I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
So the goron bracelet/silver gauntlets/bombs are necessary for the shadow temple too? Dang.
Actually that might not make much difference. Assuming you have a method for dealing with the lack of longshot, TSA's route through the spirit temple required neither the bow nor the hover boots nor anything bombchus couldn't handle. If its possible to entirely do the SG skip past that one block in the first room without hover boots, (at least you can get on the snake statue, is it possible to get onto that silver block from there using a jump/bombchu?) then the fastest route might be to complete the spirit temple immediately after becoming an adult. You would perform the gauntlet skip, get the mirror shield, skip across from hand to hand, get the gauntlet, skip back across the hands and complete the temple. You could then head to shadow temple and then forest (heck, you could even get the light arrows before the bow that way just to make the run look even stranger).
I hope you guys get the route nailed down before TSA makes his route decision post deku tree. Best of luck to you in feeding king dodongo bombchus.
Actually that might not make much difference. Assuming you have a method for dealing with the lack of longshot, TSA's route through the spirit temple required neither the bow nor the hover boots nor anything bombchus couldn't handle. If its possible to entirely do the SG skip past that one block in the first room without hover boots, (at least you can get on the snake statue, is it possible to get onto that silver block from there using a jump/bombchu?) then the fastest route might be to complete the spirit temple immediately after becoming an adult. You would perform the gauntlet skip, get the mirror shield, skip across from hand to hand, get the gauntlet, skip back across the hands and complete the temple. You could then head to shadow temple and then forest (heck, you could even get the light arrows before the bow that way just to make the run look even stranger).
I hope you guys get the route nailed down before TSA makes his route decision post deku tree. Best of luck to you in feeding king dodongo bombchus.