it would be a lot eazier if you wouldn't have to aim those rockets so precise, it would be nice if you can just make them hit a walll instead of having to get them on the floor or on the narrow solid parts of the porters, but then again it was never meant to be ez......:)
I have that on my list of things to do (calling my isp so i can use my space) but that's for tomorrow already did quite some today for a lazy ass like me
I know it's QuakeWorld and not NetQuake, but myself, Aquashark & friends have a lot of double, triple. quadruple etc. rocket jumps and other crazy stuff if anyone's interested. A lot of it can be done in NetQuake.
Look for Bedazzled Movements, Helium Dreams, By Rocket to the Moon, The Cure for Gravity, Trebuchet & Ever Increasing Physical Abuse in that directory.