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FitterSpace: 2016-06-28 07:20:24 pm
the 9:39 is a much better time trial. I even saw a lot of time save in that video, so i bet sub 9 is doable.
I have a small time save for solar that i wanna make sure you know about. After placing the charges (before you take the elevator to the last part of the level), there is a set of body armor. You're intended to walk up a small set of stairs, pick up the armor, then vault over the rails and get to the elevator.
But the time save is that you can actually pick up the body armor from the side, without having to go up the stairs. So just run straight for the elevator door and touch the corner of the armor and you should pick it up.

edit: I forgot to mention that most body armor in the game is like this. Sometimes there is also armor inside a crate that you can pick up without shooting the lock. This doesn't work everywhere but each one saves a little bit of time.
Metal + Speed = Life
I knew about that particular one in solar, but I never noticed with others. Good to know hehe, other then my first play through on Classic, I only put time into speedrunning Airfield, and Solar for now.

Solar is particularly troll as far as speeding through it... I'm pretty much ready to start full runs after enough testing of each checkpoint.. Sub 9 will definitely be achieved. I note down times for an acceptable pace once I have a decent sum of bests. And with Solar I'm already at a possible 8:39 and it will get lower as I time checkpoints during runs.. 8:30 would be my dream haha
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FitterSpace: 2016-06-29 04:10:45 pm
FitterSpace: 2016-06-29 03:38:36 pm
FitterSpace: 2016-06-29 03:34:36 pm
Alright, JamesBong, i tried out your idea now that i've gained control in Dam. There is a long hallway that gave me just enough time to test whether interrupting your sprint is faster or not. I initially thought it would be faster but the more i test it, the less true i think it is. I've tried interrupting the sprints half-way and 2/3 of the way through and they both turned out to be only a few frames slower than completely mashing A. I tested this while interrupting a sprint with a reload. I'm going to keep testing this but as of right now i don't have any proof that it's faster.

I will not completely rule out the possibility since there are many other possible scenarios. I still need to do more testing.
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FitterSpace: 2016-06-30 10:47:19 am
Also, Lo1ts (a CoD speedrunner) told me that wallrunning can make you move faster. Here is a video of it:

I don't know if it works in this game but it's worth a shot
Metal + Speed = Life
Lol would be cool but I've never noticed that before, I'll try it out tonight when I get home from work... Been a while since I did any levels on Classic.. Things can go wrong way too fast it's horrible..  -_-
I've gradually decreased the frequency at which I reset a run because of 1-2 second mistakes, instead when I'm behind my ideal pace by 3-10 seconds, I'll just burst through a section and usually die, but doing this hasnt been all for nothing.. Luck is huge in Classic, some groups of guards I can sprint at and dodge them like easier difficulties.
007 classic takes lots of practice, and even then bad things can happen. I think you'll be really surprised how the TAS does some of the levels. It's gonna play most, if not, all of them like it's operative. The enemies don't stand a chance.
Metal + Speed = Life
Definately looking forward to it... If only I could record, you wouldnt believe how my 007 TT runs.. They eventually get to be 90% like an Operative run, really the only difference is I have to detour for objectives lol. Nightclub TT with the way I ran it for 7:45, think I used about 20-22 bullets total, that includes the breach, breaking the grate, etc. 007 Classic and Operative are much harder/longer for me to optimize than Agent and 007, really weird lol
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FitterSpace: 2016-07-01 11:56:16 pm

Finished the first level. I think it turned out pretty good!
So i'm TASing facility right now, and i saw somewhere that someone said you can get over the first bathroom stall door after you get out of the vents. Do you know anything about that? I can't seem to get it to work.
Metal + Speed = Life
Yeah good luck with it, I have no clue how it works myself, and I can't pull it off as consistently as before ( by consistent I mean 1-2 out of 10 tries ). I can tell you a few things I have determined at least.
When you fall in the hole, you want to be facing towards the stall door, slightly angled right: pretend door is 12oclock, look towards 12:30.
I found it easier works better on the right side of door then the left.
Sprint as soon as possible ( I always mash A and B because I find you can often uncrouch a few frames earlier then the game allows you to sprint ).
I think the idea is to drop and get enough speed to strafe diaginally to land on the top of the stall separations, when it works, you automatically sprint and it can last until you break the first glass.
Thanks for the tip. I'll see what I can do with that.
Metal + Speed = Life
Last year when I got into speed running this game in general, I think Facility's TT was the 5th I worked on. I used to be able to get it 10-20% which was awesome for a 1-1.5 second time save, nothing worth resetting over however. I was really interested to see if I could implement it into the facility operative IL.
Got an 8:02 Carrier late last night by the way, best checkpoint times are at about 7:30, which is amazing because I originally thought 15 seconds was the most that would come off superjer's 7:59. I've been able to extremely improve 4 checkpoints, just need lots of luck to go with the crazy strats now hehe
Metal + Speed = Life
Man whenever this Godlike Carrier TT run decides to happen, it'll be ridiculous. Sum of bests at 7:20, and compared to Superjer's 7:59, he has about 6:43 time left when he hits the button to bring down the  elevated platform just before helicopter. I reset if I have less then 7:10 remaining here, I just keep dying to guards or because I run too quickly through the end and die to explosions. Fingers crossed, I've growing tired of Carrier, done about 80 so far -_-
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JamesBong: 2016-07-07 08:39:36 am
Metal + Speed = Life
Un-*******-believable.. had time for 2 more attempts before leaving for work.. best splits down to 7:16 with this run, I would've been more then happy with 7:30-7:32..  So now I'm extremely curious to see your Classic run of Carrier, think you said you got 6:52?
Not to brag lol, but I figure if I managed a 7:23, Carrier is probably a good level to learn TAS starts.
I completed a Facility run on Classic 8:56, I know your TAS will be faster then the 8:42 you showed me, the glass break in the beginning, and when you hack the alarm for Alec, do that first, and while your are waiting for the door to open, you have time to exit the room and take the last picture with camera for objective, Alec isn't done with door by the time you get back anyways. I think that's the only 2 things I saw in your TAS that were missing. I figure 8:35 is doable.

- My nightclub TT was probably my best accomplishment so far ( out of the higher difficulty TTs ), but now its definitely this.

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FitterSpace: 2016-07-07 09:40:52 am
Wow! Nice carrier time! I didn't expect you to beat SuperJer's time by so much so soon.
The TAS saves a lot of time by running through everybody while still keeping stealth because of near-instant headshots. Taking extra time to headshot enemies is something the TAS will have to do in levels like Archives and Carrier.
I expect the TAS to get sub 6:50. I won't upload videos of every level, but I can upload Nightclub and Carrier since i know you're interested in those levels.

Also I was made aware of those time saves in Facility after I made the 8:42 video. I started on Facility the other day but i've been busy for the last few days. Now that I have more time, I'll get back to work on the TAS.
And I agree that 8:35 should be doable.
The name's Sheldor. InfiniteSheldor.
7:23! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow Tongue
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JamesBong: 2016-07-07 03:42:32 pm
Metal + Speed = Life
Problem is ill be interested in all of them eventually, I do plan to work on each of the Classic 007 ILs once I've gotten every TT and Operative IL best time. Not much left to do either..

Dam. - TT: 9:15.  Op - 8:31
Facility -  TT : 8:52.  Op- 7:48
Airfield -  TT : 3:52. Op - 2:57
Nightclub - TT : 7:45. Op - 6:35
Carrier - TT :  7:23. Op - 5:54
Outpost - TT : 5:17. Op - 4:45
Bunker - TT : 8:29. Op - 8:45
Archives - TT : 9:43. Op - 8:17
Tank - TT : ( haven't done it yet LMAO )  Op : 4:15
Station - TT : 4:32. Op - 4:29
Memorial - TT and Op - 6:51
Jungle - TT and Op : 7:12
Solar - TT ( not done ) , Op - 5:55
Cradle -TT and Op : 12:18

All wr except both tank TT and Op, and Solar TT
Metal + Speed = Life
Solar TT update - unfortunately I worked out a new 3 sec time save in the beginning, and 4-5 seconds in the big room where you have to hack the two consoles. I say unfortunately because I haven't even gotten to working on the end/suicide part with the rocket guys... there is still more to be optimized before I move onto to last checkpoint it seems lol... sum of bests at 8:21 now.
The name's Sheldor. InfiniteSheldor.
Yeah, setup a recording method, create a account, and dominate the IL Leaderboard Tongue

What do you think an optimised Solar TT would be?
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JamesBong: 2016-07-12 07:13:03 pm
Metal + Speed = Life
Solar has so many hard segments.. and guards with Mastertons...Such an unforgiving level on Classic even with all the body armor. Not much more can be saved other then the ending. And I haven't figured a way to sprint through the last section of the level.  8:30 would be super nice for a run.. I'd like to see the sum of bests get to 8:00, and I think TAS could be much faster. 7:20-7:30 maybe?

Best run so far trying to keep up with Facility TAS. I think I might get as low as 8:40 at best. I'll be disappointed when he finishes redoing it with the 2 time savers.

Makes me want to improve my Facility TT... maybe I will    ^_^

Metal + Speed = Life
Had time to run a few this morning, had a stupid mistake of 3 seconds... aside from that, perfection. Closer and closer to TAS tier

Wow! Really nice facility times! I bet you'll get below 8:42 really soon.
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FitterSpace: 2016-07-13 05:47:26 pm
I'm gonna be really busy for at least one week, so i won't get to work on the TAS at all in that time. So to make up for that, i'm gonna upload what i have of the facility level so far. I think you guys will enjoy that.
So you wanna know how much better it is? Well, the 8:42 had a lot of mistakes in it which i wasn't aware of at the time. lots of time saves such as going over the stall door, shooting the glass and going through instead of going around, not killing as many enemies, not aiming down sights, and also the cell phone animation when i'm dropping down the vent (at the end of the video).

I'm 6 seconds ahead at the first breach.

Like, i can't believe how much faster this TAS is than my 8:42. I have so much time save later in the level, too, so i wouldn't be surprised if the TAS could get 8:30 or maybe even less.
Here is the video:
Metal + Speed = Life
That's cool to see man, yeah I don't shoot any guards anywhere.. only the quick pistol whips on a few guards and just running all the time, you can get the body armor that's in the green cabinet next to the last photo, while Alec is unlocking the door, you have time. So as long as you make it there alive, you don't have to kill a single guard while planting the bombs. I kill the first guard at the top and that's it.
Metal + Speed = Life
Facility 007 Classic 8:43 achieved! Definitely not done with Facility just yet.. Going back to the Time Trial for now since the times are equal ( I much prefer the in-game, on screen timer then having to time out the checkpoints myself ). Combining your new videos segment times, with my sum of bests should get to 8:31-8:32.. So awesome lol