As am I! I can be the bridge to the hacking community at least, especially with the new hack speedrunning boards going up on metroid construction, which you guys should all check out. The main Metroid hacking site is eventually going to be adding a full leaderboard system for hack speedruns! We already have a subforum now, it's up to the speedrunning community to grow it! (Not sure if I should link because I don't want to seem like an ad for it, just pointing out my connection and what they've done)
So do others have editor access to the google doc in the first post? Also if the people volunteering to organize it never agree to a single person, could y'all get together in some skype or similar group to keep each other updated? Maybe make a collective to-do list; like, tell each other "hey since I have a couple hours I'm gonna see about rtmp options" and such.
I understand that there's a ton of planning and coordination that goes into the presentation of a marathon, and that's very important for the audience, but regardless I feel like the runners should and do run for themselves because they enjoy it. I think this is the kind of community that deserves an annual celebration for ourselves, even if it doesn't go perfectly. This is Metroid speedrunning, right? This is memes, goofy names for rooms, tricks, enemies and sometimes inanimate blocks, stupid debates over definitions of things like "a real Metroid game," and the ironic love for the glaring mistakes in programming and design. This is blaming Zoid, getting blue in 2, and not questioning Chozo Space Magic.
It's pretty exciting. Have y'all learned kirby's route for Marathon Planning yet?
There was already a Skype group setup by Kirby initially, and we've pretty much been discussing things in that, as well as making a mirror to the signup doc that we have edit access to. If you want in to the group, PM me your Skype and I'll add you to it.
OK, so we have a preliminary schedule for the marathon now. If people can check that they can do their runs, and if not please say something so that we can reschedule a bit. Also, daryoshi, do you have an estimate for MP1 22%? We're missing one for it at the moment, and we need it to be able to finish up this draft of the schedule.
I'm glad to see it's still happening. I'd been concerned before because I'd only heard people are still interested, but no further info on the planning.
A couple minor things, I'm guessing commentators are going to be scribbled in later? The fun commentary really made last marathon. Also I personally like the idea of separating the setup and run estimates. Credits sort of counts as setup, I guess, but since the timer only runs during the runs...yeah.
if it does happen, i can make room to practice pinball.
someone should now try randomizer in the marathon :p
A randomizer you say, I do quite a few casual runs of v13 "old randomizer" disabled Suitless, however I do use emulator, I also haven't timed a run yet. it also appears like I found out about this to late. maybe in 2016.
It says the "Another Metroid 2 Remake" run is being done on version 1.4 when the latest version is 1.34. Is there something I am missing?
Apparently the next release will be out in time for the marathon
Quote from JaggerG:
I'm glad to see it's still happening. I'd been concerned before because I'd only heard people are still interested, but no further info on the planning.
A couple minor things, I'm guessing commentators are going to be scribbled in later? The fun commentary really made last marathon. Also I personally like the idea of separating the setup and run estimates. Credits sort of counts as setup, I guess, but since the timer only runs during the runs...yeah.
Yeah, the schedule is just a draft atm, since we're still attempting to get hold of a couple of people to confirm for commentary. The final schedule will have setup separated, although there shouldn't be much setup time between games at all because of how we have our restream set up.
IIRC in the original doc, I just added ~10 minutes to every estimate to account for setup, so one could easily just remove those 10 minutes from each run.
Great job getting this marathon back up to shape, by the way. After me dropping the organization, it's really impressive to see people from different communities put this marathon together
Also, daryoshi, do you have an estimate for MP1 22%? We're missing one for it at the moment, and we need it to be able to finish up this draft of the schedule.
Sry for late reply I had to be remembered by themg2 that I hadn't ever given an estimate (been busy and "forgetting" the marathon"). It's hard to estimate low% runs since it's easy to die at a few spots and so I have to add quite an amount to the "good-to-average time" but I think my estimate is 2:30 (control: one hundred and fifty minutes). Let's just put it at that and hope I won't mess up too much/ often on places you can easily die..
PS: Also I asked Tomlube/ BabySheegoth if he felt like commentating my run since I haven't ever been able to find a way to use a mic and stream with both things working correctly/ without distortions..
there shouldn't be much setup time between games at all because of how we have our restream set up.
Don't count on it; it's a marathon, so everything is 3x more complicated than it should be. :^P But seriously, yeah, I think credits+setup is usually close to 10 minutes, though a race may take more time.
Quote from Daryoshi96:
I haven't ever been able to find a way to use a mic and stream with both things working correctly/ without distortions..
If you can talk on mumble as you stream, you can probably just stream the game audio and have the restreamer set up voices on his/her end. Of course, you should play around a bit to see if you can even do that because computers. I guess it's also technically possible to put game audio through mumble, too, but that's not recommended even if Restreamer artificially delays it.
Speaking of audio options, later on, differences in runners' preferences and restreamer changeovers should probably add another 5 minutes to setup.
The 3:25 estimate is probably going to be too high. That was before the way faster MBI method was found, among a bunch of other obvious timesavers. I'm not sure how much lower it should be yet, hopefully I can tell you in the next few days.
The 3:25 estimate is probably going to be too high. That was before the way faster MBI method was found, among a bunch of other obvious timesavers. I'm not sure how much lower it should be yet, hopefully I can tell you in the next few days.
OK sure, keep us up to date, and let us know when you know.
Quote from JaggerG:
If you can talk on mumble as you stream, you can probably just stream the game audio and have the restreamer set up voices on his/her end. Of course, you should play around a bit to see if you can even do that because computers. I guess it's also technically possible to put game audio through mumble, too, but that's not recommended even if Restreamer artificially delays it.
Speaking of audio options, later on, differences in runners' preferences and restreamer changeovers should probably add another 5 minutes to setup.
Yeah true, ideally people would only stream game audio, and we'd manage all the commentary using the restream. I'll be setting it all up and sending out instructions for it this weekend, so keep an eye on your twitch PMs if you're involved in this.
A better estimate would be 3:05. This is accounting for 4 attempts at Grand Abyss with the backup wallcrawl, and 20 more minutes if I were to somehow fail Quad Skip once right at the end.
Twitch messages containing the necessary information about the restream setup and commentary have been sent out. Please read them BEFORE you turn up to do your run.
Is commentary gonna be through mumble again this year? Have you had commentators check settings and make sure they're good to go? Not sure if I can pop in on mobile for other m, but I can try to figure it out.