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AdamPrimer: 2015-07-13 10:52:07 pm
AdamPrimer: 2015-07-13 10:46:04 pm
AdamPrimer: 2015-07-13 10:45:45 pm
I took a screenshot in the Ginso tree at the lowest point that is high enough to be level with the end of the Horu Escape.

I am at (500.7, 482.6) in the image, and the end of the Horu Escape is positioned at (296.7, 467.0), so it's basically positioned 204 in-game units to the left of the pictured position in Ginso, and slightly down (you can fall safely).

Any clip from Ginso to Horu Escape will therefore need to be at least this high in the Ginso Tree, if post-clip we are just going to fall rather than juggling something (probably the most likely thing), then we'd have to be much higher than pictured to take into account Ori's lost vertical position while moving to the left.

In comparison, the starting point for Sunstone->Warmth is (-364.5, 614.2) and we end up at approximately (-282.6, 544.3) before we are safe. Hence, Sunstone->Warmth is traveling less than half the horizontal distance as a potential Ginso->End skip requires.

To date, no one has traveled the distance from Ginso Tree to the End without the aid of Glide or debug teleporting. Chunkatuff used Debug Mode to clip, and otherwise legitimately made the distance with Glide after clipping. This, however, is unlikely to be helpful, for if we had Glide, getting back to Ginso would be so time consuming as to not be worth it at all.

I am still trying to get into this, sorry to spam this thread, but I was wondering if there is a somewhat central route and glitch info page (mainly for All Skills No OOB)? Getting routes from streams and vods isn't too hard, but how to perform the glitches and more importantly why the route is as it is (I've seen variations in which ability cells to pick up, what enemies to kill) is much harder. If the answer is "read the thread and piece it together" that's fine, but I'd like to know before I start. This is the first game I want to start speedrunning so I would like to understand why things happen, not just know that they happen.
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Onin: 2015-07-15 04:05:01 pm
Ikewolf's outdated tutorial can still help explain a couple of things, I think. It doesn't explain some vital things like the frog walk and underwater stomp, but everything from Ginso onward is mostly accurate.

The experience route tends to differ between runners but it's mostly a matter of preference. We're not quite out if going for triple jump is worth it or not in All Skills, so there's some difference in routing from that too.
Probably useless , but I guess it's still worth posting here Lips Sealed

With Climb and Charge , it's possible to get a good amount of speed by using a skill point just before touching an "OoB zone" since Ori is back to his neutral air state but with the Charge momentum , giving you access to the Ginso's Tree again.

Since there is no cutscene trigger at the top of the tree , you can go OoB from both sides of the tree.
At least it's possible to Ginso > Ending ... Kinda?
I've not seen the Charge Jump + Save Anywhere glitch to sling yourself before. Maybe we could use that somewhere? Even if it allowed doing the Sunstone->Warmth without the rock, I'm not sure getting Charge Jump wouldn't be slower (even if you didn't need climb).

It's really interesting to see there is no cutscene in the escape though... what happens if you use save anywhere and then quit+reload during the first escape when you get to that point? Does it just skip you to the swamp?
As I know , if you save anywhere and reload during the escape it just put you back where you saved.
If you save anywhere during the escape's ending cutscene , it softlock.
Learning Ori
Practicing wall jump segment, can someone explain how to do the menu skip at file creation? i lose about 2-3 seconds compared to wr and I just want to know how to perform it.
On KB+M:
ESC and ENTER at the same frame. Then you should be in the startmenu. Press down. Open the options menu and imediately exit again. Then you can press the skip cutscene button.

On Controler:
The same just just Press A and B at the same time.
Make sure to exit the menu with right-click, not with esc, on kb+m. Otherwise it doesn't work for some reason.
hey, was wanting help on the charge flame skip after you get bash. when you save at the edge and then stomp in the water?
i can get the save so i end up in the water, but can't stomp, any help please?
You have to either spam bash and stomp, or rekindle the save so you're standing on the floor in the water and then just jump+stomp quickly.
Hey guys.
I've been looking on how I can do the double Bash trick, especially for the Sorrow Pass skip but I don't find any informations on this thread.

Can you enlight me ?
Thanks Wink
You bash the frame after you bash. It's that simple. It's also frame-perfect at 60 FPS so it's very difficult.
Edit history:
Swale: 2015-08-24 02:49:34 pm
Thanks for the answer.
I'll give it a try Wink  new tech. you don't need double bash any more but this is even harder .