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I'm home with a cold so I figured I'd play around some with the data from your segment 18 attempts yesterday.

Your average number of steps between each encounter was 17.7 steps.
There doesn't seem to be any correlation between where you are in the map and how many steps you can take before getting into a fight, so it's even chance along the entire path.
Your worst attempt indicates that the game does not try to even out the time between encounters overall, so there seems to be an equal chance at getting into an encounter after a certain amount of steps.

The chart shows the steps between each encounter and either ends at the 8th encounter or at the end of that screen.
Looking at the line of the steps in Essentia's segmented run you can see that there's no reason to become hung up about getting 1 or 2 encounters before the Ronso cutscene since you actually had 3 in your best whereas she only had 1, but you still got 7 encounters compared to her 8.
Essentia needs 166 steps to finish that screen whereas your average is around 160. The reason she gets that 8th encounter is because of the hiccup right after the chest where she took 4 extra steps. Without these she would very likely have had 7 encounters too.

Your average number of steps until an 8th encounter was 142 steps. Since you need 160 steps to clear the screen you've been pretty close to barely avoiding 9 encounters for many of your attempts. This means that the chances for getting only 7 are in the lower percentile, but you already knew this.

What we could get out of this, is that as soon as you've had 3 encounters that were below the average number of steps, you can safely reset as the chances of finishing that part with only 7 encounters are then too low at that point.

wow, that's awesome data. I really never thought to keep track of the steps before you mentioned it yesterday.  While it won't help me get less encounters, it may save me some real time by knowing when it's not worth it to keep going.  I already somewhat kept track of landmarks on the screen, but actual data would make it easier to determine.
Segment 18 is complete. After many attempts to improve it, I finally decided to keep my previous best attempt, due to the amount of overdrive I got on both Tidus and Yuna.  I could have saved maybe 10 seconds on this segment, but not without sacrificing Yuna's overdrive; which I would have had to take time to fill more in later segments.

Segment 18 time: 9 minutes 2 seconds | 420 attempts

Save at Moonflow - South Wharf [4:31]
I don't think I will be much of a help, even though I am a really experienced and knowledgeable FFX player. If there is any problem you come across, then point it out here, maybe I will pop out and help you. I am the löiving guidebook, but I never attempted speedrunning this game, even though it is by far my favorite one.
Though you guys know more than just enough about this, I wanted to be turned on into this thing. Will be interesting to watch that. Didn't ask yet, but are you using PAL or NTSC? As I am using PAL I have quite a slow version. The fastest time I completed FFX in is about 16 hours, but I also didn't really try, wasted loads of time and that wasn't supposed to be a speedrun anyway, so I would assume that I could still bring you some of my strategies.
He's using NTSC. Cara has demonstrated a masterful grasp of the game, so I don't know how much he'd need the help, but I'm sure you can tune into his stream and offer feedback if you believe it's helpful. (By the way, his runs hover around the 10-11 hour mark thus far).
Pretty much everytime I do a run I make some adjustments to the strategies.  I am constantly finding faster ways of doing things, but there are probably things that I have overlooked, so I am always open to suggestions.

For the segmented run too, I will probably need to do another test run eventually, since some improvement ideas have come up since I finished the last test run.  It's obviously too late to make any adjustments to the first 18 segments though.
Can you give me a brief overlook of the strategies you have for the upcoming boss fights (or most of them that await you during the run)
Just want to see if I can find ways of improvement....or at least improve myself kind of. That should be the part where I can help out.
He can tell you better than I, but this is from one of his older posts (not sure if it's up to date):

Segment 19 – Move Tidus to the +2 Strength node under his starting point and add it.
Extractor: Haste Tidus, Tidus attacks, Slow must land.  Get a critical Spiral Cut. Should be able to kill it before it moves up. Save at Moonflow – North Wharf.

Segment 20 – Get minimum encounters on the road to Guadosalam ( I think 1 might be possible). Then, after all the cutscenes, I must not get an encounter on the way to the save sphere. Change Formation: Replace Wakka with Rikku. Save at Thunder Plains – South. If this proves to be too difficult, I might accept the encounter in the Thunder Plains if I only get one encounter at the beginning. If I get two encounters at the beginning, I definitely cannot get the encounter in the Thunder Plains.

Segment 21 –  Get minimum encounters, don’t get struck by lightning, and steal a Petrify Grenade from a Melusine. Any hits I take should be on Rikku or Yuna to fill their overdrives. Save at Thunder Plains – Agency.

Segment 22 – See Segment 21. Save at Macalania Woods – South.

Segment 23 – See Segment 21, but take out the part about the lightning and change Melusine to Iguion. Save at Macalania Woods – Lake Road.

For the Gui battle, it looks like I am going to need to hit the head three times on Lulu instead of two, to ensure that Energy Blast will kill the head. I probably will still need to add the +4 Magic, Valefor still has a chance of not killing the head with 3 Thunders at Base, or +2 Magic.

Also note the segmented run is new game + so he will be using Trio of 9999 once he gets to the airship.
I got lazy with writing notes, so that's really where my written notes end.  That's why I am probably going to need to do another test run and actually take notes this time.
I am assuming you use the Petrify Grenade for the Guados in the Seymour and Wendigo battles. That seems fine. You could either use Rikku's OD for Hyper Nul All, which also gives you Cheer x5 effect. That can be quite helpful because it turns Tidus into a badass attacker in that battle. Let him talk to Seymour (skip the dialogue with the X button to make ti quicker of course) and then with Brotherhood equipped Tidus should really whoop'im good. Depending on his strength, Tidus could possibly knock out the boosted Anima with a normal Slice and Dice, and if it is not enough, then have Rikku throw a Poison Fang and Anima should hopefully be close to death. Did you get the Strength Sphere from the mandatory blitz match? And did you even use it already (or plan any use for it?). That would power Tidus even more up. He really is very helpful in this fight. Anyway, with Hyper Nul All (thus all Nul... effects) the third part of that battle should be easy. I have no idea how well OD modes should be chosen for this battle though because you probably will not fill it in any way unless you take Warrior or something else that you probably don't get in a speedrun.
I suggest you look at Essentia's current segmented run as a reference.  Most (but not all) of the strategies in this run will be similar to the ones in Essentia's run.

In the specific case of the Seymour battle, the plan is for Kimahri to self-destruct to end the first phase after Seymour's third turn, and then Yuna summons Shiva to use Diamond Dust on Anima twice and Seymour once.

As for anything strength-related, all physical attacks by party members after the Extractor battle will either deal 9999 damage (via Trio of 9999) or an unimportant amount of damage (usually to make Rikku use her turn without defending so she can fill her OD).  The Strength Sphere was used on Tidus for the Extractor battle, but that's the last use he's getting out of that +4 strength.
Yeah it has been ages since I looked at Essentia's run. Basically I totally forgot about Self-Destruct. If there are any HP Spheres, then Kimahri should profit from that to make Self-Destruct more deadly. Should have thought more about the old tactics I had when I did my first NSG Challenge. That's when this stuff still was useful until I banned them for being too cheap in later challenges.
Long time lurker, first time poster here. I have been working on a single segment run of this for casual purposes for a while, my best time being 11:10. Just had a few questions and a comment for anyone willing to help out. I have been mostly using strategies from Cara's SS run.

First off, how do you plan out Kimarhi's AP pre Sinspawn Gui? It seems that 50% of the time he will have enough and 50% of the time he wont have enough to get to steal.

Secondly, how do you go about planning out speed spheres for the run? I know that distillers on the ship make it easier but I have had runs where I need to distill 6-7 at that point. Is there anywhere convenient to farm them earlier?

Lastly, How would you adapt a run that Biran and Yenke drop Friend spheres instead of return spheres? I had this happen to me the other day and it totally screwed up my run.

Also a comment on wobbly chocobo. Have you ever tried the strat of just holding left or right and bouncing off the wall till close to the finish? I have yet to fail it this way and always end up with ~1 second to spare.

Thanks to anyone that helps!
As long as Kimahri gets AP from 3 Mushroom Rock battles and all the arms on Gui, he will always have enough AP.

Killing stuff in Kilika is for speed spheres as well as getting AP for early Haste.

If both Biran and Yenke drop Friend Spheres, that is just insanely bad luck, because that is two rare drops on the same battle.  I don't really plan for it, because it so rarely happens, and it's never happened to me on an actual attempt (yet).

I've never really tried doing that on Wobbly Chocobo, but I don't fail it too often doing it the normal way.
Segment 19 is complete.  Finally got the critical Spiral Cut and killed Extractor before it went up for Ready Depth Charges.  Not much else to say about this segment.

Segment 19 time: 5 minutes 40 seconds | 314 attempts

Save at Moonflow - North Wharf [4:36]
Claimh Happy
Cara forgot to mention that he also got a fairly strong crit with one of Tidus' normal attacks, eliminating the need for Wakka to do one final attack after Spiral Cut (Overkill by about 300 damage, the normal attack crit was about 800).

Edit: the overkill also earned him some extra AP, which unfortunately will not be helpful in any way Tongue
Weegee Time
Quote from mapler90210:
Edit: the overkill also earned him some extra AP, which unfortunately will not be helpful in any way Tongue

Run rejected for suboptimal use of AP. Tongue
I also thought I might have gotten an open slot weapon for Kimahri, but unfortunately it was just Piercing + Waterstrike with no empty slots.
Segment 20 is complete. I managed to get only 1 encounter on the road to Guadosalam, and a pre-emptive strike at that.  Then, after sitting through more than 20 minutes of cutscenes, I got to the Thunder Plains save sphere without getting another encounter.  This segment was basically perfect.

Segment 20 time: 27 minutes 30 seconds | 11 attempts

Save at Thunder Plains - South [5:03]

Segment 21 is also complete.  I wish I had gotten more overdrive on Yuna/Rikku, but since I got the Petrify Grenade and only 4 encounters, I went with it.

Segment 21 time: 5 minutes 39 seconds | 21 attempts

Save at Thunder Plains - Agency [5:09]
FYI, a Japanese runner named ソラ , translated as Sora, set a new RTA record today; 11:01:44 using their timing.  My record using the same timing is somewhere around 11:05:28.  However, they also do not skip the intro cutscene, which would technically add about 2 minutes to my time.  The run was done on the Japanese International version as far as I can tell; I do not know whether this version runs any faster than the original NA version or not.

I finally managed to find a way to view the video by getting a premium nicovideo membership, so I am going to watch it this week and take notes, to see what improvements I can make to my run.
Professional Second Banana
I've never played FFX International, but my copy of Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+ (Japanese rerelease of the game with some gameplay changes and extra content) has noticeably faster load times than the North American version of KH2.

I'd recommend synching one of your videos and the RTA at the start of a block of cutscenes or something else consistent between the 2, to compare load times.

Have I mentioned I really hate how Square/Square-Enix games count load times on the in-game timer.  Angry
oh, if anyone else has a premium nicovideo account, you can watch the run here:

Part 1:

Part 2:

You may have to join the "community" first in order to watch it, which you can do here
Japanese RTA timing starts from power-on, I'm guessing?
My feelings on The Demon Rush
Reiska, it depends on the game, but according to Sora's notes, the timing for FFX does start at power-on.
Caracarn the run is no longer up and also you had to watch it when it was up to see it. Its no longer available.