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Caracarn: 2011-11-04 05:20:34 am
I am in the midst of writing comments for my single segment run, but I will give a couple more segments of planning for the segmented run.  This is only a rough draft so things could change.

Segment 3 - Get back-to-back rare steals on Klikk and use 2 of those Grenades on it. This would leave me with 3 Grenades after this battle.  The first pirahna battle is pretty much unavoidable, especially when doing it after an already extremely luck reliant part.  Steal one Grenade on those Piranhas (4 total). Save at the Underwater Ruins sphere.

Segment 4 - Use a Grenade on the forced Piranha battle here and get 4 Speed Spheres (3 Grenades left).  Get a rare 3x Grenade Steal on Tros and kill it with 6 Grenades. Getting a crit grenade would be a bonus, but it's not very likely to happen combined with a rare steal. However, if that turns out to be easier to manipulate than back-to-back rare steals on Klikk, I might just do that and only steal 3 Grenades on Klikk instead. Save at Besaid Beach.

Now, the one thing I have not factored into these segments yet is Tidus' Overdrive getting filled; because I am not sure yet whether I am going to need Slice and Dice or not.  If I can find a BFA strat that doesn't require Slice and Dice, it would make this process so much easier.
Obscure games ftw
Looks like each segment is going to take hundreds, if not thousands of attempts.
If wish you the best of luck on this, and hope your patience holds up.
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Caracarn: 2011-10-27 07:02:54 pm
Thousands of attempts I am used to from running Final Fantasy II.  However, most of those attempts lasted less than a minute, while FFX attempts can take over 10 minutes each :p

Like I said, this will be a very long process, so don't expect to see a finished product anytime in the near future :p

Also, I have not decided yet whether I will be streaming my segmented run attempts or not.  I am leaning towards no though, because not only will it be incredibly boring to watch, but I need much more concentration when doing a segmented run.  Single segment I need concentration too, but having people watching it makes the 11 hour stretch more bearable.
Professional Second Banana
That's generally been my attitude when working on segmented runs too - the 1 time I streamed attempts I felt too much pressure to move on past the 3 minute segment (and keep it entertaining for the viewers) to stick with it until I got it right.
Essentia's segmented run gets a Chocobo Wing (rare steal) in the Sanubia Desert, so I'll assume that's viable for you as well.  In that case, I'm fairly sure it's possible to defeat BFA at base agility without Slice & Dice or summons.
Getting a Chocobo Wing should be no problem.

You think I should go for not increasing anyones Agility at all? If that's the case, I guess I don't need to worry about the Speed Spheres. I get 4 from that battle fairly often anyway though.
I'm not sure yet.  I think Yuna might be able to use some agility against Pterya, but offhand I can't think of any other times you'd want more than base.  I guess this is something you can keep in mind as you plan the run.
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Caracarn: 2011-10-27 11:15:44 pm
One idea that im toying with, but I don't know how useful it will be, is getting the Special Spheres from Seymour and learning Flee on someone else, like Rikku and Kimahri, so Tidus can do a Steal and then someone else flees.  Or when it's a pre-emptive strike and Rikku goes first. Since Seymour will be a pretty luck reliant battle though, it will probably be really hard to get them.
Everything's better with Magitek
I'm curious, what's the strategy for defeating BFA at base agility without slice & dice?
We still need to figure that out.  I hope to start testing once I get my single segment run in the submission process.  I really hope it will be possible, because not having to use Spiral Cut will simplify planning immensely.
This strategy should work at base agility, with no aeons and no Slice & Dice.  It requires some luck, but less than in the current segmented run.  Time units are included for informational purposes.

0 Tidus: Talk
0 Yuna -> Kimahri: any rank 2 action which damages BFA (i.e., Use or Lancet)
0 Auron -> Rikku: Chocobo Wing
12 Rikku: Trio of 9999
16 Kimahri: Grenade
18 BFA: Tidus's voice seems to affect Jecht.
21 Tidus: Talk
32 Kimahri: Fire Gem
36 BFA: Jecht seems torn.
42 Tidus: Fire Gem
(42 pray that the pagodas don't start moving)
48 Rikku: Fire Gem
48 Kimahri: Fire Gem
It will be awesome if that works.  I am going to start the test run with that strategy in mind so that I don't have to worry about Spiral Cut.

I finished typing the comments for my single segment run, and I am encoding the run as I type this, so it should be up on the verification thread soon.
Quote from Nitrodon:
Defending with Tidus instead of changing weapon will have no effect whatsoever on how the battle goes (with the exception of damage dealt to Tidus, of course).  The only real difference is that it's faster to input "defend once" instead of "change weapon twice".

I just tested this, and for whatever reason, the tanker is taking 7 hits to knock down instead of 5, like it does when I change weapon on Tidus twice. I tested it several times to make sure I wasn't going crazy.
I looked more closely, and Tanker makes no sense so far.  I hacked a Hunter's Sword into my inventory, and it shows that Tanker's HP doesn't really decrease, so I am completely at a loss as to what causes the battle to end.
Everything's better with Magitek
Quote from Nitrodon:
36 BFA: Jecht seems torn.

So Tidus's Talk action will carry over to Jecht's second form, and he won't hit you with his sword?  That'd be nice!
I can confirm this from an older single segment strategy I had.  The difference then is that I had more Agility but no Chocobo Wing.
Edit history:
Caracarn: 2011-11-04 06:58:44 pm
Caracarn: 2011-11-04 05:19:26 am
First of all, my single-segment run is on the verification list now, so if you can verify, please contact Flip.

I am up to Guadosalam in my test run.  So far there hasn't been anything incredibly different from Essentia's run, as much of the improvements are going to come from better luck manipulation.  I did use Valefor on Chocobo Eater instead of Ifrit, to avoid having to see Ifrit's long animations; however, I have to refill Valefor's Overdrive on Mushroom Rock Road before Gui, which takes some time. Overall, I think it is faster; plus Yuna gets more AP than she would have from a Ragora.

Segment 5 - Get only 2 encounters of 2 Piranhas each and get at least 2 Mana Spheres. Save after praying outside the village (Right before Kimahri).

Segment 6 - Get at least 1 crit on Kimahri to beat him in 5 or less hits, before he does a 2nd Jump. Don't fail any Escapes on the 2nd Garuda.  I probably want to get good selling items here also, so I don't have to run to the 600 gil chest in Luca.  Since the Sin/Euchilles segment will be very luck reliant already, I can't really manipulate good items there. Save at the Beach.

Segment 7 - Add Cheer and +1 Strength on Tidus.
Hit the Fin with 2 Fires/Thunders before summoning Valefor. High-end damage will be enough to kill it without any Lancets. This should be fast enough to summon Valefor before Sin drags the ship the 2nd time.
Euchilles will be hard to manipulate crits on after the damage luck required for the Fin. I need to Overkill it with Spiral Cut when all 4 sinscales are on the screen to get the maximum AP and 6 Mana Spheres.Save at Kilika Woods.
One Cheer is enough to kill Echuilles, and I think no Cheers also works with some luck.  Of course, you want some additional luck if you plan to manipulate Mana Spheres from the battle.  (The below assumes you kill Echuilles after the fourth Drain Touch, but before the second Blender.)

4 Mana Spheres: 58.62%
5 Mana Spheres: 33.50%
6 Mana Spheres: 7.18%
7 Mana Spheres: 0.68%
8 Mana Spheres: 0.02%

From this, it looks like you can manipulate 5 spheres if the segment is otherwise luck-reliant, and 6 if it isn't.  More than 6 is more trouble than it's worth.

As for money, you want to make Geneaux drop a weapon, which sells for 512 gil (1 slot) or 768 gil (2 slots).  If you wanted to add more luck to the SS Liki segment, make sure that one or both of the equipment drops are armor instead of weapons.
Everything's better with Magitek
I thought the number of mana spheres dropped by Euchilles depends on how many sinscales are on-screen when you defeat him.  Anyway, that's the segment that has ~15 minutes of cutscenes at the beginning, so requiring more luck there can do weird things to your sanity. Wink  If you want to do it, though, more power to you!
Edit history:
Caracarn: 2011-11-02 03:57:25 pm
Caracarn: 2011-11-02 03:55:16 pm
Caracarn: 2011-11-02 03:48:40 pm
Caracarn: 2011-11-02 03:45:17 pm
About the Mana Spheres, since I am refilling Valefor's Overdrive on Mushroom Rock Road, I will get 2 Mana Spheres from that battle.  The most efficient battle I have found so far is Raptor/Red Element/Funguar.  Tidus kills the Raptor, Valefor kills the Red Element, then the Funguar, and it's Overdrive will be filled assuming it doesn't die (it gets pretty low on HP). Most of the other battles I tested, Valefor either dies, or takes too long to kill everything, or doesn't get it's Overdrive filled.  For reference: I have 8 Mana Spheres in the middle of the Thunder Plains on my test run, and I have used 5, so I have gotten 13 total so far.

I really had no idea about how many spheres Euchilles drops; I never really paid attention to it in the single-segment run since I am never short on Mana Spheres on that run.  I usually Overkill it when there are all 4 sinscales on the screen on the single-segment run though.  I'm not sure I really need to get the max 41 AP on the segmented run though.

But as I said above, it's going to take a lot of luck to kill Sin's Fin before the 2nd drag, so I don't think I will be able to do much manipulation on Euchilles. If I do get crits, it will be a nice bonus though.

Oh, and about the sanity thing, I will probably just read a book during the unskippable cutscene segments.  I never get around to reading as it is, so now I will have a good reason to :p
Sorry, that was me being stupid.  I didn't notice that Sin's fin drops Mana Spheres, and I've seen 6 Mana Spheres once or twice, so I just assumed the Sinscales' uncommon drop was 2 Mana Spheres or something.  You'll actually get 6 Mana Spheres if you kill Echuilles at the right time, and 4 otherwise.
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Caracarn: 2011-11-04 07:04:51 pm
I'm up to the No Encounters farming on my test run now, which is proving to be quite a pain in the ass.  At least I don't have to reset after 1 encounter for the test run, but it's still going to take quite a while.

Here are the next few segments of planning.  I really should have been writing this as I progressed in the test run, but I was a bit lazy.

Segment 8 – Add Flee on Tidus.
On the Ragora, Fire with Lulu and summon Valefor before it does a second Seed Cannon. When Valefor evades, it takes longer to do the next action, so I am not sure yet whether it is faster to evade both hits and not have to touch the save sphere, or to not evade either hit and touch the save sphere.  Make sure I only get 2 encounters in between the Ragora and the stairs.

Sinspawn Geneaux: Switch Tidus for Kimahri and Defend. Summon Valefor; Energy Blast, and Fire until dead. Get a 2 slot weapon. Save in the Temple, after Dona’s speech.

Segment 9 – Get minimum encounters on the way out of the jungle. (probably 3, not sure if 2 is possible). Save at Luca Stadium Main Gate.
Now, this is a very long segment which is mostly cutscenes, so I might combine Segment 8 and 9, but not if 2 encounters is possible, but rare. Also have to consider the possibility of ambushes.

Segment 10 – Sell items to O’aka until I have at least 3050 gil and then buy and equip Stunning Steel. Preferably, I want to take as little damage as possible from the machina so I don’t have to run to the save sphere. However, if I don’t touch the save sphere, Lulu might get into critical HP from Blitzball Rush, which will make her take longer to cast. In any case, I then need to get a Thunder Ball drop. Save in the Locker Room.
Quote from Caracarn:
Sinspawn Geneaux: Switch Tidus for Kimahri and Defend. Summon Valefor; Energy Blast, and Fire until dead. Get a 1 or 2 empty slot weapon. Save in the Temple, after Dona’s speech.

I know this is exactly the plan I convinced you to do last night, but check to make sure the AP works out before actually committing to this.  I know from experience that I tend to make mistakes with my AP planning.  I really should convince someone to make some sort of AP planning tool for this game at some point.

Also, I meant that those are the selling prices for 1 or 2 slots (i.e., Darktouch and [0 or 1 empty slots or Piercing]).  Geneaux will never drop equipment with 2 empty slots.
Edit history:
Caracarn: 2011-11-05 05:43:45 am
Caracarn: 2011-11-05 05:43:32 am
I have been doing some AP calculations, and I realized that Tidus will be 1 AP short of getting Flee after Euchilles.  I didn't realize this on my test run since I got an Overkill on a Condor.  In that case, I will either need to kill one sinscale on the ship, or get at least one Overkill on something up to that point (doesn't really matter what).  This also means that I definitely need to Overkill Euchilles with 4 sinscales on the screen to get the max AP from it.

Segment 11 – Equip the Thunder Ball. I need to get all three Blitzoffs and hold on to the ball as much as possible.  I then need to score with Wakka as close to the end of the game as possible, so the Goers don’t waste time. Save After the Finals.

Segment 12 – Since Tidus does not have the +1 Strength node yet, I need to do one Cheer so that both of them can always kill the Sahagin Chiefs in one hit.  The Garuda I am still not sure on how to make this battle efficient.  I obviously need to land Slow on the first hit, and I probably want to get at least one crit on Auron, as well as have it not counterattack many times. Save at Mi’ihen Highroad – South End.

Segment 13 – Get minimum number of encounters and get a Bomb to learn Self Destruct. Compile the Al Bhed Primers. Save at Travel Agency (right before Chocobo Eater).
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Raelcun: 2011-11-04 06:59:55 pm
We require more minerals
Doesnt winning against the Goers cause an extra cutscene as you're leaving Luca where Wakka hands the trophy off to the players? How much time does winning actually save, you only really win a strength sphere for winning so I doubt it's for that?