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Just call me the cynicism machine
The Maxim TAS is EPIC. boring.
I suppose I'll have to get around to watching it, though I'm not sure what good it will do me since I can't use the warp glitch at all.

Which ending does he go for anyway?
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
its the best ending. the run still seems to weird to me even after a second time watching it.
100% runs=great to watch
This has gotta be the craziest jumping/kicking/locomotion I've ever seen in a Castlevania TAS....maybe out of any TAS!

The Maxim one is just so broken its hilarious.  Clearly, the secret essence of his Shinryuu Ougi  Cheesy
Could someone please upload Juste's TAS run onto Sendspace etc. please?  BT is not a viable option for me right now, and I really would like to catch this before I jet overseas over Xmas.  Thanks.
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Zurreco: 2006-12-29 12:59:49 am
Just call me the cynicism machine
Since I need the Crush Boots to make the most use out of it (retrieving the final Dracula part), I don't think it's worth it after all.

After rereading the thread, I noticed this.  It is very noticeably faster to get the Platinum Tip early on, since it bumps your whip damage by so much.  It's also a good idea to get this warp point opened early on, so that you can quickly zip to this area once you get the other portals open.

Can you list your segment times?  I've been tinkering with this run, and I got something a bit over 8 minutes for entering the first warp point across 3 segments using the quicksave trick.
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DTaeKim: 2006-12-29 09:18:16 pm
Well, I was never able to get that pull off that sequence break.  In addition, I think my segments are different from yours, but I could be wrong.  Do you have the original Harmony of Dissonance or the Double Pack?

Segment 1 - Get the Sacred Fist

Segment 2 - Get the Ice Book

Segment 3 - Giant Bat boss, Vlad's Ring, Living Armor boss, Lizard Tail

I hit the warp point at about 0:07:45.  If I had a perfect run, it would probably be around 0:07:40 or something like that.

Segment 4 - Save point before Skull Knight boss
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Zurreco: 2006-12-30 09:12:26 pm
Just call me the cynicism machine
I have the original game pack.  I would follow the advice given earlier, which is to dash jump off the door ledge, and then jump almost immediately after you bump your head.  If you can manage it, I will be very happy.

I've managed to match your 1:28 and get 2:22 for the ice book section, but I'm tinkering with Giant Bat + Relic + Living Armor + Lizard's Tail -> Quicksave, which will savewarp you very close to the Room of Illusion.  I can't get a good fight from the Giant Bat without getting screwed over in the Living Armor fight (you can pin it against the left wall with just your whip, but it requires some speed and luck).  If I can pull it off, it should be faster than your third segment (assuming you didn't also savewarp). 

You can also maybe work out savewarping to that same room right before the Giant Bat after getting the Sylph Feather, since it will put you right near the Platinum Tip skip early on and you won't have to retrek through the Skeleton Cave.  Just a thought.

I'm not actually trying the run, though, since I have no GCN/GBP.  I'm still happy to challenge your times, though.
With regards to the Living Armor, three whip attacks forces him back.  I've been able to get him against the wall multiple times and then spam Bible + Ice Book.

I might as well see if I can pull of that early Platinum tip.  I suppose the main reason I'm hesitant is that the only boss battle I can see that it would save some time is Legion, since I cannot use the Bible + Ice Book to the utmost effectiveness there.  All other bosses fall relatively quickly to that combo, and I use the Crushing Stone's double-hit to speed up other boss battles.

Time for some route rearrangement then.

Right now, my best time is roughly 55 minutes before Maxim.
DS Dictator
After reading this thread I'm dissapointed to find out that the door glitch doesn't work on my Double pack.
However I'm sure that Boss Rush mode isn't butchered.
So far my time on Easy is roughly over 4:05 minutes.
I know it can be faster but what is a good target (sub 3:55)? 
Visually Appealing
imo Boss Rush should only be done on Hard. that way, you fight all the bosses and not just a portion of them. same reasoning for why there's no runs for Sonic 3 or Sonic and Knuckles, really.

a full game run for this game is WAY overdue.
DS Dictator
Quote from Satoryu:
imo Boss Rush should only be done on Hard. that way, you fight all the bosses and not just a portion of them. same reasoning for why there's no runs for Sonic 3 or Sonic and Knuckles, really.

That's a good point really.
Sorta the same goes for Double Dragon 2 (after reading the verification page).
The only major difference other than no. of bosses is how the Sub Weapon is abused.
Since Easy you can abuse the cross on the first 5 bosses. Whilst Normal/Hard you would save some hearts when facing tougher bosses (Devil and possibly Death Lv1 & 2).
Quote from Greenalink:
After reading this thread I'm dissapointed to find out that the door glitch doesn't work on my Double pack.
However I'm sure that Boss Rush mode isn't butchered.
So far my time on Easy is roughly over 4:05 minutes.
I know it can be faster but what is a good target (sub 3:55)? 

Nice see someone play boss rushs in this game. I already make some boss rush mode videos in youtube. My best time on easy is 4.12.76 Yeah i agree some sub 4-minutes can be really possible. But im not believe much under this.

My normal mode time is 7.56 & hard mode 15.33. Im not never trying seriously hard mode run, but i think somewhere 14.30-13.xx minutes are SDA stanards.

I make several boss rush runs on youtube. You guys can check out my playlist if anyone are interested improve these boss runs.
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Greenalink: 2009-01-14 11:30:04 am
DS Dictator
I've managed to get Sub 4 minutes as Juste Belmont on Easy and Sub 14 minutes as Simon Belmont (Via Konami Code) on Hard

I need to be good against
Living Armour (Since Simon cannot dash to Whip rush against him),
Leigon Corpse as I need to open the weakspot quicker (probably by using the unlimited distance Holy cross trick),
Devil as he is annoying to fly around,
Shadow is quite hard to kill quickly but if I defeat it before it changes to the Sword form then that's good enough.
Death is a bit hard to get a good time, I would need 15+ hearts to kill Death LV 2 quickly.
Dracula (both forms) is suprisenly easy.

I usually pickup the monster orb after:
Golem or Minotaur lv 1 (to face Devil)
Peeping Big (to face Shadow at full health)
Pazuzu (to face Minotaur level 2)
Talos (to face Death)
and possibly Cyclops if my health is way too low.

I might have a feeling that SDA might have different Categories for both characters:
Juste Belmont can:
Dash (Left or right)
Double Jump
Hi Jump
Whip spin
Slide Kick
and can use any of the 6 Sub weapons
I've also noticed that the restock rooms (filling your hearts up) costs time and it's faster to get the last 3 hearts by performing a dash whip. The first 3 hearts cost a lot of time.

Simon Belmont cannot:
Dash (Left or right)
Double Jump
Hi Jump
Whip spin
Slide Kick
and can't use the Holy Book and Sacred Fist

Since he cannot dash he wouldn't lose a lot of time picking up the first 3 hearts in the restock rooms so more Sub Weapon ownage against the later bosses.

I've got both Sub 4 minutes Easy Juste and Sub 14 Minutes Hard Simon runs on my Hard Disk DVD drive and I might upload them if you're interested to watch them.

Edit: MASTER-88 I saw that you can play as Maxim then on Boss rush.

Well all of his moves does the same damage but has Fake Slide (Down + B) is the quickest move and can be abused against, Giant Merman whilst Maxim is on the platform and Pazuzu when he summon his Tiny Devils.
Quote from Satoryu:
imo Boss Rush should only be done on Hard. that way, you fight all the bosses and not just a portion of them. same reasoning for why there's no runs for Sonic 3 or Sonic and Knuckles, really.

a full game run for this game is WAY overdue.

I confess that I've been trying to get a new route working.  Basically, it uses the Platinum Tip route and the warp gate to get the Floodgate key earlier.  However, this requires that I get the Floating Boots from the Pike Master, and that has me stuck.  It would end up being much faster than my original route, but I want to know what time I'm aiming for before I go at it for real.
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MASTER-88: 2009-01-14 12:50:44 pm
Edit: MASTER-88 I saw that you can play as Maxim then on Boss rush.

Well all of his moves does the same damage but has Fake Slide (Down + B) is the quickest move and can be abused against, Giant Merman whilst Maxim is on the platform and Pazuzu when he summon his Tiny Devils.

Somereason i dislike Maxim. Just because he is so weak. I only make one boss rush with Maxim and it ended up 4.24. Simon is just my favorite man.

Can you say how you mean got sub 4-minutes with Juste? My best is 4.27 looks i can,t seriously cut 28- more seconds with this. If i make boss rush runs in future i will always use Simon. My 4.12.76 looks quite good:

There is definitely potential better run but it just requires alot luck.  Im not sure how about good strategys. My 4.12 is best time in whole youtube. This is just fun nobody one are never trying HOD boss rush seriously. It is interesting see runs with this.

I can try some Simon runs too in future, but i look at this later.

imo Boss Rush should only be done on Hard. that way, you fight all the bosses and not just a portion of them

But an easy and normal you can got more risk use your hearths. On hard mode your must be save your hearths against later fights. IMO every difficult need own category.

HOD boss rush includes just most luck manipulation compared other CV boss rush runs. Especially hard mode. It is totally impossible got done perfectly on console.
Edit history:
Greenalink: 2009-01-14 01:17:03 pm
DS Dictator
With Critical hits being random (making huge differences like Giant Bat & Shadow) I just managed to get 12:01:6x as Maxim on Hard.
Peeping Big activated his barrier and I got the monster orb on Skeleton Knight & Golem (losing valuable seconds). However Dracula's first form went down in 1 cycle & the 2nd form was too easy (used the his roll attack to start attacking from the other side).
Quote from Greenalink:
With Critical hits being random (making huge differences like Giant Bat & Shadow) I just managed to get 12:01:6x as Maxim on Hard.
Peeping Big activated his barrier and I got the monster orb on Skeleton Knight & Golem (losing valuable seconds). However Dracula's first form went down in 1 cycle & the 2nd form was too easy (used the his roll attack to start attacking from the other side).

Yeah and enemys movings order make as well this game random.

Wau! 12.01 hard as Maxim? Shocked
Have you chance make video with this? This might be so great. Wink
DS Dictator
Sadly no, because I was suprised with the result. During the run I didn't use Maxim's Special attack (summon loads of clones) which I'll use against Death Level 1 or 2. Now I know how to play good with Maxim, I'll try and record it and post it onto File Front (and if a good run gets accepted by SDA it will be on Youtube days/weeks later).

Portrait of Ruin is a good game for me to do Boss rush too but I haven't found all of the equipment and spells (which I heard from the Castlevania Encylopedia site that Course 1 was done around 20 seconds).
Visually Appealing
Quote from MASTER-88:
But an easy and normal you can got more risk use your hearths. On hard mode your must be save your hearths against later fights. IMO every difficult need own category.

do you mean hearts or health? either way, it doesn't matter. you're doing the Easy and Normal bosses in Hard anyway. why clog SDA which all that redundancy?

Quote from MASTER-88:
It is totally impossible got done perfectly on console.

well, duh.
DS Dictator
I assume MASTER-88 is talking about Hearts. With Easy for example you can use your Sub Weapon more often on those 5 bosses. Whilst Hard you would save some hearts to deal high damage on the later bosses (notably Minotaur Lv2 and Death).

Melee (and Brawl) both have 10 and 100 Multi Man runs. So basically Easy is the 5 Boss run whilst Hard is the 19 Boss run.

In other news: I got Sub 11:30 with Maxim now and I'll post it to Filefront tomorrow.
Visually Appealing
Quote from Greenalink:
Melee (and Brawl) both have 10 and 100 Multi Man runs. So basically Easy is the 5 Boss run whilst Hard is the 19 Boss run.

meh. the reasonings for this are a little different, thanks to genre. i would think HoD's bossrush falls closer under the S3K reasoning.
DS Dictator
I don't really mind if the reasoning goes to either the S3&K or the 10 & 100 Multi Man.
It doesn't really matter for me since I can finish Hard mode a couple of times now.

MASTER-88, you want to see a Boss Rush Sub 11:30 run on Hard, here you go.

Part 1;12981706;/fileinfo.html

Part 2;12982184;/fileinfo.html

Notes: Only read it after watching it.

Giant Bat: Use his Magic move on either Cycle 1 or 2 and fingers cross it gets defeated on the 2nd cycle.
Living Armour: Spam the B Button (and use some of your Sub weapon).
Skeleton Knight: If he uses his shield on Forms 1 & 2, don't attack just wait till his guard is down. On his last form abuse the crouch attack when he uses his beam.
Golem: A lucky battle would let him use his Ceiling rocks more often. Abuse the crouch kick when it happens, because dealing a lot of damage will lead to an instant kill or a 2nd form with very low health.
Minotaur: Just attack and dodge his move.

Devil: I usually use Maxim's Magic move to deal loads of hits because he mostly stay in airborne.
Giant Merman: He does the same routine all of the time.
Giant Slime: Spam the B button (or use the magic move), use your sub weapon to kill the Tiny Slimes.
Peeping Big: A very easy boss.
Shadow: Use your magic move or abuse your Sub Weapon and defeat it before it changes to a sword.
Leigon (Saint) : The easier boss of the 2 Leigons. Abuse the sub weapon and Sword to activate the multi hit glitch.

Pazuzu: He has the same routine all of the time, 2 jumps, then a floaty jump, his protojectiles and his Tiny Devils.
Minotaur Lv 2: Similar to the previous one but has more health and deals more damage too.
Leigon Corpse: I find this one annoying as sometimes the weak spot doesn't open. I was trying to see if the Multi hit glitch works but it's more difficult than I thought.
Talos: An easy boss to defeat, basicaly when he lunges, the second lunge is 45 degrees meaning, dash to the left. I would save some hearts to face the tougher boss Death.
Death: An absolute pain in the neck, I managed to own him as Simon against both forms around 10 seconds each. If you see Death raising his Scythe, use your screw attack (Up+A). If he summon lasers thats when you can deal loads of damage without him flinching.
Death Level 2: if you have some hearts left, make good use to it. You might perform the Magic move here to deal good damage at hard to hit moments.
Cyclops: Another easy boss and usually has the same routine all of the time. 1 hit from the axe = 1/2 of the life depleated as Maxim.

Dracula part 1: If he teleports around a platform, abuse the crouch kick, as it kills him in 1 cycle.
Dracula Part 2: If your input to the Magic move is terrible, use the Screw attack and attack him from the other side.

Wau great job. I don,t never know special attack by Maxim.

This boss run looks really good. There is still potential make that faster. For example Death 1st form is not that very good. But otherwise this was really nice boss run. Dracula strategy looks really nice and Devil & Shadow fight.

How you make these special attacks? News to me.
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Greenalink: 2009-01-17 07:51:51 am
DS Dictator
Death (Both Forms) and Leigon Corpse can be improved and save nearly 45 seconds.

There's 2 special moves Maxim can do.
The Special attack (clones) you need to press:
Forward, Backward, Down, B.
(Facing right is:
Right, Left, Down, B)
The input isn't as easy as it looks as sometimes Maxim does a crouch kick :(.
It uses up 50% of your Magic bar so use it wisely on some of the bosses (Giant Bat, Devil, Shadow, Death Lv 2).

Edit: The move will always work only when Maxim stands up after the direction input to perform this move. So after pressing down, wait until he stands up and press B and it should work. The input pacing is similar when using it in Midair, after pressing down, wait for 1/2 of a second, then press B.
The other special move requires 50 hearts and the input is:
Up, Down, Down & Forward, Forward, B
(Facing Right is:
Up, Down, Down & Right, Right, B). This move recovers your health entirely.

I got a movie of Simon Belmont killing Death (both level 1 and 2) really fast. Death Level 2 appears in the top, middle of your screen and usually goes down and then left. If I had Maxim optimised on Death 2 I would abuse the crouch kick on his weakspot and use his Sub weapon when facing him directly.