Anyway, yesterday this idea was floating around in my head for a bit, and contemplated what to do in a run of it(I don't plan to run it, but it sounds a bit interesting to me.). There is a game-breaking glitch in the NTSC version, where items can be duplicated,(Pressing Up + A simultaneously at the Item section) and if this is allowed, the entire strategy can be altered drastically to include a mostly Scholar team, as their damage done with items is double that of other characters. Otherwise, spells to physical class changing might be useful.
A Thief and a Red/While Mage are required for a few parts in the game, as well. I'm also thinking of a potential route plan, but there's nothing I can think of yet. Feel free to toss around suggestions of other things.
A Thief and a Red/While Mage are required for a few parts in the game, as well. I'm also thinking of a potential route plan, but there's nothing I can think of yet. Feel free to toss around suggestions of other things.
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