Already shaved off a whole minute! New pb @ 20:38 -> The damn RNG eel kept me from achieving sub 20:00. Also, I really took my time on Robo-Dingus in this run.
Congrats on the deathless tower corey! I really hate that climb. The eel lost about 1:40 there, so actually that would have been a sub-19 if he'd cooperated.
Edit: I would recommend trying out the knee exploit to the dark queen in your next practice. It's very safe to do, since she can't knock you down from behind her. It'll save another 40 seconds once you have it down.
Thanks, Jc583. I think it's about time for me to re-watch your Battletoads speed-run "tutorial." I'm feeling just about ready to add some strats' to my repertoire. I really didn't expect to get competitive with this game, but the more I play it, the faster I want to beat it. Thanks again for your continual support, it makes this all worth the while.
Holy crap, I just watched the new sub-13 speedrun. I'm late to the party, but wooooo man.
JC, you're a beast. Extremely well done, those dash jumps are quite a feat to perform so consistently. It's pretty awesome to see the game destroyed by that amount of skill. Battletoads really does have a speedrun that's up there with some of the best!
Hey everyone, TMR gave me his blessing to move the Battletoads Leaderboard to PST if you would like to become a moderator for the new leaderboard, or have any comments, questions, or concerns.
PS Great job jc583 and Themexicanrunner for your work on Battletoads at AGDQ, you guys crushed it.
For the 17:08 of mine you have listed, there is no video because I was too drunk to understand how to hit "record" on the VCR. That run was done back in 2010, too. Much earlier than "1 year ago". Hahaha.
Haha, thanks PJ. I've updated the comment on your run on I've taken the liberty to trust all of the times that were "TMR" verified in this forum. For all of the runs that I couldn't find videos for, I just entered Jan. 1 2014.
Nice job Core I guess I will update the Leaderboard saying that if anyone has a new time just to submit it to btw I think It will be better for everyone and less confusing to use the SDA Timing for all the runs, what do you guys think? BTW corey you can add me as mod as well there because we need to put the coop categories, thanks
Woohoo new warpless in 24:06! Got it in a race, and it's littered with mistakes. Let me clean it up and I'll probably submit the first sub-23 I get if it's not too ugly. I might even start doing the deathless categories if I'm up for it.
Also looking forward to the verification for our 16:15 co-op run we did at AGDQ! Here's hoping our 3 unintentional deaths aren't too ugly for the accept.
Also try it out yourself because it's a lot weirder than it looks. Going down that way creates two invisible walls you have to hold down to go through, like the big stalactites. That's why you see that bizarrely placed headbutt instead of just dashing.