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Confirming my commentary spot for The Simpsons Arcade played by Maquina_Azul30
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Thread updated. Let me know if I missed anything, as per usual.
Feudal Family Lord
I'd love to commentary for INK
Well 2 of the runners of Blaster Master wanted me on the couch (especially since i was an active runner) so i'm intrigued as to why it's already closed; was this a 4 person decision to close it?
Asides from that, i wanted to be on the couch/commentary for X1 (ran the game/commentated as AGDQ '15) , Battletoads (know the game), Kaizo Mario Bros (supporting him as he supported me at AGDQ) and Mega Man 9 (supporting my brother)
Keeper of TASBot
TAS Block, broken up by specific section:

- Speed TAS Competition:  The developer of the game we have chosen may be physically present to provide couch commentary.  I will be providing commentary for the run and can be considered the runner for the sake of the schedule.
- Brain Age: micro500 is the primary runner and will require a mic.  I will be providing commentary as well.
- Total Control: We have a potential surprise for this portion but at least one part of this will involve couch commentary from someone who has created a payload for the run; I will follow up with Vulajin with more details but we can call this a mystery commentator for now.  micro500 and I will be providing commentary as well.

The TAS block is always just a bit different than everything else and I appreciate the flexibility.  I will primarily be discussing this kind of stuff with Vulajin ad we get closer but I wanted to at least post something here.  Thanks again!
Posting to confirm my spot during the super mario world 96 exit race.
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Quote from GameJ06:
Well 2 of the runners of Blaster Master wanted me on the couch (especially since i was an active runner) so i'm intrigued as to why it's already closed; was this a 4 person decision to close it?

The runner I was in contact with said he ran it by the other runners first, but I believe he's going to check with them again just to be sure.
Confirming everything mentioned here and anything going forward for pretty much whatever.

Also, Infinitemystery already requested I commentate for Shinobi via twitter DM and I've confirmed, so do with that whatever you will.
Just some guy
Confirming that I will commentate Mega Man ZX. You have Mr_Shasta listed for Mega Man Zero, I think he is supposed to be under Metroid Zero Mission instead.

For my own couch, I'm offering a seat to Tiki and WeForgot, though it's currently uncertain whether they will be at the event on the day of my run. Until I know more about who will be there and when my run is I don't want to make any other final decisions.
Oh yeah I am under Mega Man Zero. I'm supposed to be under Metroid Zero Mission, unless of course you want a commentator for MMZ that hasn't played the game before :^)
Just some guy
Edit history:
Svenne: 2015-11-28 12:21:14 pm
Deuceler will be doing the commentary for the Super Mario Bros. 2 race. All three of the runners has agreed on this.

Mitch said it was OK for me to do commentary for the Super Mario Bros. 3 Any% No Wrong Warp run. He said it would be an open couch.
I'd like to do commentary for Battletoads.  TMR has confirmed on Twitter.  I'd also like to couch for Vendetta and Castlevania Bloodlines if there is space.

As for Lagoon, I definitely approve Klaige and Puwexil.  Waiting to hear if Ray would like to join as well.
Haters gonna hate
Confirming I'll be on couch for Bloodlines.
confirming for SMW 96 race
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trumez: 2015-11-28 03:45:24 pm
Super Mario World
now that GDF confirmed we would like to close the 96 exit race couch at dram,gdf, and linkdead
Confirming that i am happy to join PJ on the couch for Lagoon
Not a walrus
Given the confusion around Blaster Master, me and the three other runners had a Skype conversation specifically to address who would be commentating, and we decided on the following:

1) After consideration we'd overall prefer 2 commentators rather than 3.
2) Of those available, we'd overall prefer puwexil and Blechy.

If you could update the list I'd appreciate it, thanks.
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Quote from authorblues:
Confirming everything mentioned here and anything going forward for pretty much whatever.

Also, Infinitemystery already requested I commentate for Shinobi via twitter DM and I've confirmed, so do with that whatever you will.

Sorry, but I'm not entirely certain what the first half of this post actually means. Are you saying you're fine with anyone signing up for Rocky and Bullwinkle? I don't want to misunderstand anything here. As for Shinobi can you have him tweet it or post here? It makes things easier for me.

Quote from Mr_Shasta:
Oh yeah I am under Mega Man Zero. I'm supposed to be under Metroid Zero Mission, unless of course you want a commentator for MMZ that hasn't played the game before :^)

I'm honestly surprised there's been less of this. Fixed, though thanks for pointing it out both of you.

Everything else has been updated, as usual let me know if I made any silly mistakes.
Sorry if I was confusing. I wrote my message in haste.

1) I am happy to couch for anyone who asks, so don't worry about me confirming anyone who asks or mentions me. Regarding Rocky and Bullwinkle, jimmypoopins and Whitehat have first dibs, but DarkTerrex is welcome to join as well.

2) I tweeted at IM for Shinobi here. We discussed it all via Twitter DM, so I'm hoping he tweets in reply (publicly) by the time you see this. If/when he replies, I'll direct him to message here.
i'm confirming authorblues and if possible whitehat94(not sure if he's on sda or not) for couch during my shinobi run.
I will be helping to provide commentary for Oracle of Ages. Confirmed with Cas when we sorted who was gonna run it.
Confirming Puwexil, DragonDrach Skybilz and Cantaloupe(discussed personally) for Castlevania couch commentary. This can be closed.  Also, Willing to commentate CV3 Alucard
Edit history:
Casusby: 2015-11-30 05:38:29 pm
Quote from mashystrr:
I will be helping to provide commentary for Oracle of Ages. Confirmed with Cas when we sorted who was gonna run it.

Confirming mashystrr and TheMageling for Ages couch as the main commentators

EDIT: Sephazon will also be on the couch, it's now closed.
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Thread is updated to this point.