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Not sure why I'm blocked as a new user when this account is from 2014... but anyway.

I'm interested in the history of collaborations in game communities, and how technical research is performed for speedruns and longplays. 20+ years ago, speedrunning was a cutthroat business, where good players hoarded their findings and taunted the masses after a successful update. Now it seems more like scientific research, with conferences, open documentation projects, and commentary tracks. These will be especially important to the alien archaeologists when they arrive!

I am most often found on the Doom Wiki ( and its related forum (, also occasionally on TASVideos and YouTube.

If I was ever a skilled player myself, it's long gone :> so I'll never burden your disk drives with recordings. But I do promote the SDA verification system to anyone who'll listen -- it seems to have a unique integrity in the anything-goes era of clickbait and achievement points.

Everyone keep doing what you're doing, thanks! :>
I'm Tabitha (or Tusk or TL as per my username) among other names and I'm a community college student in my early 20s. I've been a lurker on here for long enough I forgot when I actually even made this account.

I want to be a speedrunner and let's player at some point, I've done a couple of twitch streams under the name LuskedTemon, which I use mostly just to watch streams. I've been a gamer forever and in recent years been dipping my toes into the speedrunning community, I try to catch at least a bit of GDQ each time it comes around after all and am a big fan of the Summoning Salt style of record history documentaries. Watching other people do something challenging is enjoyable.

I've yet to properly speedrun anything and am not sure which game I should even start in, but I know it'll have to be one I'm passionate about to make strats more easy to spot.

Outside of that: I'm a furry, transgender, and I like manga/anime, posting on the internet, Pro Wrestling, science, and reading.
Quote from Xeriphas1994:
I'm interested in the history of collaborations in game communities, and how technical research is performed for speedruns and longplays. 20+ years ago, speedrunning was a cutthroat business, where good players hoarded their findings and taunted the masses after a successful update. Now it seems more like scientific research, with conferences, open documentation projects, and commentary tracks. These will be especially important to the alien archaeologists when they arrive!


If I was ever a skilled player myself, it's long gone :> so I'll never burden your disk drives with recordings. But I do promote the SDA verification system to anyone who'll listen -- it seems to have a unique integrity in the anything-goes era of clickbait and achievement points.

I prefer not to think there's any kind of community or zeitgeist: it's just individuals doing whatever they're prone to do. A heck of a lot of knowledge still isn't presented in any organized and open mediums, I think mainly because the runners are lazy. Meanwhile the marathons and streams attract mostly runner-types instead of researcher-types.

Speaking of, even if you don't think you'd make a runner, you can always contribute to theory. You probably know the wiki we host. Looks like you're mostly a Doomguy though. Even that one guy who's been looking into Heretic weapons on YT should really put all his knowledge into tables, not just videos. Which one's easier to scan or search through?

Glad another one has seen the SDA light. XD

Quote from TuskedLemon:
I've yet to properly speedrun anything and am not sure which game I should even start in, but I know it'll have to be one I'm passionate about to make strats more easy to spot.

Glad to have you officially onboard! Whatever you get into running, don't neglect to submit some day so everyone can see it. I always gladly write about whatever games on the front page when given the chance.
Just joined, trying to resurrect the speed run community for Zack and Wiki.
Veteran glitch hunter looking to find some tricks to push old games into new light here Smiley

I am PC and Game Lover, used to play many games from my childhood times like Call of Duty series, IGI series, GTA series, Counter Strike and many more.
I've recorded some runs of Project IGI but don't know how to get them published so I've just submitted only one right now but I'm sure I will submit more in the future.
Hello everyone!

I'm Arnaud, I mostly enjoy retro gaming like the sega master system, gameboy and NES. I love to watch and learn about speedrunning, Since I have more free time thanks the covid-19 & my parental leave, I started to speedrun an old DOS game I really loved when I was kid: Time Gate: Knight Chase. I already submitted to (recently approved), I submitted to speeddemosarchives to get more feedback on my run.
Hi, i'm ainny, also known as berry

I currently do speedruns of Plants vs. Zombies and hope to start some new discussions about it on here to make the community more popular, which has grown a bit just this year with about 25 active runners but doesn't have any sort of wide recognition yet
Quote from AINNY:
Hi, i'm ainny, also known as berry

I currently do speedruns of Plants vs. Zombies and hope to start some new discussions about it on here to make the community more popular, which has grown a bit just this year with about 25 active runners but doesn't have any sort of wide recognition yet

There are too many games for them all, even just the speedrunnable ones, to have "wide recognition". You should probably just do it for its own sake. The best use of SDA is to eventually submit some runs and when they show up on the front page, more people will see them than just those who already knew something about the game.
i am OdDzBall. I'm from India. I did full project IGI game only with knife with perfection. I want to share my videos here especially mission 4 (GOD) video.
I also did some mission speedruns.
Hi! I am retailescapeartist from the United States. I watch speedruns from time to time, but recently became obsessed with playing Deathspank (an adventure RPG) as quick as i can. I'm just more interested in how fast it can actually be done because i've never seen anyone else try it.
Hello everyone, I'm Iskra, from Russia, and I'm here because I've recently started attempting speedruns, too. My favourite picks are the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. trilogy and the Blitzkrieg RTS games.
Hi everyone I joined to let you all know about a free game I have made specifically for competative speed running.

It's a very simple speed run game, where you play as a snowball. It's momentum based so you have to keep up the momentum to complete it quickly.

It's free and there are no advertisements, you can play it at

I would love to start a thread on this forum to start sharing everyone's speed run scores !
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2020-12-16 01:20:23 pm
Hello new people! Check out the "Why SDA" thread to see what SDA is for in our minds.

Quote from llabwons:
Hi everyone I joined to let you all know about a free game I have made specifically for competative speed running.

I would love to start a thread on this forum to start sharing everyone's speed run scores !

We've allowed devs to start one thread each under "gaming discussion" so it's okay to make that post there as well. There may not be a huge amount of traffic but it's okay at any rate.
Hello everyone! I'm Cepheus from Argentina and I joined because I'd like to try and speedrun some games, I've been a fan of speedrunning for many years now but never actually gave it a try myself. I love all kinds of games tbh but I think I would like to start with Sega Genesis games as its the first console I really enjoyed as a kid growing up. My plan now its to try with alien 3 but I can't make any promises as I'd have to see how patient I can be!
“I’m just better!”-atownpeeps
My name is Joseph Coleman, and I usually go by ULTGGreen online. I have two parents, a mom and a dad, and an older sister. I have been playing video games since I was three years old. I have owned 5 Nintendo consoles in my life, including a Wii, DS, 3DS, Wii U and Switch, and I also own a PS4. I’m usually a very friendly person and I love hanging out and spending time with my friends, and I’m willing to help any of my friends if they’re going through a hard time. My parents always help me out in hard times as well, and they are very supportive of me no matter what I want my future to be. I would love to be on an Esports team or get into content creation when I’m older.
I’m a freshman in high school at the time I am posting this and I am 14 years old. I am a percussionist in the marching band at Tucker High School, I’ve always loved cooking. I enjoy finding new recipes to cook for my family, and I love seeing the end result and wondering how I can improve.
As far as speed running goes, I have almost no experience, but I have gotten very interested in it recently due to SummoningSalt. He has peaked my interest in this category of gaming, and I plan on keeping up with this topic for a while.
Oh don't mind me - I'm just watching
I'm Pietro Felix, i watch speedruns since 2017, and started making some runs in late 2018.

I speedrun Mario, Sonic and more obscure games as a hobby.
My goals are to get a 4:57 in SMB1, and a sub 10 on Sonic the Hedgehog 1 (Genesis).

Im Sebastian Nielsen, who is a computer programmer, that want to come with some suggestions to the SDA community, after all the vendetta with the Dream's modified speedruns.
Edit history:
Aoe: 2021-01-01 05:08:08 am
I'm Aoe, I do speedruns in the game Teeworlds (DDraceNetwork) I've been playing for maybe 15 years or so. I'm 26 y/o from Denmark and I make youtube videos about the game. -
DaGeDar Speedrunner Extrodinare
Name's Eva Wingdale, but you can call me EvaTheWingdale
I'm a pro when it comes to games
Sometimes you can see me try to throw the speedrunning community into other games with no speedrunning community Wink
Hello. My name is Mike. SDA was basically my introduction to speedrunning as I remember clicking on all games in alphabetical order from the list of games and checking each run during my school/uni years. Been playing mostly Arena FPS my whole life and decided to try out speedrunning in Jan 2020 (started with quake 3 arena which isn't the best game to speedrun tbh, but wth).
Hi to everyone,

My real name is Andrea. I'm 26 years old from Italy.
I started to speedrun in 2019, altough I was amazed to this kind of approach to the gaming since 2007/2008 watching speedruns of god of war 1 & 2.
My firsts speedruns ever done were of Dino Crisis 1 & 2, especially the 2nd chapter that I always liked to run onto PS2.
I've decided to sign into this website for the very pleasure to run as fast as possible any kind of title.
Edit history:
RachelColemanov: 2021-02-05 09:53:45 am
RachelColemanov: 2021-02-04 05:02:10 am
Hi all. I'm 25 years old, from New York. I'm also new in this field, wants to take the speedrun of Dark souls! Cheesy
Hello! I'm Eric and started speedrunning a game that doesn't appear to have any runs yet, so I made an account here in hopes to get my speedrun verified. The game is The Adventures of Elena Temple, and I've spent a lot of time over the past year or so since the games release pioneering speedrun techniques, like movement tech and even a couple of clips that skip portions of the run.
Edit history:
MezzaLuca: 2021-02-19 02:28:33 pm
Hello, is Mezza. Very new here as of a few days. I love and speedrun Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk. Mainly it's new game Any% category. It's what I does, it's what I loves. Working on getting it into SDA. I routed it's original speedrun and I've been working on improving it slowly over time as I found time/motivation. Down from 4 hours in the first ever run to under 2 hours for NG Any%.