Quote from Svenne:
Hey! The layouts are looking good LordAlu! Alot of people have offered help so that is great! I would suggest we add SM Any% to the schedule because the current route is so different to the old one! Both Kott and Zoasty got pb's yesterday so it's a good sign!
Thanks Svenne
Quote from Supreme:
Just wanted to give a few small comments/suggestions, overall everything looks great
General: The grey text that provides information blends a little bit with the background, everything else seems to kind of pop if you know what I mean. I would consider this the lowest of lows in priority I'm just a bit of a nitpicker when it comes to this
Just wanted to give a few small comments/suggestions, overall everything looks great
General: The grey text that provides information blends a little bit with the background, everything else seems to kind of pop if you know what I mean. I would consider this the lowest of lows in priority I'm just a bit of a nitpicker when it comes to this
I chose to make the information text darker so as not to take from the actual information itself, but I do see what you mean that it doesn't really pop enough. I'll try and lighten it or alter it enough to show up better without interfering with the main text.
Quote from Supreme:
4:3 looks great!
16:9 I agree that there is definitely some wasted space here, but I wouldn't put in information that cannot be found in the other layouts (commentators, upcoming game, etc.) because people will notice that missing from other layouts. A suggestion to try, center the timer and flank it with the logo on the left side and the hashtag on the right. That might help deal with some of the dead space, but if it still looks like a lot of waste then it might not be worth it.
16:9 I agree that there is definitely some wasted space here, but I wouldn't put in information that cannot be found in the other layouts (commentators, upcoming game, etc.) because people will notice that missing from other layouts. A suggestion to try, center the timer and flank it with the logo on the left side and the hashtag on the right. That might help deal with some of the dead space, but if it still looks like a lot of waste then it might not be worth it.
Yeah, I didn't want to put more information in than what you can get on other views - I'll give spreading the information out a try, or maybe centre the game view and have all the info at the bottom.
Quote from Supreme:
Hunters: Looks solid to me! DS is always awkward, and I think you managed the space well.
Pinball: I mean its pinball, so you can't really alter the game feed, which kinda sucks cause it creates so much wasted space..but the way the information is divided is great
4:3 Race: Only suggestion here is to not do Runner [Runner Name] [Runner Name] Runner. I get the symmetry, but I think "Runner: [Runner Name]" will look a little cleaner.
Pinball: I mean its pinball, so you can't really alter the game feed, which kinda sucks cause it creates so much wasted space..but the way the information is divided is great
4:3 Race: Only suggestion here is to not do Runner [Runner Name] [Runner Name] Runner. I get the symmetry, but I think "Runner: [Runner Name]" will look a little cleaner.
I originally had it like that but changed it. If it makes more sense though I'll move it back
Quote from Supreme:
Great job overall
The marathon is gonna look great!
Quote from Kadoom:
Agree'd great job on the layouts Lordalu, fantastic work!
Thanks Kahdoom <3
Quote from UchihaSasuke:
i think more space between the screens is needed. i forget what's the exact space needed though...
it definitely helps since a reduced space throws off the ball a bit when looking at the video.
it definitely helps since a reduced space throws off the ball a bit when looking at the video.
Is there a DS emulator that automatically spaces it correctly? If there is I could use that to do the space between the two screens properly?