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Radix: 2006-03-28 04:50:10 am
Fucking Weeaboo
This being the only GBA Castlevnia not done, it's time to start fact gathering and do it.  It's been a while since I've I'm a bit rusty on the game.

First off, boss skipping.  Which ones can be skipped?

1) Giant Bat
2) Living Armor - Not Skippable (Lizard Tail)
3) Skull Knight
4) Golem
5) Devil
6) Giant Merman
7) Max Slime
8) Peeping Big
9) Legion
10) Shadow
11) Pazuzu
12) Minotaur (Castle A)
13) Minotaur (Castle B)
14) Legion Core
15) Death
16) Stalos
17) Cyclop
18) Maxim/Dracula (Castle B)

Relics - Which ones are necessary?

1) Lizard Tail - Necessary for Sliding
2) Sylph Feather
3) Griffin's Wing
4) Soul Orb
5) Yousei No Sho
6) Monster Tome
7) Dracula's Eye
8) Dracula's Heart
9) Dracula's Rib
10) Dracula's Fingernail
11) Dracula's Fang
12) Dracula's Ring

Refreshing me on this stuff will help me start to relearn the game again.  I have beaten it before, given that my cart has a MAXIM save on it and another at the end and boss rush and all that.  But it's been a while...
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DTaeKim: 2006-03-28 05:09:48 am
I actually was messing around with this.  My last run had me at the last save point at 1:42:59.  Anyway, these are the REQUIRED bosses, at least for the good ending (Maxim and Lydie survive).

Giant Bat
Living Armor
Skull Knight
Devil OR Giant Merman
Max Slimer
Peeping Big

Required Relics are the following.

Lizard's Tail
Sylph Feather
Griffin's Wing
Eye of Vlad
Heart of Vlad
Rib of Vlad
Nail of Vlad
Fang of Vlad
Vlad's Ring

I might as well list my stats in my run, so you can compare.

Level 35
HP: 338
MP: 182
Hearts: 190
STR: 136
DEF: 194
INT: 118
LCK: 74

I used the Bolt Book and Wind Book against Maxim/Dracula to see which one was faster.  I'm leaning towards the Bolt Book + Cross, as it can deal at least 770 damage with my current stats and gives me immunity to Maxim/Dracula's stats.  If cast in the right position, I can deal at least 1320 with each cast.  I used the Holy Water until after the Giant Merman, where I switched to the Cross and never looked back.
Fucking Weeaboo
I was looking and thinking that Giant Bat could be skipped, being there's a route around him.

And why is it you're always doing the games I think of doing? *laughs*
everybody wanna tell you the meaning of music
I think it has to do with the fact that you play a lot of games, and you want to run them all. Tongue
Killer Chobocos don't get any chocolate.
I only just found out that you can press LR and down or whatever to disable the book...

Yay for me...

Good luck...
Fucking Weeaboo
I think it has to do with the fact that you play a lot of games, and you want to run them all. Tongue

Hey, my name is Sir VG after all.  And I can't help that I have a game collection the size of Planet Jupiter.  (Ok, maybe not.)
Signboard of Hyrule
2) Living Armor - Not Skippable (Lizard Tail)

You can aquire Lizard Tail without battling Living Armor.  Perform the door glitch (where you backdash just as the screen changes) while leaving the room in which you can see the Lizard Tail.  You will BD right through the wall to where LT is at.

As for that trick being SDA approved, there is precidence with glitching through both the Zebetites and a floor for early grapple in Super Metroid as well as glitching past the stone people in Crystalis.

Of course there is also the venerable Ice Fist, in which you can climb onto ledges you could not reach before.  When you do the Ice Book + Sacred Fist spell, you move forward with your legs bent, and bent legs gives you ever slightly more height over jumping with straight legs.  It is currently unknown what sequence breaks/speed tricks might come of this.


What's the requirements for the magically sealed doors to open?  Knowing that affects the route of course.
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DTaeKim: 2006-03-28 02:49:53 pm
I was never able to pull that glitch off in the Castlevania Double Pack.  Maybe I'm just doing it wrong.  Who knows?  I still think you'll probably need Radix's permission, as that glitch also has the potential to leave game boundaries, something the other glitches do not do I believe.

As for the Giant Bat, a FAQ writer (the low level game one) mentioned that it is needed to lower the drawbridge, which in turn leads to one of Vlad's relics.

The first "magically sealed door" opens when you have MK's Bracelet equipped.  The door with a skull on its side needs the Skull Key, and the multicolored door needs the Lure Key.  The game pretty much forces you to get MK's Bracelet, but I always skip the Skull Key.  I do get the Lure Key, mainly due to the warps it opens.  Maybe you don't need it.  I dunno.

I'm not intending to run this game.  I was only mentioning my time as a baseline, because to be honest, action games are not my forte.  I am willing to offer as much help as needed though, because I like this game a lot.
hello there
Glad to see this is finally getting the SDA treatment.

Out of the 3 GBA Castlevania titles, this is the one I am least familiar with so I'm afraid I won't be able to help you much. But good luck!
100% runs=great to watch
What would disturb me the most in this game would be seeing a 100%...the sheer insanity of the Furniture and such would make for one crazy route.

This game has THE most broken design in terms of mapping and such outta all the GBA'vanias..
Fucking Weeaboo
What would disturb me the most in this game would be seeing a 100%...the sheer insanity of the Furniture and such would make for one crazy route.

This game has THE most broken design in terms of mapping and such outta all the GBA'vanias..

At least it's possible in under 7 hrs.  My save was under 6 and I probably sucked doing it. ^^;;
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DTaeKim: 2006-03-28 07:12:05 pm
I just did a test.  You don't have to have JB's Bracelet and MK's Bracelet equipped for the whole battle against Maxim.  After you deal the killing blow, you can quickly enter the menu and equip the two items.  Apparently, the game checks if you have them right before you enter the brief cutscene.

I still think the Bolt Book + Cross is the best combo.  Damage dealt is equal to your INT score, which is a plus.

EDIT: Some people on GameFAQ say that the Wind Book + Fist is the better combo.  You fire a fist that deals 2x your INT score for 20 MP (with the Magical Armor, it drops to 16).  The Bolt Book + Cross costs 60 MP, and drops to 45 with the Magical Armor.  I think with lower levels, the Wind Book + Fist may be faster in the end, since you get more castings.
Yeah, I think I ought to do a new run now, of this game.

Basically, it's going to be segmented, with save warping.  I'm abusing the quick save feature like there's no tomorrow.
Fucking Weeaboo
Good luck.  I'll gladly verify when you're done.

I wasn't having much luck when I tried it. ^^;;
Well, I got a time of 1:13:13 at the final save before Maxim B/Dracula.  I think I can get a couple of minutes off the time with save warps.

Of the bosses you listed, I fight them all except for four of them.  I still can't do the Living Armor glitch, so he's still on the list.

2) Living Armor - Needed for Lizard's Tail
3) Skull Knight - Needed for Sylph's Feather
6) Giant Merman - Needed to get Crushing Stone
7) Max Slime
8) Peeping Big
9) Legion - Faster than walking through the Aqueduct of Dragons
10) Shadow
5) Devil - Faster than walking through the Aqueduct of Dragons
11) Pazuzu - Needed to reach Lydie
15) Death - Needed to get Gryphon's Wing
16) Stalos - Allows access to Skull Key, unlocking a faster route
1) Giant Bat - Needed to get Dracula's Rib
13) Minotaur (Castle B) - Needed to get Wind Book
18) Maxim/Dracula (Castle B)

I use Holy Water until I fight Legion, where the Cross is used.  I pick up the Sacred Fist on the way to the Minotaur in Castle B, so I can use it in conjuction with the Wind Book for the final battle.
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DTaeKim: 2006-07-15 05:07:34 pm
Okay, improved on my practice run to 1:06:53 at the final save point.  I think I can shave a couple more minutes off, but I highly doubt seeing a sub 1:00 run.  Well, scratch that.  If the door glitch works in the Castlevania Double Pack, then it could be possible, but as I mentioned earlier, I'm unable to perform the glitch at all.

I also found with my current route, I don't need the Lure Key.  The Skull Key is still needed.  In addition, I picked up the Sacred Fist + Wind Book combo earlier, saving me a few seconds against encounters.

My final level is 28 for the record.
Fucking Weeaboo
Great job.  It would be interesting if you got the door glitch to work, just to see it in action.  If not, no worries.
Visually Appealing
how exactly do you do the door glitch? i've been trying to get it for hours at a time with no luck.
My feelings on The Demon Rush
I just confirmed it, the door glitch doesn't work in the Castlevania double pack Sad  I just played around with both versions on the lizard tail door.

It's really easy to pull off, simply go through a door and dash towards the door (after you come out through the other side) while holding the direction towards the door.  You should dash through and find yourself in the air near the center of the screen.  This is a very effective method of grabbing the lizard tail early.  There are some other things you can skip with it, but I think most of them are banned (silly SDA teleporting rules).
Fucking Weeaboo
For a second I thought you were gonna come in and show everybody up again.  Grin
Well, it drastically decreases the odds of me managing a sub 1:00 HoD run.  I have my route down, though I'm still debating on whether I should pick up the Platinum Tip.  Ignoring it saves me precious seconds, but it could easily be made up on the one boss I make plenty use of: Maxim B.

The most time can be shaved off on are on the bosses.  My biggest time-waster is Death's 2nd form, which I only have the Crushing Stone and the Cross to work with...
Okay, finished another practice run.  Final save time is at 1:02:39, and the final three bosses roughly take about two and a half minutes.

Unfortunately, this means in order to get a sub-1:00 run, I need to shave off another 4 minutes.  I'm sorry to say that I think I've achieved my maximum potential at this game since I'm horrible at action games.  I'm fairly certain I'll go ahead and record this, then hope someone out there can optimize my route to the utmost extent and get the sub-1:00 that may be possible.
Fucking Weeaboo
Great work.  Record it - I can't wait to see and verify it.
It's recorded.  The final save is 1:01:xx, and the final battle takes about 3 minutes for a final time of sub 1:05.

I hope someone can take my route and improve on my time.  I would love to see this game below 1:00.
While I couldn't stand the graphics of this game, I'd like to see it torn apart in proper speedrun fashion.

Well done!

Let's hope nate's encoding backlog won't last too long, to get this thing published. Smiley