I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I've played around with speed-running Quake for a while, ever since seeing QDQWAV, and I've never been very good at it. One of the things I could never do very well was bunny-hop effectively. I could do it a bit on the 100m map, but never enough to make a difference on real maps.
Well, today I was trying to get :29 on the e1m1 easy run, and kept missing the jump from the 3rd switch. So instead of doing the jump, I bunnyhopped the "intended" route and got 29.3 :D. Not very impressive when the ER record is 21, I know, but pretty gratifying for me.
To make things even better, I made the jump to the silver key in E1M2 for the first time immediately after, which was also awesome, even though that route is actually slower on easy.
So hooray, a tiny step towards not completely sucking at Quake speed-running ;).
Well, today I was trying to get :29 on the e1m1 easy run, and kept missing the jump from the 3rd switch. So instead of doing the jump, I bunnyhopped the "intended" route and got 29.3 :D. Not very impressive when the ER record is 21, I know, but pretty gratifying for me.
To make things even better, I made the jump to the silver key in E1M2 for the first time immediately after, which was also awesome, even though that route is actually slower on easy.
So hooray, a tiny step towards not completely sucking at Quake speed-running ;).
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