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It's time for some HEErooooOOOOHi cs!

So uh, I'm not entirely sure that this is a new discovery or not. But I haven't seen anyone do this yet, and it seems somewhat easily replicable. While it saves barely even a couple seconds or so, it's REALLY damned funny. I think this is the absolute fastest Palenque can be downed, poor guy doesn't even get a chance.
Yep yep yep!
Wow, nice find.  So were you able to repeat it?  Absolutely hilarious, by the way.
Edit history:
Anonymous52555: 2012-04-17 03:53:11 pm
Anonymous52555: 2012-04-17 03:52:28 pm
Anonymous52555: 2012-04-17 03:52:01 pm
Anonymous52555: 2012-04-17 03:49:39 pm
Anonymous52555: 2012-04-17 03:42:51 pm
Metroidvanias are God Tier
That's a great boss fight man. Anyways, nice find.

Edit: Er scratch that. Didn't Maxican do this in his run? I guess he missed with once flare but it's still pretty much the same thing.
Edit2: NVM I missed the part where you walked out of the plane. Pause glitches man. It probably saved like a second so I don't think Maxican should worry about going back and fixing his run.
Edit history:
TheMaxican: 2012-05-06 09:58:26 pm
Break through the final confusion
Haha, that is indeed an awesome find. How are you able to replicate it?

Yeah, I'm with Anon, don't think I'll be redoing my segment since it's indeed about a second saved (there's plenty of stuff in that segment that can cost more than that). Still, nice find! If it's easily reproducible then it's a nice way to have a consistent quick Palenque kill.

EDIT: Geez, I finally had a free Sunday to give this run another shot. The bad news is that it's sadly looking like free time is only getting rarer and rarer... anyway, I'll keep at it whenever I can.

The GOOD news is that I finally have another segment to show you all, even though it wasn't quite what I was intending!

Segment 26:

As you all might know, my original plan was to get the Perfume (which is completely luck based) at the start of what will now be Segment 27, since it's so short. But then I realized that (a) Segment 27 (and even 28 after it) has some pretty tough maneuvers, and (b) when I actually went to try it, I realized that the average time of getting the Perfume on any given attempt was measured in minutes, not seconds! Yikes. So I realized I should manipulate the Perfume in its own segment, since doing so can literally cut out a minute or two from the run. So what follows is the shortest, awesomest segment in the run!

This is defintely the fastest/luckiest I've even gone here - the first mudman teleports pretty quickly, and shows up right at the top. I definitely believe that this is as close to optimal as you're going to get on a non-TAS run.
Ah right, you get to see me take advantage of a fun glitch at the end - if a wall disappears while you're grappled on to it, you just sit there grappling against the air. This lets me get the Perfume pretty fast, without having to worry about mis-timing the jump from below (which is totally something I would do...).
The only sad thing here is that this happened so fast that the song didn't even get going, which is too bad since you all missed out on some great interpretive dancing by Lemeza. I had this whole dance routine orchestrated out and you only got to see the first few seconds of it... oh well!

So yeah, the first update in two months nets us a half-minute segment, haha. Anyway, I gave Segment 27 a shot but it didn't happen today - hopefully next week. I'm actually pretty close (I need to find some sort of consistent route for the jumps to the Diary and then I should have it), so hopefully I'll get it soon!
Metroidvanias are God Tier
Well if you want to get nitpicky the fraction of a second that you used to switch to the knife did waste some time and there was a little half second delay from when you let go of the air from when the wall disappeared and....

Ah who am I kidding nice segment Tongue
The best segment haha
Yep yep yep!
Nice; I liked what we got to see of the dancing.

Looking forward to the next segment whenever you gt it done.
Break through the final confusion
@Anon: Hehe, nice. Actually, it's funny but I didn't even notice that I never had to switch to the Knife until you mentioned it. Smiley It's just THAT engrained into my muscle memory now, that it'd probably be slower if I had to avoid the switch. Smiley

But yeah, even in my shortest segment, I still can't quite pull out the frame-perfect optimality, haha. I'll leave that job to Exo! Smiley Ah, and speak of the devil:

@Exo: Definitely. Smiley Man, I wish I had more segments that short! But what are you gonna do...

@BlueGlass: Lemeza is definitely quite the dancer, so I had a lot of fun in these attempts. I'm still kinda bummed that you all didn't get to see the whole dance. Hmm... perhaps I should make a separate video about it, if there's interest, haha...
Quote from TheMaxican:
I'm still kinda bummed that you all didn't get to see the whole dance. Hmm... perhaps I should make a separate video about it, if there's interest, haha...

There is interest
Edit history:
Fragmaster01: 2012-05-11 07:00:10 pm
Fragmaster01: 2012-05-11 07:00:06 pm
Wiggle wiggle
*puts interest on your head, like a hat*
Break through the final confusion
Haha, well, you asked for it, so here it is!

I found out that the skeleton has a really high chance of stopping right where he does, and freeze for a while. This allowed to have quite the intro. The rest, as they say, is history...

Anyway, enough messing around, and let's get to a real segment!

Segment 27:

A short segment that's mostly setting up the next one, this segment was one of the few that wasn't that much more difficult than I thought it would be. Still, aside from a few complex maneuvers, most of the problems here arise from there being WAY too many bats in this segment, so hits are pretty much unavoidable. I end up getting hit twice in this attempt (well, thrice, but one doesn't count for reasons I'll go into), which is pretty good considering my average.

The farming is short and straightforward. Something to mention is that, due to the Perfume getting its own segment, I was able to equip Maze of Galious + Seal of El Giza earlier (since I don't have to visit the Chamber of Life), so I actually end up with a few coins extra here than I originally planned for. Plus, the first bat in the Endless Corridor dropped an extra Coin, so there's two bonus coins right there.

As I'm finshing up the stuck-in-the-wall glitch, holding Left will cause you to jump to a different ledge than usual, which saves a bit of time here.
On the way to the left, either of those dumb red camel things can choose to start fire-farting and hit me. It's much worse if the top one does, because he can get me mid-jump and really waste time. Here, BOTH of them fired, so luckily the bottom one hitting me actually saves me from the top one hitting me! So... yeah, given the extra Coin drop, I'd say this was no big deal.
After reading the Glyph and freeing the flying eye thing, I equip Athletic Land + Cabbage Patch Kids, because I'm getting ready to get hit A LOT in this segment, so it saves a bit of time overall.
Ah yes, the nice 100 Coin Jar in the Endless Corridor. It actually is faster to get it on the way to Shrine of the Mother (as opposed to dedicating an Endless Corridor trip to get it, I mean). So even though I can get it whenever, I choose to get it now because it actually helps me better position the big eyeball for the strat in the next room. Anyway, the jump down to the 100 Coin jar went beautifully - it normally doesn't go that well with all the bats in the room! Also, if I get lucky, I can damage boost off of a bat to get past the big headless horse, but most of time I do what I did here, get hit in a way that knocks me against the walls above and saves a nice chunk of time.
Now, there's quite a bit to explain about the eyeball room. Obviously, I can't damage the flying eyeball until the big eyeball blob is destroyed. That said, there's no use in killing it super fast (with Castlevania + Mahjong Wizard or Bombs or such) because I have to wait for the big eyeball to come pretty close to me anyway (and he's kinda slow...). So I just go for quick Knife stabs and the timing tends to work out. The OTHER thing you'll note is that I get hit by a bat here, but I posit that it's not a big deal because (a) it's close to impossible to avoid getting hit on that jump down to the eyeball blob, and (b) it actually not only gave the flying eyeball more time to get close to me, but it actually causes him to go UPWARDS, so that he's close to the center of the room when I'm ready to attack him (normally he's at the bottom, so I have to walk to the left a bit, kill it, then walk back to the right to the stairs). So I'm able to do my Bombs strat, damage boost off of him, and end up pretty close to the stairs. For all I know, getting hit by the bat actually ended up SAVING me time. Smiley

Alright, Shrine of the Mother. Here's where I get hit a second time and it ends up looking quite ugly. But, again, not a big issue because: just LOOK at all those bats! I'm guaranteed to get hit at least once here and most of the time it works against me. Luckily I only get hit that once - the important thing is that I don't get hit near the end, because I need that damage boost into Konami Baseball to work out so that the next room goes as well as it does. It would have been nice to use the Lamp of Time here, but unfortunately I need it to get the Dairy.
On that note, all that's left is to get the Dairy. Due to the positions of the elevators (which are actually NOT global, like the elevators in other Fields, so the starting positions are always the same whenever you enter a room), this is pretty much the fastest way to do this part. So with that, I talk to Xelpud to get the La-Mulana Talisman, and I'm ready for the next segment.

Alright, that's that for now. I can already tell that the next segment will have a couple of tricky jumps, but hopefully I can get that one done pretty soon as well!
Yep yep yep!
Awesome to see another segment from you, Maxican!  I really liked how you dealt with the eyeball.

Also, I think you should compile the Curry Dance, Super Sakit, and other such things (maybe some of your bloopers as well) into a sort of bonus video to be tacked on to the run.

Great work on the new segment!
So much for being busy. Always happy to see a new segment Max!
Those menus man ~_~
Break through the final confusion
@BlueGlass: Thanks as usual! Yeah, the bonus video is a good idea! I'm kinda kicking myself now for not saving any bloopers up to this point (I've had some good ones, although for most of them you have to watch the whole segment to really appreciate them). Maybe I'll do a special one for the main Hell Temple segment, since I'm sure I'll have a LOT of bloopers there. Smiley

@Exo: Haha, yeah, whenever I happen to get a free weekend, I always try take advantage of it! Although now I'm finding out next weekend is probably not going to happen... but anyway, yeah, the menus. Smiley Actually, that makes me think that I should do a nice compilation video on just the crazy amount of segments that die right at the beginning menu stuff...
Edit history:
Blechy: 2012-06-22 11:54:51 am
Blechy: 2012-06-22 11:51:22 am
I've been watching my pal Wawlconut play through for the first time, and as he was in the process of hating tower of the goddess, something interesting happened:

I've seen vids about getting stuck in walls in specific spots, but I did a quick scan through this thread for the word "wall" and couldn't find anything as flexible as this, so not sure if this is known. I tried repeating it for about 20 min and couldn't do it. Not sure if it's specific to this spot or what. It also seems like once he reached the seam between the two blocks it pushed him out, but I feel like this must have a use somewhere.

Edit: It looks like toothache may be referring to this in the tasvideos thread I guess...
Yep yep yep!
As far as we've been able to figure out getting inside walls at will (outside of very specific situations like Infinite Corridor) is strictly TAS territory.  The fact that you had no success in 20 minutes only supports this theory.
Metroidvanias are God Tier
Getting inside walls has been know about for some time, when playing around with Tas programs I found that you can glitch into almost any corner wall in the game, the problem is doing it in real time is pretty much impossible except in a few points.
Break through the final confusion
MAN, I missed you all!

Yep, it's been just about 4 months since I last posted here. I had a feeling this would happen too... it's been a wild ride of changes in my personal life that have just started to settle down recently. Weekend after weekend passed without me having the ability to even think about starting up attempts again... but finally, it's looking like I'm going to have a lot more free time than I used to have.
I'm very happy that I got to finish Segment 28 today, finally (it's no accident that it's happened on a holiday, haha...), and I'm hoping that this is the start of me being back in the action again. I'm not saying a segment every weekend, necessarily (especially since the next segment is the Tiamat segment, which will be my hardest yet!), but there definitely shouldn't be any more month-long droughts from now on. I sincerely thank all of you for your patience and understanding, and I'd like to show my appreciation with this:

Segment 28:

It's sad that it took me so long to get to this, since this is actually another really short segment that sets up the next one, the great Tiamat segment. Just like the segment before, this wasn't much more difficult than I thought it would be - most of it is a couple of tricky jumps. Anyway, check this one out - there was essentially no bad luck here. EVERYTHING went my way. Looking back, I'm still amazed at how well it went - normally I have to take a hit here and there.

Nothing to say about the farming. It's pretty standard at this point and mirrors the last segment. Although I will say that the first screen of Endless Corridor is hilarious! Check out how many times I missed that first bat, and then all the crap that could have gone wrong at the bottom there. I have no idea how I got past that without wasting any time.
The stuck-in-the-wall glitch goes perfectly. Note that, similar to the last segment, holding Right causes you to go to the perfect spot to go right.
The next two screen have a couple of tricky jumps with bats in the way. They actually tend to behave more than other bats, but they can still screw over an attempt. And check out how close that bat got to me before the last screen! Looking back I'm not sure if the damage boost would have helped me or not, so it's probably all for the better. Finally, that damage boost at the end was completely gratituous and awesome, not to mention hilarious.

In the Shrine of the Mother, you all remember what happened on that first screen in the LAST segment, so I Lamp of Time here to make this and the next screen a non-issue.
The Life Jewel seals went perfectly. Note that there is quite a bit of wiggle room here because I have to wait for that second-to-last elevator to get high enough to let me jump to the next room. I use that wiggle room to kill that bat that had it in for me. And then, man, I couldn't have timed the jump to the next room much more perfectly than that.
The Crystal Skull room is always pretty straightforward, but then I get an awesome damage boost from that weird teleporting thing! Yet more luck going my way.
The jump to the Life Jewel went PERFECTLY. It's a bit tricky to time that double jump. Also of note: at this point, I just jump right as far as I can, hoping that I get damage boosted to the right rather than the left. I'm actually not sure what controls the direction (I think it has to do with where you land on an individual "spikes" sprite). And as luck would have it, it goes awesome.
In the next room, those weird-headed duded love to zip around the room and hit me while I'm getting the 10 Coin. But they didn't, so it's awesome.
Finally, just as you might wonder why I equipped the Axe, the fellow in the next room shows you why. He's not guaranteed to jump, but if he DOES, he completely screws you over by knocking you back to the previous room, so I don't like to take the chances. I grab my Break Shot ROM (which can power up my Knife, which is perfect for the next segment) and call it an end to this amazing segment. I'm very happy with this one.

And that's the segment! Hope you all like it. Again, I'll do my best to get Segment 29 up and running soon, but I have a feeling that it'll take me a while... but at least I'm able to make attempts on a repeated basis once again.

Finally, as I'm sure you've all heard by now:

So perhaps there may not be many segments a few weeks after September. Smiley
Wiggle wiggle
I thought there was a second Rom in the Shrine of the Mother. Can you pick that one up in the True Shrine later? Or am I being derpy and not noticing you actually getting it?
Metroidvanias are God Tier
Quote from Fragmaster01:
I thought there was a second Rom in the Shrine of the Mother. Can you pick that one up in the True Shrine later? Or am I being derpy and not noticing you actually getting it?

He got it in an earlier part if I remember correctly.

Anyways, nice segment and glad to see you back.
Break through the final confusion
Thanks Anon. I like your avatar! Smiley

Indeed, Fragmaster01, there are 2 ROMs in the Shrine of the Mother - Break Shot which I got just now, and Konami Baseball which I got last segment (it's in those weird little spikes on the second screen in). So I'm good. Thanks though - that would have sucked to have accidentally missed the few missable ROMs in the game!
That bat did not wanna get hit haha.
Really nice segment Max. <3 those jumps
I’m glad to hear this is back underway!
Yep yep yep!
Okay, seriously, why is it that when I check the forums regularly a few times a day, almost nothing ever happens, yet the minute something breaks me of that routine, I wind up being late to something I've been anticipating for months?  Anyway, definitely glad to see you back, Maxican!

Your crazy menu manipulation was so nostalgic, and I see what you mean about ridiculous luck.  No bats being jerks, and two random damage boosts (granted, they probably only savedten frames or so...).  And I had no idea the Shrine life crystal could be collected so smoothly, that was awesome.  Overall, you certainly made your return in grand form.

And I actually let most of my gaming news come to me through SDA, so thanks for that.  Only a couple weeks left!
Break through the final confusion
Haha, thanks everyone. Smiley Happy to oblige.

BlueGlass, I was wondering where you were! Smiley Yeah, I was happy that the life jewel route was so solid, especially collecting it with that big jump at the very end. It's one of those cross-screen double jumps (you have to hit the jump button the second time JUST as the screen transition is finished - very tricky to do!), so I'm definitely happy that I nailed it.
Ah, and you didn't know about the WiiWare release, eh? Yeah, it's pretty soon now! I'm just glad we ended up getting it at all!

Anyway, dropping in to say that the next segment will definitely be a while. I'm testing out different strats on all of the Tiamat children to see what's fastest vs. what's a reasonable amount of subweapons to use (another question is powered-up Mace vs. powered-up Knife, and whether or not it's worth the time to keep switching). So for the most part I'm still in research mode there. I'll keep you all posted.

And while I'm here, speaking of crazy menu manipulation, I actually saved the recordings of most of my attempts this time (I tend to delete most of them because they take up a LOT of space after a while), so I was thinking of setting up the aforementioned blooper video for this segment. It'd be a bit strange since this is such an unimportant segment compared to the Tiamat one or the Hell Temple one, but I actually think this works out better because (1) it gives you a really good idea of the stupid stuff that ends 99% of my attempts, with the first few seconds taking up a significant chunk of attempts (as well as why I have no plans to stream my attempts live, haha), and (2) the videos for this segment were short enough that I could actually keep all of them around for editing...
Any interest? If I did end up making a Hell Temple blooper video I'd probably focus mostly on "actual" failures during the attempt itself and not dumb things like the menu manipulation and such, just so I could focus on the two different kinds of things that can go wrong.