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The video should be a good example of what they can expect from you at a marathon. Obviously strategies may differ for safety reasons, but showing you're competent at the game and can execute it well is important.

It's unlikely that your run was rejected because of your PB video, unless it contained egregious swearing or you spent the entire run shittalking the game or something like that.
Edit history:
Amyrlinn: 2014-08-21 05:50:55 am
Thanks! I just want to sort of perfect my pitch for next time, so I'm trying to get advice wherever I can, specifically on what might have gotten this one rejected.
Bomb...... Bomber...... Bombest
I feel I should know the answer to this, but when can we make our small edits to our requests (Updated runs, new talk on the games, Ect. ect.)
You can't.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from Reiska:

Kingdom Hearts.  I really want to emphasize no offense to Spike here: he's an awesome runner, and he's damn good at these games.  However, I feel obligated to point out that the last time you guys scheduled a Kingdom Hearts game in a marathon, specifically KH2, the viewer response from both the quakenet chat and the twitch chat was UNIVERSALLY negative and the viewer count plummeted; however, a large part of that was due to the fact that the game was being played on Beginner difficulty.  Playing on the hardest difficulty should improve the entertainment level somewhat, although I'm not convinced the reaction will be positive still.

I understand your post isn't necessarily meant to bash KH in GDQ's, but simply to help FFT's case. However I feel somewhat obligated to defend not just my game, but my community's games as we're all offering it, not just myself.

Mike has said himself that old data is being thrown out, considering the growth of these events over the years. We are now performing for nearly 100,000 Viewers, while at SGDQ 2011, KH's last appearance, we peaked around 2,000. From what I understand, SM/LTTP had around that 2K mark, then KH was the finale and dropped to around 900 or so, more in line with most of the rest of the marathon. Also, more in line with what longer games do the viewer counts even today. SM/LTTP will probably always have a solid viewer count, then when we switch to the JRPG right after, we pretty much get the viewer count cut in half.

If you want to talk donations potential(which is THE merit longer games need to stand on for GDQ's) it raise over 3K JUST for the Bid War back in 2011, out of around a 21K total, so 1/7th of the money raised at that marathon was raised just for that. That's the equivalent % wise of Save/Kill the Animals at this past SGDQ.

I can't comment on how the quakenet chat of I'm sure a few hundred responded to the game 3 years ago, but no offense to puwexil or myself, but the games are COMPLETELY different now that there is actually a committed community improving this series every day for the last 2 and half years. Honestly, our 2011 race might as well have been a let's play for large chunks. I've always felt VERY guilty that that run defines KH at GDQ's, when honestly, it's the equivalent of a 1:05 70 Star SM64 Time getting in, then siglemic/puncayshun are not allowed to run their 49 minute versions of that run after the fact.
Edit history:
Reiska: 2014-08-21 10:44:42 am
Reiska: 2014-08-21 10:40:44 am
Quote from spikevegeta:
Quote from Reiska:

Kingdom Hearts.  I really want to emphasize no offense to Spike here: he's an awesome runner, and he's damn good at these games.  However, I feel obligated to point out that the last time you guys scheduled a Kingdom Hearts game in a marathon, specifically KH2, the viewer response from both the quakenet chat and the twitch chat was UNIVERSALLY negative and the viewer count plummeted; however, a large part of that was due to the fact that the game was being played on Beginner difficulty.  Playing on the hardest difficulty should improve the entertainment level somewhat, although I'm not convinced the reaction will be positive still.

I understand your post isn't necessarily meant to bash KH in GDQ's, but simply to help FFT's case. However I feel somewhat obligated to defend not just my game, but my community's games as we're all offering it, not just myself.

Mike has said himself that old data is being thrown out, considering the growth of these events over the years. We are now performing for nearly 100,000 Viewers, while at SGDQ 2011, KH's last appearance, we peaked around 2,000. From what I understand, SM/LTTP had around that 2K mark, then KH was the finale and dropped to around 900 or so, more in line with most of the rest of the marathon. Also, more in line with what longer games do the viewer counts even today. SM/LTTP will probably always have a solid viewer count, then when we switch to the JRPG right after, we pretty much get the viewer count cut in half.

If you want to talk donations potential(which is THE merit longer games need to stand on for GDQ's) it raise over 3K JUST for the Bid War back in 2011, out of around a 21K total, so 1/7th of the money raised at that marathon was raised just for that. That's the equivalent % wise of Save/Kill the Animals at this past SGDQ.

I can't comment on how the quakenet chat of I'm sure a few hundred responded to the game 3 years ago, but no offense to puwexil or myself, but the games are COMPLETELY different now that there is actually a committed community improving this series every day for the last 2 and half years. Honestly, our 2011 race might as well have been a let's play for large chunks. I've always felt VERY guilty that that run defines KH at GDQ's, when honestly, it's the equivalent of a 1:05 70 Star SM64 Time getting in, then siglemic/puncayshun are not allowed to run their 49 minute versions of that run after the fact.

If your half-run on SGDQ's bonus stream is any indication, I suspect it'll be a lot more entertaining, yeah.  (p.s. that run was pretty cool)  I can't really speak for the internet hivemind but I do think most of the negative reaction was because of beginner mode and that's obviously not on the table this time. Smiley

I can't really comment on most of the rest of your post other than to say that you're certainly a lot more researched on the situation than I am, and that I do think the older data should indeed be taken with a grain of salt given GDQ's explosive growth.  (also tbh the race back then was pretty good as I recall?  the run that got the strong negative reactions was the non-race one that happened at some point - I don't remember exactly when though?)  specifically I remember that race getting a lot of hype because of how close you ended up finishing.

edit/addendum: if I came off like an attack on KH as a game/community I totally apologize, that was not my intent at all!
Dixie Kong Fan Club
Quote from spikevegeta:
Quote from Reiska:

Kingdom Hearts.  I really want to emphasize no offense to Spike here: he's an awesome runner, and he's damn good at these games.  However, I feel obligated to point out that the last time you guys scheduled a Kingdom Hearts game in a marathon, specifically KH2, the viewer response from both the quakenet chat and the twitch chat was UNIVERSALLY negative and the viewer count plummeted; however, a large part of that was due to the fact that the game was being played on Beginner difficulty.  Playing on the hardest difficulty should improve the entertainment level somewhat, although I'm not convinced the reaction will be positive still.

I understand your post isn't necessarily meant to bash KH in GDQ's, but simply to help FFT's case. However I feel somewhat obligated to defend not just my game, but my community's games as we're all offering it, not just myself.

Mike has said himself that old data is being thrown out, considering the growth of these events over the years. We are now performing for nearly 100,000 Viewers, while at SGDQ 2011, KH's last appearance, we peaked around 2,000. From what I understand, SM/LTTP had around that 2K mark, then KH was the finale and dropped to around 900 or so, more in line with most of the rest of the marathon. Also, more in line with what longer games do the viewer counts even today. SM/LTTP will probably always have a solid viewer count, then when we switch to the JRPG right after, we pretty much get the viewer count cut in half.

If you want to talk donations potential(which is THE merit longer games need to stand on for GDQ's) it raise over 3K JUST for the Bid War back in 2011, out of around a 21K total, so 1/7th of the money raised at that marathon was raised just for that. That's the equivalent % wise of Save/Kill the Animals at this past SGDQ.

I can't comment on how the quakenet chat of I'm sure a few hundred responded to the game 3 years ago, but no offense to puwexil or myself, but the games are COMPLETELY different now that there is actually a committed community improving this series every day for the last 2 and half years. Honestly, our 2011 race might as well have been a let's play for large chunks. I've always felt VERY guilty that that run defines KH at GDQ's, when honestly, it's the equivalent of a 1:05 70 Star SM64 Time getting in, then siglemic/puncayshun are not allowed to run their 49 minute versions of that run after the fact.

I can't see how a run from 2011 can really be used to discuss the merits of a game. Not only has the game evolved, but the runners and the event as well.  I can't say I knew Spike back then but I imagine his online persona is a bit different now that he is a grizzled vet so to speak.  Not only that but along with the growth in the game/community more people see the game from spike and others.  The likes/dislikes of this community change so much that what happened in 2011 is in no way an indication of what will happen in 2015.
I dunno, Teenage Mutant Acid Turtles will always hold a special place in my heart. The community has grown exponentially, but it's still a community. Remembering where it came from can be just as important as where it's headed
Takahashi Meijin
As impressive as it is to widdle a 40+ hour game down that much, a 5 hour game doesn't scream to me "Game Done Quick"

From a viewers standpoint, a 5 hour game isn't going to feel quick, no matter how strong the commentary, RNG or menu selections are.
I'm relatively neutral on all this FFT talk, but one broader issue I'd like to bring up is whether certain games should just not be submitted anymore.  This year's FFT submission is probably as strong of an FFT submission as GDQs will ever get, excluding Claude submitting again to future GDQs.  Since this is the best time for FFT to get in, and apparently isn't good enough, should it or other games like it ever be submitted again because there's no hope?  It's almost like you're telling RPGs in general that are longer than 3 hours to pack up and go to their own special marathon unless they're a mainline FF game.
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Quote from quinntendopower:
As impressive as it is to widdle a 40+ hour game down that much, a 5 hour game doesn't scream to me "Game Done Quick"

From a viewers standpoint, a 5 hour game isn't going to feel quick, no matter how strong the commentary, RNG or menu selections are.

It sounds like you are setting an arbitrary "This length=Not entertaining" standard. Just because a game might have a longer running time does not mean it's necessarily less entertaining or more importantly a good marathon fit for raising money for charity then a "shorter" game. There are 5 Hour runs with more depth, speed and donation potential then many 20 minute games. Regardless of length, or genre, the game's inclusion should be based on every other factor besides the pure length.

Quote from StingerPA:
I'm relatively neutral on all this FFT talk, but one broader issue I'd like to bring up is whether certain games should just not be submitted anymore.  This year's FFT submission is probably as strong of an FFT submission as GDQs will ever get, excluding Claude submitting again to future GDQs.  Since this is the best time for FFT to get in, and apparently isn't good enough, should it or other games like it ever be submitted again because there's no hope?  It's almost like you're telling RPGs in general that are longer than 3 hours to pack up and go to their own special marathon unless they're a mainline FF game.

No. We have no idea how the marathons will involved in coming years, and to simply give up is not the way to go. Look at Romscout and SGDQ, he invited many less-popular RPG's past 1st cuts, so you might not be as far away as you think from their inclusion.
Very relevant points, Spike, well said
Fully agree that having an arbitrary "this length = not entertaining" cutoff is silly.  Keep in mind that the marathon-ending FF game is usually the #2 or #3 money-raising game out of the entire schedule, if not #1 (Super Metroid has rivaled it in recent years with animal incentives).

Quote from spikevegeta:
No. We have no idea how the marathons will involved in coming years, and to simply give up is not the way to go. Look at Romscout and SGDQ, he invited many less-popular RPG's past 1st cuts, so you might not be as far away as you think from their inclusion.

SGDQ does have generally more inclusive standards for what games get into it, yes (and I applaud romscout for that), but some people can only attend one event or the other (a particularly salient issue for games where the runner community is very small), so saying "just because it doesn't get into AGDQ doesn't mean it can't get into SGDQ" doesn't actually mean a whole lot if a game has 2 runners and neither of them can actually attend SGDQ* unless someone new picks those games up.

(* disclaimer: I have no idea whether this is the case for any specific game)
I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
I guess I don't mean to be as black and white as "your obscure game will get into SGDQ, but not AGDQ" Remember, while Rom leads the discussion, Mike is part of both game committees as well. My bigger point is to not simply give up if your game is getting shot down. The KH community got shot down for 3 years and we are still trying. That's for both SGDQ AND AGDQ. Games can become better speed-games, runners can become better runners/commentators, opinions can change, not just the committees, but the general audience as well. I'm a professional actor, or as I call it, a Professional Auditioner. I've gone to dozens of auditions where I know I have no chance or next to no chance, because it's just what you do. I believe we keep playing the speed games we love, and sometimes, who knows, we get that extra opportunity to put the community's hard work on display.
Takahashi Meijin
"It sounds like you are setting an arbitrary "This length=Not entertaining" standard. Just because a game might have a longer running time does not mean it's necessarily less entertaining or more importantly a good marathon fit for raising money for charity then a "shorter" game. There are 5 Hour runs with more depth, speed and donation potential then many 20 minute games. Regardless of length, or genre, the game's inclusion should be based on every other factor besides the pure length."

I also run a game that is about 5 hours RTA. The game is practically the definition of exciting 3D gameplay and the run really shows off the skill/tech ceiling, not to mention there is a ton of commentary and things to explain about the mechanics. It also has TWO Punch Out fights that people love to see. The community has found lots of skips and tricks to talk about too. It's the type of run that would get people to play the game again if they own it.

However, I am aware of it's length and don't expect anyone to sit through a game that long, no matter how great it looks or is played. It's asking too much from peoples attention spans.

Length does affect the entertainment factor in my opinion, they don't make 5 hour action movies or do 5 hour magic shows for a reason. Wow factor dwindles after some time, and the average Twitch viewer isn't exactly known for having a good attention span.

Just trying to give some reality from a viewers perspective. I know a fair amount of people now who watch GDQ's, and most of them tune out for long runs or RPG's. I can appreciate the time, effort, and skill needed to make such a long game short. But understand viewers/chat dwell on long games and it has showed time and time again in the chat. This happened countless times during the Skyward Sword run.

At the end of the day, it's about making the money for PCF. If FFT is really the best choice in that regard, then go for it. That's all that matters in the end and I will stand by that. I know FF fans are fanatical and have donated a lot of money in the past and will do so in the future.
Sonic's biggest fan at heart
So, how about that thread specifically for the FFT argument? Tongue
It's a major point of contention of accept/reject, in the game submission thread. This is the perfect place for it, sorry if it doesn't gel with what you want to read.
Sonic's biggest fan at heart
Well, yeah, half of it was serious, but the other half was a joke ... Sorry, I forgot the trope "Don't explain the joke".

And now for something on the topic. Who here is willing to bet that someone submitted a run for Bubsy (not 3D alone, but any of the games), and if so, might be accepted? It has to be asked.
Quote from Zwataketa:
And now for something on the topic. Who here is willing to bet that someone submitted a run for Bubsy (not 3D alone, but any of the games), and if so, might be accepted? It has to be asked.

It was just ran at SGDQ. Also, this isn't really the place for predictions. Just questions for staff.
Sonic's biggest fan at heart
Oh. Ok. And really? I knew Bubsy 3D was ran a few years ago, but another game too? Recently?

This is my fault for not regularly watching the streams, isn't it?
You were warned about these 0-content posts. We'll see you again when submissions are over.
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Reed: 2014-08-21 03:28:31 pm
Quote from Onin:
Friendly reminder that there's no way Halo 2 would've gotten into AGDQ'14 if it wasn't Monopoli running it.

This is true, but not for the reason implied. It's because at the time Monopoli was the only person able to do a marathon-quality Halo 2 Legendary run. (including skill, commentary, etc)

Also, Halo 2 did not get in because a bunch of big-name community members supported it. It got in because Mike's concerns about the run were alleviated.

Just providing some context to these types of remarks.
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Rumiko: 2014-08-21 05:00:27 pm
For multiple categories and run videos: is it OK to link to a playlist with both videos? I don't see any shown runs that has done it so figured I'd ask.
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Gaël: 2014-08-21 05:49:36 pm
Quote from ShadowWraith:
They also come at a part of the marathon where everyone is tired out and winding down, and the high energy commentary situation runs contrary to that. If it were to make it on to the schedule, FFT would not be a marathon finisher game. It just doesn't make sense as one. This isn't a strike against FFT, and as I've said before I'm ambivalent about whether it makes it on the schedule.

Does that mean that the only slot for RPGs at a GDQ is as the final game of the marathon, RPG can't be played mid-week ?
Yea, RPGs can only be played as the finale.  That's why Paper Mario, Paper Mario: TTYD, SMRPG, and FF4 64-floor glitch have never been in a GDQ yet.