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Installing MediaWiki on my hosting, now. Could DEFINITELY be useful for this game.

Anyways, here's some more information before that gets done, the FTP server likes to be slooooooooooooooooooow, unfortunately. Sad (Stone locations for the puzzle / riddle)
Edit history:
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-02 03:01:18 pm
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-02 02:51:25 pm
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-02 02:48:40 pm
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-02 02:47:27 pm
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I found a minor timesaver (I'm sure there are a lot more things that "play by this rule"), if you don't go in the boat after you Offdoff the battery, you can skip one dialogue box along with two different animations, saves about 3 - 8~ (if you don't hesitate like I did, etc.) seconds and some mashing. Smiley Each way puts you back out of the boat so it does NOT make up for time if you do it the slower way.


so i got intrested and start doing some prectise runs no set time yet but what i can´t find is what the currnet WR- best known time is aside from the YT video of the 1:29 i don't see much else of videos or set time so is this the still the offical WR or is there a better known run out there still will have a timed run myself soon
Edit history:
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 01:56:06 pm
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 01:54:06 pm
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Quote from piraka12:
so i got intrested and start doing some prectise runs no set time yet but what i can´t find is what the currnet WR- best known time is aside from the YT video of the 1:29 i don't see much else of videos or set time so is this the still the offical WR or is there a better known run out there still will have a timed run myself soon

The run by neteruku ('Aria Pokoteng' (Alias)) (YouTube: /watch?v=RlzL0mUUg-M) is completed in 01:29:55. I'm not sure how official this is, for all we know it could be a TAS, however I would find it pretty unfair if we acted like this run didn't exist. Hopefully somebody can get a better time to prove it's not necessarily a TAS or anything of the sort, although I think the speed may be slightly too slow for a TAS. The game differences are unknown (probably not much besides the language, although I noticed an extra star next to the "NEW" and it made me curious on what else might be changed), and the language barrier between the runner and us is kind of confusing. Also not to mention this is their only video on that YouTube account, so it's kind of a confusing situation regarding whether or not that run is official. Did anybody notice any single mistake? I haven't watched it all the way through, yet.

I guess we'll just be skeptical of it (if that), as I can't really just make an 'official' assumption myself without the input of the rest of the community. I kind of dragged this post off of what you were asking, but oh well. If you're looking for a time to hit realistically, a challenging goal would be 1:35:XX. Maybe just make an English category would solve this problem? I'm usually the one to go for the Japanese versions of games to save time, however with all the ham-chat selection needed I would feel seriously uncomfortable in runs because it really kind of blinds you from even the basic game tasks (all the dialogue, ham-chat word selection, etc.), let alone beating it quickly. Not sure if anybody else feels the same or actually intends on running on the JP version eventually. Just my two cents.

In other news, I have completed two un-timed runs last night / very early this morning, and I plan to do some timed runs, today!
Edit history:
piraka12: 2014-08-03 04:41:26 pm
piraka12: 2014-08-03 03:24:30 pm

got this run after i post last run made some mistakes mostly by mashing b to fast but forgot the hamchat you got from boss and harmony that you need to beat the game. so lost 2-3 minutes of not more from that plus i missed a shot on splat losing at least a other minute. Need to optimise the song stone casue you can actived the stone when ever as long as you don't leave sandy beach and you can open up the stone without the letter but you need to pick up the letter anyway to get the captain to the ship but i think opening it up eilier when your already going around the beack to get the ham-chat would be way faster. probably gonna record a run tomorrow or the day after sub 1:30 is easy possible on english the text is pretty instant so its not gonna be more then 30 second diffrence between jp and english been playing ntsc not sure if any diffrence with pal (even though i am from holland and played that in my childhood) but i am pretty sure there are no diffrence at all. Ultimate goal for now would be 1:25 as long no glitches or trick are found. The biggest glitch possible would be a able to glich into the castle with out the hamshot 2.0  would save at least 15-20 in the run but thats gonna be a dream for a long time i think. There are only two pieces of RNG in this game the fight with the ghost casue if he is to far you can never make it so perfect would be three cicle got four in my PB and the final fight if your lucky he open up his mounth directly after the first gust what i think will always happen but f unlucky he can shoot lasers instead taking up to 4 other attacks befiore opening his mounth losing you at least 1-2 minutes purely about luck only happend once in the four times i fought him but still could kill a a good run what is possible the worst way to lose a good run. The rest of the game is pure skill and optimazation and knowing when to stop mashing. over all a fun run wich is easy to pick up and fun to run sadly casue of that i am kinda scared of hitting a amezing run fast but i will see

P.S time is from answering YES on name confirmation till the the text box after the last hit on splat made sense for me to time like this but might wanna put end timing on when black out to credits not sure something we should decide on. I notice the JP speedrun is from start up what is weird for a normal run but i seen it before by JP runners but i feel the last last input before the opening cutesene is a good point to start the timer love some feedback on it

p.s.s by going from my timing the JP run is 1:25:40 give and tak a sec
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I'd say once it fades to white would be when we should stop the timer. A.K.A., actually the last text-box / input.

Also, just did my first run entirely without the guide, although I peeked at the other one with the stone positions for "Sandy Bay", for a couple few. Un-timed. Timing one or two tonight, though. Tongue

Also probably worth noting that one letter / character names would probably save a good about of time. Maybe. Never could hurt, anyways, guys, too, lol. Tongue
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Oh, and in addition to what you said, the best RNG for the final battle would in-fact be to have "him" open his mouth after the lasers, not the gust. As you can simply move out of the path of the lasers and prepare your slingshot, while with the gust you are forced to avoid it.

Welp, I got a 1:31:41 today (using the timing to hitting the shot in Spat's mouth -- did we come to a consensus on if people want to change this?) . Unfortunately no video because I was just playing on my gba during a long car ride and timing on my phone to pass the time. The run could have easily been a 1:30:xx but I had a really terrible Spat fight (missed his mouth once, got gusted out of the room once, bad attack order RNG). I think the 1:29:xx is definitely attainable. I need to read through the other posts in this thread again and then come up with a coherent response to what I think on some of the things being discussed (I skimmed the conversation a little while ago, so bear with me)
Okay here goes:

1) To the emulation point, I would definitely be okay with that. I've been mostly practicing on emulator since I didn't have my physical copy of the game on hand until this weekend. I haven't seen any noticeable differences (my faster time is on the gba, go figure) and I am all for the option that will make streaming easier, especially since I currently don't even have a way to stream from gba -- would have to buy a gameboy player and capture from my gamecube I assume?

2) For the timing, I can see merits for all of the different ways that have been suggested. While the 2nd shot on Spat is technically the last real input other than text mashing, you do learn a new Hamchat (pooie) after that happens, so it's not as if it's just meaningless mashing (if that makes sense?). Personally I am for just keeping it the way it is because all timing is really arbitrary anyway and this is what I'm used to now .. but maybe I'm just lazy.

3) I'm not sure how I feel about making English a separate category from Japanese. I'm usually a proponent of just putting everything in the same category, but I've also found that physical copies of the game in JP seem to be few and far between, so I think I would be more in favor of keeping in one category if we come to the consensus that using emulator is fine.
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OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 07:29:13 pm
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In response to 2: I think stopping the timer at the where (and the guy above me, too) said, where it starts to fade to white and into the credits would be a good stopping point, this is kind of how it is for a lot of games and like you said we do learn "pooie", and all the text is user-controlled. If this was an auto-scrolling cutscene, obviously it would be different. I'm pretty sure this is also how the Japanese run is timed, maybe.

In response to 1 and 3: No real issue with emulator, however obviously if anybody submits to SDA it will have to be (as Swanbeans said), on an official Game Boy Player, on an official GameCube, which also probably correlates to the region. So it's possible, just very expensive and time consuming to do so. So just a friendly suggestion if anybody were planning to go for world record, you should probably take the initiative to buy these items because having a WR on emulator could be no fun, just in-case you did want to submit it to SDA or something else. Other than that, I really see no other reason to use the Japanese version until we all really grind the game to the point of where the times are simply set apart by the time saved with the language, which gives us all enough time to learn the slots, etc., if we choose to do so. So obviously no restrictions on using the JP version, just suggestions as stated above.

I'd just really like to have the run end at the "white fade" as stated, or people are going to be questioning it for 'eternity'. (Sarcasm :D) But yeah. I think Swanbeans brought up some pretty solid points, it just seems more sensible to stop the timer after / on the last input of the game before the credits scene "rolls". Smiley Sorry if this messed up your runs, hopefully though that there is enough room for improvement to beat your PB with this small change, it shouldn't be too much of a difference with B-mashing, and all. Tongue
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piraka12: 2014-08-03 07:58:13 pm
1. i own a gamecube with gameboy player plus a orignal cartrige go childhood me got no capture card though so can't record but been planning getting one for a while for now i just want to run the game for fun

2. i couldn't sleep and did a playtrhough with teh 100%route (kinda did somethigns that i know was faster) and i estimate the run on 2 to 2:30 hours with sub 2 as a a good goal i think not sure exaly need to do a serious run with timing

3. talking about 100% i feel calling 100% weird casue there is no 100% defenition in the game and technicly casue we don't get all items its not realy 100% (apearently its impossible to get all assoiceres so they wouldn't count either way) But if sopmeone is ever crazy enough to do a 100% run wioth items i would call this catagorie all credits over 100%. It just specifie better what the catagorie is

4. the route i used for my any% was the one otakuSRL posted but during my last playtrough following the all credits route i discovered some route changes that would simply save anything from 2 to 5 minutes if not more not realy timed but realy some things the biggest is the fact that you can talk to arnie before getting pepper so you can skip a whole trip to the clubhouse and get the train duck when you go meet harmony instead saving at least a minute or 2 second is the whole route of sandy beach i am sure there is a more optimized way to do the whole world that would save a ton of back tracking and walking around saving anything between a minute to multiple minutes again not sure how much but that it will save time i can garantue
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I would consider the all jewelry category "101%" or something like "110%", as it sounds /ALMOST/ like no fun and nobody will probably do it for quite a while. Tongue
Edit history:
piraka12: 2014-08-03 08:05:13 pm
piraka12: 2014-08-03 08:03:58 pm
I know but i know some people don't consider games with no 100% indication to be able to have a 100% catagory thake SMW for example ti only get 96 exits what is 100% in the game it just specifies better what the goal is for the run thats why i though all credits would be a good name for the catagory its still the 100% catagory but just with correct and miore speciefic naming

(Just a idee i though off if everyelse just want to call it 100% i will be fine with it )
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OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 08:09:32 pm
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"All credits?". Isn't it much more than that? Games like OOT and MM have an 100% (and any%) categories, and IIRC neither games have a counter. I think people will understand what we mean. Or simple call it 100% No-J / No-JE (no jewelry), similar to No-WW.

It really does not need to be this complicated. Tongue Kind of similar to not having collect every coin / rupee in a run, although obviously these items are more significant than things such as sunflower seeds.

Quick Edit: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmppph. Tongue I don't know. Awaiting input, I guess. Smiley The best way to make decisions! Hoorah! Cheesy
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the1stpkmnfan: 2014-08-03 08:27:22 pm
Snowboard Assassin
Oh gosh, don't get me started with the accessories. Even I haven't completed that, but I know it can be a side interest down the road. I can't say if it adds anything to the game, nor can any site I visited say anything about it. Don't forget about buying all the clothes and costumes. Those are more for a gimmick than anything.

Also, Otaku, I'll send you a revised note list soon. Gotta get through my last week of summer classes.

I'm very happy to see some more activity going on! Glad to see everyone is getting some runs going. I'm hoping to get an ironed out run this coming weekend. Perhaps one of us can get a run submitted for AGDQ. Tongue If not, perhaps next SGDQ. I certainly want to give it a shot.

I also own a Gameboy Player myself, but getting a SDA run submission is pretty complicated. Nothing a day of sitting down and configuring can't do.
Oh, yes, as to what piraka said about the routing with Arnie, I meant to mention that earlier as well. I did that in my run earlier today and it's definitely a huge contributor to how I saved so much time. I also thought it was interesting that someone mentioned you can open the musical rock at Sandy Bay before getting the bottle. There definitely has to be a more optimal way of doing that if that is the case.
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piraka12: 2014-08-03 08:47:01 pm

a more optimized route based and mainly still OtakuSRL rout just changed the sandy beach route plus the save where you save a clubhouse trip some minor fix and you can exaly go direcly to the control room wothout ever visiting the top screens Might be more optimasation possibel have to test somethings but this route should easly save a few minutes over the older route. not used this route myself yet but it should be a improvement
Snowboard Assassin
A very keen trick on getting through the game quicker is memorizing patterns and codes. Typically what you learn at a certain point.

Activating the music note rock won't hurt your run, but you won't find the Captain until you reunite Seamore and Barrette. I think you do have to Hiff Hiff the bottle with a note. If you don't, the game won't activate the Captain's placement on the lone island.

Knowing what the Lil Bro tells you, and have it memorized will be an advantage. That way you can skip through his text and take the paths.

Also, a hint, you don't have to give the Red Marble back to the Elder Ham after you get it back from Spat. Just try to leave Wildwoods and the couple will come to you. Saves a good bit of time.

A thing about this game is if you forget to do something, it will bite you in the butt. Thankfully there isn't too much penalty with doing things on the right time/accuracy. The only case seems to be with the Fun Land mini game to win the Green Marble. Or battling Spat.
Does anyone know what happens if you just take the little bro ham back to his house without making him stop crying? I'm going to assume it won't let you get there, but if you could skip that whole scene with the sales ham and the monkey and just follow the memorized route to his house, that could save some time too.

The new Sandy Bay route looks interesting, have you tested how much time that saves?
Snowboard Assassin
Oh my, I never thought of that. But, perhaps the lil Bro won't let you leave the area until he stops crying. I'll have to give it a shot to be sure.
I just tested it out and it looks like you do have to make him stop crying. It lets you leave the area and get all the way to his front door, but Sesam-E doesn't appear as a dialog option and any other action you do just gives you crying text box responses from him. Oh well. It was worth a shot.
small mistake you do have to see the atrractions break down in fun land but only one so going uo the ferris wheel is enough to active splat

About the sandy beach route yes i know you can't get  the captain till after you got the bottle with note but doing uit like this it saves you having tio run aorund again after your already doing it to get the hamchats so you killing two bird with one stone
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OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 10:42:47 pm
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Did my first run while watching Television downstairs on my little netbook with a controller on an emulator, and I got 1:49:30. I wasn't too focused and I got the worsttttttttttttt RNG (I ended up resetting the puzzle by exiting and re-entering) in all of the run-throughs I have done, and I was running the emulator in the background the whole time so I think it also might have been running the game at 95% FPS instead of 100% FPS. Enough excuses, just happy that I subbed the 1:50 because I set myself a mini-goal at the end and I mashed super hard after passing the opportunity to end the timer when I ehh... "put the love shot in Spat's mouth". That was uncomfortable to type. Anyways, very excited to get on my desktop later and absolutely blow this run away, kind of happy it isn't incredibly simple to get a good time on this game.

Going to be testing out a small bug opportunity I think I might be able to pull off, although the dev team for this game seem to have really tied up all the loose ends so I wouldn't get your hopes up. This involves using the thing I did for the boat, just in an area with a cutscene trigger. I'll post updates, soon, when I get to them, too, guys! Cheesy
Edit history:
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 11:01:44 pm
OtakuSRL: 2014-08-03 10:48:13 pm
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Quote from the1stpkmnfan:
Oh gosh, don't get me started with the accessories. Even I haven't completed that, but I know it can be a side interest down the road. I can't say if it adds anything to the game, nor can any site I visited say anything about it. Don't forget about buying all the clothes and costumes. Those are more for a gimmick than anything.

Also, Otaku, I'll send you a revised note list soon. Gotta get through my last week of summer classes.

I'm very happy to see some more activity going on! Glad to see everyone is getting some runs going. I'm hoping to get an ironed out run this coming weekend. Perhaps one of us can get a run submitted for AGDQ. Tongue If not, perhaps next SGDQ. I certainly want to give it a shot.

I also own a Gameboy Player myself, but getting a SDA run submission is pretty complicated. Nothing a day of sitting down and configuring can't do.

Oh, and we've kind of organized a race-run with KazooieGirl vs. Swanbeans vs. me, I'm sure if you contact one of them they'd be willing to let you in. I don't really have much authority because I asked after the initial race was created, so you'll probably want to ask one of them. Smiley Not sure how many TV's they will have, though, so that might be an issue. It'd actually kind of be cool if you could commentate (all your knowledge, etc.) some of it (just a suggestion, of course), otherwise I think it would be rather quiet or we'd end up talking a lot and completely blowing our runs, maybe, man, haha. Of course, this is all only if it gets accepted for the marathon.
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Live for a few hours.