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I'm some random guy who hangs around in everyone's twitch channel and also a fan of GB Castlevanias.  TriHard
I trip over my own feet in game.
Hello everyone!

Been watching speed runs off and on for awhile, moreso recently. I tried my hand at Zelda:LTTP a couple of months ago, but felt that may have been a little too much of a time sink for me right now. Right now I'm working on Astyanax and having fun with it. I decided to join the forums after marathon watching a good number of AGDQ and SGDQ 2013 videos. I'm sad I missed the AGDQ 2014 marathon, but hoping to catch SGDQ 2014.

In general, I love talking/playing video games in general, talking/analyzing the industry, and discussing video game development (I'm a programmer trying to break into the industry).

Hoping to learn a bit in this forum!
Hi! I'm Jaz. I have been really interested in trying to speedrun a Pokemon game, as I have watched Werster play through my childhood game and am amazed :O I love AGDQ and 2014 was so great!!

I'm looking for people to meet who have played Pokemon and would like to chat, or try to run with me =) I'm a casual as far as runs go, I "run for fun"~
Remembered something that I forgot
... Ah... um... hello... my irl name is Alex but my ign is Th3Hatt3r. I haven't speedrun much yet and I barely have the minimal requirements to stream. Right now I'm speedrunning steam games but in the near future I wold like to speedrun  games from my childhood. Paper Mario, Star fox 64, Live a Live.

*Side note* I play LoL, I won't stream it on my twitch account, I play it at least once a day.
Fun Times
Hello to all!

The name is Solus!  I also go by "Solus Da Baker" or "Baker."  I am in college and I enjoy playing binding of isaac and SMW casually and speedrunning.  My plan is to learn a few more games until I find the game I'd like to play competitively.  I also have a twitch page where I keep things updated for those who enjoy watching my stream for whatever reason.  I have many goals I'd like to accomplish through streaming and I hope I can achieve them over the course of my stay here!

I don't bite, so if you would like to chat or race isaac or any random game I'll be around to accept the challenge!
Hello everyone!

My name is Quornslice and I recently got into speedrunning FFIV for the SNES. I've learned up to the Dark Knight fight so far (Mt. Ordeals, just after MilonZ for those who know FFIV) and I've been streaming my learning process over at . I also play quite a few other games, and enjoy watching speed runs of all sorts.

I have this crazy sort of goal to learn FFIV, V and VI and then do 1 massive run of all of them in a row to see how fast I can do that!

If anyone wants to have a go at short-goal racing in FFIV while I'm learning it, I'd love to race against you!
Let's go, Tigers!
Hey guys, new poster here.  My name is Jarod Smith and I am from Missouri.  I'm 24 years old and have been following the GDQ marathons for some time.  I've just recently started running Trog for the NES in hopes of getting involved in the marathons as soon as possible.  I'm a huge Mizzou fan (as if that wasn't obvious) and am big into music as well. 

Just wanted to give a quick intro and look forward to getting to know you all!
Hi !

I'm Traum, from France and I'm trying to speedrun Trials Evolution on PC. I'm interested in video games, Doctor Who and rock music and of course speedrun !
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Infantinoduck: 2014-02-01 12:13:13 pm
Hi I'm Greg screen name Infantinoduck (In-fan-ti-no-duck) I've become interested in speed runs over the last year or so and decided to start running myself. I love the LoZ series, I play TF2 and LoL, I also like competitive SSB mostly Melee and P:M, I love food and cooking, I'm a Junior at Johnson University, majoring in Youth Ministry.

I'm looking to run Kirby 64: The Crystal Shards, not sure what I'd be interested in running after that. 
Hey there! My name is Daniel, but most people know me as TuxedoMob. I am an animator on YouTube that's super into both cartoons and video games.

I run Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland, Kirby Squeak Squad, Catherine, and Bayonetta.

It's a grand ol' time. Nice to meet you all!
Hi! My name is Frank, I'm from germany and I run Crash Bandicoot 3 (PAL) any% and Gothic2NotR at the moment.
My nick has been Skill3s for almost 12 years and I am currently attending university for Japanese Studies and Musicology. My hobbies are making music (I play guitar, bass, keyboards and ukulele), gaming and languages.
Yo! my name is Juan. I come from Mexico, but I'm been living in the U.S. for the last 5 years. I speedrun Sonic Riders and Soul Calibur II for the Gamecube. I'm currently a student in college and my favorite sport is Track & Field. It is a pleasure to meet you all.
Hello, I'm MGN001, and I'm interested in running Duke Nukem Forever.  I have no clue what the first steps to get the run going are, though, so I'd really appreciate it if someone pointed me in the right direction.
Philips CD-I Fan #1
Hello everyone, my nickname is Arq but it is already taken so it's ArqIsRandom, the same as my Twitter/Twitch channel.
I'm 20 years old, living in France, in Paris.
I speedruned casually I Wanna Be The Guy and Boshy, I'm not that good but peoples are always impressed when I play these games, it's like giving a show and I really like it.
I'm a fan of CD-I, it's my first games console, and I played so much Hotel Mario when I was younger. Yeah yeah, I know, "childhood fucked up", everybody says that to me haha ! But still love it.
Actually, I'm working on speedrunning on this game. Well actually I try to finish this but I can't save on my CD-I, so I have to do it straight, and it's a little little F*CKING HARD. But I'm confident about this.

Otherwise, my main hobbies is playing video games, but mostly arcade like VS Fighting (I try to become really competitive in Street Fighter 4), Rythm games (Mainly DDR Double player, I play around lvl 10 to 13 without bars on DDR X, and lvl 15 with bars, also I play others rythm games, specially Bemani games). I like very hard games, because I love challenge.

I like otaku's things, like anime, mangas, etc.

My Twitter :

Nice to meet you all !
Don't Think!
Hello all! I'm kaos_luvr(Chaos_Lover). Signed up a few days ago. I learned about speed running a couple of months ago watching vids on youtube and I also caught AGDW 2014. What an awesome marathon! That Super Metroid race was EPIC!!

I'm somewhere between 21 and 103 years of age depending on how I am feeling at the moment lol. I have Crohn's Disease and can't work so lots of time split between games movies and books. My first introduction to video games was in 1981 playing a stand up arcade game by Pacific Novelty called Thief (a Pac-man rip off lol) but it was still fun. Been playing ever since. 

Anywho still trying to figure everything out with recording streaming twich and SRL, hope i can lol. I am starting my speed run career with Eye of the Beholder 1 PC any%, might move on to 2 and 3 when I'm done with that one. Good luck all with your current and future projects! ^^
Long Time Lurker
Hey! My name is Chris, I'm 22 and currently live the 9 to 5 work life for corporate America. I've been lurker around the speed running community for about 4 years now and finally decided to make an account and eventually try to speed run a few games. I believe the first time I watched speed runs was during CGDQ.

I plan on eventually picking up some of the lesser known N64 / PC games and help build on some of the smaller communities. Right now I'm thinking Army Men: Sarge's Heroes, Body Harvest, or Duck Dodgers Starring Daffy Duck. I'm currently in the process of setting up my gear for streaming and hopefully will be up in running soon! If anyone know a good user that plays any of those games please let me know!
Hey Everyone!

My name is Prevail (Pre-vale) real name is Lee Morris.

I started watching speed runs a few years ago, but only recently got interested in doing it myself.

Dark Cloud for Playstation 2 will be the first game I attempt to speed run, recently there was a save glitch discovered that I will be using to beat the game in under an hour.
I am hoping to find other people who are interested in speed running Dark Cloud!

I don't have much set up yet, but my Twitch account is
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GiraffeMe: 2014-02-04 08:28:50 pm
Hey all, new to the forums but I've been watching all sorts of speedruns since before AGDQ 2011.

I decided to get involved with a game that I've loved for a long time, Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen. The original of the Legacy of Kain and Soul Reaver stories. Looking to learn and contribute with everyone else here!

Can stop by at

Thanks all!
Hello, My name is Alan/XrunedemonX. I'm 20 and live in the US. I have been playing video games since I was 2-3 years old with my first game system being the SNES (playing Super Mario Bros of course :P). Since then I've played SNES, Genesis, PS1, Dreamcast, N64, PS2, Gamecube, PC, Xbox, and Wii.

I was introduced to the concept of speedrunning in late 2012 when I found misc. videos from AGDQ 2011 and 2012 on youtube and was fascinated at the impact AGDQ had. Since then I've watched 90% of the videos from AGDQ 2013 and watched most of AGDQ 2014 live, and I have been following and watching the streams of many speedrunners. In the last few weeks I decided I would try my hand at speedrunning and maybe start streaming while I am in school and working.

Some of the games I'm thinking about running are:
~Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal, Any%.
~Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy, Any%.
~Banjo Kazooie (or Tooie), Any or 100%.
~Super Bonk (I'd be surprised if anyone remembers this game lol)
~Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (PS2) ( yeah idk. I just remember the game being short on a casual play when I played it years ago.)

These are just a couple of ideas and I already have a PS2/N64/SNES and own the games (minus Super Bonk).
How does this make you taste?
Hi, my names Dylan, I've been playing games since I was 5. I'm (a not well known) Smash Bros. veteran, participating in tournaments since 2011 in Oregon. I'm mostly quiet (a lurker), so people don't expect much of me, but I try my best to stand out. Anyway, I got interested in speedrunning after watching AGDQ 2013. I want to Speedrun the Crash Bandicoot series and the Kingdom Hearts series to start out, Probably with KH 1.5 (shoutouts to SpikeVegeta, Bl00dyBizkitz, and themistmaster1 for getting me interested in the KH series) but before that I need to get streaming equipment first.
Caution: This user contains Kana ^_^
I think it's safe now.
A warm welcome to everybody who joined during or after AGDQ! Nice to have you here :3
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Sk4f4c3: 2014-02-06 02:39:22 pm

My name is Markus "Sk4f4c3" Müller and im From Germany. I got interessted in Speedrunning through AGDQ14 and started to run Dishonored NLG yesterday. I play Videogames since I was a child and never regreted a minute of it Tongue

my twitch is

If u have anymore Questions just PM me
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Beezy: 2014-02-06 12:14:11 pm
Gold Standard
I made a few posts already, but I forgot to introduce myself, so here goes.
I'm a normal dude, I work at a School District in I.T and I also do freelance troubleshooting stuff on the side. I play lots of video games and I have a passion for the medium as a whole. I also enjoy working on Computer Software and Hardware.

I go by witchster on twitch. I found out about speedrunning and SDA during AGDQ 2012 but I started to actually start doing my own runs after AGDQ 2013. I started doing the Pajama Sam games, then I started to expand with some obscure Indie games (Dead Pixels). Took a break for a few months, and I started doing them again.

Currently, i'm still trying to find the game I want to keep trying to perfect. Mainly i'm doing Fable TLC, DMC 4, Blinx The Time Sweeper, and Yugioh The Sacred Cards (and PocketBike Racer, but nobody has to know that).

So yeah that's about it for me. Nice to be on this site!
Hello, my name's Houston and I'm a big lurker. Sometimes I stream a random assortment of games, mostly the Serious Sam series, Hard Reset and the few genesis games I like to speed run. My current project is Chakan because why not, and it's fun(????).

That's pretty much it for me.
Well it's about time I finally jumped into the SDA forums.

Hi there! I'm Kaylei, but on twitch I go by NintendoSuicide (no, it's not a play on Nintendo's state of affairs, it's a nickname I've had for roughly 8 years now).

I'm a QA Tester within the gaming industry, having worked on titles like Soul Calibur V, Blacklight Retribution, Guild Wars 2, DC Universe Online, as well as an upcoming AAA title. Outside of work I am part of the Video Game Music community as well as just a big gamer in general. Grew up playing video games all my life, oldest memory being that of playing Mega Man 2 when I was 3 or 4 years old with my big brother.

I've been speedrunning since around April 2012, with my first two games being Blaster Master and Mega Man 3. Now my mainstay games are Ninja Gaiden and Ninja Gaiden III.
I started speedrunning through my friend LobosJR when he and another friend of ours had a LTTP race and it started that spark for me to do it as well. I've been watching speedruns for many years now, but never had the desire to do so until 2 years ago.
I have all my records up on PBtracker, and I hope to get to know a lot of people here in the community, especially between the Mega Man games (Classic and X) as well as Ninja Gaiden and a few other classics.