I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Regarding the tricks you mentioned, I know about strafe running, kangaroo jumping (I call it strafe jumping), and landing on an AI's head. I know of keyhol(d?)ing, but have never tried it. I've never heard of that fire arrow trick. That's genius. Are there directions for it anywhere? Will it work with gas arrows?
It's simple in theory, but tough to pull off correctly. You know that the speed of an arrow depends on how far you pull back the bowstring. Well, it's possible to pull it back such a tiny distance that the fire/gas arrow (yeah, it works with both, but why waste the better arrow?) travels more slowly than you can run. Then you run and jump on top of the arrow (it only explodes if you hit it head-on), and ride it to your destination. Go to TTLG and search/ask for help if you have trouble getting it right... I could almost never get the arrow going slowly enough.