Storage time comparison:
Time So far: 38.2s
Estimated: 55s (4-5s for rod boost, 9-15s for 2 Save warps & getting last drill bit)
Old Route With save-warp: 75s - 80s
Old Run: 88s
Days of attempts and route revisions (and days of experimenting with different places to go OOB near the drill bits) leads to about 30s of improvement. Not too bad :P.
This route exploits the save-warp to cover maximum distance. Before I would get the first drill bit and then go OOB and do a rather large walk over to the rods (Which wasn't even a straight line), and then do at least half that walk back to get the remaining drill bits.
Instead, I get the two drill bits and go OOB very close to the rods, negating that whole walk. In essence, the time difference comes from the time spent walking over to the rods from the first drill bit & then backtracking to the reamining drill bits VS the time spent collecting the 2 drill bits from the start door & performing the new jumps to get over to the rods. I am effectively cutting out moving along about 3/4 of the map - hence the rather shocking time difference.
Time So far: 38.2s
Estimated: 55s (4-5s for rod boost, 9-15s for 2 Save warps & getting last drill bit)
Old Route With save-warp: 75s - 80s
Old Run: 88s
Days of attempts and route revisions (and days of experimenting with different places to go OOB near the drill bits) leads to about 30s of improvement. Not too bad :P.
This route exploits the save-warp to cover maximum distance. Before I would get the first drill bit and then go OOB and do a rather large walk over to the rods (Which wasn't even a straight line), and then do at least half that walk back to get the remaining drill bits.
Instead, I get the two drill bits and go OOB very close to the rods, negating that whole walk. In essence, the time difference comes from the time spent walking over to the rods from the first drill bit & then backtracking to the reamining drill bits VS the time spent collecting the 2 drill bits from the start door & performing the new jumps to get over to the rods. I am effectively cutting out moving along about 3/4 of the map - hence the rather shocking time difference.