that went well up to then just to get an extra 1/3-1/2 a second. Total resets to get segment 2 right? 158, now on to the annoying true manipulation segment, I need a quizmo and fuzzies to work with me... how fun.
Not neccesarily for the all or nothing because the max power bounce you can do at once on a boss randomizes everytime so if you get the max at 6 hit the action command and you won't do the extra bounce and you still get the damage. But I see what you mean that might mean even more luck manipulation Sad
(user is banned)
Edit history:
13013: 2010-11-24 04:36:50 pm
Yes Mario Riding A Pole
How did u get 11 min. qwerty1605?
Edit history:
Raiker Z: 2010-11-24 04:59:31 pm
Ok, qwerty the max attack is not random it is based off of the defence of a boss and your attack. Ultra boots = 3 damage per jump, and mega rush = +4 to that, mega rush and power rush do NOT stack in this game. Adding the extra power may not save time if I have to do the same amount of power bounces, so I'll work that out when the time comes. Don't forget to factor in the bosses defence, General Guy has two, Crystal King supposably has two also, but I think he may have one. Huff N' Puff has 0, the Koopa Bros have 1 themselves, but 0 on their backs, and I think Bowser? has 0 too. Tutankoopa has 0 also, I'm pretty sure of that. The heart and TB should have 0. Check them for defense values, you may be suprised. It certainly isn't random.

All or Nothing works on successful power bounces, so without it you would do say 7 - 6 - 5, but with it you would do 8 - 7 - 0. Because you fail the action command to get out, so overall All or Nothing is not worth it, because it makes you do an extra jump as a REQUIREMENT. Hitting a 0 isn't what you want in a speedrun.

13013 - remember how the game is timed, it doesn't show seconds so 11 means 11.00 to 11.59. I averaged 11:45 or so, my best being 11:30 ish. Its hard to guess the seconds in a run, I'm timing how long it takes the timer in game to change to the next minute, but thats imperfect considering I do not know when the timer begins, I'm starting when the black screen fades to start timing, but it may be as soon as I press Yes.

I think my time of roughly 11:30 is pushing it Smiley I'm glad I could do that; as I mentioned earlier watch the any% and mine side-by-side, I beat him untill that stupid dolly chat comes up. ^.^ he beats my second segment, hands down Smiley but his is in 3 segments, and its not bad Cheesy I'm still proud of everything.

Segment 3 is underway, I have a good one where everything worked with me, but I messed up a little at the end (I missed both the heart and save block on first attempts, my bad) so I'm gonna see if I can beat that.
(user is banned)
Edit history:
13013: 2010-11-24 05:03:54 pm
Yes Mario Riding A Pole
Ah right i forgot that you don't go by in game timer on this one.
I'm actually not sure how they do things, the game timer is really really good as far as I know. It counts pauses for time, only the main screen isn't counted. I believe that the Title Screen (one of the screens your forced to look at in the intro) isn't counted either, but I think for everything else (including chaper screens and Peach segment choices) are counted towards the timer. In an RPG seconds aren't important, so its no surprise that seconds aren't displayed, even on SDA the seconds noisecrash does aren't counted, he could win at 1:38:59 for all we know (he may know the seconds though, just for fun). I count the seconds because that gives you an idea of how long the segment is, since I start at the selection screen, and the segment is over when you see "Saving Completed" any time after that is delay of me shutting off the recorder.

You may be right though, they may not go by the in-game timer for Paper Mario, but it keeps track very well (better then a lot of other games at least).
Happy Thanksgiving all who celebrate it, hope you all had a nice day with your family. I've got two more segments up, and I should have 50+ coins by the time I get to Speedy Spin. Enjoy.

Segment 2

Segment 3