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That would be very helpful. Right now I'm using your route that you posted on youtube since it is pretty much the same time as your wr. I am trying to tweak it a little just to see what works and to try to make it my own. Any tips would be awesome. Also, I'm trying to experiment to see if the mega vent jump could help with the needle climb. Right now I know that you can't go straight to the top, but I want to see if any time can be saved by it. I'll get back to you if it does.
The space needle cannot be skipped because all dialogue during the climb needs to be activated. I tried a lot of things with it :/
Also, both my run on youtube and my pb have some pretty bad mistakes. My current pb fixed most issues but created new ones so it's still improvable by a lot.
This is what I know of my running Infamous Second Son.  Learn to control your jumps.  Del is very floaty so jump only when necessary.  In the opening, there's a few fast tricks that limit your jumping.  I would explain here but, I'm in kind of a hurry.  Just play it over and over and they become really obvious (ie jump to water tower, short hopping onto the log, dropping off deck before hopping up.)  The platforming is kind of loose but smooth so you can definitely feel whats faster.  First decision, evil is faster for sure.  I timed the cutscene (no cutscene skips yet from what i know).  In the first fight against the DUP machine gunner.  This is my strat.  I still see some people going to the roof tops to get power back.  STOP THIS PLEASE ITS SUPER SLOW!!!  Stay on the ground.  Dash into melee attacks.  It takes time to get good and time it all out but its worth it the practice so you do not have to go up top.  Manage your powers and get good at head shots.  Only way to be fast.  When facing the machine gunner.  Use the shards in the area to restore smoke power.  Again this is to keep you off the roof tops.  You have a few mandatory powers to get.  Haven't tested an order yet.  Focus on getting the power and getting out (except your super missle because you have to destroy the tank with it... yep its mandatory from what I know as of now.)  Do the space needle, theres some small things here to save time. (mostly dash platforming stuff) Next you'll need to take out an area to do the next mission, but also you can't continue until you get the DUP out of the area where the mission will be.  Know where this mission is and kill two birds with one stone.  Snipers up top, DUP at bottom with machine gunner.  Take out snipers first and by this time you should have enough for another special dive bomb move (cant remember the name right now).  Dive bomb from the top of the buildings down to the machine.  This should kill enough guys at the bottom and give you enough time to finish the area off.  I'm still perfecting some tweaks in this opening segment.
I would like to see your run of this game, do you have a recording?
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macasadia: 2014-09-17 09:59:20 am
Also a few things. 1. I skimmed through your paragraph, so I'm sorry if i say anything wrong. 2. The apc when you get missiles is skippable. 3. For the first DUP fight, i just use charged R2 and execute them if they live through it. 4 I can't tell some of the missions you're talking about. 5 just because. 6 what's your twitch if you have one?
I have a twitch, but i have nothing to save.  i have to save some money to get all the stuff you need to save your streams from the ps4.  I dont have a regular streaming schedule either.  grrrdefensemode is my twitch account.  Im more interested right now in tomb raider, but after going through it, its just not optimal to play on a ps4.  so i'll be going back to the 360 version because its about the same as the computer when you lower the quality.  I didn't know the missle was skipable.  It's been a while since I played.  The missions your not sure about I cant' explain then.  Space needle is an obvious mission, so i assume you mean after the space needle.  Theres a mission which wont allow you to do it after that until you get rid of the DUP in that area.  The area has a bunch of snipers on the roof and a machine gunner with plenty of the normal DUP at the bottom.  I choose to deal with the snipers and max out my special attack and use that to smash the machine which has all the shards in (again its been a while since I ran this so the name eludes me)  When you use the special off the roof you clear out the bottom area of DUP and take out the machine as well leaving enough time to finish it off.  Again, i havent ran this game in months so things could have changed, but I want to be as helpful as possible with strats.  These are my strats and they allow you to get through this much of the game without upgrading yourself at all (except the assumable mandatory powers).  Most people up til now rely on getting a certain number of shards and I'm trying to get it to where you dont need as many.  It's almost like fighting enough to get your special on the fly so you can easily decimate missions without any extra work.  being evil helps that, but i havent timed all cutscenes yet either.  I'm testing if being both good/evil is faster than being one or the other.  Right now being good is faster, and I was on my way to proving that false until college started up again so ive been busy.  I'll try to let you know when i stream next.
When I compared evil and good karma runs, good karma is faster but going hybrid is even faster. If you want references, i have a run on youtube. As of now I have the fastest time but it's still improveable with the current route. Search "infamous second son speedrun" on youtube if you wanna see it.
Thanks for the info and I will definitely check that out.
Oh and btw, i stream using the built in stream. It may not have the splits but it's streaming Tongue
Anyone still wanting to run this still?
Part of a balanced breakfast.
I know a guy Gamecuber23 who's been looking into it. If you want I can direct him here. I don't think he frequents this site (to be fair, I don't do that much anymore either), but I'll at least shoot him a link to the forums.
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ionza: 2015-01-23 05:33:18 pm
ionza: 2015-01-14 01:58:45 pm
ionza: 2015-01-14 01:58:11 pm
About to start diggin' it.
Hello. I'm in the process of learning to speedrun this game, and I would also enjoy getting this fourm active again. My twitch channel is Wickednessforthriven. I would love for this game to be a big speedrun game Cheesy
Good luck. Routing games like this can be a logistical nightmare. If I were you, I would probably try to bang out something quick and dirty, and then improve the run from there. So often, runners try to plan out the perfect route first, then they get bogged down, and the run ends up dead before it even starts.
Hey guys, I was messing around with this one building in the Lantern District to get a decent idea about the properties of clipping out of bounds in this game.  Probably the only thing if note that I found is that some areas of the inside are actually water and allow you to "teleport to shore".  In this particular building, it only teleports Del around one block due to its proximity to the shoreline.  However, I imagine that other buildings have similar properties, allowing quick travel to unconquered districts possible.  Only a minor time save, and not entirely sure if this has been found, but just wanted to share it.
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Moosieboi: 2017-11-26 12:02:58 am
This is either what the post above is referring to or something very similar, I havent been able to get any real use from it, as you cannot move very much while out of bounds and there is no way to avoid falling in the water. Like Shinks says, you can teleport but it doesn't move you very far.