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a run would be great to see, ive been wondering about it for awhile if anybody would want to do it. this is the first time ive been on these forums and im likely to be back alot more. unlike the chrono trigger run, its alot harder to lvl up, really, and some bosses are hard to beat at lower lvls or at least the ones in the beginning of the game. a good place to lvl up but only a suggestion because ive gotten to love it, is happy happy village with the blue cultist because they tend to call upon many of themselves and you get a good amount cant remember an approximate been awhile since ive played. ive beaten this game many times, never thought of a speed run and i wish i had the time, be great to see one though.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Not trying to be mean, but...

When I first saw the title of the thread, I was pretty interested. Then half a second later I saw the original poster and lost it all. Just saying, you come across as naively ambitious (saying you're going to just sit down and beat Red Scarlet's Super Metroid by playing better) and running EB is a project that would take a looot of work. Hell, there's a lot of interest in the online community, but even a TAS hasn't been done.
i like to watch.
Hell, there's a lot of interest in the online community, but even a TAS hasn't been done.

it would ruin the magic.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music

it would ruin the magic.

I empathize with you then. It must suck to follow this little community when Chrono Trigger, Crystalis, Gunstar Heroes, Mario 64, as well various Marios, Mega Mans, Contras, and half the site are ruined, heh.

I guess for now there's still various RPGs, shmups, and current-gen games to hide in.
i like to watch.
I empathize with you then. It must suck to follow this little community when Chrono Trigger, Crystalis, Gunstar Heroes, Mario 64, as well various Marios, Mega Mans, Contras, and half the site are ruined, heh.

um. some games lend very well to being played for speed. mario games, for example. some games do not.

(i place earthbound in the latter category.)
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
um. some games lend very well to being played for speed. mario games, for example. some games do not.

(i place earthbound in the latter category.)

Ok, I think I misinterpreted what you said the first time. I thought you were talking about TAS vs speedruns, when it seems you were talking about running EB to begin with.

I agree that EB is not conducive to running, but that would only increase my admiration if it were done.
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dessgeega: 2005-12-01 09:52:39 am
i like to watch.
Ok, I think I misinterpreted what you said the first time. I thought you were talking about TAS vs speedruns

oh no, i'm not one of those bigots.
Personal Text?
Earthbound is by far my favorite RPG, and though it's been too long since I've played it for me to suggest anything useful, any run of it would make me a very happy person.

Especially to be able to hear all the awesome music again  Tongue
Rock on, Earthbound. Rock on.
Earthbound is by far my favorite RPG, and though it's been too long since I've played it for me to suggest anything useful, any run of it would make me a very happy person.

Especially to be able to hear all the awesome music again  Tongue

[/pimping]Is this run still in development?  Lucid, how goes your current project?  Just curious about an update, since this is on my list of must-see future runs.
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dragonGOD: 2005-12-10 05:42:44 pm
Personal Text?
Sweeeeet Jesus yes!

Hahaha thanks for that, I've gone to OverClocked Remix before, but never noticed a full project for Earthbound (though I did get some of the other projects like Dark Side of Phobos and Relics of the Chozo).  Brilliant!
Yeah, I said it.
That's because Bound Together isn't an Overclocked project, which is funny, because it's better than any other Overclocked project I've ever seen.

As for my current project, I'll just say that it's coming along very nicely. Creative boss solutions, a major route improvement, and I'm regularly ahead of the record pace at each checkpoint. I just need to master the bosses for the second half of the game, and I'm set.
Rock on, Earthbound. Rock on.
What *IS* your current project, Lucid?  I know you were working on something a while ago, but is it still the same project, or have you moved forward since that update?  Glad to hear that it's going well, at any rate.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
That's because Bound Together isn't an Overclocked project, which is funny, because it's better than any other Overclocked project I've ever seen.

I myself have been saying the same thing. OCR in general, I can only stand the DKC compilation and somewhat the Super Metroid one as well.

What *IS* your current project, Lucid?  I know you were working on something a while ago, but is it still the same project, or have you moved forward since that update?  Glad to hear that it's going well, at any rate.

I think it's some PS FF game, but I'm not entirely sure.
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Lucid Faia: 2005-12-16 06:01:24 am
Yeah, I said it.
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, actually. Specifically, a single-segment full-game run with Alucard. I have a 50:20 on tape at the moment, but I'm debating whether or not to try for under fifty minutes.
100% runs=great to watch
That sounds like a great run for SotN!  Did you ever get a chance to watch the 100.1%(IIRC..low decimal) with Alucard that stops right after he enters the inverted castle that is on vortiginous?

And good luck to all fiddling with the Earthbound should be quite a treat to watch.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Castlevania: Symphony Of The Night, actually. Specifically, a single-segment full-game run with Alucard. I have a 50:20 on tape at the moment, but I'm debating whether or not to try for under fifty minutes.

The day the current run is replaced will be a happy day indeed...
Yeah, I said it.
The day the current run is replaced will be a happy day indeed...

Heh. Why's that?
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
Heh. Why's that?

Because as much as I remember, it sucks, he doesn't do any of the sequence breaks, and the only thing he has going for him is the lucky Cass. Persona's first castle run is much better, although it's a different category: 100%.
I myself have been saying the same thing. OCR in general, I can only stand the DKC compilation and somewhat the Super Metroid one as well.

I don't really consider the Super Metroid one to be a real OCR community project since over 11 of the songs were done by the same person, I think.  The Kong in Concert meanwhile was brilliant (Minus the "Funky Monkey Love" or whatever Candy Kong's theme is, as well as the Boss one which seems kinda "Feh"). 

... Yeah, I got nothing to contribute.
Yeah, I said it.
Because as much as I remember, it sucks, he doesn't do any of the sequence breaks, and the only thing he has going for him is the lucky Cass. Persona's first castle run is much better, although it's a different category: 100%.

I know he gets the Spike Breaker; I skip it. He gets the Leap Stone when he's supposed to; so do I. In a pure speed run, with my route, putting it off until later costs nearly as much time as it saves, to the point where I'd rather just go with what I know and worry about twisting the route around until a later day. I'm not sure I know of any other sequence breaks, as it pertains to a pure speed run.
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I usually like the more off-beat songs in compilations, and Funky Monkey Love is no exception. The ones I don't like as much are usually the "just another techno mix" ones.


I know he gets the Spike Breaker; I skip it. He gets the Leap Stone when he's supposed to; so do I. In a pure speed run, with my route, putting it off until later costs nearly as much time as it saves, to the point where I'd rather just go with what I know and worry about twisting the route around until a later day. I'm not sure I know of any other sequence breaks, as it pertains to a pure speed run.

Of course you know much more than me, but I can't imagine how wolf stomping could possibly not be faster, unless you know something I don't. Another sequence break is getting those knuckles via the hidden elevator instead of mist form. Do you do that? I'm not sure if that's faster or not though.

Sorry EarthBound, we hijacked your thread!
Yeah, I said it.
Of course you know much more than me, but I can't imagine how wolf stomping could possibly not be faster, unless you know something I don't. Another sequence break is getting those knuckles via the hidden elevator instead of mist form. Do you do that? I'm not sure if that's faster or not though.

Sorry EarthBound, we hijacked your thread!

I might have overlooked something, as far as the Leap Stone goes. It's certainly possible. I'll do some tests on it.

I do get the Jewel Knuckles, but not until I have the Form Of Mist and am on my way to the Silver Ring. Taking the elevator route takes about thirty seconds more than getting it with the Form Of Mist, and though the run would be easier, I can't see getting the Jewel Knuckles earlier saving me the thirty seconds it would cost to get them.

I also collect the Claymore (for the Darkwing Bat) and the Moonstone, both of which are not out of the way at all, and the Holy Rod, which is slightly more complicated to get to if I don't have the Leap Stone. In the Inverted Castle, I grab Luminus (it's practically directly on my path), and the Dragon Helm and Alucard Sword (I figure they save about as much time as they cost, they make a huge difference in the final battle).

If I change anything, equipment-wise, it will be reevaluating whether I need to get the Luminus or not (I only use it against one boss), but skipping it will only save a few seconds. The one thing, besides correcting mistakes, is deciding when to get the Leap Stone.
i like to watch.
you know. you could start a thread.
Extreme luck abuse with the Casey Bat might speed things up endgame, but 25% accuracy would make it take a ton of tries. Now feel free to resume Castlevania discussion.
Yeah, I said it.
I started another topic for SOTN.

As for the Casey Bat... this is a preliminary statement without me having actually trying this, but I don't think it's worth it. It's the strongest bat in the game, but whiffing 3 out of every 4 swings is just terrible. Sure, it'd be nice if you got a Smash hit with it on something, but it's completely unreliable.