I'm home with a cold so I figured I'd play around some with the data from your segment 18 attempts yesterday.
Your average number of steps between each encounter was 17.7 steps.
There doesn't seem to be any correlation between where you are in the map and how many steps you can take before getting into a fight, so it's even chance along the entire path.
Your worst attempt indicates that the game does not try to even out the time between encounters overall, so there seems to be an equal chance at getting into an encounter after a certain amount of steps.
The chart shows the steps between each encounter and either ends at the 8th encounter or at the end of that screen.
Looking at the line of the steps in Essentia's segmented run you can see that there's no reason to become hung up about getting 1 or 2 encounters before the Ronso cutscene since you actually had 3 in your best whereas she only had 1, but you still got 7 encounters compared to her 8.
Essentia needs 166 steps to finish that screen whereas your average is around 160. The reason she gets that 8th encounter is because of the hiccup right after the chest where she took 4 extra steps. Without these she would very likely have had 7 encounters too.
Your average number of steps until an 8th encounter was 142 steps. Since you need 160 steps to clear the screen you've been pretty close to barely avoiding 9 encounters for many of your attempts. This means that the chances for getting only 7 are in the lower percentile, but you already knew this.
What we could get out of this, is that as soon as you've had 3 encounters that were below the average number of steps, you can safely reset as the chances of finishing that part with only 7 encounters are then too low at that point.
Your average number of steps between each encounter was 17.7 steps.
There doesn't seem to be any correlation between where you are in the map and how many steps you can take before getting into a fight, so it's even chance along the entire path.
Your worst attempt indicates that the game does not try to even out the time between encounters overall, so there seems to be an equal chance at getting into an encounter after a certain amount of steps.
The chart shows the steps between each encounter and either ends at the 8th encounter or at the end of that screen.
Looking at the line of the steps in Essentia's segmented run you can see that there's no reason to become hung up about getting 1 or 2 encounters before the Ronso cutscene since you actually had 3 in your best whereas she only had 1, but you still got 7 encounters compared to her 8.
Essentia needs 166 steps to finish that screen whereas your average is around 160. The reason she gets that 8th encounter is because of the hiccup right after the chest where she took 4 extra steps. Without these she would very likely have had 7 encounters too.
Your average number of steps until an 8th encounter was 142 steps. Since you need 160 steps to clear the screen you've been pretty close to barely avoiding 9 encounters for many of your attempts. This means that the chances for getting only 7 are in the lower percentile, but you already knew this.
What we could get out of this, is that as soon as you've had 3 encounters that were below the average number of steps, you can safely reset as the chances of finishing that part with only 7 encounters are then too low at that point.