Edit history:
isBullets: 2016-08-19 11:48:27 am
isBullets: 2016-08-18 08:11:55 am
isBullets: 2016-08-18 08:11:25 am
isBullets: 2016-08-18 08:11:12 am
isBullets: 2016-08-18 08:10:27 am
Pew pew pew.
EDIT: Offering Superhot as a race as well with Ellieceraptor. Estimate of 25:00, same category.
Game: Superhot
Category: Any%
Estimate: 23:00
Video Link:
Incentives: None
Description: Very quick and exciting FPS released this year where time only moves when you do, and all the enemies kill in one hit (meaning we try to stay in motion as much as possible the entire time). The gameplay is rapid, and the changing levels as well as the new weapons/mechanics introduced throughout the run keep it interesting.
Game: Human: Fall Flat
Category: Any%
Estimate: 11:00
Video Link:
Incentives: Donation war for what color to paint our protagonist (there's a pretty basic Customization editor in the game where you can paint on your character with a brush. Sadly I'm not very artistically inclined so the best I could do would be making Bob all one color).
Description: A silly, lighthearted game in the same vein as Gang Beasts, except this time with puzzles! This a very new game but already a lot of work has gone into routing it to abuse Extended Climbing (which lets you go up walls you wouldn't normally be able to). Overall it's a very goofy game outwardly but still filled with a lot of skips and interesting gameplay to make for a fun viewing experience.
Game: Superhot
Category: Any%
Estimate: 23:00
Video Link:
Incentives: None
Description: Very quick and exciting FPS released this year where time only moves when you do, and all the enemies kill in one hit (meaning we try to stay in motion as much as possible the entire time). The gameplay is rapid, and the changing levels as well as the new weapons/mechanics introduced throughout the run keep it interesting.
Game: Human: Fall Flat
Category: Any%
Estimate: 11:00
Video Link:
Incentives: Donation war for what color to paint our protagonist (there's a pretty basic Customization editor in the game where you can paint on your character with a brush. Sadly I'm not very artistically inclined so the best I could do would be making Bob all one color).
Description: A silly, lighthearted game in the same vein as Gang Beasts, except this time with puzzles! This a very new game but already a lot of work has gone into routing it to abuse Extended Climbing (which lets you go up walls you wouldn't normally be able to). Overall it's a very goofy game outwardly but still filled with a lot of skips and interesting gameplay to make for a fun viewing experience.