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chessjerk: 2016-10-22 10:24:59 pm
Back again for another year, it's the official AGDQ 2017 Poker Tournament! All tournament entry fees will go to PCF, and the winners can apply their winnings to any donation incentives they want.
Please post in this thread to sign up and either play in the tournament and/or offer to assist in some way (dealing, bringing cards and chips, etc). If you wish, please also provide input on the questions posed below.
First off, if you sign up for the tournament and would like a reminder of when the tournament will start in case you forget, the best way will be to follow me on Twitter (@chessjerk) and I will tweet updates if the tournament time changes due to a change in the marathon schedule and when the tournament time is approaching.
I will be attending the entire event this year, so we have plenty of options for when to hold the tournament this year. With the release of the first version of the marathon schedule, we can start to discuss the best time to hold the tournament.
Last year's poker tournament was a definite improvement over the previous year IMO, so we will continue the same format this year unless anyone raises an issue that I was not aware of from last year's event. As before, here's the list of topics on which I would like input from potential participants:
UPDATED 1/7/17:
1. When to hold the tournament, I've settled on Thursday night after the LttP race (on the 12th around 9 PM) as the best option
2. Where to hold the tournament (I assume it will be held in the board game room again, it worked well last year)
3. The blind structure (I feel the blinds were better paced than last year, but we could still extend each blind level a little if necessary, possibly to 18 or 20 minutes instead of 15 minutes)
4. How to donate the winnings (I was unaware last year that on-site cash donations were no longer accepted, so I anonymously donated the tournament winnings to the donation incentives of the winners' choosing, I have no problem continuing this again this time around)
5. The number of tournaments/number of participants per tournament (we will stick with one 24 person tournament this year)
Here are the specifics of the tournament: UPDATED 12/20/16
Signups: UPDATED 1/5/17
Here is some basic information on what we will be playing. If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
Miscellaneous tips:
Please post in this thread to sign up and either play in the tournament and/or offer to assist in some way (dealing, bringing cards and chips, etc). If you wish, please also provide input on the questions posed below.
First off, if you sign up for the tournament and would like a reminder of when the tournament will start in case you forget, the best way will be to follow me on Twitter (@chessjerk) and I will tweet updates if the tournament time changes due to a change in the marathon schedule and when the tournament time is approaching.
I will be attending the entire event this year, so we have plenty of options for when to hold the tournament this year. With the release of the first version of the marathon schedule, we can start to discuss the best time to hold the tournament.
Last year's poker tournament was a definite improvement over the previous year IMO, so we will continue the same format this year unless anyone raises an issue that I was not aware of from last year's event. As before, here's the list of topics on which I would like input from potential participants:
UPDATED 1/7/17:
1. When to hold the tournament, I've settled on Thursday night after the LttP race (on the 12th around 9 PM) as the best option
2. Where to hold the tournament (I assume it will be held in the board game room again, it worked well last year)
3. The blind structure (I feel the blinds were better paced than last year, but we could still extend each blind level a little if necessary, possibly to 18 or 20 minutes instead of 15 minutes)
4. How to donate the winnings (I was unaware last year that on-site cash donations were no longer accepted, so I anonymously donated the tournament winnings to the donation incentives of the winners' choosing, I have no problem continuing this again this time around)
5. The number of tournaments/number of participants per tournament (we will stick with one 24 person tournament this year)
Here are the specifics of the tournament: UPDATED 12/20/16
Date: Thursday, January 12th
Time: 9 PM (time subject to change if the marathon gets ahead or behind schedule, the idea is to have the poker tournament coincide with the Paper Mario run currently scheduled for 10 PM Thursday night)
Place: Board Game Room
Entry Fee: $20
Starting stack: $200 with these chips: (colors adjusted based on chips to be used) UPDATED 12/1/16
10x White (1): 10
8x Red (5): 40
6x Green (25): 150
Total: 200
Starting blinds: 1/2, blinds increase every 15 minutes (possibly 18 or 20 minutes)
Blind Levels: (Small Blind/Big Blind)
Level 1: 1/2
Level 2: 2/4
Level 3: 3/6
Level 4: 4/8
Level 5: 6/12
Level 6: 8/16
(short break to color up the chips and remove the white chips from play)
Level 7: 10/20
Level 8: 15/30
Level 9: 20/40
Level 10: 25/50
Level 11: 30/60
Level 12: 40/80
Level 13: 60/120
Level 14: 80/160
Level 15: 100/200
With 24 participants, the top 4 were able to donate their winnings however they chose as follows (this can be adjusted depending on the actual number of participants):
1st: $240
2nd: $120
3rd: $80
4th: $40
All questions, comments, and ideas are welcome on the above details, since nothing is set in stone at this point. I'll set a deadline for changes at December 31st. After that, I will finalize the details.
Time: 9 PM (time subject to change if the marathon gets ahead or behind schedule, the idea is to have the poker tournament coincide with the Paper Mario run currently scheduled for 10 PM Thursday night)
Place: Board Game Room
Entry Fee: $20
Starting stack: $200 with these chips: (colors adjusted based on chips to be used) UPDATED 12/1/16
10x White (1): 10
8x Red (5): 40
6x Green (25): 150
Total: 200
Starting blinds: 1/2, blinds increase every 15 minutes (possibly 18 or 20 minutes)
Blind Levels: (Small Blind/Big Blind)
Level 1: 1/2
Level 2: 2/4
Level 3: 3/6
Level 4: 4/8
Level 5: 6/12
Level 6: 8/16
(short break to color up the chips and remove the white chips from play)
Level 7: 10/20
Level 8: 15/30
Level 9: 20/40
Level 10: 25/50
Level 11: 30/60
Level 12: 40/80
Level 13: 60/120
Level 14: 80/160
Level 15: 100/200
With 24 participants, the top 4 were able to donate their winnings however they chose as follows (this can be adjusted depending on the actual number of participants):
1st: $240
2nd: $120
3rd: $80
4th: $40
All questions, comments, and ideas are welcome on the above details, since nothing is set in stone at this point. I'll set a deadline for changes at December 31st. After that, I will finalize the details.
Signups: UPDATED 1/5/17
1. theseawolf1
2. ChurchnSarge
3. Vejita00 (11th to 14th)
4. lingomaniac88
5. Neerrm
6. jpnance
7. Kashelwhizle
8. Bozzzzzman
9. Svenne
10. FingerQuick
11. Komrade
12. StuffedCrustFTW
13. loafofbread13
14. CTConqueror
15. dalo33
16. Runnerguy2489
17. HerculesBenchpress
18. CrimsonAvix
19. Unessential
20. Sonicman2005
21. T3tsuya (after 11th)
22. Sharky2107
23. Feszy
24. ShiningFace
Alternates: (once we get to 24, please keep signing up, we can always try to accommodate as many players as possible)
25. darbian
26. HedgehogNinja
27. Blackstarkupo
28. Extraguy
29. tornado
30. bassdeluxe27
31. JamEvil
32. CpKaka
33. Wyrm
Full-time Dealers:
1. chessjerk
2. yelsraek
3. spikevegeta
Potential dealers (if not playing):
1. lingomaniac88
2. Feszy
3. bassdeluxe27
1. chessjerk
2. lingomaniac88
3. Kashelwhizle
4. darbian
1. chessjerk
2. ChurchnSarge
3. Kashelwhizle
4. Feszy
5. darbian
2. ChurchnSarge
3. Vejita00 (11th to 14th)
4. lingomaniac88
5. Neerrm
6. jpnance
7. Kashelwhizle
8. Bozzzzzman
9. Svenne
10. FingerQuick
11. Komrade
12. StuffedCrustFTW
13. loafofbread13
14. CTConqueror
15. dalo33
16. Runnerguy2489
17. HerculesBenchpress
18. CrimsonAvix
19. Unessential
20. Sonicman2005
21. T3tsuya (after 11th)
22. Sharky2107
23. Feszy
24. ShiningFace
Alternates: (once we get to 24, please keep signing up, we can always try to accommodate as many players as possible)
25. darbian
26. HedgehogNinja
27. Blackstarkupo
28. Extraguy
29. tornado
30. bassdeluxe27
31. JamEvil
32. CpKaka
33. Wyrm
Full-time Dealers:
1. chessjerk
2. yelsraek
3. spikevegeta
Potential dealers (if not playing):
1. lingomaniac88
2. Feszy
3. bassdeluxe27
1. chessjerk
2. lingomaniac88
3. Kashelwhizle
4. darbian
1. chessjerk
2. ChurchnSarge
3. Kashelwhizle
4. Feszy
5. darbian
Here is some basic information on what we will be playing. If there are any questions, don't hesitate to ask.
The game will be No Limit Texas Hold 'Em. Every player will receive two cards face down. The goal is to make the best possible five card poker hand between your two cards and the up to five community cards on the table. You do not have to use both of your cards to make a hand, you can use two of your cards and three community cards, one of your cards and four community cards, or you can use all five community cards.
One player is designated as the "dealer" (despite the fact that every table will have a regular non-playing dealer). Actions move clockwise around the table. After the cards are dealt, the person to the left of the dealer must put out a forced bet (the "small blind") and the second player puts out a forced bet double that of the small blind (the "big blind"). These blinds increase over time in order to move the tournament towards its conclusion. See the table above for how the blinds will increase after every 15 minutes of play.
The next player has three options:
Fold - If you do not wish to participate in the hand, you may throw your cards face-down to the dealer, however, you forfeit any chance of winning that particular hand.
Call - You match the current largest bet (either the big blind if no one has raised, or the bet of the player who has made the largest raise so far in this hand).
Raise - You increase the current largest bet. If no one has raised, the minimum raise is double the big blind, or double the first bet. If there has been a previous raise, the minimum raise is equal to the increase of the most recent previous raise. For example, the big blind is 200, the next player raises to 700 (an increase of 500), the player after that can raise to a minimum of 1200 (another increase of 500 over the previous raise). At all times, the maximum raise is all of your chips ("all in").
When only one player still has a hand, the hand is over and that player wins the pot. If no one raises, or if one player raises and is called by all players still in the hand, that betting round is over. If no one raises, the big blind has the option to raise or not. Then, the dealer deals the "flop" (three cards face up). These are community cards used by everyone.
Another round of betting commences, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Now, there are no forced bets. If there have been no bets, the player may "Check" (essentially betting zero) or they may "Bet" (the minimum bet is the amount of the big blind for that level, the maximum is "all in"). After a player bets, the remaining players have the same options as before the flop (fold/call/raise). Again, if at any time only one player has a hand, the hand is over and that player wins the pot. If two or more players remain, a fourth community card is dealt (the "turn"). There is another betting round (the same as before), and if multiple players remain, a final fifth card is dealt (the "river").
After a final betting round, if multiple players still remain, there is a "showdown" where all players reveal their two cards and make their best possible five card poker hand from their two cards and the five community cards. The player with the best hand wins the pot. If there is a tie, those players with the same hand split the pot. The dealer position then moves one position clockwise and the next hand begins.
When multiple players are "all in" at showdown, the pot will be divided into side pots as needed, since players cannot win more from other players than what their starting stack is for that hand. For example, assume there are three players left. One player has 300 chips, one has 700 chips, and one has 800 chips. If the first two players bet "all in" and are called by the third player (bringing the total pot to 300+700+700=1700 chips), there will be two pots, a "main" pot and a "side" pot. The main pot can be won by all three players, but it will only have 900 chips in it (300 from each player, matching the starting stack of the player with the smallest stack). The remaining 800 chips can only be won by either player with the two larger stacks, since the smallest stack did not have enough chips to participate in the full pot. If the smallest stack has the best hand of the three players, he will win the main pot of 900. The other two players then compare hands with each other, and the player with the better hand wins the side pot of 800. If the player with the smallest stack does not have the best hand, the player with the best hand will win both the main and side pots and the smallest stack player will be eliminated.
When only two players remain in the tournament, the player with the dealer button is the small blind and the other player is the big blind. The tournament ends when one player has all of the chips in play.
Ranking of poker hands (worst to best):
High card: Five unmatched cards of different suits, the highest card is an Ace and the lowest card is a two, although the Ace can be used below a two for straight purposes, see below.
One pair: Two cards of the same value (two sevens) and three unmatched cards
Two pair: Two pairs of cards of the same value (two sevens and two fives) and one unmatched card
Three of a kind: Three cards of the same value (three sevens) and two unmatched cards
Straight: Five cards in sequence (45678) of different suits, the Ace can be used either high (TJQKA) or low (A2345), but you cannot wrap around (QKA23 is not a straight)
Flush: Five cards of the same suit, not in sequence
Full house: A combination of three of a kind and a pair (three sevens and two fives)
Four of a kind: Four cards of the same value (four sevens) and one unmatched card
Straight flush: Five cards of the same suit in sequence (45678 all diamonds)
Royal flush: The five highest cards of the same suit (TJQKA all diamonds)
Breaking ties:
If two players have the same rank of hand, here is how ties are broken:
High card: Compare the highest card, the player with the higher card wins. If still tied, compare the second-highest cards. If all cards are the same, the pot is split. (A6543 beats KQJ98)
One pair: A higher pair beats a lower pair, if the players have the same pair, use the unmatched cards to break ties as above. (AA654 beats KKQJ9, AAK32 beats AAQJ9)
Two pair: Compare the higher pair of each player, then the lower pair, and finally, the unmatched card. (AA227 beats KKQQJ, AA882 beats AA77K, AA887 beats AA886)
Three of a kind: Same as one pair (77743 beats 666KQ, 777A2 beats 777KQ)
Straight: A higher straight beats a lower straight (87654 beats 76543). Identical straights split the pot (suits do not matter, unless one player has a straight flush)
Flush: Same as high card, suits do not matter (A high flush beats K high flush, A8 high flush beats A7 high flush)
Full house: Compare three of a kinds, then compare pairs (77766 beats 666KK, 77766 beats 77744)
Four of a kind: Same as one pair and three of a kind (77775 beats 6666K, 7777Q beats 7777J)
Straight flush: Same as straights (8-high straight flush beats 7-high straight flush)
Royal flush: Always a tie (good luck with this one lol)
One player is designated as the "dealer" (despite the fact that every table will have a regular non-playing dealer). Actions move clockwise around the table. After the cards are dealt, the person to the left of the dealer must put out a forced bet (the "small blind") and the second player puts out a forced bet double that of the small blind (the "big blind"). These blinds increase over time in order to move the tournament towards its conclusion. See the table above for how the blinds will increase after every 15 minutes of play.
The next player has three options:
Fold - If you do not wish to participate in the hand, you may throw your cards face-down to the dealer, however, you forfeit any chance of winning that particular hand.
Call - You match the current largest bet (either the big blind if no one has raised, or the bet of the player who has made the largest raise so far in this hand).
Raise - You increase the current largest bet. If no one has raised, the minimum raise is double the big blind, or double the first bet. If there has been a previous raise, the minimum raise is equal to the increase of the most recent previous raise. For example, the big blind is 200, the next player raises to 700 (an increase of 500), the player after that can raise to a minimum of 1200 (another increase of 500 over the previous raise). At all times, the maximum raise is all of your chips ("all in").
When only one player still has a hand, the hand is over and that player wins the pot. If no one raises, or if one player raises and is called by all players still in the hand, that betting round is over. If no one raises, the big blind has the option to raise or not. Then, the dealer deals the "flop" (three cards face up). These are community cards used by everyone.
Another round of betting commences, starting with the player to the left of the dealer. Now, there are no forced bets. If there have been no bets, the player may "Check" (essentially betting zero) or they may "Bet" (the minimum bet is the amount of the big blind for that level, the maximum is "all in"). After a player bets, the remaining players have the same options as before the flop (fold/call/raise). Again, if at any time only one player has a hand, the hand is over and that player wins the pot. If two or more players remain, a fourth community card is dealt (the "turn"). There is another betting round (the same as before), and if multiple players remain, a final fifth card is dealt (the "river").
After a final betting round, if multiple players still remain, there is a "showdown" where all players reveal their two cards and make their best possible five card poker hand from their two cards and the five community cards. The player with the best hand wins the pot. If there is a tie, those players with the same hand split the pot. The dealer position then moves one position clockwise and the next hand begins.
When multiple players are "all in" at showdown, the pot will be divided into side pots as needed, since players cannot win more from other players than what their starting stack is for that hand. For example, assume there are three players left. One player has 300 chips, one has 700 chips, and one has 800 chips. If the first two players bet "all in" and are called by the third player (bringing the total pot to 300+700+700=1700 chips), there will be two pots, a "main" pot and a "side" pot. The main pot can be won by all three players, but it will only have 900 chips in it (300 from each player, matching the starting stack of the player with the smallest stack). The remaining 800 chips can only be won by either player with the two larger stacks, since the smallest stack did not have enough chips to participate in the full pot. If the smallest stack has the best hand of the three players, he will win the main pot of 900. The other two players then compare hands with each other, and the player with the better hand wins the side pot of 800. If the player with the smallest stack does not have the best hand, the player with the best hand will win both the main and side pots and the smallest stack player will be eliminated.
When only two players remain in the tournament, the player with the dealer button is the small blind and the other player is the big blind. The tournament ends when one player has all of the chips in play.
Ranking of poker hands (worst to best):
High card: Five unmatched cards of different suits, the highest card is an Ace and the lowest card is a two, although the Ace can be used below a two for straight purposes, see below.
One pair: Two cards of the same value (two sevens) and three unmatched cards
Two pair: Two pairs of cards of the same value (two sevens and two fives) and one unmatched card
Three of a kind: Three cards of the same value (three sevens) and two unmatched cards
Straight: Five cards in sequence (45678) of different suits, the Ace can be used either high (TJQKA) or low (A2345), but you cannot wrap around (QKA23 is not a straight)
Flush: Five cards of the same suit, not in sequence
Full house: A combination of three of a kind and a pair (three sevens and two fives)
Four of a kind: Four cards of the same value (four sevens) and one unmatched card
Straight flush: Five cards of the same suit in sequence (45678 all diamonds)
Royal flush: The five highest cards of the same suit (TJQKA all diamonds)
Breaking ties:
If two players have the same rank of hand, here is how ties are broken:
High card: Compare the highest card, the player with the higher card wins. If still tied, compare the second-highest cards. If all cards are the same, the pot is split. (A6543 beats KQJ98)
One pair: A higher pair beats a lower pair, if the players have the same pair, use the unmatched cards to break ties as above. (AA654 beats KKQJ9, AAK32 beats AAQJ9)
Two pair: Compare the higher pair of each player, then the lower pair, and finally, the unmatched card. (AA227 beats KKQQJ, AA882 beats AA77K, AA887 beats AA886)
Three of a kind: Same as one pair (77743 beats 666KQ, 777A2 beats 777KQ)
Straight: A higher straight beats a lower straight (87654 beats 76543). Identical straights split the pot (suits do not matter, unless one player has a straight flush)
Flush: Same as high card, suits do not matter (A high flush beats K high flush, A8 high flush beats A7 high flush)
Full house: Compare three of a kinds, then compare pairs (77766 beats 666KK, 77766 beats 77744)
Four of a kind: Same as one pair and three of a kind (77775 beats 6666K, 7777Q beats 7777J)
Straight flush: Same as straights (8-high straight flush beats 7-high straight flush)
Royal flush: Always a tie (good luck with this one lol)
Miscellaneous tips:
Verbal bets vs. Non-verbal bets:
If you announce a bet ("I bet 500") then you are committed to that bet, no matter how many chips you put in the pot. The dealer will let you know if you have not put the correct amount of chips in to match the verbal bet. If you announce a raise, you must say "I raise to..." and not "I see/call you and raise you to..." as the second scenario is considered a call, not a raise. If you announce a raise and your raise is too small ("I raise to 600" when the minimum raise in your situation is to 800) you must raise to the minimum in that situation, you cannot just call instead.
Non-verbal bets are chips pushed into the pot without the better saying anything. You may make only one motion to put chips in the pot, you cannot put chips in and then go back to your stack to put more chips in the pot. If the chips pushed in are less than the current bet, or insufficient to be a correct minimum raise, then it is considered a call, and the dealer will advise accordingly. If a single large chip is placed in the pot with no verbal indication and it is larger than the current bet, that is considered a call (for example, throwing a 5000 chip in the pot when the current bet is only 600, this is a call of 600, not a raise to 5000). In this scenario, it is advised that the players either make verbal bets, or ask the dealer or other players to make change for their large chips.
Seating arrangements:
Each table will have up to 8 players. Players will be assigned to their seats randomly, and the dealers will deal cards around the table, with the first player receiving an Ace becoming the first in the "dealer" position. When players begin to bust out by losing all of their chips, players will be moved from one table to another to keep the tables as even as possible. When 16 players remain, they will be randomly reassigned to the two remaining tables. When 8 players remain, they will again be randomly reassigned for the final table.
Maintaining the clock:
I will maintain the clock for when the blinds increase, which will be every 15 minutes. I will stop the clock for changing player positions, coloring up chips, resolving disputes, or for any other reason that might come up.
Coloring up the chips:
After the 800/1600 blind level, there will be a short break to remove the 100 denomination chips from play, since they will no longer be needed. Any player with 100 denomination chips will receive corresponding chips to replace them, always rounding up to the next 500. In other words, anyone with 1 to 5 100 denomination chips will receive a 500 chip, 6 to 10 100 chips will receive a 1000 chip, and so on.
Players missing hands:
If you are not in your seat when it is your turn to act, your hand will be folded for you. You must be present at the table to potentially win a hand.
Player behavior when not involved in a hand: (thanks CrimsonAvix)
While a hand is being played, players who are not involved in the current hand should keep interactions with other players to a minimum, and should not interact with other players who are still in the hand at all. Actions to be avoided include: suggesting bets to players in the hand, talking about what cards they threw away, reaching into the dead card pile to look at cards that have been folded, reacting to cards on the board (i.e. "Oh, I should've stayed in the hand, I would've won!"), etc.
Revealing of cards:
Remember to protect your hand at all times. If you look at your cards in such a way that others can see your cards, then you are playing at a disadvantage. If you accidentally reveal a card while folding your hand, inform the dealer so that the entire table sees the exposed card. If the dealer accidentally reveals a card while dealing, that card becomes the first "burned" card and the player will receive a replacement card after all of the cards are dealt. If the dealer exposes more than one card, it is a misdeal. If you show another player your hand after a hand is over, then the entire table is entitled to see it (show one show all).
Have fun!:
I realize I added a lot of information to this post, but I encourage the players and dealers to have fun! Minor mistakes can be corrected instead of enforced, especially in the verbal vs. non-verbal betting area, and especially in the first few levels of play. I do not intend for this tournament to be run as if we are in a casino, I merely include all of this information as a guide for players and dealers alike to guide play and reach a conclusion if there is a dispute. If there are any problems, let me know and I will resolve them to the best of my ability and to the fairest result of everyone involved. Remember, this is all in the name of charity!
If you announce a bet ("I bet 500") then you are committed to that bet, no matter how many chips you put in the pot. The dealer will let you know if you have not put the correct amount of chips in to match the verbal bet. If you announce a raise, you must say "I raise to..." and not "I see/call you and raise you to..." as the second scenario is considered a call, not a raise. If you announce a raise and your raise is too small ("I raise to 600" when the minimum raise in your situation is to 800) you must raise to the minimum in that situation, you cannot just call instead.
Non-verbal bets are chips pushed into the pot without the better saying anything. You may make only one motion to put chips in the pot, you cannot put chips in and then go back to your stack to put more chips in the pot. If the chips pushed in are less than the current bet, or insufficient to be a correct minimum raise, then it is considered a call, and the dealer will advise accordingly. If a single large chip is placed in the pot with no verbal indication and it is larger than the current bet, that is considered a call (for example, throwing a 5000 chip in the pot when the current bet is only 600, this is a call of 600, not a raise to 5000). In this scenario, it is advised that the players either make verbal bets, or ask the dealer or other players to make change for their large chips.
Seating arrangements:
Each table will have up to 8 players. Players will be assigned to their seats randomly, and the dealers will deal cards around the table, with the first player receiving an Ace becoming the first in the "dealer" position. When players begin to bust out by losing all of their chips, players will be moved from one table to another to keep the tables as even as possible. When 16 players remain, they will be randomly reassigned to the two remaining tables. When 8 players remain, they will again be randomly reassigned for the final table.
Maintaining the clock:
I will maintain the clock for when the blinds increase, which will be every 15 minutes. I will stop the clock for changing player positions, coloring up chips, resolving disputes, or for any other reason that might come up.
Coloring up the chips:
After the 800/1600 blind level, there will be a short break to remove the 100 denomination chips from play, since they will no longer be needed. Any player with 100 denomination chips will receive corresponding chips to replace them, always rounding up to the next 500. In other words, anyone with 1 to 5 100 denomination chips will receive a 500 chip, 6 to 10 100 chips will receive a 1000 chip, and so on.
Players missing hands:
If you are not in your seat when it is your turn to act, your hand will be folded for you. You must be present at the table to potentially win a hand.
Player behavior when not involved in a hand: (thanks CrimsonAvix)
While a hand is being played, players who are not involved in the current hand should keep interactions with other players to a minimum, and should not interact with other players who are still in the hand at all. Actions to be avoided include: suggesting bets to players in the hand, talking about what cards they threw away, reaching into the dead card pile to look at cards that have been folded, reacting to cards on the board (i.e. "Oh, I should've stayed in the hand, I would've won!"), etc.
Revealing of cards:
Remember to protect your hand at all times. If you look at your cards in such a way that others can see your cards, then you are playing at a disadvantage. If you accidentally reveal a card while folding your hand, inform the dealer so that the entire table sees the exposed card. If the dealer accidentally reveals a card while dealing, that card becomes the first "burned" card and the player will receive a replacement card after all of the cards are dealt. If the dealer exposes more than one card, it is a misdeal. If you show another player your hand after a hand is over, then the entire table is entitled to see it (show one show all).
Have fun!:
I realize I added a lot of information to this post, but I encourage the players and dealers to have fun! Minor mistakes can be corrected instead of enforced, especially in the verbal vs. non-verbal betting area, and especially in the first few levels of play. I do not intend for this tournament to be run as if we are in a casino, I merely include all of this information as a guide for players and dealers alike to guide play and reach a conclusion if there is a dispute. If there are any problems, let me know and I will resolve them to the best of my ability and to the fairest result of everyone involved. Remember, this is all in the name of charity!
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