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What will that prevent?
You get bombs on B by activating the light arrow CS and I need to do DoT skip as adult after beating the forest temple so I'll have to save in temples only until then.
Oh, I was thinking he meant you couldn't become a kid again after the light arrows cutscene, but now I see what he means.
whoa s norlax I haven't seen you in a LONG time sir. Whatr's up[ Smiley
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Best guest username ever.
Life is a glitch, then you die...
Quote from darklink23jdm:

BTW I have no idea how to do the quote thing with the blue box.

Press the QUOTE  button
Quote from Chimpas:
Quote from darklink23jdm:

BTW I have no idea how to do the quote thing with the blue box.

Press the QUOTE  button

Or, you can manually do this
blah blah blah I have nothing important to say
Quote from Greenalink:
Oh whoops, my bad, now I know  :-X.

But yeah the Bomb Hover to replace the Cucco jump is old.

lol i'd like to be called tsa  Tongue
Merry Chrismas =)
New Way to Escape the Forest with only a sword and without those lame nuts:

might be useful for a RBA run
Edit history:
Samoht: 2009-06-23 01:58:05 pm
Nice glitch MrGrunz! but i'm not sure it'll be faster, since we won't be able to superslide at all as a kid. But then again we skip the rupee route and save time with Ocarina instead of OI. I'll test some stuff out right now.

EDIT: Beginning up till getting sword + saving will take about 1:10. Then, escaping to hyrule field will take 2 minutes if done quickly (much quicker than in MrGrunz's video, since he takes alot of time inside the circle.) So in total, it will be about 3:10 once you are in hyrule field. Runnerguy's run was at 3:46 at this point (though he could have been 6 seconds faster if he did the megaflip right after the 3 backflips, and 12 seconds faster if he did the clipping method), so this method is actually 36 seconds faster than the one used in his run, if I did the math right. However there are some other things that affect the timing like the inability to superslide, and the ability to use ocarina instead of OI.
This is really interesting.  How difficult is the water ESS?  I'll probably try it tonight.
I'm not your buddy, guay!
Well I've got to wait a bit longer I suppose.  Tongue

Couple things:

-Grunz's video is probably close to when you'd get into hyrule, he takes a while to get away from the kokiri but he doesn't start where the segment would at his house. So you'd have to add more to the 2:00 estimate. 10-15 or so.

-Don't use my old segment 4, I have been working on the bridge clip and will use it. So take 10-12 seconds off. Let's say 3:36 then. I will be skipping the 2nd owl with a superslide -> ESS combo. New method wouldn't be able to. I superslide off stachildren, again new method can't. That seems like too much time lost. Having Ocarina makes up a few, but probably not enough.

-If someone wants to try Ruto bottle again, I believe that was the closest to working out, to be honest. Although I thought damage ESS off the peahat was as fast as a regular ESS, but I think Grunz said it was slower than even backwalking. Maybe I read it wrong though.
Quote from Runnerguy2489:
I will be skipping the 2nd owl with a superslide -> ESS combo. New method wouldn't be able to.

Wasn't backwalking and doing a standard Deku Stick Owl Skip almost as fast, if not the same?

The stalchild superslide is huge, though.  I think a savewarp would probably be the only way this is viable.  I agree that the Ruto Bottle is probably a good place to start.

On the off chance that it is faster, I would consider that you COULD still buy a Deku Shield when doing this new escape.  You have to get the Sword anyway, so 21R there is easy street.  But since you don't need to go to the shop at all, it's probably not worth the extra time to get the Shield (seg3 is, what, 50 seconds?).

Mostly thinking out loud here.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
What if you ESS out of the forest?  I'm trying to think if there's anyway you could skip that damn ocarina cut scene.  Is this even feasible with that ocarina cutscene?
Edit history:
Samoht: 2009-06-24 04:38:32 am
Quote from Runnerguy2489:
-Grunz's video is probably close to when you'd get into hyrule, he takes a while to get away from the kokiri but he doesn't start where the segment would at his house. So you'd have to add more to the 2:00 estimate. 10-15 or so.

I didn't time it by the 2:00 point in the video. It took him 20 seconds to get from inside the circle to the lost woods, when it should really take 5 seconds. Everything else besides inside the circle was 1:40, so it would take 1:45 to do the trick. But it would take 15 seconds to get from the house to the starting point. So its 2:00.

EDIT: also, ocarina items takes exactly 10 seconds everytime you do the release bug, catch bug, backflip thing. But I thought there was a post saying that it didn't save time to use ocarina because time passes while releasing the bug, and you would have to wait for day time anyway for Kakariko.
King Laskdjf
Let's give this site thing another go.

This time, there's ALSO a wiki. The wiki is for everyone to collaborate and add information to, once the information is gathered, the dev team (meaning most of IRC) will add the articles to the website in a more readable fashion.


Feel free to PM me with pages to make, questions, comments, etc.

Also, use the wiki to paste YouTube links! They're really helpful for when we get video embedding completely down on the site.
Merry Chrismas =)
Quote from Samoht:
Quote from Runnerguy2489:
-Grunz's video is probably close to when you'd get into hyrule, he takes a while to get away from the kokiri but he doesn't start where the segment would at his house. So you'd have to add more to the 2:00 estimate. 10-15 or so.

I didn't time it by the 2:00 point in the video. It took him 20 seconds to get from inside the circle to the lost woods, when it should really take 5 seconds. Everything else besides inside the circle was 1:40, so it would take 1:45 to do the trick. But it would take 15 seconds to get from the house to the starting point. So its 2:00.

EDIT: also, ocarina items takes exactly 10 seconds everytime you do the release bug, catch bug, backflip thing. But I thought there was a post saying that it didn't save time to use ocarina because time passes while releasing the bug, and you would have to wait for day time anyway for Kakariko.

you have to wait in a TAS for the dawn, but in a non-TAS not.

so how many times do we play the ocarina in the whole run?
thrice? for scarecrow twice and magic
so this takes 30 seconds

it took groobo 1:13 from the house to hyrule field, so for a skilled player it will take 1:15
so if the shield skip saves more than 15 seconds, then it is quicker to use the new escape

I will also test, if we could do it like this:
all we do is getting the sword and 20 rupees, then we escape the forest, talk to the owl, backwalk to lake hylia, get the golden scale, get ruto's letter, give it to king zora, dive back to lake hylia, get scarecrow song, talk to the owl and do dot skip

and yes, damage ESSes are slow
He's back!
Quote from MrGrunz:

you have to wait in a TAS for the dawn, but in a non-TAS not.

My guess is that it would almost certainly be faster to use the new trick you found in a regular run and perhaps get the ruto letter instead. Also the TAS doesn't have to wait for dawn it can trek back through HF and avoid the 50 second owl speech.
Merry Chrismas =)
yeah, suggested the ruto thing in my last post already. going to time it under non-TAS conditions now

did somebody actually test already, if sidehopping to hyrule castle is quicker?
Quote from MrGrunz:
yeah, suggested the ruto thing in my last post already. going to time it under non-TAS conditions now

did somebody actually test already, if sidehopping to hyrule castle is quicker?

I think that would depend on what time it is when you are done with Lake Hylia.

I have a separate question:  I don't know what the times work out to here, but if we don't get a shield, can you still do a water ESS?  Then you could do one from the Kakariko or Zora's River area to Lake Hylia.  I'm guessing you need a shield for those too; sorry for not being up on everything.
Don't think!  feeeeeal
Why is ruto's bottle an option for this strat but not the birdge forest escape?  I'm guessing this is because of shield SSes and maybe owl skip(s)?  But can't you still buy deku sticks with this strat, maybe not as efficient as it is to buy them when getting shield, but still an option.  And also can't you still SS (or even HESS) out of the water by KV with just sword?
I'm not your buddy, guay!
Quote from Samoht:
Quote from Runnerguy2489:
-Grunz's video is probably close to when you'd get into hyrule, he takes a while to get away from the kokiri but he doesn't start where the segment would at his house. So you'd have to add more to the 2:00 estimate. 10-15 or so.

I didn't time it by the 2:00 point in the video. It took him 20 seconds to get from inside the circle to the lost woods, when it should really take 5 seconds. Everything else besides inside the circle was 1:40, so it would take 1:45 to do the trick. But it would take 15 seconds to get from the house to the starting point. So its 2:00.

EDIT: also, ocarina items takes exactly 10 seconds everytime you do the release bug, catch bug, backflip thing. But I thought there was a post saying that it didn't save time to use ocarina because time passes while releasing the bug, and you would have to wait for day time anyway for Kakariko.

I still think that's an underestimate. He leaves the forest at :30 (video time). He regains control at 2:15. The cutscenes are 1:45. It takes 6 seconds to ESS over to the guard, and you say 5 seconds to escape. So that's 11. It's going to take 15 seconds to get from the house to the starting point as you said, plus whatever time it takes to correctly align and position that trick.

Quote from MrGrunz:
you have to wait in a TAS for the dawn, but in a non-TAS not.

But you do as adult going to Kakariko. The only song you save time on is the first one getting scarecrow's song. The others are in segment 6, and at the beginning of segment 7 you have to wait for dawn anyway. The one getting magic, you have to RBA to get ZL anyway, so in the run you'll have the bottle out at that point. So having ocarina saves 10.

Quote from MrGrunz:
I will also test, if we could do it like this:
all we do is getting the sword and 20 rupees, then we escape the forest, talk to the owl, backwalk to lake hylia, get the golden scale, get ruto's letter, give it to king zora, dive back to lake hylia, get scarecrow song, talk to the owl and do dot skip

Yeah, test that, if you don't mind. Also test saving after talking to King Zora, and doing the escape again. I think that would be quicker than going back down, diving, talking to the owl (AKA just said 50 seconds). You'd just do the escape (15 + 11) and then like 40 I think to backwalk there, rough estimate. Hopefully the time of day will work out. This option has the best chance I think. Worth noting though: If you talk to the fisherman as a child and then as an adult (as you would do here), his text as an adult is different. I remember testing this, and you have to sit through a longer adult text (He says, "Hey I remember you, it's been like 7 years blah blah blah no water in Hylia blah.") I forget how long that text was, maybe like 10 seconds.
Edit history:
Samoht: 2009-06-24 09:18:58 pm
Runnerguy, I know why our times are different, you stopped your timing once you regain control of Link in Hyrule field, but I stopped it when the hyrule field cutscene starts playing lol Roll Eyes

Also, would anyone know if this works on GCN version? Everytime I ESS into the guard, I cant talk to him. Im pretty sure I did it just like in MrGrunz' video (from his right side, link's back facing the guard). Maybe Im doing something wrong? Huh?

And this is kinda off topic but does anyone know where I can find a version of mupen64 rerecording? My old computer had one but it broke. I'm gonna try and make a new test run. Most of the links on TASvideos are broke. nvm I got one
Quote from Spider-Waffle:
Why is ruto's bottle an option for this strat but not the birdge forest escape?  I'm guessing this is because of shield SSes and maybe owl skip(s)?  But can't you still buy deku sticks with this strat, maybe not as efficient as it is to buy them when getting shield, but still an option.  And also can't you still SS (or even HESS) out of the water by KV with just sword?

You need to get Scarecrow's Song in LH.  If you escape via lost woods megaflip, you won't have the Fairy Ocarina, so you'll need to already have a bottle (for OI) when you first visit LH.

Can't wait to see the tests from MrGrunz.  Savewarping vs. owl ride should be interesting, but I have a feeling that the time of day might ruin it.

Also about the additional time to buy a Deku Stick now:  You would have to get 10R (easy enough), but now since you would be skipping the Kokiri Shop completely and you never have to pass the Kakariko owl, it seems clearly faster to NOT buy a Deku Stick and just talk to the owl.  I can't imagine that the rupees + shop + item text would take less time than the first owl's speech.  Is it even worth testing?
Merry Chrismas =)
ok, I finished my first timing.

I did new escape with ruto's letter and the owl. I also skipped shield and deku stick and the time for the segment took exactly 10 minutes.
runnerguy needed 9:40 in his old segment.

skipping the shield saves 52 seconds.

so alltogether I was 32 seconds quicker.
as the time the ocarina saves is killed by the longer text, the old strat will be only quicker, if runnerguy would be able to improve his segment by over 32 seconds.
the new segment is also easier.

I'll test 2 more things:
ruto's letter and a save warp and new escape with coccu bottle and a stick

my first speed test was played on mupen, so I have the m64 of it. if anyone wants to upload it, I'll do that