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Acryte: 2006-06-12 03:08:57 pm
Zelda Scientist®
Well... as adult link you can EASILY feed king dodongo the bombchus after a groundjump... so maybe it is possible as kid but is very hard... BUT adult link just standing and pulling a bombchu isn't high enough... so... hmmm.... OK... if link is literally like.... 1 cm (i used instant hover + levitate to get very very low off the ground...) higher off the ground then he can use the bombchus and it will work... this means that if we can optimally get a child bombchu as high as a standing link bombchu then we have a shot.

I'm goin back to dodongos!!!

Ok.. kid w/ hoverboots... You can't feed him chus w/ a simple groundjump... you need quite a bit more height. We need another method.
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Phallosvogel: 2006-06-12 02:59:35 pm
Well... as adult link you can EASILY feed king dodongo the bombchus after a groundjump... so maybe it is possible as kid but is very hard...

lol, why groundjump if you coud use the bombs to kill kd?^^
No the Quail is not riding the Q
lol, why groundjump if you coud use the bombs to kill kd?^^

Assuming you didn't get the silver guantlets.
Zelda Rulez!
So we need only to kill dodongo's with bombchus and get silver gauntles as adult before forest or beat forest somehow without gaunlets, is this right?

Acryte - I have discovered that silver gauntes skip without bombs too and I gonna make video of it but you get it first, you are faster than me. Anyway great job Wink You are good zelda player why you don't do speedrun or something?

I have been tested that KD stuff too but ground jump doen's works because it's not give enought of heights to feed bombchus to KD. I think there are two ways to kill KD without goron bracelet or silver gauntles.
Is there way to pick up bomb flowers without bracelet or how you can get more heights to your ground jump?

BTW I have some intresting glitches and I gonna make video of those glitches tomorrow.

TSA - I wish you luck to your deku tree segment Wink
Q: How do you make ground-jumps without bombs? I mean, if you use a bomb or bombflower to make a ground jump you can just use it for dodongo himself^^
Speed is the key.
Q: How do you make ground-jumps without bombs? I mean, if you use a bomb or bombflower to make a ground jump you can just use it for dodongo himself^^

You can try to grab the bomb-flower, then get pushed away by Kd, and then you'll have a ground jump ready. Right, Acryte?
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Kazooie: 2006-06-12 04:55:30 pm
Zelda Rulez!

You can try to grab the bomb-flower, then get pushed away by Kd, and then you'll have a ground jump ready. Right, Acryte?

Yes and then do ground jump and take out bombchu in midair Smiley
Thank you for those videos, Acryte.  That makes it look so much easier (especially how you use a sidehop when the TAS just moves Link a bit).

But yeah, I can easily do the backflip and then roll in time, you just need to start the backflip earlier.

I did exactly what you do for the block text skip, except I align on the moving platform, jump, quick turn and sidehop, then backflip the entire way (walking backwards is very risky because you will usually trigger the text).

Even still, 2/3 of the time I get knocked not high enough, or fall off the block.

But I should have segment 3 done this week.  Then off to HC.
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Silent_echo: 2006-06-12 08:15:49 pm
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I think that there is another problem with the silver gauntlet skip and the bombs skip in the same game. If you don't have silver gauntlets or goron bracelet, you can't complete shadow temple because there is a room where there is a giant pot and you must throw a bomb or a bomb flower inside the pot in order to get a key. If you don't have silver gauntlets, bombs, or goron bracelet, you can't grab that key.  :-/

Or could this be done with bombchus?

TSA : very nice part 2! I can't wait to watch the next parts!


I have a question about adult mido skip : What is faster, skipping mido or playing Saria's song?
If you don't have silver gauntlets or goron bracelet, you can't complete shadow temple because there is a room where there is a giant pot and you must throw a bomb or a bomb flower inside the pot in order to get a key. If you don't have silver gauntlets, bombs, or goron bracelet, you can't grab that key.  :-/

You're confusing the original OoT with Master Quest. In OoT, the small key is in the rectangular room with the invisible wallmaster.

I have a question about adult mido skip : What is faster, skipping mido or playing Saria's song?

Skipping past Mido. Learning Saria's Song is a five-minute diversion.
I think that there is another problem with the silver gauntlet skip and the bombs skip in the same game. If you don't have silver gauntlets or goron bracelet, you can't complete shadow temple because there is a room where there is a giant pot and you must throw a bomb or a bomb flower inside the pot in order to get a key. If you don't have silver gauntlets, bombs, or goron bracelet, you can't grab that key.  :-/

Even if that part was on the regular OoT, you could still just use a bomb flower. As adult Link, you could pick up anything young Link could with the Goron Bracelet. Proof that Adult Link is bettah!
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mwl: 2006-06-12 08:49:00 pm
Hmm. Since the Goron's Bracelet can be equipped only as a child, the programmers must have made the assumption that to become an adult, a player must have gotten the Bracelet. That makes sense.

By the way, if King Dodongo can be defeated with Bombchus, at most 3'30" will be saved under perfect play, not taking into account the fact that we will be short by one bombchu even after saving the one in Spirit to let the light in...
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
I just realized something... In current videos, when jumpslashing during a battle, runners back up, slash, and jumpslash. If you quickly press B and then mash Z and A, you can jumpslash without taking out your sword. If you fail, you'll just swing normally, so there is no time loss.
Hmm. Since the Goron's Bracelet can be equipped only as a child, the programmers must have made the assumption that to become an adult, a player must have gotten the Bracelet. That makes sense.

lol. In the debug rom-version you cant even pick up bushes as adult link with nothing equipped
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MissileWaster: 2006-06-12 10:05:13 pm
Hmm. Since the Goron's Bracelet can be equipped only as a child, the programmers must have made the assumption that to become an adult, a player must have gotten the Bracelet. That makes sense.

Or the fact that an adult is generally stronger than a kid. That was always what I thought, at least...
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Acryte: 2006-06-13 01:43:12 am
Zelda Scientist®
You are good zelda player why you don't do speedrun or something?

Thanks Kazooie. Mainly a lack of dedication. I don't want to start it and end up not finishing it. That's the major reason, besides that IDK, I like the prospect of OoT segmented. Maybe in a while I will actually get my crap together.

Is there way to pick up bomb flowers without bracelet or how you can get more heights to your ground jump?

I don't know... that's what I've been trying to do now. I'm thinking that since you can pick up your own bombs... that there might be a way to glitch a bombflower into letting you pick it up. Think about this... if the bomb is on yhe ground activated... you can pick it up... if a bombflower is on the gropund activated you can probably pick it up still.... Now, it's a shame there isn't a torch or fire in that room... I'd use flamestorage w/ a deku stick to light the bomb flower and then pick up the bomb. I've tried to light a deku stick on dodongo's fire breath but so far it's a no go. If we can find a way to light a deku stick and burn the bomb flower then I think we can do it.

Fire keese cannot light your sticks...

The fire in the eye switch room cannot light your sticks.

Aka, you are wrong... that "dirty dodongo" vid... you can get in the other room.... and there are no textures... but that means you can't go through the door or press any switch.
If we fight lizalfos make sure you do: 1 jumpslash w/ sword. Then 1 jumpslash w/ stick. That will kill them in 1 rotation.
No dice, I already checked. Activated bombflowers still cannot be picked up without bracelet or gauntlets.  Sad
So, is it not possible to skip the Silver Gauntlets without getting something else that would take more time? The way I see it, you can get one of the following:
1) Silver Gauntlets
2) Bomb Bag
3) Goron Bracelet

And as far as I can tell, the amount of time it takes to get the Silver Gauntlets is less than the amount of time it would take for either of the other two. For the Bomb Bag, you would have to go through the whole temple. For the Goron Bracelet (which, btw, if you get the silver gauntlets this shows up on Link's arm, lol) you have to go out of the way wasting 5 minutes to get Saria's Song. With the Silver Gauntlets, you are already there, so it isn't wasting more time than it's saving.
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Acryte: 2006-06-13 03:24:37 am
Zelda Scientist®
We need to time it and see if going through all of dodongo's cavern (aka DC + 5 minutes) is faster than skipping all of child spirit and then beating DC w/ bombbag + then getting bombchu at shop/bowling and then using bombchu in jabu. then grabbign SG as adult after mirror shield.
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mwl: 2006-06-13 03:52:24 am
The thing is, how are you going to enter Dodongo's Cavern without either a Bombchu or a strength upgrade to pick up bomb flowers?

Spirit is the only place from which you can get Bombchus without having completed Dodongo's Cavern. Bottom of the Well has the Bombchus under a crack, and the Hyrule Market businesses don't open until after King Dodongo has been defeated.

Then, consider that child Spirit is 3'30" up to getting Bombchus and 7'30" up to the completion of the Nabooru-capture cutscene.
Stupid question, probably coming from a lack of sleep, and tons of caffiene:

Can you scale King Dodongo?  I literally mean seam-walk him, and then drop the bombchus in his mouth?

And by seam-walk, I mean approach him from all angles, and try, yes even from his ass/tail.

Even stupider question, can you seam walk/glitch through any part of the actual boss room, could that help us with battling KD?
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
It would be hard as hell to seam walk a moving boss (and get very high). Maybe for a TAS, although I doubt it's possible.
Stupid question, probably coming from a lack of sleep, and tons of caffiene:

Can you scale King Dodongo?  I literally mean seam-walk him, and then drop the bombchus in his mouth?

And by seam-walk, I mean approach him from all angles, and try, yes even from his ass/tail.

Even stupider question, can you seam walk/glitch through any part of the actual boss room, could that help us with battling KD?

Didn't TSA say something about walking up his foot?
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mwl: 2006-06-13 06:54:10 am
Stupid question, probably coming from a lack of sleep, and tons of caffiene:

Can you scale King Dodongo?  I literally mean seam-walk him, and then drop the bombchus in his mouth?

And by seam-walk, I mean approach him from all angles, and try, yes even from his ass/tail.

Even stupider question, can you seam walk/glitch through any part of the actual boss room, could that help us with battling KD?

I couldn't get Link to stand on him while using the levitation cheat.
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DK64_MASTER: 2006-06-13 07:44:24 am

Didn't TSA say something about walking up his foot?

That could be the reason why I felt the need to post that reply.  I vaguely recall some mention of trying to climb KD...  Damn subconsious...

Somebody was saying they needed a few more cm to get a bombchu in KD's mouth.  Woud standing on the foot (if possible) help?  I know it's extremely difficult to do this stuff, but that's what we thought about the shadow skip at first...