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BlueGlass: 2012-09-27 03:29:00 pm
BlueGlass: 2012-09-26 06:23:53 pm
BlueGlass: 2012-09-26 06:21:51 pm
Yep yep yep!
I've been playing around with La-Mulana Wii this past week and can confirm that the grail is necessary for low%.  Without it, you'll get stuck in True Shrine of the Mother, unable to get back to the fairy queen so she can remove the block preventing access to Mother's chamber.  Also, either the axe or katana are needed for the Endless Corridor sub-boss, as they're the only things that can hurt the second part.  Grapple claw is not needed, and it's looking like boots are optional too.  For what I'm sure is needed in terms of weapons: axe or katana, key sword, chakrams, flares, spears, bombs, and angel shield.  In terms of software, both mapping programs, glyph reader, the email program, the mantra program, and the scanning program are necessary.  I'll update with more once I've confirmed things.
Metroidvanias are God Tier
Here is what I've confirmed through low% well, I'm still missing the container, the Djed Pillar, and the Magatama Jewel but other wise it's good. Programs are as you say.

Yep yep yep!
Caltrops?  What do you need those for?  And how did you get the mini doll without the pepper/treasure/anchor?  Also, I'm curious to know if you're doing things the completely insane way or grabbing life crystals like I am.
Break through the final confusion
Haha, I finally finish La-Mulana WiiWare this weekend and you're all already talking about low% runs. Smiley The game was awesome, though! A lot of the changes were interesting (what the HECK happened to the Chamber of Birth?, though? Haha...), and it went into a lot more detail on the lore as well. Anyway, good stuff. Someone else will have to run it though. Smiley A run will be interesting because segmenting will be much easier, but the lack of jars respawning make it so that farming is impossible, so a segmented run loses its big advantage over an SS...
On the other hand, Green Fairy farming in the Chamber of Extinction is so ridiculously broken (you can pretty much get 999 coins with one fairy), so maybe there's some worth in luck-manipulating an early Green Fairy...

But anyway, back to the ORIGINAL game (it took me some time to get used to all the menus again after playing the WiiWare one, haha...), I hadn't been working on the run these last two weekends due to (a) the WiiWare game of course, and (b) believe it or not, car troubles (dang it...). But it looks like both of those are now resolved, so I'm back on the run full time.
The good news is that I've more-or-less finally settled on a route for Segment 29. Looks like it'll be mostly powered-up Knife, with heavy Bomb usage (I'll explain my reasoning in the usual novel of notes that will follow the eventually posting of the segment). But the bad news is that I ended up using up most of today to actually play through the rest of the game with my current position, to see how I'm doing on subweapons and such. This is because I've noticed that there's a LOT of optional subweapon pickups in the Dimensional Corridor, plus I'm essentially approaching the point of no return in the run for grinding and such since I'm almost done Coin farming, so I wanted to see what I should and shouldn't pick up along the way. So while unfortunately I won't be able to start Segment 29 attempts till next week, at least now I have a very good idea of what's to come for the last 1/4th of the run.

So with that I'm out for this week, and apart from telling everyone who hasn't played La-Mulana WiiWare to definitely play it now, I have two questions for you guys:
1) A while back Jman posted a video about being able to glitch up the wall behind Spriggan and saving a couple of seconds. The video seems to be down now, so: anyone remember exactly how it worked? It was a while ago so I definitely don't recall...
2) What the heck happened to the La-Mulana wiki? I know spammers had been trying to take it over the last few months, but it looks completely screwed now...
Yep yep yep!
No idea on the second, but for the first, I know it involved freezing the statue again before it could move such that Lemeza was inside it at the time.

After a lot of time spent playing La-Mulana Wii, I think the most significant difference in terms of speedrunning would probably be the feather.  Proper use of that double-jump allows for so many tiny timesavers that it probably adds up to at least ten minutes.  As for SS versus segmented, aside from the high precision stuff that simply isn't going to go smoothly in an SS, there's also the fact that you can reach Tower of the Goddess through the Gate of Time, opening up an entirely different route, but trying to luck-manipulate a key fairy in an SS would simply be too frustrating.

Moving back to the original, it's good to know you've gotten things figured out, though I'm wondering where all these bombs you'll be using are coming from.  Don't you need to save some to boost down ladders?
Break through the final confusion
Ok, thanks on the Spriggan tip, I'll have to try that out again later.

Good point on the Tower of the Goddess through the Gate of Time. That's actually something I didn't find my first play through. I haven't really stopped to think about how much time that could save (it's basically Tower before Viy!), but yeah, there's some potential for good stuff there.

Anyway, yeah it's pretty crazy, the amount of Bombs I'll be using for the rest of the run. The amount comes from heavy segmentation. Smiley Basically, I've been guaranteed at least 5 a segment for a while (thanks to Tower of the Goddess) which, coupled with 10 more in the Dimensional Corridor, ensures that I have enough. That and whenever I'll go through the Chamber of Life to the door that opens after beating Palenque (the whole Nu Wa and Wedge route), that's 10 Bombs per trip. So all of this means I have a healthy amount of Bombs to go through the run.

But yeah, I can already tell from the practice that the next segment is going to take a LONG time. There's a LOT of little things that can go wrong, plus there's loads of Satans all over the place and those guys hate me with a passion... so yeah, hopefully this next one doesn't take too long!
Edit history:
zem: 2012-10-01 03:47:53 pm
Quote from BlueGlass:
As for SS versus segmented, aside from the high precision stuff that simply isn't going to go smoothly in an SS, there's also the fact that you can reach Tower of the Goddess through the Gate of Time, opening up an entirely different route, but trying to luck-manipulate a key fairy in an SS would simply be too frustrating.

you know you can tell the type of fairy from the sparkles, and that you can cancel the one you're getting by leaving the screen and coming back? at least, this is true in the japanese wii version and the pc version. sorry if this is well-known, but it doesn't strike me as too frustrating for an SS, compared to things like getting the guy to go into the light in the original

this was used several times in this rta:
Metroidvanias are God Tier
@Blue Glass, I think you answered your own question. I used Caltrops to Skip the Anchor. In the Rta that Zem posted you can basically damage yourself into the water and you will fall to the bottom. You also are going to need them for Tiamat cause you can't dodge her laser without the boots.

Also regarding a use for the tower of the goddess access:

Basically really really really earlier flail.

Also there is a secret bonus ending for Getting All items (Exception, Chain Whip and Silver Shield) , All Maps, All Emails, Hell Temple, Beating it on Hard Mode before you fight a boss and all secret chests. It's basically a 100% ending so this game has a definition for 100% Cheesy
Yep yep yep!
That is so ridiculously awesome.  Anywhere else that glitch could be useful?

As for low%, couldn't you achieve the same effects with bombs?  Granted, you'd need to get lucky on Tiamat and have her not use the super-laser a second time, but it's technically possible.

Wait, you mean something happens in addition when you have all possible characters appear during the credits (BTW you forgot visiting developer rooms, under 10 hours completion (obvious for a spedrun) and buying guild.exe/shell horn from SitS shop)?  I'm still unclear on the triggers for some of the emails.  Also, just wanted to comment that hard mode does a good job living up to its name.
Break through the final confusion
Haha, I concur with BlueGlass that it is indeed an awesome glitch. You're basically getting the Flail Whip at the same time as the original. Coupled with the Gate of Time skip, means you could cause some damage REALLY early. Smiley

And yeah, by 100% ending, do you mean you get all 25 characters to appear during the credits? And did they fix the fact that since we're not getting Hell Temple (dang it) in the U.S., you can't get Duracuets + potentially all the emails?

Haven't tried hard mode. That should be fun. Do the bosses get any harder or is there just more enemies?

Also, while we're on the subject: anyone have any clue what randc + miracle does? It DEFINITELY doesn't guarantee a Red Fairy...
Yep yep yep!
We're not?  At all?  That's stupid and frustrating.

Hard mode: more enemies, all enemies have double? health and cause double? damage, some (possibly all) enemies move faster.  This applies to sub-bosses, guardians, and of course Mother as well.  Yeah, it seriously is hard at points.

For that combo, I haven't tested, but does it make the faries stay longer perhaps?  Seems like a logical idea.

And as for the flail whip, the glitch makes it grabbable soon after beating Ellmac (pretty sure you need to beat him before you can get Book of the Dead).  If only the feather wasn't needed for that one jump in Tower of the Goddess, it could be before fighting a single boss.
Break through the final confusion
Well, as far as I know anyway. There are no plans right now (I hear it was one of the many things that delayed it for this long to begin with), but I'm going to assume that if the game sells really well then Nintendo would go ahead and try to monetize more by releasing the DLC (there's a Boss Rush as well from what I know). So one can hope. So basically, everyone reading this, go tell your friends to buy it. Smiley

Hard mode sounds intense! Was the original's hard mode that involved as well? That will certainly make the game much harder. Hmm... I'll have to try that later. Smiley

Ah, the combo makes perfect sense. Given the pattern of miracle mixing with things, it definitely makes sense that it's somehow related to the fairies. A good thing to test indeed.

Yeah, not sure about the flail whip. From what I remember, Mulbruk is unlockable after you beat your first boss (not necessarily Ellmac), but I could be wrong. Not sure what prompts Book of the Dead though, besides starting the fight with that Anubis sub-boss. So it could even be after Amphisbaena, which I'm GUESSING is easier than beating Ellmac in a speedrun.

Man... speedruns, low% runs... you guys are crazy. Smiley I got my ass kicked just finishing the game! The original seems so much easier by comparison now, but that's also probably because I've been speedrunning it for so long now so it's a lot more natural for me, haha...
I want off the ride....
Nah there are things about the remake/wii version that make it easier and harder. I was grinding the wii version for a while and i didn't ever get close to finishing the game without deaths but i was getting close to that 2:13 and i knew it was beatable. but I've since pushed it off... I might go back hard with it on the PC version since it has so many more saves and stuff making it easier to practice some of the tricks.
Yep yep yep!
IIRC original "hard mode" was just more enemies in a few rooms.  As for Book of the Dead, starting the Anubis fight is one of the triggers, but not the only one; in my "low% + life jewels" playthrough, Mulbruk kept on being sleepy until I beat Amphis, but seeing as the RTA got it after just Ellmac and Bahamut...

Watched the first hour or so of the RTA, and it's definitely improvable in terms of both route and basic movement.  That said, I have a few ideas I want to test before trying to come up with a definitive route.
Metroidvanias are God Tier
As for ranc + Miracle, it's either always red fairies or shorter respawn time. Death Village is the other one of the two. Other Combos with Miracle are Bounce = Battle, Capster = Coin, Mekuri = Key, Mirai = Dev Rooms.

I don't know what classifies 100% in the wiiversion. Basically if you see Mom's ghost you got 100%. Also Alternatively instead of beating Ellmac you can beat Sakit and take the tower of the goddess connection to the Moonlight lower side. You still need to pick up the birth seal though. Flail + Double jump on Bahamut would be crazy fast as you can beat him in probably 2 jumps. Ellmac and Viy would also be fast with the flail, sakit is about the same but Ellmac might be overall faster to do instead just for routing and stuff.

Fighting Tiamat with bombs as damage boosting is basically impossible without armor, you just don't have enough health and you have to see two lasers no matter what and there is a high chance of three. No Gauntlets and Spaulder makes it so you can't get that much damage on her, plus you have to worry about dodging the lasers.
Yep yep yep!
Mom's ghost is just for hard mode, as I was missing emails, dev rooms, and hell temple (obviously), but it still showed up.  Also, as far as the Book of the Dead goes, I'm now thinking it might be related to how many grail tablets have been read, as on my current playthrough, that was the only thing I can think that changed before Mulbruk's speech advanced.

With respect to routing and when to fight bosses, the birth seal is too far out of the way compared to the time saved on Bahamut using the flail over the axe, and Ellmac is better next over Sakit, since you have to go to Moonlight twice.  Not sure if all that would hold true for 100%, where you can have move+lamulana for bonus damage (plus hard mode doubling the health).

So we'll say caltrops skip is TAS only due to sheer difficulty.  Still technically possible, just not realistically.

One of the ideas I wanted to test was a failure: time lamp without bombs using damage invincibility.  Even when you don't get struck down by lightning, the distance is visibly too far.  I'm not sure even a midair damage boost (timing things so invincibility wears off right after the lightning, then take a hit from the siren, likely TAS only) would be enough.

Also, while there's no obvious reason it wouldn't, flail early does work on Wii.
Break through the final confusion
Yeah, I thought it was was BlueGlass said too, Mom's ghost is just for hard mode.

Anon, yeah Death Village is for shorter respawn rate. But that's the thing - randc + miracle definitely doesn't guarantee Red Fairies. And BlueGlass, I tried seeing if the fairies stick around longer, but it seems like they don't.

Interestingly, if you look at the manual that Nigoro made for the remake, they have what appears to be the full list of combos (like in the old guide - they just give hints as to what the entries are, but they have a row for every possible entry). Anyway, not only is there no mention of randc+miracle, but all the rows are actually already accounted for with the other combinations. So... now I'm wondering if it's a bug. Smiley Either randc+miracle doesn't do anything, or there's some super-hidden feature that no one knows about. Hmm...
Yep yep yep!
Hmm, guess it's time to play the game with the combo constantly active and see what differences we can notice.
Metroidvanias are God Tier
Hmm I could have sworn it was just mom's ghost. Ah well, I think All characters would suffice for 100% maybe include the chain whip and the silver shield in that.

The Randc and Miracle is probably bugged. I forget you guys are playing the wii version so certain things are different like hell temple.
Yep yep yep!
Quote from TheMaxican:

Quote from BlueGlass:

Quote from Anonymous52555:


I don't see the reason to include chain whip/silver shield; the game itself doesn't, and we didn't in the original 100% definition.  As far as emails go, Anon, do you know the triggers for #s 6 (the one about bats) 41 and 42?
Metroidvanias are God Tier
Number 6 is like killing a stupid amount of bats I don't know if it only counts front side bats and if they have to be in the Guidance gate or not. The easiest place I found to activate 40 is in the Mausoleum Nebra Sky Disk room. Just go down and wait. As for 41, on the third floor of the endless corridor after getting 40 just wait in the twin statue room. 42, is for hell temple.
Yep yep yep!
Okay thanks.  I actually meant 40 and 41, so good job catching my mistake as well.
Edit history:
TheMaxican: 2012-10-07 11:02:16 pm
Break through the final confusion
40 is the "bored" one, right? I know for a fact (because I got it, then didn't save, then went back and got it again) that I got it as soon as I stepped in to that section in Bahamut's Ankh room where you put the dias to let you get the water started for the boat (the area that's unlocked with the Birth Seal, right above the boat), just when I was randomly looking around again near the end of the game.

LITERALLY near the end of the game, too - I think my save before this was in the True Shrine of the Mother right before the final boss. So I'm thinking it's just random when re-exploring "key" places in the game near the end?

As for #6, I remember getting it extremely soon after that one item (is it the Scripture?) that makes it so bat don't hurt you (which is frickin AWESOME by the way). I remember it because it was the first time that I specifically tried completely jumping through a bat. As in, right when the bat was in the center of Lemeza, I got the email. Not sure if it's related, or just lucky random chance.

And haha about us all posting "hmm"...

EDIT: Well everyone, I tried... basically all of Saturday and Sunday were dedicated to Segment 29. Yeah... not even close. Remember how I've been guessing that this was going to be the hardest segment yet? Well, I was more correct than I thought I would be! Close to every room has some jumps/enemies that can instantly kill the run, requiring LOTS of luck throughout. Not to mention that it's looking like it's about a 9 minute segment, making it the longest segment besides Segment 10 (and you all remember what happened there...). So unfortunately, I'm going to have to accept a sub-optimal segment just to get past it. And even then, I didn't get close to one that I would deem acceptable after hours and hours of attempts, so...
Yeah, you're going to have to give me some more time! This is kinda like the stupid bat segment - I pretty much just have to keep trying and trying until luck goes my way...
Hey guys, I've been doing some work on a single-segment run of the remake for PC. Overall I think the route the RTA uses is quite fantastic. The only real route tweak I made was getting flail whip the first time you enter Tower of the Goddess after Viy instead of when you return with the Ocarina. This also lets you skip speaking with Samaranta. It's a shame this glitch doesn't work in more places.

Unfortunately, there appear to be some small changes between the Japanese Wii and PC versions of the remake.
Probably the biggest difference is that the Chamber of Birth shop sells 3 pistol clips for 400 coins, but the PC version only sells 1 clip for 400. (The hidden shop in Temple of Moonlight still sells 3 for 400.)
The Tower of Ruin wedge is shifted to the left one room (room with the succubus instead of the dancer) in the PC version, which isn't a big deal.

As for getting the flail whip early for early bosses, it would definitely save time on Bahamut and Sakit. Sakit can almost be one cycle'd with the axe, but not quite, the whip would help greatly there. Viy can already be consistently killed on his 2nd attack, so the flail whip isn't actually a huge gain on him. All in all I doubt it's worth it considering opening the Gate of Time in an RTA will be extremely time consuming.
Break through the final confusion
Happy Holidays + New Year, everyone!

...Yeah, I had been hoping to have posted with better news, but sadly it's not meant to be. No, the run's not dead, don't worry - just really blocked by Tiamat's children. Long story short, my schedule since November has been pretty crazy; I've tried to sneak in segment attempts whenever I can, but this segment is just not the kind that can be quickly churned out. No, I need long uninterrupted hours, which I simply have not had in a while. But anyway, hopefully now that 2013 is here, I can start finding more time...
But not next week of course, since the SDA marathon will kill my schedule and sleep as usual... Smiley

Anyway, DeliciousPi, welcome to the wonderful world of La-Mulana speedrunning! Smiley I actually haven't played the PC remake, and I'm not too well versed on the remake in general (I still want to go back and beat hard mode, haha), so I probably won't be much help. I know Anon and BlueGlass have messed with it quite a bit though, so they can probably help you out.
Other than that, good luck! I have lots of respect for anyone running this single segment, considering I can't even finish a 10 minute one! Smiley