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I love YaBB 1G - SP1!
Regarding the tricks you mentioned, I know about strafe running, kangaroo jumping (I call it strafe jumping), and landing on an AI's head.  I know of keyhol(d?)ing, but have never tried it.  I've never heard of that fire arrow trick.  That's genius.  Are there directions for it anywhere?  Will it work with gas arrows?

It's simple in theory, but tough to pull off correctly.  You know that the speed of an arrow depends on how far you pull back the bowstring.  Well, it's possible to pull it back such a tiny distance that the fire/gas arrow (yeah, it works with both, but why waste the better arrow?) travels more slowly than you can run.  Then you run and jump on top of the arrow (it only explodes if you hit it head-on), and ride it to your destination.  Go to TTLG and search/ask for help if you have trouble getting it right... I could almost never get the arrow going slowly enough.
like cranky kong, but not as nice
imho, speedruns are all about doing it as quick as possible, any glitches available in-game are/should be allowed - see the half life runs where they skip the 'power up' chapter using mines vs the perfect dark run where he goes out of the level.... i guess it's all down to personal taste at the end of the day - i spend hours creeping around thief levels, but the last one i bound through in a few minutes, since it seems built for just that
It's not exactly a "speed run", but there's a video of Thief Gold on Archive.
Edit history:
Pweisger: 2005-10-02 03:37:15 am
Son of a bitch they stole my idea! (Doing a full loot run).
I've been working on this game for a while, mainly just finding the fastest routes and practising but I've recently started recording and I've got a recording of A Keeper's Training that I'm fairly happy with. The sound's a bit quiet though.

1:36 is the fastest time I've got so far on it and I haven't seen anyone claim a faster time but theres afew minor mistakes in it so I should be able to cut it down by another second.

I'll be doing individual levels on normal difficulty using only the starting equipment. I haven't been doing the levels in the right order so the next runs I post will probably be Return to the Cathedral which I've got a 39 second run of recorded which I need to compress and upload and after that probably Undercover and Escape as I've got better times on these levels than on others at the moment.
Ack! Can we stop sending in the fastest times of the TRAINING MISSION!? GEEZ!!!
Yeah, really.  Why would you include an optional part of the game in a speed run?

By the way, before I can do a Thief speed run, I'm waiting for: 1) school to stop kicking my ass, and 2) enough money to buy a crappy VCR.  Stay tuned!
TTLG  didn't even make the first 2 games. Plus they don't have a dedicated archive like this one. I don't feel like TTLG
has made much of an effort to serve the existing Thief
communities. Speed Demos is great b/c it is dedicated to a
specific mentality of play... which is compatable with thief in a
very interesting way.
Return to the Cathedral in 39 seconds

I kill a communist for fun...
Just finished complete ghosting 100% mission 1 T3 on
Expert. I ran the most stringent type of ghosting possible
to complete the mission in 18 minutes total time.

Only the lowest degree of detection.
Moved all items back to original possitions when possible.

I did take fall damage, to speed things up.
and I resorted to a second degree detection when dealing
with guard posted at top of the tall tower. However it was
only second degree detection, no sword was drawn, and it
is nessesary to accieve 100% loot.

Got it all on tape. I bet someone can beat the time
though. Putting items back into their original place I
believe is a premise of ghosting, however it adds a good
deal of time to the run.