So I have been thinking about it, I love this style of game, and I think once I can get a run under 1:05 I am gonna start focusing on another run (while still keeping practice with this). With the recent release of Spelunky on steam I think that may be my next game.
Well, I've been on pace for a 1:05 a couple times now. One run I forgot the stamina bar after X'Tabay, and then had to pause for a phone call for like... a minute, and still miraculously got a 1:07. So I'm gonna be cutting my time any run now
Alright. Did some research on Final Calaca. The 2 fastest strats I can think of are the one Jesse mentioned (1-2-3-Olmec-Roll-Repeat), and the other is simply Olmec-Roll over and over, without letting your stamina completely drain. It looks like they're both about the same speed, averaging around 30 seconds depending on luck.
Just had a trash run at 1:28 something. Had to pause for about 30 minutes for the girlfriend call, WSplit didn't want' to cooperate, and I kept dying to stupid stuff.
Bad RNG on yellow skele's too. So annoying. Oh well, tomorrow!
Well, I won't be running for a few days with the happy tails marathon starting today, so hopefully someone will beat my record and give me something to shoot for
found this little skip that can save 6 to 7 sec i think
also , i think its possible to skip some fight rooms but not sure how to do it , i have skipped the fight in tule tree after you get the double jump twice ! but by accident so yeah i'm pretty sure there is a way to do it just like the way i skipped jaguar scene , maybe you guys can figure it out
That is really interesting, I think it's going to come down to just finding those hidden sweet spots.
As for Guacamelee at AGDQ, it seems our game is still a bit too new to be big enough to be played, but I won't be giving up and will be trying to get it at later events for sure.