Quote from tate:
Some things did confuse me about how you did stuff but I guess i don't understand what you mean with you say infinite number of languages. Unless you mean different ways to go about programming in the language because of its flexibility.
yep. for example going with package variables was a mistake. should have used lexicals (my) like every other modern perl programmer.
Quote from tate:
So would you mind if I started to rip and tear at it slowly and make it object oriented. I've been tempted to do this ever since I first looked at the code and constantly got lost in it.
i hate oo and never use it unless modules i'm using use it (which is very often with perl modules). probably if you're going to write oo perl today you'll want to use moose. i don't have any experience with it but i know that writing oo perl without something like moose is not fun and even less fun to maintain.
but no i don't mind.