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Quote from Working DK:
Wow, keep knocking that time down M88!  I'll have to watch that when I get home.  Glad to see you're still working on it.  Still planning on getting a submittable run?

Yes i´ll plan submit if i got something like really nice stuff here. Next sub 17 minutes attempts and look then how well its look.

This look my helicopter skills are increased quite bit since 2013. This game is still very hard to controll.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-14 08:07:31 am
I think at this point this game start requires some research. If you guys have some better tips you are welcomed to tell me. Overal my 17:12 run was quite well planned, but i got find some tips might be useful in future runs:

Level 3 boss room could be bit easier for speed (probably slower in thoery) But this make you 100% succesrate save those all hostages repeadly without wasting time. Take Tank out take bit longer than my speedrun strategy.

Level 4 Volcano target is probably hardest place entire speedrun IMO. I find this fire bombs strategy faster than bullet strategy, but its also much harder. Im really incosistent with this. I also waste several seconds time here my speedrun. This video show how well you can make it. But this hitbox is really weird.

About ladder or rope. I cannot see real difference. Probably not matter which you use.

Level 6 second half could be done without turning and it definitely few seconds faster if you got correct place and critical missile hits. Its random one though.

There is JPN version TAS run 10:09 (under 10 minutes SDA timer) Run like this is not even good speed guide, because console run never will even close fast like TAS run. There is many reason with this. Not idea how well this game could be passed on console. My 17:12 is current WR. Its seems im only guy who are running that game. I can reach sub 17 minutes with current strategys just make better level 4 run.
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MASTER-88: 2014-08-14 03:46:44 pm
I am checkout many things a today and making some ID level runs. This look perfect runs through level 5 & 6 only could only save something like 25 seconds over my 17:12 run. 17:12 has also really bad level 4 run so 20 or more seconds could be easily off here. Some little things are also check out. I count sub 16:30 might some potential time on console. Sub 16 might be theory best. Who know? I think game like this perfections is too hard.

Im probably interested try deathless run too. Level 5 & 6 are very similar as deaths runs. Other levels requires more skills keep your energys off and this category is also longer, because can´t use those deaths warps. Level 4 is very hard one here, because its hard even death runs. Its requires much cautions with some places especially Volcano target. I´ll might recorded some deathless stuffs later.

Deathless category might really cool looking, its really brutal. Level 4 might kill several runs. But yeah this is very possible category to beat.  Its seems level 4 might be only real trouble here.

I´ll back later. Hope i´ll got better death abuse run and make completed deathless run.
Okay some stuffs.

WTF? I always find some really weirdness with this game when i play it alot. Yeah this game is really buggy. Some bugs save time and some bugs kill your run instantly. Thats one happen for me my practice. Its never happen before. No idea how this is possible? But yeah luckily its not very common.

About deathless run. I did recorded level 4 speedguide. Yeah this take me 30 minutes to beat this level only without taking any deaths. Im not exaggerate when i say level 4 is one harder levels nes games history. About deathless run this will be nearly all game difficulty is here. I think this might still little bit easier on console, because somereason its little bit easier controll your helicopter on console. My death runs will includes some deaths level 4, i fill my energy and could make riskier and more aggressive run. Deathless runs you have to be really careful.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-15 08:28:29 am
MASTER-88: 2014-08-15 08:25:55 am
I got 17:12 again. Tie as fast as my record. This time i didn´t make any unintention deaths but miss level 2 tank manipulation make boss fight somewhat slower. I also miss last boss target spot like last time too. Its save 10-13 seconds. Its totally luck and rare. I think its somewhat pixel perfect or something. Im really inconsistent with this. So probably its never happen good runs. In theory its easy way got run like 16:30. But making all this shit and weirdness its seems really hard got any nice run. I´ll definitely aim sub 17 minutes my death run.

Here is "perfect level 6" Includes perfect final boss.

Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-20 08:52:56 am
Okay 16:55 using SDA timer. You helicopter controll take on and stop when last boss explod.

Its finally sub 17 minutes. This run was very good, but extremely unoptimize and horrible last level. Many important things went really awesome. Volcano target probably my best ever.

This last boss is some extremely random. Im never are make it actual runs, because its nearly never working. So i have to use regular way which cost 10-15 seconds.

I think this run might are worth first SDA submission. I have to make quality test first.  Also i might try redo that later, so i probably not go submit yet. I´ll might really happy my run if it goes sub 16:30. This will be hard without last boss quick kill.
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MASTER-88: 2014-08-20 10:05:32 am
Here you can see video my 16:55 run.

Otherwise very good run. Last level cost 20 seconds my theory best time. 15 those happen in last boss. Random quick kill going wrong like every runs its cruel if you did it wrong thats cost 15 seconds and trick seems very precise.  At this point i submit quality test in tech support. I´ll might try redo that yet when Nate are check out my quality. My dream goal is something 16:30. Requires perfect level 6 run and some better movement else where.
Okay quality test is done. Its accetable. Okay this run is good, but i´ll definitely try improve it little bit yet. Hope i can got 16.3x range. If i got sub 16:30 i´ll definitely submit what ever it looks. Then i´ll go attempts deathless run, just beat it with good looking run. No time goal yet.

Im pretty sad my 16:55 not are got any views. Is there any peoplles even interested with my progress.? What ever i´ll keep this my progress if i got bored i´ll submit my 16:55 and its accept or reject then. But my intention is improve that yet.
Takahashi Meijin
You been streaming this at all Master?

I love this game, beat it as a kid many times and am rooting for you! It's a really tough game and it's cool to see someone speed running it.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-22 12:00:48 pm
Quote from quinntendopower:
You been streaming this at all Master?

I love this game, beat it as a kid many times and am rooting for you! It's a really tough game and it's cool to see someone speed running it.

Okay thanks man. Yeah difficulty and weirdeness make game really tough. Its reason why many intention deaths. Deathless run might look some awesome, even includes much more cautions. I am paractice with both category, but this death run is much easier. I think i have to practice last boss. This is some fucking frame perfect. How cruel is this but if you miss this spot its cost 15 seconds around. There is only one chance make it.

Nah im not stream
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-28 09:17:17 am
MASTER-88: 2014-08-28 09:16:34 am
MASTER-88: 2014-08-28 09:12:55 am
MASTER-88: 2014-08-28 09:11:32 am

I got find new time saver skip all fucking cutscenes pushing B & start. This will cut alot time in future runs sub 16 not are trouble. I got find it in my run and used it level 3 to 6.  I think skipping Sumatra cutscenes save something 20 seconds RTA timer, but its not count or matter SDA timer.

This run went really well, but many rooms still possible improve. Next goal is sub 16 minutes. I think 15:30 range will be my final goal depend how much cutscen skip save time. I got find really good strategy beat last boss without cheap spot, but its very risky and difficult. Its still cannot done like TAS did.
Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-28 04:27:05 pm
MASTER-88: 2014-08-28 04:25:05 pm
15:44. (15:47 RTA time rules)

I think i´ll submit this. Its first time in speedrun i got perfect target against final boss. I also good pretty good volcano target level 4. Both save a lot time. There is tons minor mistakes here and there like shit controll game like this. I´ll might try redo that though, but run will be 90% death if i miss last boss target, its cost nearly 20 seconds and its so fucking rare. Im not sure how much i want put effort with this. I think im trash 10-12 hours recorded attempts +spending one year research.

This will be definitely accetable submssion. 15:30 will be possible for sure. Who know sub 15 minutes but its might requires some more crazy things and luck.

Possible risky time saves could be happen:
Skipping armor level 2. Its will make 4 from hell.
Deaths save time and help so much with this game. So i used many. There is one unwanted cost me coulple shy seconds.

I think if im crazy enought i might try deathless run challenge next. Its will be really damn hard i think. Im not even sure can i beat level 4.

I´ll might post video youtube later. This will take another year completed verification.

I think this beat all my goals. Really good run overal
General Kong - Bullets and Bananas
Wow, congrats M88.  You took this game far.  Can't wait to see the final product!
Quote from DK28:
Wow, congrats M88.  You took this game far.  Can't wait to see the final product!

Thanks DK28.
I just submit my 15:44 in SDA.

When i´ll try redo that i´ll need some more research and testing things, but 15:44 is really good run at this point. Smiley I´ll post it youtube too, but little bit later.  Deathless run might be next challenge, then i´ll might be learning better player than now. 

But hell yeah i finally got great looking run with this game. Im not believe thats can somedays happen. I remember how damn hard this game was beat to first time. First level only take me 45-60 minutes to beat. LOL.

15:44 you can see it here. Its will be coming in verification soon.

Edit history:
MASTER-88: 2014-08-29 02:18:55 pm
MASTER-88: 2014-08-29 02:17:09 pm
MASTER-88: 2014-08-29 02:09:31 pm
MASTER-88: 2014-08-29 02:08:08 pm
I check out timer my 15:44 run its 40 seconds faster quality than my 16:55 which was done without cutscene skips. Im so happy i got find this cutscene skip accidentally right before i did my final run. My final goal was without cutscene skip sub 16:30 and i did this run equal 16:15 with cutscenes. Cutscene skip save time around 45 seconds SDA timer and 63 seconds RTA timer.  So 15:45 or 15:44. What ever verifers will decide. This beat my final goal by 15 seconds.
Level 1: 2:59
Level 2; 2:46
Level 3: 2:59
Level 4: 3:31
Level 5: 1:48 (2 seconds off my best)
Level 6: 1:00 (5 seconds off my best)

This run is GOD. thumbsup

Thats fun. I´ll hope peoples will enjoy with this. I think Deathless category is next. Okay i´ll probbaly need buy some more Nes controlls. Level 4 will kill me over and over here. This run will be pure rage. And yeah quality will be less optimize. I think we need deathless run too one hardest Nes game ever.