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Everything's better with Magitek
I'm sorry to hear about it Essentia :\.  Is it just bad luck or something?

Well, it's not so much bad luck (most of the stuff that depends on luck is near the end, unfortunately).  Mainly it's just me making stupid little mistakes that cost a lot of time or get me killed.

Like yesterday--I got the furthest I've ever gotten on this run.  I made it to the Floating Continent, and then got wiped out by Ninjas.  It was my fault, though; I would have had enough time to use Joker Doom on them, except that I momentarily forgot I couldn't run away from them.  So I tried to use a Smoke Bomb (which messes up Joker Doom), and then it was too late to do anything.

Speaking of brain cramps, I had a really big one against Ultros 3 (Crescent Island) yesterday.  The battle is supposed to go like this: Strago uses a Thunder Rod, Terra morphs and uses a Thunder Rod, then Relm shows up and Sketches.  However, for some reason I was thinking that I only needed to use the one Thunder Rod with Terra, so this is how it went instead:

"Okay, have Terra morph and use a Thunder Rod, and Strago, you defend since you have nothing better to do...Uh-oh, Relm didn't appear.  I must not have done quite enough damage.  All right, I'll have Strago use Aqua Rake...Oh duh, Kari, water heals Ultros!  Let's see, Terra's strongest spell is Fire, so use that...Oh, that was pitiful, even less than Aqua Rake!  Hmm, maybe I was supposed to use a Thunder Rod with Strago.  Okay, Strago, use one...Uh, Relm still isn't appearing.  Oh wait, I accidentally sold the Earrings that Strago's supposed to be wearing, so he's not doing as much damage as he should.  Fine, I'll have Terra use another Thunder Rod (I just hope I have enough of them for later)...Finally!  Okay, Relm, do your thing...RELM, HOW COULD YOU MISS!!!"

Yeah...Amazingly, I was still a minute ahead of my fastest run prior to this.  I'm going to try again today.  I appreciate the support from everyone, and I'm really hoping and trying to get this done soon, but it is difficult, so please have patience. Wink
Haters gonna hate
You're trying to single segment a FF game, I'm sure everyone here appreciates how difficult it must be!

I'm not sure I'd describe my current position as "patient", but definitely understanding.  Still pulling for you, do it to it!
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-05-24 01:50:05 am
Everything's better with Magitek
Made it to the Ice Dragon today...
(time was 4:21)
Why are you trying to fight the Ice Dragon?
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-05-24 03:07:30 am
Everything's better with Magitek
You win a Force Shield from him, which increases M Block by 50% and is needed in order to survive Kefka's Tower (or at least make it much more likely that I'll survive ;)).
Oh.  Well, Djibriel's FAQ suggests casting Berserk on the Ice Dragon followed by summoning Phantom.
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-05-24 03:46:10 am
Everything's better with Magitek
My plan was to Vanish/Doom him, but he killed Celes before she could cast Vanish, and then he wiped everyone out with Absolute 0.  It wasn't until afterwards that I realized I should have tried Joker Doom after he killed Celes--that would still have killed him in one round...
Everything's better with Magitek
Sorry for the double post.  I tried again today and made it to the IAF sequence, but I got wiped out when they decided to use Absolute 0 twice in one battle.  I might try one more time tonight (it's getting late, though, and I've got a headache), but if I don't get it tonight then it'll be another week before I can try again...(going to Disneyland--woohoo!)
Aku Soku Zan
I hated the IAF when I was testing low lvl tactics. Glad to hear you are still working on this. Have fun at Disneyland!
Everything's better with Magitek
Well, I tried again last night, and it ended at No. 128 (boss on the mine cart).  In a way I'm glad it didn't work out, because I had made a lot of little mistakes in it (lots of incorrect blitz inputs...) and it was 2 minutes behind my fastest time.  (Plus I would have been going until 4:00 in the morning...)  So unless I get some free time today (possible but doubtful), I won't be able to attempt this again until a week from Sunday.
the Watching Shadow
Wow xD.  I may be anxious to see this run but I can definitely be patient too :P.  FF VI is my favorite FF so yeah.

I think a week off might be good though, then you can come back to it with a perhaps more refreshed mind then otherwise.  Grin
Everything's better with Magitek
I think a week off might be good though, then you can come back to it with a perhaps more refreshed mind then otherwise.  Grin

True.  I think I was losing it on my last attempt because I'd been doing the same thing over and over for the past week--not to mention that my right thumb was suffering from severe nintendonitis. Wink  Maybe this week off will do me good.
Normally, I would use Mog against the Imperial Air Force.  Wind Song tears them a new one.

However, since this is a speed run, I assume summoning Siren would be the safe choice.
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-05-26 12:10:09 am
Everything's better with Magitek
Joker Doom is what I'm using on the IAF.  It's the quickest, and it's really not a hard strategy.  I was just unlucky this last time, because they used Absolute 0, then killed Setzer with Tek-Laser (as I was inputting Joker Doom), then did Absolute 0 again, which killed the others.  Normally if Setzer dies I'll still be okay, because I can kill them with Flash/Drill and Fire Dance, albeit more slowly, but that second Absolute 0 was just nasty.
Perhaps a way to deflect ice attacks?
I checked on that ahead of time for a low level game I was doing.  There's no equipment that reduces ice attacks obtainable at that time.
About how far into the game were you time-wise at that point, Essentia? 3 hours?
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-05-29 04:43:06 pm
Everything's better with Magitek
I can't remember exactly, but it was around 3:40.
(Sorry for the late reply--I'm on vacation in California right now, so I won't be on the internet much for the rest of this week.)
Everything's better with Magitek
Just thought I'd give a little update.  I'm back from my vacation now (Disneyland was awesome!), and I'm hoping to get a fresh start on some running tomorrow.  We'll see how it goes.
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-06-05 04:57:36 am
Everything's better with Magitek
Today was my first attempt since I got back from my vacation.  This was probably my best attempt yet (especially since I didn't mess up any Joker Dooms), but once again it ended at the IAF.  This was my fastest time yet; last time I checked it was 3:19 after Ultros #3.  I hope this means that I'm getting better. Wink

Edit: Triple post FTW! Wink
So you got nuked on IAF again? We should figure something out...
Aku Soku Zan
Keep it up! Maybe equipping Running Shoes will improve your chances at beating them? Just a thought. Good luck to you.
Edit history:
Essentia: 2007-06-05 09:25:40 pm
Everything's better with Magitek
I have 2 Running Shoes at that point, and I always equip one on Setzer.  Sabin has higher speed than Edgar, so I give Sabin the other Running Shoes in the hopes that he'll get his turn even quicker.

Anyway, I'm not really sure if there's much I can do about the IAF besides hope I get lucky.  I make sure that Edgar knows Cure before I get there, and I heal after every battle.  At full health, they can all survive Absolute 0.  Usually I can use Joker Doom before all the enemies get a chance to go.  I've just been unlucky lately with this part--I've made it through before.

I'm going to try this again in just a few minutes, so wish me luck, 'cause I'll definitely need it! Wink

Edit: Well, that attempt was pretty bad.  I stopped at the Cave to the Sealed Gate, because I had made so many mistakes.  I got "incorrect blitz input" against Vargas and the first battle at the Imperial Camp; the thing is, this has happened to me in all of my recent attempts, at those exact places.  I'm not exactly sure why--maybe I'm just thinking about it too much.  Tongue
Just call me the cynicism machine
Just type up a small route with notes on a piece of paper and keep it near you when recording.  If you ever feel like you don't know what exactly you're to be doing, just take a quick glance at the sheet whilst traveling.  FF6 has enough down time as it is, so you might as well keep your mind focused on what's coming up.
Just type up a small route with notes on a piece of paper and keep it near you when recording.  If you ever feel like you don't know what exactly you're to be doing, just take a quick glance at the sheet whilst traveling.

Agreed. An attempt maybe once every couple of days works too. Sometimes taking a break and coming back to it refreshes your mind and things come together a lot smoother. I can't count the number of times I've missed a jump/taken a hit at a bad spot, etc. and came back to a game a couple of days later and managed to do things better.

Besides, you're trying to beat an FF game in a single sitting in under 7 hours. We'll be patient =]