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100% runs=great to watch
Also just got done watching it, fantastic work.  I especially liked the rendering of bosses impotent and such.  With something like this in existence...all that is left is a 100% comparable to Inichi's Chrono Trigger or something to that effect and FFVI can be put to bed outside of perhaps the GBA game and what FEELS like a DS remake somewhere down the line in a couple years.
Yep yep yep!
Absolutely amazing work, Essentia!  An SS of FFVI was one of the few things I thought impossible.  Thanks for proving me wrong!
I'm addicted to games
Just wondering, what would a 100% run entail? Wink

I'd say having all 14 characters at the end of the game and collecting all espers.
hahaha~ That ought to be a riot.
Just call me the cynicism machine

I'd say having all 14 characters at the end of the game and collecting all espers.

What about all Dances, Lores, Rages, Blitzes, SwdTechs?
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Lucid Faia: 2007-08-19 10:41:42 pm
Yeah, I said it.
I'm busy working on DKC at the moment. When I'm finished with it, I'll check out this run.

What about all Dances, Lores, Rages, Blitzes, SwdTechs?

"All Rages" and "Speedrun" simply do not mix.
You got a deletion wish?
What about all Dances, Lores, Rages, Blitzes, SwdTechs?

I'm inclined to agree there (anything that ups your character's abilities).  Haven't watched this yet, but congrats Ess.
Everything's better with Magitek
With something like this in existence...all that is left is a 100% comparable to Inichi's Chrono Trigger or something to that effect and FFVI can be put to bed outside of perhaps the GBA game and what FEELS like a DS remake somewhere down the line in a couple years.

What about a segmented run?  I've contemplated doing one a little bit, and I've come up with some plans, but it would end up having more segments than my FFIX run. Wink

I was also thinking that 100% would include more than just getting every character and esper, in which case it would probably never get done.  *all rages makes me shudder*  If, however, it is simply getting every character and esper, it's something I might consider.  (Then the question would be whether to do it single-segment as well. ;))

And thanks to everyone who's watched it so far, whether or not you enjoyed it, because that's what I made it for!
100% runs=great to watch
All rages would seem kinda pointless.  But stuff that "involves" a bit like getting Sabin's Bum Rush from his master in that one obscure pare of the Ruined world seems like it'd make sense to me.

Or perhaps just think of it as all characters/story bits relative to the final ending or some such....all dungeons cleared, etc.
I'm addicted to games
What about all Dances, Lores, Rages, Blitzes, SwdTechs?

Well swdtech you'd get simply because of the esper.

As for the rest, like folks have said, rages is silly (who among us have even bothered to get all the rages ever?). And if we're not going to require rages, we can't really require any other character ability improvements.

Another possilbity is 'defeat all bosses' because otherwise you could skip magimaster and some of the monster-in-a-box. Not that you wouldn't just joker/vanish doom them all. Tongue

What about a segmented run?

How much faster would it even be compared to your current one? Aside from the veldt battles you couldn't run from, the one messed up joker doom and perhaps using lots of resets to reduce the number of random encounters you get, it seems like it wouldn't make much difference!
And if we're not going to require rages, we can't really require any other character ability improvements.

Though for the Bum Rush example (amongst others), is it not more like completing a side quest than just getting an ability?  Reuniting Sabin with his old master is not in the same league as getting Strago hit by a spell for blue magic is it?
Everything's better with Magitek
Two messed up Joker Dooms, actually...;)

Well, I was thinking about using desperation attacks on the earlier bosses (when you can't use Joker Doom).  That would take a ton of resets (which is kind of a discouragement), but it could save some time.  Also, I don't think you'd have to get both of the Force Armors/Shields, so you wouldn't have to fight the Ice Dragon or take a trip to the Fanatics' Tower.  You also wouldn't need to learn Doom before Ultros 4 (can do the reverse Joker Doom on him, but it's harder to do with only 3 people), so you wouldn't need to fight anything in the Cave to the Sealed Gate and could just use Smoke Bombs on all those battles.  So I think it would be different enough.

On the subject of 100%, all bosses sounds reasonable in addition to all characters/espers.  And yeah, Joker Doom would work perfectly. Wink
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DTaeKim: 2007-08-20 06:14:49 am
I agree with Radix about 100%, but I would like it if he clarifies Odin/Raiden and Ragnarok.
In a speedrun, what use would you have for the Ragnarok sword? It's faster to use Joker Doom as we all know.

And I would say get Raiden for the 100%. Odin has to go bai bai to get Raiden, that's part of 'getting' Espers.
Ragnarok grants 40% MBlock, which could easily replace a Force Shield or Armor.  Plus, it gives decent bonuses to speed.
sda loyalist
I really don't agree with that 100% definition; it would definitely be 'everything' if you ask me. Which is why there shouldn't be a 100% run.
Yeah, I said it.
I think dropping the "100%" thing now would prevent wasted effort and loss of sanity.
100% runs=great to watch
All "quests" (get everybody in Ruined World, do any "errands" prior or during, Bum Rush, etc) and dungeons beaten seems like it'd be the way to go...I mean, nobody in their right mind suggested getting all techs/items for the Chrono Trigger run back in the day.
Everything's better with Magitek
If there can be 100% for Chrono Trigger, why can't there be 100% for FFVI?

You know, I just realized that getting all characters would mean you would have to wait for Shadow on the Floating Continent...:(
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Carcinogen: 2007-08-20 08:26:40 pm
You could use that time to go grab a drink =P

Even so, a "100%" run would take about 10 hours. Better to segment that stuff.
Everything's better with Magitek
You know, a lot of my plans for a segmented run would work in a 100% run, since the WoR is where pretty much all the differences would be, so it probably wouldn't be worth it to do both runs.

Just wondering, if we include all bosses in 100%, do you define a boss as having the typical "boss music" when you fight it?  If so, would you have to fight Ziegfried on the Phantom Train?  (I think it has the boss music when you fight him, but I could be wrong.)

If I haven't forgotten anything, then for all bosses, there would be 6 more bosses to fight than what's required for all characters and espers: Hidon, Magi Master, Atma, Presenter, Katanasoul, and Master Pug.  But really, only Hidon would be far out of the way, so it wouldn't add too much extra.
Ziegfried does have the boss music.
I'd have to agree that a 100% run for this game is too hard, as 100% would entail skills (including rages) by definition.

The all bosses/all characters/all espers sounds more realistic, but then it seems like it's too open-ended and we could end up with more categories that would/wouldn't include certain items, skills, or whatever.

In either case, I wouldn't be too inclined to watch it; this run is just way too badass for me to even care about what other categories could be.
I don't know a lot about the specific technical details of the game. Can you fill me in on why you set the battle speed to slowest, and left it on wait (instead of active) mode? Does this not hurt your time?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I'm gonna guess it's because she's at such a low level for almost the entire game; slower battle speed, and wait mode would help her to win the battle or escape before dying.