Super Punch Out couch - Klaige, Breakdown, Miles Mike Tyson's Punch Out couch - Klaige, Breakdown, Miles
For MTPO, Klaige and Breakdown will be commentating from a distance similar to the Batman race. Miles will be our designated "resetter" just in case we softlock, or lose on Macho/Tyson. Sinister has agreed to this couch & these conditions via skype call.
I've offered commentary for Star Fox 64, and both of the runners agreed to have me on the couch. They also mentioned they wanted their couch to be the following: Me, geridesu, stivitybobo, and scottjprogan. Here's twitter confirmation on this:
For Strider 2, I have talked to Casusby and he is confirmed for the couch, but if anyone also has some Strider knowledge and wants to join please message me here, on twitter (@chuckles_825), or at the event.
For Crazy Taxi 2, I've talked to 2dos and will be on couch for that as well.