where exactly do you zip leftward during speedruns...? also, i can help you with vertical zips if you tell me which spots you're trying to get them to work at. could also try and give a general explanation if you want.
Quote from cyghfer:
where exactly do you zip leftward during speedruns...? also, i can help you with vertical zips if you tell me which spots you're trying to get them to work at. could also try and give a general explanation if you want.
sorry i meant leftward facing zips, rightward going.
for vertical zip, the most helpful spot would probably be one of the ones in the wily 1 stage, vertically zipping past the first ladder room with the gun joe guy with the sheild, or on the last long ladder where you have to use 3 item 1s right before.
also, a general explanation would be pretty helpful as well. like which way relative to the wall do you face before zipping, when to jump or which direciton to go to, and when to grab the ladder and stuff like that. I really have no idea how the vertical zip works though, so an explanation would be nice.
also one more thing. when climbing up a ladder next to a wall how do you throw an item 3 onto the wall next to you and then immediately jump up onto it? thanks.