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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I've played around with speed-running Quake for a while, ever since seeing QDQWAV, and I've never been very good at it. One of the things I could never do very well was bunny-hop effectively. I could do it a bit on the 100m map, but never enough to make a difference on real maps.
Well, today I was trying to get :29 on the e1m1 easy run, and kept missing the jump from the 3rd switch. So instead of doing the jump, I bunnyhopped the "intended" route and got 29.3 :D. Not very impressive when the ER record is 21, I know, but pretty gratifying for me.
To make things even better, I made the jump to the silver key in E1M2 for the first time immediately after, which was also awesome, even though that route is actually slower on easy.
So hooray, a tiny step towards not completely sucking at Quake speed-running ;).
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18 to the diablo2 holy grail
yeah i've been nagging the powers that be to raise the limit for e1m1 bunny comp a bit, at the mo i dont think i'll ever hit 26 Sad

as for you, i'd recommend you try the e1m6 bunny comp .. that first jump is great bunny practise.

also if you have rogue .. the silver key in r1m1 is where i learnt a lot of my crap skills. 

actually we really need either a list of jumps .. the distances and difficultys OR perhaps a new contest map consistently of jumps of increasing lengths to test people out. .. kinda like DO as many of the jumps as you can as fast as you can.

this stops only gods finishing the map .. and doesn't mean you cant do no jumps and win Tongue
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Hooray I made the E1M6 jump!! Some bunnyhopping part of my brain must have become unlocked today, before now I couldn't do any of this. Too bad I died to the ogre in the corridor right after :p.
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sshplur: 2004-12-13 04:28:48 am
the best i can do right now is 27. and that's after COUNTLESS tries.

i cant bunnyhop fully yet cuz im still gettin the jist of leaving the forward key. rather i can only blunt-bunny-hop - bhopping with the forward key, its blunt cuz it's alot harder to steer.

but im one second away from the e1m8 easy run w/o proper bhopping!
ok i am new to the whole speed running scene, but let me get this correct, bunny hoping isn't just continusiosly jumping. you have to let go of the forward key? so how does this really work?
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Mandel: 2005-03-09 08:39:13 am
It works really well once you let go of the forward key while in air  Wink

You then use air control to gain speed. Turn in one direction, and strafe in the same direction at the same time. This gives a speedup.

Also, in order to MAINTAIN your speed, you gotta use the forward key again every time you hit the ground even if you intend to jump immediately. Just tap it together with the jump button.

EDIT: I would call this forward tapping "the next step". First learn to let go of +forward, and do some good air control. Then, when you get the hang of it, add the +forward tapping. Because you CAN get around pretty good without tapping.

And then there was a lot of practicing  Grin
yep, the 'forward tapping' is (or was for me, anyway) the very last stage of learning to bunny. I did HEAPS of demos, even very bunny-orientated ones like e4m7_048, without the technique, before Kay/Stubby showed me the light Smiley

as mandel says, first practice smoothly turning in the air (try the e4m4 jump, for example) and bunnies will make more sense Smiley
Hey Ho Let's Go
yep, the 'forward tapping' is (or was for me, anyway) the very last stage of learning to bunny. I did HEAPS of demos, even very bunny-orientated ones like e4m7_048, without the technique, before Kay/Stubby showed me the light Smiley

as mandel says, first practice smoothly turning in the air (try the e4m4 jump, for example) and bunnies will make more sense Smiley

Heh, I wasn't even aware that you had finally made the "next step" in bunnying  Wink Congratz, now go do e4m3 NR, biiatch!