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Metal + Speed = Life
I just completed a really sweet 7:48 nightclub 007 Classic. Made a few adjustments to the route through the big room while skipping the 2nd body armor. Overall it's faster, the armor takes at least 4 seconds to go get while running around pillar in big room is maybe only 1-2 seconds.
What's really good about the run is that this was the middle Garcia spawn!!
So I'm not done but I am really happy with his time. Will post video soon
Metal + Speed = Life
Nice. I think you'll get sub 7:40 very soon!
Metal + Speed = Life
Do you know through TAS if Garcia spawn is equal chance at each location and if it differs through difficulty? Last night I did about 2 hours of practice.. and I only got her in the good spot once. I would continue to practice the segments when I got her in the second best spot but I thought for some reason it might be different on classic. Do you know anything about the Garcias spawn because of TAS?
Metal + Speed = Life
Well I had an hour to kill before leaving to work this morning, so I figured I would run some nightclub, I mean why not run through the intro for an hour praying for Garcia. It didn't get that far though.. my first and only attempt this morning - 7:36

The name's Sheldor. InfiniteSheldor.
Wow man, congrats on 7:36. That's pretty crazy. I think my best was a 7:40-something.
The name's Sheldor. InfiniteSheldor.
Okay so I just watched it and I noticed you can probably save a little time -only a few seconds- if you want to risk it, but when I did initial routing, I opened the pantry door, scanned the crates and then walked through the kitchens while sending the photo.
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JamesBong: 2017-07-26 11:46:11 am
Metal + Speed = Life
The door stays open? Nice.. that's definitely worth me looking at in that case, if I take more damage, I can always grab the 2nd body armor right after exiting kitchen. It's faster to grab it there then before the 2nd pass through the big room. Whenever I get a good Garcia I get a decent run to the end 50% of the time, it just takes a long time to get one sometimes, that's what I dislike about this level ( actual playthrough of it is awesome though ). This is probably my favorite level honestly, if I think back to my very first run through of the game.. this level blew me away, the layout, the kitchen shootout, the big room.. one of the best layouts.. Carrier and Jungle are just awesome as well

I looked at your Outpost 5:21 run Fitterspace, and as you say yourself on stream during the run many times.. "this is actually really good, but it could've been so much better". Execution was pretty beast if you ask me, got some bad luck but I get the feeling it will still be hard to beat. The sniper section was super clean. Is there another body armor in the level other than the one you get?
The name's Sheldor. InfiniteSheldor.
It doesn't stay open, I scanned the one right by the door and legged it to make sure it wouldn't close. You'll take more damage but in that run you handled health well, I think you could do it.

Yeah same lol, probably still my favourite level now. Even in a speedrunning manner, after the Zukovsky cutscene it gets really good.

Outpost 5:21?
Metal + Speed = Life
I meant that for fitter lol
Looking back at it, I think my sniper section was pretty good. I think that was the best one I've had. Unfortunately there were some other time losses like getting the melee animation on a guard, losing 2 or 3 seconds. My goal time at the time was a 5:15 and I think it's possible. I think you could get that if everything went right.
Metal + Speed = Life
Is there another body armor besides the one you pick up?
There are two other sets of armor. One is near the crate just before the black box. It's on a table in one of the buildings near the crate. The last set is in a box near the final ammo crate in the level. The armor I grab is the fastest and most useful one, so that's why I picked up that one. It's technically possible to skip it (the TAS does), but even the TAS was one hit away from death at the very end, so It's basically not gonna happen for us. If you're gonna pick up any extra armor, I'd grab the one before the black box. It loses time overall, but it'll help you complete more attempts. The last body armor is so far into the level that It's not worth it unless you have extremely low health. It actually takes less time to grab than the armor near the black box, but it's so close to the end of the level that you're not gonna use too much of it unless you can't make the final few sprints without it.

If you get shot by the snipers, you're basically dead. One shot will take away more than half of your health if I remember right. It's rough. I used to pick up the sniper to kill those guys but the AK-47 is faster.

Also, kill the 3 guys at the very start quickly. The two guards on the left drop an AK-47 and a silenced SMG, both of which are extremely useful on 007 Classic. I only kill the guard on the right so he doesn't call the other guards. The AK-47 is gonna be the gun you use most, but the silenced SMG is a godsend at the end of the level. Shoot the final ammo crate with that gun and the guards won't hear you. It's faster than using the pistol and the guards won't start shooting at you until you're almost at the end. Pretty much all the enemies I kill throughout the level is to conserve health.

Outpost is a surprisingly tough run on 007 Classic. It's like airfield with less fire and explosions.
Also, check this out:

I was watching someone on Twitch, and one of his friends in chat used to play GE:Wii multiplayer a lot. He also used to do a lot of glitch hunting. I'm not sure if you know about this already, but I didn't. Apparently it's possible to clip through some vents in the multiplayer maps by uncrouching while moving into it in just the right way. He said it's really easy to do in the multiplayer, but we tried for a while to do it in the campaign with no success. I'm not sure what it is, but the collision just feels different in the single-player campaign. The walls are just too solid in Facility. Maybe it's possible in the campaign, but I'm not sure. Can you try it in other places and see if you can get it?
Metal + Speed = Life
Thanks for Outpost strats..
I've done some hovering in the multiplayer maps which allows me to climb places your not supposed to get to, but I've never seen that before. It basically pushes you through the floor? Wouldn't that just result in instant death in a campaign? I guess if there's an area where there actually is another room below the vent that could prove useful, kind of resembling the dam floor clip.
It's too bad there doesn't seem to be any floors anywhere  when you clip OOB in this game. Since you can't adjust bonds position while falling there doesn't seem to be any way to get back in bounds.
However I would be surprised if a glitch works in multiplayer but not single player..
Can he or has he achieved this on another map or another vent?
Metal + Speed = Life
It's not really a vent though, it's a floor so there is space below and above bond. That might have to do with how it works?
Purple was testing it and he says it only seems to work on 90 degree angles with no curves. So only vents that are perfectly square with nothing else will work. So any vent you have to shoot open will not work. That's probably why I couldn't get it to work in Facility. I don't know of any place in the game where falling through the floor at an already opened vent would save time. Like you said, you can't control yourself in the air so I don't expect any sequence breaks to be found with this. It's good to know it's possible for the future, but it doesn't seem useful.
Metal + Speed = Life
Damn that's too bad, I don't honestly think OOB will ever be useful aside similar clips we use now ( dam floor, cradle clip ). I feel like new ones will be discovered eventually though
Metal + Speed = Life
So I worked on Carrier today.. I looked over your 7:07 run. Improved on it alot in terms of routing. Figured out alot of time saves.. but man this level on Classic.. so unforgiving. Unfortunately the way im trying to run this is ridiculous as far as execution goes, and I need some luck of course. I had one run go almost perfect up until cargo lift but I died.. I hit the button for the lift with 7:19 left on the TT clock. About 15 seconds faster comparing to you run. The way I routed out the lift room though is not the best, but I basically get to the button the instant it stops moving and activate the lift right away. That's the lucky part, since I only kill about 5 guards total before hitting switch.. really hard to live past this part, I'll upload just a segment of the run I had at least to show the mid section of the level.
Edit history:
JamesBong: 2017-07-30 01:48:49 pm
JamesBong: 2017-07-30 01:47:04 pm
Metal + Speed = Life
that route looks pretty solid. I agree that Carrier is one of the most unforgiving levels. The lift room one of the hardest parts of the whole game imo. I think the only real improvement I can think of with the route is the room after opening the gate. Going down the stairs like the TAS does is faster, but with the low health you're gonna have there, it probably isn't possible to survive unless you get really lucky. For some reason, falling down those ladders is also really precise. I don't think anybody's gotten one there in real time. I didn't even know it was possible until I got it on accident in the TAS haha.
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JamesBong: 2017-07-30 07:15:44 pm
JamesBong: 2017-07-30 07:10:46 pm
Metal + Speed = Life
I've tried a ton with the ladders.. like alot... Never got one ladder skip but that's ok. Going down the stairs at the beginning is a good idea but not if you run through the intro like I do. Both can't be done without dying..
I got a 7:00 run.. but omg... My wife was talking to me during my run and I was talking to her.. so I kind of went auto pilot halfway through and completely fucked up the engine room.. like really badly. Hard to say how much time I lost but a good 5-7 seconds easy.. everything else was perfect.. check out my strat for the lift room.. it doesn't work that often but it's very quick. I spent a good 5-6 hours working on the level testing things, and only about 2 hours of runs so far before getting this. Going to keep at it, get as close to 6:50 as I can.

Missed the hover 1st try and a few movement mistakes, probably lost near 10 seconds overall including the engine room
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JamesBong: 2017-08-01 07:58:48 am
Metal + Speed = Life
Haven't had this happen before, shitty clip.

This demonstrates how much faster the level can be done as well because if we compared to my 7:00 run, I was already five seconds faster immediately after the hover. Add up the 5 seconds I can save in the engine room... Damn it's a shame, probably one of my best beginnings ever
that's pretty cool. I could easily see you getting 6:50 in the near future. As for the weird clip, it happens when you are too far to the left or right. If you go even farther to the left, you'll fall through the whole boat and die.
Metal + Speed = Life
Yeah when I was learning the hover at first, I would often go too far left after backing up the railing, there actually really isn't a big space you can walk on.. you really have to hug the side.
Yeah sub 6:50 is real with a perfect run, I got a 7:01 and another 7:00 run in this morning, mistakes were made but I continued them for practice.
I'm getting more consistent with the lift room, but the engine room bugs me, I'm sure theres a more efficient way to do it. I've come up with 3 different ways that are virtually the same speed.. if only getting discovered here wasn't an issue, I've tried to do it Operative style but it's instant death, there are guards that spawn all over, it's just not practical