Everything's better with Magitek
I'm sorry to hear about it Essentia :\. Is it just bad luck or something?
Well, it's not so much bad luck (most of the stuff that depends on luck is near the end, unfortunately). Mainly it's just me making stupid little mistakes that cost a lot of time or get me killed.
Like yesterday--I got the furthest I've ever gotten on this run. I made it to the Floating Continent, and then got wiped out by Ninjas. It was my fault, though; I would have had enough time to use Joker Doom on them, except that I momentarily forgot I couldn't run away from them. So I tried to use a Smoke Bomb (which messes up Joker Doom), and then it was too late to do anything.
Speaking of brain cramps, I had a really big one against Ultros 3 (Crescent Island) yesterday. The battle is supposed to go like this: Strago uses a Thunder Rod, Terra morphs and uses a Thunder Rod, then Relm shows up and Sketches. However, for some reason I was thinking that I only needed to use the one Thunder Rod with Terra, so this is how it went instead:
"Okay, have Terra morph and use a Thunder Rod, and Strago, you defend since you have nothing better to do...Uh-oh, Relm didn't appear. I must not have done quite enough damage. All right, I'll have Strago use Aqua Rake...Oh duh, Kari, water heals Ultros! Let's see, Terra's strongest spell is Fire, so use that...Oh, that was pitiful, even less than Aqua Rake! Hmm, maybe I was supposed to use a Thunder Rod with Strago. Okay, Strago, use one...Uh, Relm still isn't appearing. Oh wait, I accidentally sold the Earrings that Strago's supposed to be wearing, so he's not doing as much damage as he should. Fine, I'll have Terra use another Thunder Rod (I just hope I have enough of them for later)...Finally! Okay, Relm, do your thing...RELM, HOW COULD YOU MISS!!!"
Yeah...Amazingly, I was still a minute ahead of my fastest run prior to this. I'm going to try again today. I appreciate the support from everyone, and I'm really hoping and trying to get this done soon, but it is difficult, so please have patience.