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I have a completed(unsubmittable) run in 7:43. I probably lost 6-7 due to bad luck/the game screwing me over. Here are some notes on this one.

-Opening through Japes 1.
I took out the jump around the gate think to enter the minecart game since its really hard to do consistently for me and it really doesn't save that much time.

I had the worst luckk with the fireballs on DK Arcade that I have ever seen. It seemed like they knew exactly where  I had to go and were hell bent on making sure I would never get there. On the GB round I got impatient once and got myself killed trying to jump over one of them instead of waiting a couple seconds.

Bad luck continued on Mad Jack as the switches seemed to appear at the worst possible place every time. Usually I get it to appear close by a couple times but not here.

Mechanical fish game was terrible. I actually pulled off the double-shot perfect 3 times and did'nt get credit for it once. This cost me about 50 seconds.

My lack of patience bit me in the ass again on the Stealthy Snoop. Hopefully next time I will understand that saving 2 Seconds isn't worth getting caught.

The worst thing that happened here was Lanky ending up one coin short of being able to afford Orangstand Sprint. Luckily there was a convenient one close by that I could grab.

In the game in the blast barrel course where you have to shoot the kremlings before they get to you I lost twice exclusively due to my Coconuts going through the kremlings as opposed to hitting them. I would say 90 seconds were lost here.

I managed to screw up glitching through the ice maze once. This was very aggravating since its so easy to get through I really shouldn't ever screw it up.

-Aztec 2
LOL no comment.

Fungi Forest and Creepy Castle both vent very well. The only issue is whether there is a way to stay at the top of the updraft after beating Lanky's Beaver Bottle long enough to get the GB without droppong back down. If someone knows a way to avoid having to float up a second time I would be very interested to see it.

Hideout Helm was fine except for DK's blast barrel game which I really suck at. I never had any problems with it on my old piece of shit TV but on the new 40 incher I just can't do it all. Interestingly enough c-up glitching is easier in hi-def.

Quote from leftysheroes:
Quote from Alko:
Lefty: I vote recording for bloopers Wink
Good luck on the run =3

Actually I need to find some way to stream one of these runs so all 2 of the viewers--

You'd be surprised how many people will watch that. :V
I'd love to see it, if i actually had a full video to go off of i would try to learn it myself Smiley
I would watch that totally. I was doing a segmented run that was going to be about 8:30 but I didn't get it past Gloomy Galleon. The 9:02 on SDA, I was 17 minutes ahead. It's still on my cartridge right now. But I see now I am no match at all for you guys.
Ready? Set...
Does anybody have a goal time yet? Tongue
Quote from C13:
Does anybody have a goal time yet? Tongue

Not sure but I can't imagine myself accepting anything higher than 7:35.
UPDATE: This run is "segmented" again since I'm out of vacation time and there is no way to fit in full DK64 runs in with my work schedule. Playing an hour or os after work is much more realistic. Frantic Factory was clearly the problem this week or more specifically DK Arcade. The worst thing is that I never mess up DK Arcade in practice yet I just can't get it right in a actual run. The biggest problem is the fireballs on the 100m. I don't know if its just me looking for excuses but they seem much more aggressive in the game than when you just play on the game in the secrets menu.

If anyone is interested, as I progress through each attempt I can post my times at the end of each segment. Here is an example of what it would probably look like.
Opening: 0.03
K Lumsy 1: 0.05
Japes 1: 0:24
Aztec 1: 0:36
Factory: 1:41

As a side note I will be doing a side project alongside this(time attacking Kid Chameleon levels). The last time I made a serious push to try to get this finished I was playing nothing but DK64 which wouldn't be a big deal for just a week as I just attempted but playing nothing but this everyday after work I would really be worried about getting burned out on this game again, which if that were to happen the chances are pretty much zero that it would ever get done so consider the side project my way of trying to avoid burning out on this game again.
Smiley waiting eagerly.

Agreed, can't wait to see the 100% tricks
If you are doing it segmented, remember that the game autosaves in many places. The old segmented any% route in this topic lost a lot of time because it didn't take full advantage of this, and I'd assume 101% may be the same way. For example, resetting after buying moves/guns/especially instruments can save anywhere from 15-25 seconds worth of cutscene depending on the situation/character. For example, the training grounds should look like this (assuming no FWG):

Seg 1:
Visit Cranky, exit and manually save
Seg 2:
Training barrels, there is an autosave after you leave the last one (ending here skips the few second cutscene)
Seg 3:
Learn Simian Slam, abusing the autosave to skip most of the cutscene that you would otherwise have to watch later
Seg 4:
Finally you can STVW escape

If I recall correctly (don't have the exact times with me anymore), this saves about 6-7 seconds omitting seg 3. Seg 3 costs some time, but not as much as the Simian Slam cutscene would cost later in the run. You'ld probably leave the training grounds at around the same time, but this time with Simian Slam already in posession.

I don't have time to go through the 101% route examining and timing things, but this kind of detailed segmentation should be looked into.
Most of these are good ideas but I will not be making an extra trip to Crankys to learn Simian Slam since the route passes Cranky in Japes and I don't need Simian Slam before then. I have a feeling that its probably faster to just accept the cutscene as opposed to reloading at DK's house again. As far as other savewarps;
- After getting banana camera
- After pounding dirtpile behind K Lumsy
- After trading in Key 1
- After trading in Key 4
- After trading in Key 8
- After getting Rareware GB.
- After completing each level.

It's interesting that you mentioned rdrunners run. I actually watched it very recently and assuming that minor glitches are allowed(c-up/STVW) for the purpose of getting certain GB's faster I honestly believe it can be beaten by 30 plus minutes and possibly more than a hour.
Learning simian slam and then re-entering Cranky's hut takes a bit short of 20 seconds (time it or watch manocheese's part 2 on youtube...that is with Diddy instead of DK but the difference in potion drinking times doesn't matter here). By contrast it takes a bit over 10 seconds to get to Cranky's autosave from DK's house. It is definitely worth adding that segment in.
Quote from RingRush:
Learning simian slam and then re-entering Cranky's hut takes a bit short of 20 seconds (time it or watch manocheese's part 2 on youtube...that is with Diddy instead of DK but the difference in potion drinking times doesn't matter here). By contrast it takes a bit over 10 seconds to get to Cranky's autosave from DK's house. It is definitely worth adding that segment in.

I usually get Simian Slam on the way to getting the rhino which ends up being 1 second out of the way. I actually buy Chimpy Charge here to since I need it to free Tiny and this is a much shorter trip for Diddy than visiting Cranky in Angry Aztec.
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Any updates on whether you'll be playing DK64 at SGDQ, RingRush? I remember you were posting about it a while back.
Edit history:
leftysheroes: 2012-03-29 06:08:36 pm
I actually had a interesting idea. I wonder if you quit and save immediately upon entering DK Isles for the first time if you can skip the video showing you where K Lumsys island is. That would save 5 seconds and allow complete optimization of the banana fairy island break-in. EDIT: not surprisingly this doesn't work

EDIT 2: Some progress made today(I actually got past Factory, it could have been better but I will take it and at least see what happens in Galleon/Caves. Here are the splits so far(just the times after  savewarping after finishing levels.)
Japes 1 (0.23)
Aztec 1 (0.33!)
Factory (1.41)

I actually did very good for the most part in factory. The factory room was as good as I have ever done it. As far as mistakes/bad luck go
- Break-in could of(and should have) been better. I did testing on the long jump method and found a way that got me in like 8 times out of 10 on average but it completely failed me here. I could go with the orange method but I've never been real consistent with that and you can get like 5 long jump attempts in for every 2 orange boost attempts.
- I got royally screwed on Tiny's shooting game. On the fifth shot I ended up getting it wrong even though I hit the right symbol square in the middle. For good measure the same thing happened on the 3rd symbol of the next attempt.
- DK Arcade wasn't very good. There was one death which was utterly retarded(it only cost like 45 seconds) and the fireballs literally chased me to the end of the earth in both 100m rounds.
- I'm not sure how it happened but when swinging across the vines towards the beaver bottle bonus game for Diddy he fell short. That has never happened to me before. Additionally the beavers just wouldn't go down the damn hole. I still beat it with time to spare but that game should really be 15-20 seconds faster.

On a bright note, I didn't mess up in the production room at. I even made the jump to the elevator platform with Lanky from where he gets his GB.
"I usually get Simian Slam on the way to getting the rhino which ends up being 1 second out of the way. I actually buy Chimpy Charge here to since I need it to free Tiny and this is a much shorter trip for Diddy than visiting Cranky in Angry Aztec."

But if you buy Simian Slam in the training grounds you can skip 20 seconds of cutscene (at the cost of 10 seconds). If you buy Simian Slam anywhere else you won't be able to reset to skip the cutscene. So no matter how fast it is anywhere else, it is beneficial to get Simian Slam in the training grounds.
Edit history:
Toes: 2012-05-18 06:59:19 pm
Toes: 2012-05-18 06:59:00 pm
Toes: 2012-05-15 10:15:32 pm
Toes: 2012-05-08 01:58:53 am
Toes: 2012-05-07 08:55:28 pm
Toes: 2012-05-05 02:53:09 am
Toes: 2012-05-05 02:50:00 am
Toes: 2012-05-05 02:48:30 am
Toes: 2012-05-03 07:34:21 pm
Toes: 2012-05-03 07:32:02 pm
Toes: 2012-05-03 07:31:57 pm
Toes: 2012-05-03 07:31:57 pm
Toes: 2012-05-03 07:30:46 pm
Toes: 2012-05-03 07:29:04 pm
Toes: 2012-05-02 06:29:17 pm
Toes: 2012-05-02 06:28:11 pm

DK64 No Major Skips newgame+ with resets


- talk to cranky
- training barrels
- STVW to exit training area
- swim to banana fairy island, get camera
- swim to K. Lumsy open japes, get rainbow coin behind cage
- get GB (1 GB) enter japes


- swing on vines to switch (5B)
- cutscene skip
- STVW  get GB (2GB)
- Roll out of bounds to DK blueprint (1 BP)
- get 5B on W3 and shoot balloon (20B)
- climb vine, swing on vines, take cannon, get GB (3GB)
- get 3 bananas, activate W2, get 3B, shoot balloon (36B)
- drop down shoot left switch, swing on vines, shoot middle switch, shoot right switch
- take cannon, get GB (4GB)
- kickjump to tree next to cannon, get 5B (41B)
- drop down, activate W4, get 9B on the way to cranky, shoot balloon (60B)
- tag diddy, buy simian slam and chimpy charge
- take W4, get blueprint (1 BP)
- STVW, swim into GB cage then walk to peanut switch cage
- backflip into room, get GB (5GB)
- enter portal, tag DK, feed bananas, get key (1 key)


- go to main area
- pound rainbow coin dirt, tag diddy, get coin, activate W1, buy guitar
- enter temple
- get 18B and play guitar (18B)
- get 7B on the way to tiny (25B)
- free tiny, get GB (6GB) exit/enter
- take W1, play guitar on top of llama cage
- get 5B on the way to cranky (30B)
- buy rocketbarrel boost, tag tiny, activate W3
- get blueprint (1 BP) get 10B on the way to W3 (10B)
- activate W2, take W3, tag DK
- buy baboon blast, strong kong, shoot 2 balloons (20B)
- play baboon blast, get 4B and shoot balloon behind temple (34B)
- enter temple, free lanky, get GB (7GB) exit/enter
- shoot switches, use strong kong to get 10B and blueprint (44B) [b](2 BP)
- go back and take W1, climb trees and get 15B (59B)
- get 3B and GB in front of llama cage (62B) (8GB)
- tag diddy, use rocketbarrel boost to get blueprint (2 BP)
- drop down and get 5B on W2 and shoot balloon (45B)
- take W2, get 3B on stairs (48B) take W3, enter portal
- feed scoff with tiny, then DK, then diddy
- fight boss, get key (2 keys)


- leave lobby
- take W2, tag DK
- moonkick to caged GB (9 GB)
- activate W4, enter factory lobby
- tag lanky, enter factory


- get 5B from W2 (5B)
- hit switch
- activate W1, go to production room, hit lanky's switch
- go to chunky room, climb pipe and get 5B, free chunky (10B)
- get GB (10 GB), hit switch next to boxes, head to cranky, get 5B (15B)
- buy all moves available and all instruments with each kong and end on chunky. shoot balloon with DK (10B)
- tag chunky, get 5B on W1 (5B)
- primate punch gate, get rainbow coin(maybe), punch switch
- get 15B and GB without pounding switch (11GB) (20B)
- tag tiny, get blueprint, take W1 (2 BP)
- get 10B on way to block room (10B)
- mini monkey into shooting room and get 10B and GB (12GB) (20B)
- tag chunky and get blueprint (1 BP)
- tag lanky and float into minigame, get GB (13GB)
- enter R&D room, collect 13B and get piano GB (14GB) (23B)
- get blueprint (1 BP) tag DK
- get balloon and drop down to shed (20B)
- enter shed, pull lever, get GB (15GB) and 15B (35B)
- leave shed, do baboon blast, get 20B and lose (55B)
- tag diddy, go to production room
- get 8B and blueprint (3 BP) hit switch (8B)
- take shortcut up middle, activate W4
- tag tiny, shoot balloon, tag diddy (30B)
- get 10B and get GB (16GB) (18B)
- tag lanky, shoot balloon (33B)
- get 15B and GB (17GB) (48B)
- climb back down the pipe and tag DK
- get blueprint (3 BP) kickjump back up and tag chunky
- fall down and pound switch, take W4
- get 10B and GB (18GB) (35B)
- jump to tag barrel, tag DK, drop down and enter conveyor belt room
- get 15B and GB (19GB) (70B)
- exit room and get 4B on the way to portal in chunky room (74B)
- feed scoff with all kongs and end with tiny, enter with tiny
- get key 3


- tag chunky, punch box
- tag tiny, get blueprint (3 BP)
- tag DK, pull lever and get GB (20GB)
- take W2, moonkick into caves lobby
- tag chunky, punch both walls
- tag DK, get GB without strong kong (21GB)
- tag lanky, get blueprint (2 BP)
- enter caves with lanky


- get 5B, tag chunky (5B)
- get 5B on W2, activate W1 (5B)
- punch wall on the way to cranky, buy all moves available ending on tiny
- fall and activate W4
- get 4B in water, go to ice castle (4B)
- tag DK, get DK blueprint (4 BP)
- tag Chunky, get 13B and place rock on switch (18B)
- tag lanky, hit switch and inter game room, shoot balloon and leave (15B)
- float to W5, get 20B and blueprint (3 BP) (35B)
- jump down towards tag barrel, tag diddy
- get ammo belts, take rocketbarrel and get 10B and GB (23GB) (10B)
- fly to tag barrel near tiny's blueprint
- tag lanky, drop down and shoot balloon at waterfall (45B)
- tag tiny, get blueprint and shoot balloon (4 BP) (14B)
- float to 5 room shed, tag diddy
- do upper room. get 15B and GB (24GB) (25B)
- do lower room. get 10B and GB (25GB) (35B)
- tag chunky, open his room. get 20B and GB (26GB) (38B)
- tag DK, get 5B and open his room. get 5B and GB (27GB) (10B) *use up all of your homing ammo when you've killed all of the bees*
- tag tiny, open her room. get 10B, shoot balloon an get GB (28GB) (34B)
- backflip up to top floor, take W5
- fly to mini monkey barrel, enter cave
- shoot balloon and use monkeyport (44B)
- get 5B and GB (29GB) (49B)
- monkeyport back, take W4
- go up to cranky, tag chunky
- get 11B and place rock on switch (49B)
- tag DK, shoot balloon, get 8B and tag diddy (28B)
- fall onto W4 and get 5B (40B)
- get 5B and blueprint, take W4, shoot balloon (60B)
- swim to 5 door igloo
- STVW into diddy's room
- shoot balloon and get GB (30GB) (70B)
- tag DK, get 2B on the way to W1 (38B)
- take W1 twice and get 10B (40B)
- get 3B and STVW into DK's room (43B)
- get 1B and glitch through wall for GB (31GB) (44B)
- shoot balloon and deathwarp to beginning. get 5B and exit room. (59B)
- tag lanky
- STVW into lanky's room
- get 5B and shoot balloon, get GB (32GB) (60B) exit
- tag tiny, get 5B on warp pad (54B)
- get 2B in river, STVW into tiny's room (56B)
- get 5B, shoot balloon, and get GB (33GB) (71B) exit
- tag Chunky, STVW into chunky's room
- shoot balloon and get GB (34GB) (59B) exit
- get blueprint on top of igloo (2 BP)
- jump to island and get 5B and GB (35GB) (64B)
- take W1, take W2 twice, get 5B (69B)
- punch wall, get 8B and GB (36GB) (77B)
- punch wall at snide's, get 3B and shoot balloon (90B)
- enter portal, feed scoff with kongs and end on DK
- get key 6


- tag tiny, get GB behind fairy island (37GB)
- enter galleon lobby
- tag chunky, get blueprint (3 BP) enter galleon


- get 7B, activate W2 and W1, shoot up barrel and activate W3 (7B)
- punch gate to battle crown and head to treasure chest room
- get 5B and punch right chest. get GB (38GB) exit/enter (12B)
- shoot switches and enter cannon room. STVW and raise water level
- tag tiny by snide's, activate W3 and get 5B, shoot balloon (15B)
- tag diddy, take rocketbarrel, shoot balloon, get 10B on lighthouse and drop down to blueprint (5 BP) (20B)
- tag DK, shoot balloon circling lighthouse and take baboon blast (10B)
- get 15B and free seal (25B)
- take W1, shoot balloon in treasure chest room (35B) tag lanky, get 5B, get blueprint (3 BP) (5B)
- shoot 2 balloons near battle crown, take W1 again (25B)
- turn into enguarde, break open 4 banana chests and break open GB chest (39GB)
- get 20B from chests and 5B around enguarde and STVW to shipwreck area (50B)
- enter lanky's room in the 5 door ship (number 4)
- get 15B and GB (40GB) (65B)
- exit room, get 5B under enguard crate and transform. swim to 2 door ship. (70B)
- enter lanky's room in 2 door ship (lower room)
- get 10B and GB (41GB) (80B)
- exit and tag chunky, get 15B under boat and swim to seal (27B)
- tag DK, get GB, swim to middle area and get 15B under boat (50B)
- swim to music pads near funky
- tag chunky, shoot balloon and get blueprint (4 BP) (37B)
- tag Diddy, shoot balloon (30B)
- swim to middle area, enter hole to gold room. get 5B and STVW through gate (35B)
- shoot balloon (45B)
- tag tiny, shoot balloon and get 5B (30B)
- exit/enter
- take W3, get 5B, take W3 again (35B)
- get 3B and blueprint (5 BP) (38B)
- enter T&S portal
- feed scoff ending on lanky
- get key 4
- exit level


- tag tiny, STVW and get GB (43GB)
- tag lanky, get GB behind K. lumsy (44GB)
- enter k. lumsy, get orangstand sprint GB (45GB)
- turn in key 6 and 4
- take W1, tag chunky, take W2
- lift boulder and play triangle for GB (46GB)
- drop down and shoot switch for GB (47GB)
- take cannon and enter forest lobby
- tag DK, enter forest


- go through pink tunnel and get 5B (5B)
- enter mushroom, shoot switch.
- tag chunky and shoot switch. climb mushroom for 16B (16B)
- drop down and tag lanky, shoot balloon and switch (10B)
- tag diddy, shoot switch. tag tiny, get 5B and shoot switch. (5B)
- climb mushroom and exit through middle exit.
- get blueprint and shoot balloon (15B)
- drop down and tag diddy, get 10B and enter rocketbarrel (10B)
- fly to kasplat room, get 3B and blueprint. leave room (13B)
- go to baboon blast area, tag DK
- get 10B on way back to middle entrance (15B)
- drop down and pound switch. take cannon. get 15B and GB (48GB) (30B)
- tag lanky and shoot balloon (20B)
- tag chunky, get 5B and exit. activate W5 (21B)
- enter chunky's room. get 5B and balloon. get GB. (49GB) (36B)
- drop down to kasplat and get blueprint. shoot balloon (46B)
- jump to blast barrel pad area and then jump to W5 area. tag DK. take W5 for 10B (40B)
- run clockwise and tag lanky, pound switch on top of mushroom and get 5B (25B)
- enter room on the dark side of the mushroom. get 10B and GB (50GB) (35B)
- drop down and shoot switch above brown tunnel. get 10B in the tunnel and get blueprint (45B)
- get 8B near rabbit. tag tiny. (53B)
- get 13B outside of the giant stump and enter. get seed and GB (51GB) exit/enter (28B)
- shoot switches in green tunnel. get 2B in tunnel and tag diddy. (30B)
- get 10B and use rocketbarrel. turn day to night. take W4 and get 10B. (33B)
- take W4. activate W1 and tag chunky. get 5B on W2 and shoot switches in green tunnel. (51B)
- tag tiny. get 10B from mushroomtops on way to the beanstalk. get GB (52GB) Get 5B from mushroomtop on the way back. (45B)
- tag chunky. get 14B and squash tomatoes. carry apple to apple spot and get GB (53GB) run to well and get 5B (70B)
- run through blue tunnel, tag lanky. float to the roof getting 9B. (62B)
- enter the attic. get GB (55GB) and 10B. exit attic and take W1 getting 5B. (77B)
- enter cannon and turn night to day. take W1 and enter shed. tag DK.
- glitch through wall and get GB. (54GB) smash box and get 5B. (45B)
- hit switch and shoot balloon (55B) exit shed
- shoot balloon behind house and tag diddy (65B)
- shoot balloon and STVW to get GB (56GB) (43B)
- enter troff n scoff portal, feed scoff ending on chunky. get key 5. exit.


- tag diddy. get GB at waterfall. (57GB)
- enter japes lobby. tag chunky. lift rock and tag lanky, get GB. (58GB)
- enter japes


current total: 6 keys, 58 golden bananas, 25 blueprints

Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
I'm glad to hear it. I'll take a look at your route some time soon. These are the major skips:
  • Hideout Helm early
  • K. Rool early
  • Glitching into boss fights
Glitching into boss fights is considered a major skip because it lets you skip all small bananas, the collection of which is a big part of the game. If they weren't required, you could skip almost all parts of the later levels like Creepy Castle, whereas you normally have to go through them collecting bananas. The other things you mentioned--skipping Rare/Nintendo coins and skipping the Blast-o-Matic shutdown--were both discussed as possible major skips, but they were deemed too minor. The Nintendo Coin only takes a few minutes to get. Since you can't glitch into boss fights, you have to collect a bunch of small bananas, so the Rare Coin doesn't take long either. The Blast-o-Matic shutdown skip is similar to the trials skip in Ocarina of Time, but that's already a very borderline major skip and the BOM skip saves less time, so it was decided that the BOM skip wouldn't be considered major.

Ing was working on this category a while back, but I think he quit. The discussion of his run starts here. We didn't get very far, but the routes and banana choices we came up with should help you. If you don't have it already, I recommend getting the Nintendo Power player's guide (this one). It has maps with the locations of the small bananas and coins. These maps are extremely useful for route planning. Leftysheroes and I used them when we were working on the 101% route.
Edit history:
Toes: 2012-05-02 06:26:56 pm
Toes: 2012-05-02 05:23:29 pm
okay ill start re-writing the route to include small bananas, also ill take a look at the stuff ing posted

EDIT: im probably going to use resets in this run, the lack of a rainbow coin before japes is really annoying me
ive also updated my route in my earlier post. the route goes up to the end of jungle japes, i based this route off of one that manocheese posted a few pages ago
Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
Useless glitches
Edit history:
Toes: 2012-05-05 04:00:14 am
okay i've updated my route to the end of factory

my main concern here is whether or not lanky's piano GB is worth the time it takes to get it, also considering DK's number board GB but im not too sure

EDIT: also i guess after factory i have the choice of going to crystal caves or gloomy galleon.. im leaning towards crystal caves because frantic factory is so annoying and crystal caves will probably put me in a better mood for the rest of the run. gloomy galleon is just boring. also this lets me savewarp after getting the factory lobby stuff, then i can savewarp after finishing crystal caves then tag tiny and get her GB behind the fairy island before entering gloomy galleon. then i can get her GB in galleon lobby
ringrush kept losing a lot of time in runs at this part so i went searching. this took me 2 minutes to find, it was literally my first idea for a setup and it worked

Consistant terminal clip setup (hell yes)

steps: walk into the corner and slightly adjust angle until chunky stops jiggling, hold up while pressing c-up

align the left number with a dark spot on the terminal (my video is bad quality, watch ringrush's stream archive once it goes up for better quality)

hold forward, jump, and press B at the right time (timing is pretty loose)

Yes, a cucco riding the ground.
I can't spend much time on this now because of finals, but that plan for the level order and Tiny's GBs in DK Isles sounds good.
Edit history:
Toes: 2012-05-17 12:44:22 am
Toes: 2012-05-16 06:54:25 pm
Toes: 2012-05-16 06:40:33 pm
Toes: 2012-05-16 06:38:41 pm
Toes: 2012-05-16 06:35:16 pm
Toes: 2012-05-16 06:35:14 pm
i've found a few things.

here's a very fast route i came up with for the gloomy galleon lighthouse. it uses a moonkick i found but the moonkick is pretty difficult because you must do it quickly.
the platform's speed accelerates and you must do the moonkick from the transition from slow to fast, this is because if the platform is moving too fast the moonkick is impossible. this moonkick only saves a few seconds but it looks really cool. the golden banana cutscene after pulling the lever doesn't happen on emulator for some reason.

here's a new technique i've found to climp slopes a little higher. it can only be done once at the peak but it does give you a little extra distance when trying to climb a slope. i've only found this one spot because thats where i found the technique.
what i'm doing is i'm doing a skid. when i reach the highest that i can go (while also having a decent amount of speed) i quickly hit back on the stick. you will skid and gain a little extra distance.

sliding up slopes

edit: skipping GB cutscenes with damage

^ works on key 8. after getting just pause, save, and quit

new slope climbing strategy (very fast)
thought this deserved its own post

consistant baboon blast skip

this method is maybe 2-3 seconds slower than a perfect c-up clip. but when does that ever happen?