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Fucking Weeaboo
I'll be bringing my own Wii, since most of the games I'll be doing is on there.  I have access to pretty much every single VC/WiiWare game (regardless of region), plus a HDD for playing disc based games too.

I'll also bring a PSP for playing Castlevania: Dracula X Chronicles against Satoryu.
Edit history:
moooh: 2010-07-13 04:20:56 am
Quote from Carcinogen:
Can't we just make the runners responsible for their own games?

Ideally we would have this, although it's still a good idea to have atleast one extra working copy for each game (due to unforseen consequences) and one or two for backups (in case someone finds out late that they are not showing up, or if they can't find the cart they said they would have etc). For these reasons I will list up to two people definitely bringing a game and up to two backups (numbers will go higher for items where needed amount exceeds 1).

There's no rush signing up yourself as a backup now though. It's probably better to wait with that until most runners have confirmed bringing their own games.
$15 per rant/allegory
For Bayonetta, I'd much rather prefer the 360 version. While I myself own the PS3 version, the 360 version is superior to both look at and play. Uyama said he could bring it for me if necessary. If we can't, I'll bring my copy (I think PS3 is region free? Is this true?)
it is region free.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I have the 360 version. Though ironically, I haven't played it yet, while I have played the PS3 version.
Alright, Bayonetta moved to 360.

Call out to anyone with Aladdin or Earthworm Jim for Genesis. Since I'm from Europe I won't be able to bring my own copies for these.
Formerly known as Skullboy
Quote from moooh:
Call out to anyone with Aladdin or Earthworm Jim for Genesis. Since I'm from Europe I won't be able to bring my own copies for these.

I know I'm currently on the "most likely going" list for the marathon, but I have working copies of both Aladdin and EWJ (1 and 2) for the Genesis along with a cartridge copy of Golden Axe in case the runner would prefer that. Also, my Genesis works (and I have a composite cable for it) so I could supply that as well, should one still be needed by then.
sda loyalist
I have Spyro 2 (PAL, though) and Morrowind (PC, don't want to run a console version) and will be bringing them.
Quote from Skullboy:
I know I'm currently on the "most likely going" list for the marathon, but I have working copies of both Aladdin and EWJ (1 and 2) for the Genesis along with a cartridge copy of Golden Axe in case the runner would prefer that. Also, my Genesis works (and I have a composite cable for it) so I could supply that as well, should one still be needed by then.

Adding you for these. I will keep a close monitoring on the participation list in case something changes.

Quote from Lag.Comply:
I have Spyro 2 (PAL, though) and Morrowind (PC, don't want to run a console version) and will be bringing them.

Moved Morrowind to PC and added you for it. Spyro for PAL won't do unless you also can find someone able to supply a TV supporting PAL.
Edit history:
Mickey_Mage: 2010-07-22 07:39:15 pm
Glitching EB 1 flying man at a time
First question is, am I playing Wario Land on the Gameboy Player, or Super Gameboy? I ask because, I'll only be practicing on the SGB since that's all I own...

If I can play on the SGB, I can provide my copy of the game (obviously) and the SGB. To cope with either, I can bring my own controller for Gamecube and SNES.

So yea, games:

Wario Land (I feel so strange being the only, or one of few playing only one game this year...) Sad


Any other controller if any tournies/4 player games are played I know how to, unless we just use others?
I'm almost positive to come now, and will bring my own Tony Hawk 2 (for N64, not PS). If we could hopefully use Dr. Mario 64 since we aren't doing an 8-bit theme this year I can bring that as well as Super Smash Bros. if Mike decides we can fit it in, as an N64 console if needed.
I'm almost positive to come now, and will bring my own Tony Hawk 2 (for N64, not PS). If we could hopefully use Dr. Mario 64 since we aren't doing an 8-bit theme this year I can bring that as well as Super Smash Bros. if Mike decides we can fit it in, as an N64 console if needed.
Edit history:
moooh: 2010-07-23 06:20:38 am
Quote from Mickey_Mage:
First question is, am I playing Wario Land on the Gameboy Player, or Super Gameboy? I ask because, I'll only be practicing on the SGB since that's all I own...

I haven't seen anything about the GBP being forced, so added you for a SGB.

Quote from neskamikaze:
I'm almost positive to come now, and will bring my own Tony Hawk 2 (for N64, not PS). If we could hopefully use Dr. Mario 64 since we aren't doing an 8-bit theme this year I can bring that as well as Super Smash Bros. if Mike decides we can fit it in, as an N64 console if needed.

Moved TH2 to N64. If you are doing Dr.Mario 64 instead of the NES version we'd be needing 3 N64 consoles as well as 3 copies of the game. As of now we don't even have 1 N64 so we'll have to see how feasible it is.

edit: added a few new games from the schedule
Fucking Weeaboo
I've got a bunch of N64 controllers, so if you need me to bring some, I can.  I don't have any copies of the game though.  Remember that Dr. Mario 64 is 4-player at one console, if that matters any.
Quote from Lord_VG:
I've got a bunch of N64 controllers, so if you need me to bring some, I can.  I don't have any copies of the game though.  Remember that Dr. Mario 64 is 4-player at one console, if that matters any.

Not having played Dr.Mario 64, I would still suspect that the 4-player mode is a mere versus mode and thus not suited for the kind of race they are planning to do. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
It is not. It's a race through classic mode, and we don't to be dropping garbage on each other the whole time.
Oh wow, they made a mode that is precisely what you want for a race, who would have thought?

Added you for Dr.Mario 64 and cancelled the need for Dr.Mario for NES.
Talk to the Hand
I can bring any game that I'll ultimately end up running in one form or another.
Which, as of now, is what games? Smiley
List updated with latest cuts and additions.
You got a deletion wish?
I have Cool Spot (currently slated as me playing, but might be consider cut later).  PoP: Warrior Within & Two Thrones have been scratched.
Fixed the two PoP's. Forgot about those.
Added you for Cool Spot. I'll be monitoring the scheduling topic so I'll try to reflect any changes here.
Glitching EB 1 flying man at a time
Alright, Mike and I talked, and it seems to be better if I did another game for the marathon (he's trying really hard to cut down on the time). So, I will be doing The Magical Quest: Starring Mickey Mouse now. That means I only have to bring a SNES controller with only that cart.

Anyway, just remove me for Wario Land and put that game instead.
Miiiike's a lumberjack and he's okay~

Latest axings applied.
Now that I am 100% sure I can come, I will bring for sure an N64, as many as 4 controllers but definitely 2, and all marathon games except for Blast Corps, so I can bring Banjo Kazooie, Dr. Mario 64, Tony Hawk 2 (and possibly 1 if Pootrain is doing it on N64), Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask, unless the runners want to use their own carts and controllers.

I'll probably bring some for the hell of it games as well, like Smash Bros., Mario Kart and some others.