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Not a walrus
Quote from Shaokhan:
Is this ever gonna finish? any time soon?

If you want to encode the files yourself with Yua and reupload them that would speed things up, otherwise you'll have to wait for nate and his plate is pretty full right now. I've reactivated the Final Encodes key.
LotBlind: I know, that's why I'm asking.
new files are up.
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2014-04-15 12:44:28 pm
LotBlind: 2014-04-14 11:27:51 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-14 11:05:55 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-14 10:58:51 am
Spasibo bolshoe nate! That's Russian for thanks a lot! Don't ask why I needed to say that in Russian though.

Will start watching them straight away actually.

EDIT: So this isn't actually all of them is it? Missing stuff like all the 8th missions on easy... Is this meant as a temporary upload? It's going to be a bit confusing... Shao, maybe you and nate should discuss what's still missing. There's also several files in the "new" folder that aren't really supposed to be there including some of the hard difficulty runs that were already verified. I see there's a little snippet left of Atreides 7 hard for example. Is that just to remind us that that one is the same as before?

Yeah so this should probably be cleared out. I'll just watch the improved hard difficulty ones in the mean time.

EDIT: The aspect ratios are also wrong in about half of these new files. It's the same wrong ratio though.
Heavy Metal Powered
There's several other Harkonnen missions missing (Easy).

According to Shaokhan's list they were uploaded, were did they go?
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2014-06-12 11:28:12 am
LotBlind: 2014-06-12 11:27:57 am
LotBlind: 2014-06-11 10:12:31 am
LotBlind: 2014-06-05 11:07:29 am
LotBlind: 2014-06-03 12:21:29 pm
LotBlind: 2014-06-01 08:49:22 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-31 10:57:36 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-31 09:37:43 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-05 12:26:36 pm
LotBlind: 2014-05-03 09:56:04 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-26 09:30:49 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-25 01:35:37 pm
LotBlind: 2014-04-23 11:38:02 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-23 11:37:40 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-22 01:21:49 pm
LotBlind: 2014-04-20 02:13:25 pm
LotBlind: 2014-04-17 11:28:43 am
LotBlind: 2014-04-17 11:27:28 am


Just a general question out of interest: do the price fluctuations affect your choices a lot when placing orders in the starport menu?

There won't be a lot more specific questions even though I'm keeping on watching the rest of them.
Edit history:
Warepire: 2014-04-26 03:33:18 am
Heavy Metal Powered
Like LotBlind I decided to create a new post instead of continuing the old.

Audio: Good
Video: Solid black frames appears every now and then in some videos, enough to make some videos VERY annoying to watch. Previously submitted videos did not have this issue. Example in "(Faster)Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard)_HQ.mp4" at 1:18, early on during this second is such a frame. If this cannot be fixed I will have to reject some levels due to this unfortunately.

Improved missions:

Atreides - Mission 6, map 1: Reject on black frames video issue if they cannot be fixed, in this video it's annoying to the point that watching more than 2 minutes actually gives me a headache.
Atreides - Mission 9, map 2: Reject on black frames.
Harkonnen - Mission 9, map 1: Reject on black frames.
Ordos - Mission 9, map 2: Reject on black frames.

Will hold verification until issue has been reviewed. Attaching screen shot of example. For me such a frame occurs every 2-10 seconds in all of the above videos.
Edit history:
Warepire: 2014-05-31 11:09:40 am
Heavy Metal Powered
Attaching went well... I forgot some of the files, and can't add them to the previous post.

EDIT: Pictures removed as they are no longer necessary.
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2014-04-26 09:27:19 am
We must have drawn from different gene pools... I never even noticed the black frames until you pointed them out. Well, I can confirm they're there in those four videos.

So yeah, be back in a week.

PS. You should probably use the hidden tag for pictures.
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from LotBlind:
PS. You should probably use the hidden tag for pictures.

If I knew how (regarding uploaded pictures as attachments), I would.
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2014-04-26 09:58:44 am
Okay, yeah I don't know how to do that either. I don't think the forums support that. You can always upload them on imgur or dropbox of course as you probably know.
I messaged the guy about 3 weeks ago on YouTube. No replies. I wonder what's happening with him. I don't think we'll continue with the verification without hearing something from him. This thread shouldn't be deleted or anything of course.
Not a walrus
Alright, I've probably been more than a bit derelict in my duties here, so what do we need to get this run moving again?
Heavy Metal Powered
Figure out if the encoding problem I pointed out in the new set of files can be fixed (i.e. the black frames aren't in the raws). I am pretty sure the black frames aren't supposed to be black.

This was encoded by nate, maybe he's able to look at it.
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2014-05-23 11:39:12 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-23 11:26:08 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-23 11:17:16 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-23 10:11:59 am
No, those frames do look like artifacts, but then there's much worse problems with the A/V elsewhere (see this one for instance

The main thing is we haven't heard from the runner in ages. He's going to have to redo a few of the missions I think so... I'm going to continue with my verification only after hearing from him. Sad

Oh and entire missions are still missing: where's all the 8th missions on easy for instance? We have to find out whether those were ever submitted and at point did they vanish?
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from LotBlind:
Oh and entire missions are still missing: where's all the 8th missions on easy for instance? We have to find out whether those were ever submitted and at point did they vanish?

They were submitted. I forgot about those, that needs to be resolved as well.

Edit history:
Shaokhan: 2014-06-07 04:55:07 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-07 04:35:21 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-07 04:33:43 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-03 06:24:31 pm
Shaokhan: 2014-05-29 04:30:00 pm
Shaokhan: 2014-05-29 04:19:10 pm
Shaokhan: 2014-05-29 04:17:49 pm
Shaokhan: 2014-05-29 04:16:07 pm
Hey guys, my mistake of not replying earlier here. I had a link for this topic, but did not notice it has also a page 2 Cheesy So there will be a lot to reply to.
I uploaded all that is on the list, whatever is missing, ask Nate about. The new upload should contain all the files that are subject to verification. What's wrong with aspect ratio? About the black frames, we call it flickering, it has nothing to do with encoding. I experience this since my PC upgrade during the game without any recording program running and there is no way I can fix this. Any new videos will have this. If this is unacceptable, then there is nothing more to review other than the initial upload & easy difficulty which was recorded in the past as well, excluding the second version of the maps. On the other hand, one of my subscribers noticed it immediately in my first video I uploaded like this, and no one complained since then.

The artifacts in came in the encode, so I would ask Nate about that. Also it is not so good to encode same video 2 times. I assume the upload comes as is to Nate without any encoding, so he can check "before" and "after" and try to reencode, if he lost the "before", then I can resend it.

Now about the content.
My micro improved because I did the initial videos after like 5 year break, now I've been playing a little for like 3 years with players and stuff, and you can see micro got better in multiplayer as well if you check it. I repair more, seems to work better, but it could turn into point where it is waste of time, as you are not attacking when you are sending to repair. On the other hand if you don't have big enough army, you would be sitting in base anyway. Need to find a balance, but overall I'd say it is pretty good thing to do in speedrun.

H9-1 - Ornithopter luck? Not really, just a lot of restarts.
32:09 - The MCV is a better choice. For 1, 2nd CY speeds up building production, for 2, it allows that base to be home one for shortcuts, so it saves a lot of time when deploying buildings. And it certainly does not work in a way that the faster I capture second base, the faster I win the game.
37:10 - Possibly, but I wanted to start cleaning the base as opposed to waiting for them to come and then go in. If you wait, they will build more units inside the base. I didn't have enough units to split, also I cannot see how much stuff he has in base. You need to have more units than enemy to have efficient battle trades. But sure, if I could save and load after the tough start, then I could optimize it and find the best route and take a lot of risks. And also I would be more motivated if someone did some missions faster than me. This is like fighting against nobody Smiley

Ordos 9-2 7:45 - This is actually proof how reviewing can be very deceiving, as impressive as it may have looked, it only gives about 150 credits, nothing else. The main cost of refinery goes for the harvester. Btw if you notice I cut the time in this mission by 15 minutes as per first attempt. This was a mission I felt most confident about improving play time. If I can improve time is something I can often feel from the match because I can see the unit exchange efficiency.

Atr 1-2: The delay before placing ref is less than 200ms, which is pretty irrelevant. If you click around, it will help you react faster once it is done. The harvester has to go to middle, because when it goes to a single spice patch and double spice patch is next to it, it will automatically go harvest the double one, so there isn't effectively enough single patches to skip all doubles.

Atr 3-2: Of course, for 1, you lose spice, for 2, as already stated the refinery gives you only about 150 credits, so messing with silos doesn't make much sense. If anything, mess with harvesting patterns, but that is quite boring to be fair. You can do that and beat my time if you want Tongue

Atr 6-2: 1:50 - No point, it will fly over there until it deploys it and it cannot be destroyed either.
6:05 - My experience told me that CY was not in danger, it can take a lot more hits than from couple quads, it must have taken damage when I wasn't looking, was very surprised when it actually went down. What's important is the cashflow. If you get great money flow, then the drawback of losing yard means nothing. There is usually drawback when you get early harvesters. Makes up for a lot of restarts, but if you succeed you will be well on your way.
10:55 - That's called map control. You don't really want to use missile tanks against AI, they are made of paper. If you get turrets, you will have less tanks, then how will you defend harvesters? Also getting turrets not only prevents you from getting tanks, but you won't be able to repair them as you can't build everything at once including enough harvs, starport, caryalls, tanks, turrets, upgrade heavy, repair pad. It all needs to have synergy to have good mission times. Besides, Missile turrets are available only mission 7+
13:06 - Because the smuggler base contains Ordos starport that needs to be taken out, it also helps to take out production.

Atr Easy 5 - No idea what you mean, if you can do it faster, show me. Those 2 guys can die so easily you wouldn't believe. Fastest way to do this mission is for the engineers to not stop moving, but when you do that they will both always die.

Atr Easy 7 - Yes it looks good because it's on easy and there is enough money / units to keep production and split attacks. There are money issues on hard and you can get easily overwhelmed.

PS: Let me know if the missing and the most corrupted missions can be encoded or what shall I do?

UPDATE as per more questions:
Atr 9-1 easy: Selling was not the mistake, the placement was. They would both deteriorate. But I guess for speedrunning purpose keeping the winds there would not hurt, except 1 thing - loss of building space, which was I believe my reason to sell them. Also these missions are not 100m olympics. You do not want to cut the time by seconds, but by minutes, possibly by adjusted approach towards the whole mission and many repetitions. Like for example A9v2 Easy, I think I started off roughly about 18-20 minutes to begin with. Then I realized I need to cut it below 15 so I don't have to split video on youtube (there is a limit of video length 15 min when you create new youtube account that ends if you upload i think 10 or 15 videos which I didnt know), so I played it over and over and got 13 and half in the end. Same with H9v2 Easy, I started off with way over 20 min. You can try those missions and let me know how long it took you to do it Smiley Also if you take like Doom for example, you can see the fastest time is like different guy for each mission. If you do 1000 attempts on a mission, you will get some decent times, but it is hard to do it by everyone if you also need some skill like on Dune.

Hark 6-2 Easy: Not really, 6pool actually requires some units being produced. In dune multiplayer tournament games you could mass up troopers and rush in (kill enemy under 2 min) or sell CY and produce expensive tanks, so you will have like 2x more than enemy. To avoid what is in this video in multiplayer you can simply reduce amount of start units to 0.

Hark 9-1 Easy: Well, there is always more than 1 way to do it. However, the reason for sending engineer decision is that on the Easy mission there is a lot of units and cash available, so you can use tanks, which are faster, but less durable and with them you can take out the base quickly and not many units are attacking from other bases. While on hard, I'm not 100% sure how the AI works, but I think they can rebuild stuff including the turrets, and since I had just couple units in that base, having to fight extra turrets would certainly not help in that situation. It would reduce army size and it would be more difficult to cope with the reinforcements. So taking that yard down right away and sending MCV was clearly best option to me. As for the second point, in dune you never have enough cash, especially in multiplayer, even if you have 300k, you can then make a use of your harvesters to attack with. As for single, the game is just made that way after certain point you cannot spend the cash you earn anymore. That is not a failure of macro, but a sign of steady economy. If your economy is so so, you can lose couple harvs and get to 0 quickly. The refineries do not require my assistance to build, the game just does that, I only need to place it, which is fast and I dont need to be building anything else.

A3-2: Doesn't look that clear to me. The infantry is literally useless while killing buildings, as during the explosions they die massively. So I wouldn't really send the precious light factory units in front, as they will get attacked by base defenses. I tried that and lost horribly. Avoiding the harvester doesn't work either as the base defenses will go for the light factory units. Also tried massing only light factory units instead of infantry, but they are too expensive and it just took like 30 sec longer. The base defense looks as efficient as it can get as building second harvester is waste of money / time and when the only 1 dies, it will get redelivered as reinforcement. More units in the offense help exchange better. The way it was uploaded is the best solution I could find.
And 1 more update, I tried to micro more and avoided the harvester, but even then the mission took couple seconds longer. If you want to have nice micro with the harvester, I can upload the new one, if you want faster times, it would be the one that is already there. Check this out:
Heavy Metal Powered
If the flickering is caused by newer hardware having trouble with this game, then a staff-member has to review this and see if the flickering can be accepted. I'd vote for overlooking it if that is the case.
The reason I saw it so quickly is because I am very sensitive to flickering, if you look above LotBlind didn't notice it until I pointed it out, so not everyone will think of it. This might also be why only one person complained on YT about it.

I will wait for staff to review this flickering ordeal.
Not a walrus
Can you point at the video with the most severe (or at least close to it) flickering so I can review it?

As for missing files, which raws do not have a corresponding verification upload? I can probably just upload it myself, nate's pretty busy these days so it might be a while before he can get to it.
Edit history:
Warepire: 2014-05-30 05:46:03 am
Warepire: 2014-05-30 05:45:50 am
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from UraniumAnchor:
Can you point at the video with the most severe (or at least close to it) flickering so I can review it?

Any one of the ones marked "(Faster)" should be a good example. Example: (Faster)Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard)_HQ.mp4

Quote from UraniumAnchor:
As for missing files, which raws do not have a corresponding verification upload? I can probably just upload it myself, nate's pretty busy these days so it might be a while before he can get to it.

All the raws that use the wmv extension, after Atreides Mission 7, were not encoded.
There's also the case of the encode for "Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy)_HQ.mp4" having artifacts that the raw did not.
Edit history:
LotBlind: 2014-05-31 09:39:08 am
LotBlind: 2014-05-31 09:29:22 am
The next paragraph has more info about which ones have a bad encode:

IMO the flickering is not a problem as much as the other ones are: the "totally messed up video" one (also at least Atreides easy 3-1 and 6-1) and the aspect ratio one is also bad because you notice it immediately and it just looks squeezed. It's present in e.g. Atreides easy 1-1, hard 2-2, hard 6-1 and in a lot of others. I'll provide a full list later but can they be corrected?

Come to think of it, there's nothing preventing one from doing a segmented runs for each level (of course it's another huge project) as an idea.

I erased my no longer relevant comments now that you've replied to them. Harvester microing: this shows the clearest difference between your philosophy and the SDA philosophy. Of course it's trivial and uninteresting in itself to create a run for a mission this simple (talking about A3-2 hard) but at the same time when runners do even those trivial things optimally, it gives SDA its reputation for high standards. Reading your comments, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on the ones I thought may have been rejectable. Next I'll get watching the Ordos and Harkonnen missions that were supplied to us so far.

Khan: maybe you'd have the easiest time creating a list of missing encodes? They're in here under "new":
For some reason, a few of them are short snippets of ILs already submitted before.

Warepire: could you please delete the posts with the pictures in them now?
Heavy Metal Powered
Quote from LotBlind:
Warepire: could you please delete the posts with the pictures in them now?

Edit history:
Shaokhan: 2014-06-03 07:07:17 pm
Shaokhan: 2014-06-03 07:06:53 pm
Lotblind: Ok, so I updated my post before to reflect your current questions. The messed up videos - the raw files I have are fine. So can the mods say if they can reencode or even check the uploaded raw files or do I need to reupload? BTW, it may be possible that reencoding it will create exactly same artifacts, I don't know why it happens, but possibly using improper codec for Dune. The aspect ratio is valid. It is different to what it was before, but is valid. The new videos more reflect how you view it in the actual game. The issue with aspect ratio is in Dune you will never cut the black parts, but you can choose to have them on top/bottom or left/right. Before I used to record with Fraps, which created raw files that needed to be encoded. Now I use Bandicam that encode the raws during the recording, but there is obviously less options to choose from as far as encoding goes.

Harvesters: You have a valid point there and I could even possibly optimize it further, but currently I have school duties and no time for optimizations, that's why I was glad to upload at least the ones I did for now. You guys can postpone the release of this if you think it is a problem. I did not really think before that this would take over half a year to get sorted.

Missing files: Well according to the list I provided (I uploaded every single mission to have a complete batch), there is 40 files missing. Where did they get lost? Do I need to reupload them? I sincerely hope not. The upload speeds were horribly low.
Edit history:
UraniumAnchor: 2014-06-03 07:53:55 pm
UraniumAnchor: 2014-06-03 07:53:45 pm
Not a walrus
Ok, this is the list of all the files we currently have on the server:

Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 Hard.wmv (102013538 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (35444322 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (102013538 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (45088106 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (47463474 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 Hard.wmv (87871940 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (61191284 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (87871940 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (142356818 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (75730268 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 Hard.wmv (180646721 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (60154276 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (180646721 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (115011946 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (125954426 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 4 (Easy).wmv (126693294 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 4 (Hard).wmv (131486017 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 4 Hard.wmv (131486017 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 5 (Easy).wmv (67617368 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 5 (Hard).wmv (59424026 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 5 Hard.wmv (59424026 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 Hard.wmv (1143178675 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (490912346 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (1143178675 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (803326404 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (1080518336 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 7 (Easy).wmv (1120139160 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 7 (Hard).wmv (1263830346 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 7 Hard.wmv (1263830346 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 8 (Easy).wmv (1115156796 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 8 (Hard).wmv (1456188431 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 8 Hard.wmv (1456188431 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (758211746 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 1 - Hard.wmv (2180451995 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (2180451995 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (1149486536 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 - Hard.avi (1217013308 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (1217013308 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 Hard.wmv (100253094 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (35687332 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (100253094 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (46339722 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (39321828 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 Hard.wmv (210282613 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (183385754 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 1 (Hard).avi (107224726 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 2 (Easy).avi (89297832 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (210282613 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 Hard.wmv (506302477 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (216237540 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 1 (Hard).avi (199445336 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).avi (139906970 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (506302477 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 4 (Easy).wmv (363177900 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 4 (Hard).wmv (584181287 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 4 Hard.wmv (584181287 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 5 (Easy).wmv (661764402 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 5 (Hard).wmv (904148658 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 5 Hard.wmv (904148658 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 Hard.wmv (53469066 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (54612230 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).avi (25713494 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).avi (25364448 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (53469066 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 (Easy).wmv (957466656 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 Hard.wmv (1397430043 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 (Easy).wmv (830611608 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 Hard.wmv (1183682599 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (742552818 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 - Hard.wmv (2753589471 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (2753589471 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (1049216436 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 2 - Hard.avi (1369905228 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (1369905228 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 Hard.wmv (105962839 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (34085996 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (105962839 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (41380966 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (33732104 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 Hard.wmv (193784006 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (81933772 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 1 (Hard).avi (75697482 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 2 (Easy).avi (91172114 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (193784006 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 Hard.wmv (289462922 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (120846300 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (289462922 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (232532956 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (219412258 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 4 (Easy).wmv (146266474 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 4 (Hard).wmv (168119982 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 4 Hard.wmv (168119982 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 5 (Easy).wmv (192767304 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 5 (Hard).wmv (284490132 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 5 Hard.wmv (284490132 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 Hard.wmv (1216979436 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).avi (577651620 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (1216979436 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (973783936 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (794634996 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 7 (Easy).wmv (966679508 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 7 (Hard).wmv (1157297642 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 7 Hard.wmv (1157297642 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 (Easy).wmv (1179085040 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 (Hard).wmv (1540282185 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 Hard.wmv (1540282185 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 Hard.wmv (4000000 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (1137435734 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 1 - Hard.avi (1401719288 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 1 (Hard).avi (1401719288 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).avi (1152820404 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 - Hard.wmv (2892838949 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (2892838949 bytes)
(Faster)Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).avi (862234206 bytes)
(Faster)Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 (Hard).avi (1677435312 bytes)
(Faster)Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 - Hard.avi (1949139806 bytes)
(Faster)Dune 2000 Speedrun - Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 - Hard.avi (1686096190 bytes)

Which of these need to be processed and given to verifiers? Sorry that this is such a mess.
Edit history:
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:55:53 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:49:57 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:49:14 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:47:38 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:41:56 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:37:11 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:33:26 am
Shaokhan: 2014-06-04 04:31:55 am
UraniumAnchor: Ok, my suggestion is this. from here remove all files that don't have brackets (). So basically, keep just the folder "new" and move files to main directory. From the raw files(your list), if you look carefully, there are files with duplicate file sizes. So these can go, no need to have them twice. If you delete the ones without brackets, there shouldn't be any duplicates.

The only exception to this are these 2 raw files:
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 Hard.wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 Hard.wmv

Can you just rename them (not delete) to:
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 (Hard).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 (Hard).wmv

What you can also do, is make a separate folder for easy and for hard difficulty as it will make life easier for everyone.

And after all that is done, finally to what needs to be encoded (which wasn't encoded in the first place) - basically added to the files in the "new" folder:
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 8 (Easy).wmv (1115156796 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 8 (Hard).wmv (1456188431 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (2180451995 bytes)
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (1149486536 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (100253094 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (46339722 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (183385754 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (210282613 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (216237540 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (506302477 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 4 (Easy).wmv (363177900 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 4 (Hard).wmv (584181287 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 5 (Easy).wmv (661764402 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 5 (Hard).wmv (904148658 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (54612230 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (53469066 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 (Easy).wmv (957466656 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 (Hard).wmv (1397430043 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 (Easy).wmv (830611608 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 (Hard).wmv (1183682599 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (2753589471 bytes)
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (1049216436 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (105962839 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (41380966 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (81933772 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (193784006 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (289462922 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (232532956 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 4 (Easy).wmv (146266474 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 4 (Hard).wmv (168119982 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 5 (Easy).wmv (192767304 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 5 (Hard).wmv (284490132 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).wmv (1216979436 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv (973783936 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 7 (Easy).wmv (966679508 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 7 (Hard).wmv (1157297642 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 (Easy).wmv (1179085040 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 (Hard).wmv (1540282185 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv (1137435734 bytes)
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 (Hard).wmv (2892838949 bytes)

And the last thing to do is to wait for verifiers to advise which files need to be "reencoded" due to too bad quality. My strong suggestion here is, to use as little compression as possible as all these files have already been encoded once and they had initially over 10GB each longer mission and you are shrinking it to only 100MB. There is literally no surprise there are visual artifacts.

To verifiers: If I'm not mistaken, the list of new files should be following (recorded this year and end of last year, including missing ones, excluding easy difficulty recorded 2 years ago):
(Faster)Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).avi
(Faster)Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
(Faster)Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 - Hard.avi
(Faster)Dune 2000 Speedrun - Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 - Hard.avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 1 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 2 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 1 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 1 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 1 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 2 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 2 (Hard).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 2 (Hard).avi

And finally the Easy difficulty recorded 3 years ago (divided the lists like this, because there may be different encoding issues to the avi and to the wmv, although 3 of these are also avi):
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 2 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 4 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 5 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 7 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 8 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Atreides Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 3 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 4 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 5 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 6 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 7 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 8 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).avi
Dune 2000 Harkonnen Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 1 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 2 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 3 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 4 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 5 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 6 - Version 2 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 7 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 8 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 1 (Easy).wmv
Dune 2000 Ordos Mission 9 - Version 2 (Easy).avi