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Pendrokar: 2008-11-20 06:31:12 am
[My Topic From Egosoft Forums]

X:BTF would be too long to do because of only possible way to earn money is by trading from factory to factory.
X-Tension has no storyline to go through.
X2:TT - Is a game I could be able to record, and might be shorter than X3 Reunion and I just reinstalled X2.
X3:Reunion - I haven't finished it! But it has the secret unoccupied ships laying in sectors.
X3:TC - I haven't played.

But I wanted to talk about speedrunning X2 - The Threat.
So here is a short overview of the main goals:
1) Start with Easy Difficulty(It just would have a longer start if it was played on X-TREME)
2) Go-To Home Of Light headquarters.. take mission
3) Go-To Crystal Fab in Ore Belt and sell components.
4) Go-Back to HQ Take second mission and fly the Express to Atreus' Clouds Trading Station. Talk to Saya Kho.
5) Go-Back to HQ ignoring the pirates(in SETA the pirates shoot more rarely and hit rarely).. talk to Elena Kho
6) Go-To Ban Danna in Argon Prime.
7) Go-To Goner Temple. Take mission with Bret. (I haven't tried going without him)
8) Go-To Brennan Triumph Blow up mines("How, with a discoverer?" Widely about after these goals)
9) Go-To Antigone Memorial Sector in the Middle
10) Go-To HQ.
11) Go-To Priest Pity. Kill some pirates and then go into Priest Rings trading station. Talk to Manckossak pay 33'333 credits
12) Go-With Saya on the unsafe route to Nyana's Hideout. Do the mission sequences there.
13) Go-To Black Hole Sun and wait for Ban Danna's message.
14) Go-To Ban Danna at Argon Prime
15) Go-To Ore Belt. Do the mission sequences
16) Go-To Ban Danna at Argon Prime
17) Go-To Rolk's Drift and pay 150'000 credits and Jump to Khaak Sector
18) Take The Box at Unknown Sector and Jump back to Rolk''s Drift.
19) Go-To Omicron Lyrae. Do mission sequence there.
20) Go-To Ban Danna at Argon Prime for the last time... DONE!

Now how should this go through in a speedrun?
1. before step 2) fly the discoverer to Atreus Clouds and then go to the HQ. This is for Jumping the express reasons.

2. at step 4) buy a jump drive which can be afforded if one 25MW shield is sold, buy a total of 100 energy cells and full engine tuning from the HQ(- 101'000 - 1600 - 10'00 ). Jump to Atreus Clouds, Auto-dock at the trading station and talk to Saya. Then with Step 5) jump back to Home Of Light and Auto-Dock at HQ, but with all the pirates around auto-pilot cannot dock at it so when very close to the HQ the express needs to be docked manually. The Pirates don't do a lot of damage while in SETA(might be a game bug) cause of rare fire rate and hit rate of the pirates. Before finishing step 5) sell the other 25MW shield and the weapon.

3. Between steps 6) and 7) buy 20 or less mosquito or wasp missiles for the squash mines mines at Cool step

4. The steps 6), 7), 8) 9) can be done with the discoverer. but the further steps need a better ship most likely a Argon Nova which, well, costs 1.9 mil fully equipped. On step 6 we have 300'000 credits + 100'000 credit worth Discoverer and a Mercury with 5% hull which can be sold for don't know how many credits. So I'm thinking if it is really useful as in time saving buying the Jumpdrive for the Express.

5. For now let's say I have a Buster after step 9). Though it might not be the best ship to fight against Pirates in Step 11. It might work if it is placed before the docking bridge when exiting the Pirate Base, and start shooting the base till the guards come out and then shoot them in the back until you have enough reputation to dock for Step 11.

6. For now I don't remember how it was with the "Follow Saya To Nyana's Hideout" mission and how many hostiles there might be. But im worried that a Buster won't be enough to take out the Khaak in Nyana's Hideout so we need to get back on step 4) to earn the 1.9 mil for the Nova. With a fully equipped nova that has a jump drive all the further missions are possible.

[/My Topic From Egosoft Forums]

So after some try outs I have gone to some conclusions:
-The 10) step can be just skipped but I doubt I will.
-For step 11) I need to destroy 3 pirate lasertowers or ships in Priests Pity. With an argon Discoverer equiped with 50 Wasp missiles it can be done(12 missiles on a lasertower 14 on two Pirate Orinoco's).
-Need a minimum of 3 missiles for blowing the squash mines in step 8) .
-Discoverer won't be enough for Nyana's Hideout Mission. Which brings me back between steps 4) and 5). An M4(Boron Mako) might be enough for Nyana's Hideout mission(my next test), but that means I cannot afford to add a Jumpdrive to the Express.
-Trading is slow. I bought 3 not fully equipped Argon transporters. And trading with them is hard and I could earn about 100k per 20 minutes.
-Capturing ships is based on luck. Luck to have the enemy pilot to bail out and luck so the ship still has shields or other valuable equipment. Good thing manipulating with luck is possible using saves(got only on "in space" save at start). Best would be to capture a Goner ship with shields which could be worth 350 grand. I will need 150 grand for 17) step!

One thing I would like to know what SDA rules think of...
Would the run be calculated from game time? I ask because with SETA ship upgrade which speeds up time up to 10 times does speed up game time too! otherwise this run will be 3/4 hours long without the use of SETA.

Segments uploaded to YouTube(loading screens arent shortened!):

Segment List:
Segment 1 -
Segment 2 -
Segment 3 -
Segment 4 -
Segment 5 (redone) -
Segment 6+7 -
Segment 8+9+10 -
Segment 11 -
Segment 12 -
Segment 13 -
Segment 14 -
Segment 15 -
Thread title:  
sda loyalist
If the timer can be manipulated, the run would probably be timed using real time.

Also, rofl. A run of this game. Roll Eyes
ok you can't beat kha'ak with an M4.  Grin

Need an M3 Fighter which has 75k shielding.

Seems I will have to capture some goner ships.
Edit history:
Pendrokar: 2008-10-25 03:54:40 pm
Ok I have a plan for 50% of the game. So im starting to record segments(A single segment run would be like normal play of the game).
Too much to tell so you can just check the image I uploaded.

[Edit] - sequence of arrows - Green -> White -> Light Brown -> Dark Brown -> Dark Pink
Line = jump using jumpdrive

Some people think they can outsmart me.
I have this game. I'm absolutely certain that I purchased it from Amazon, and I'm reasonably confident that I have actually loaded and played the thing using a joystick. I'm pretty sure I remember the very first training mission.

Wow. Pendy, I have absolutely *NO* idea what you were on about with your original post, but it sounds really intriguing. I really need to get this game loaded again.

Pendrokar, I'd like to see your speedrun of this game.
Quote from tycho102:
played the thing using a joystick.

Well my joystick has been broken... oh wait... it seems fine... one of the axis was broken. Should try it out. Would make battles more easy. (The way it's meant to be played)  Grin

Seems first segment is 9:42 long(end at Rolk's Drift(white arrow)). 2 minutes of loading screens though. I thought that it might be 4 or 5 minutes.  Lips Sealed
Edit history:
Pendrokar: 2008-10-27 02:06:09 pm
WHOA!!  Shocked Shocked

Thats gonna be hard to do.
What I mean is. Just capturing a ship won't do because it's value with empty equipment is not enough. The equipment gets destroyed ~0.5 seconds after capture. There is a trick though. What I need to do is be ready when the pilot says he's going to bail out of the ship. Then I have ~0.5 seconds to eject all 3 25MW shields from the ship(those are more worth than the ship itself).
Another problem is if you keep shooting while some shots are already going at the target when the pilot is saying that he will bail... makes him say something more but the point is the ship is already captured when this happens and chances to eject the shields are unreal!
I'm going to have a short segment where I go to a goner ship and shoot at him and use the only non-station save game available. One thing Im going to do with the unsold discoverer is considered with the UFO's that travel at almost the same speed.  Grin
And I'm uploading the first segment to youtube. [EDIT] (unshortened loading screens! (after "start new game" it's about 1 min. long so BE WARNED FOR PATIENCE REQUIREMENT))

BTW is there any difference if I load savegames from main menu or ingame according to SDA?  Undecided
First segment uploaded to youtube. Check end of first post.

Another note: Originally I'm recording on 640x480 16 bit resolution. No shadows and bumpmaps.
I accidenly oversaved the save game of the first segment.  :-[
Means - Learning from mistakes.
Heh. It wasn't actually that bad to lose the first segment. Because I found a way to skip the second mission and still get the cash from the Express.  Grin I once did it in normal play years ago. Wanted to kill Saya Kho and the Borons by destroying the Express between Station doors and it worked.  Grin Then Ban Danna says that I should stop joking around with those unimportant TerraCorp missions.
Here is what I will do for the speedrun. Do the first mission and then when I get the Express I dock it at the station and sell the weapon and it's shields. Then exit, move forward a bit -> Eject -> wait until the doors close -> and dock at the station.(only problem is that I can get stuck inside the station if I eject too soon!)
Some people think they can outsmart me.
Wow, I just watched that first segment. I've absolutely got to get this thing loaded.
In fact, I'm going to find the CD's right now.
Now I'm trying to capture a Nova with full equipment. But it doesn't seem possible yet after about 40 tries. For now the best is 83% Hull with just one Fighter Drone inside.  Undecided
If I'm going to stay with it I will need to capture two goner ships of which I would strip the shields shortly after bail. But that might be after step 8).
Verified verifier and hangaround :)
Quote from Pendrokar:
Now I'm trying to capture a Nova with full equipment. But it doesn't seem possible yet after about 40 tries. For now the best is 83% Hull with just one Fighter Drone inside.  Undecided
If I'm going to stay with it I will need to capture two goner ships of which I would strip the shields shortly after bail. But that might be after step 8).

I have less than zero clue about this game even though I gave it a good try some time ago, but I look forward to seeing it. Some explanation of what is going on would be great though. Cheesy
And again change of plans. Cheesy
In second segment I capture a Argon Nova. But even in the newest patch(1.4) there is a bug that you can capture khaak ships(from M5 to M3). After I blow up the Express to pass the second mission I receive two messages: 1) Ban Danna wants to meet me 2) Khaak's invade Presidents end.
So I captured a Khaak Fighter M3 with the Discoverer in the third segment(not yet uploaded). The Fighter has all three Kyon lasers and 3x25 MW shields totally worth around 6 Million! Question is is it better to have 3 Novas or one Khaak Fighter? For one the Kyon's are hitscan weapons which are good against fast M5 Khaak scouts and fighter drones(which will be encountered in Nyana's Hideout Mission) and is effective even using auto-pilot fighting at 10x SETA unlike any other ships with projectile weapons.  Huh?

P.S. With the Khaak fighter I won't need any other ship captured.
sda loyalist
I'm fairly sure the Khaak will rock the game. Grab it.
The bug is that you normally need to buy the Khaak specs and have Aces Of Aces 3rd rank to capture them. Without the specs you can capture on any ranking.

Quote from Lag.Com:
I'm fairly sure the Khaak will rock the game. Grab it.

Well yeah it's ~35 m/s faster than a Nova.

P.S. Uploaded two segments. Deleted previous(They are still on my PC at any case).
Edit history:
Pendrokar: 2008-11-06 09:39:00 am
In fourth segment I just order Khaak Fighter to goto HQ to buy a jumpdrive and sell one Kyon Laser which will be enough for anything. Save at Solar Power Plant where sector maps are sold(not everything I expected though). The sector maps where: 1) Split Fire 2) Atreus Clouds 3)Cloudbase South West 4)Herron's Nebula 5)The Wall . I bought missiles but when I tested future walkthrough the missiles where useless because of slow speed and the Fighter could withstand a number or Mine explosions!!
Now it is really based on luck on how to get to Nyana's Hideout! My Idea was to have the discoverer follow a UFO(flies between unknown sectors) until it gets to a very close sector to Nyana's Hideout but it shows up rarely and changes destination after each time I reload a savegame AFAIK! The most noteworthy Crossroad for the UFO is Family Whi. If I won't be able to do it I will have the discoverer follow a goner ship!

Green line - Course
Blue'ish line - UFO course

Ah fiddlesticks!! UFO course is not random and does not change by reloading. There is only one UFO in entire X-Universe. At the start of the game it is in the northern Unknown sector. If it gets destroyed, it spawns at the center of the sector in which the Goner Temple is.
At the last segment it is in Sacred Relic which is on the other side of the universe and is going to the southern Unknown Sector.(I know all this because I found a useful cheating script with what I can place Satellites in every sector(discluding enemy))

Guess I need to search for normal speed(100 m/s) Goner ships or transport which would lead my dicoverer near Nyana's Hideout.
10 segments done so far.(3 very short)

Eh I won't use the discoverer to follow some ship. Too much micro.
Back to Segment 5 which I had redone. Changes are travelling to Rolk's Drift with the discoverer while ordering the Fighter to repair and equip! Save at one of the Brennan's Triumph stations.
What I have done so far(after new segment 5) is gotten maps and jumped till I get to Nyana's Hideout. No problems in the battle.

Next is the question about the randomness of the asteroids in the Ore Belt Mission if it really is that random.  Undecided
Nyana's Hideout done in 8 minutes(~1 min. Loading times). It can hardly be better though I haven't use to using a Joystick. One thing is for sure the Khaak Clusters appearing are of random type. There are about 4 types of clusters each with more and more M5 Scouts(1 M3 + 5 M5 to a max of 1 M3 + about 15 or 18 M5)!
There is no need to go to Black Hole Sun sector. The Ore Belt Mission is available after about 50 ingame minutes which is 5 minutes in SETA. No way to avoid and there is nothing I could do in that time.
I'm just having some problems uploading to youtube. I will inform when the segment 11(Nyana's Hideout) gets uploaded.

Now I'm: Testing how the Ore Belt mission works. If I won't find out how then I will have to find three positions from which I will scan asteroids around those areas(through interface).
About the Ore Belt Mission.
The Asteroid is chosen after certain amount of asteroids are scanned(not sure if only those inside a nebula) (Count Probably is 10 15 20 25). Problem is that the asteroid can either be a already scanned one or an unscanned one!
I will have to find out the exact count which might take a while! Or if an X² Dev from Egosoft could tell about it!

[EDIT] segments up to 11 uploaded. Check first post.
After tough researching: In this mission you have to scan 20 asteroids inside all nebulae. Then 5 asteroids are chosen(either scanned or unscanned) in which the kha'ak station is located. All of those asteroids are of the same type which is: small asteroids with a hole in them just like the two closest asteroids in the Main Menu.

Now I need to find good places to scan them.  Grin
Ok 90% done.
Two things I should have done so far:
1) Get a docking computer earlier
2) Discover East gate in Nyana's Hideout

I cannot record the last mission because it would mostly be at 5 FPS. So the run is over until I get a new PC!
P.S. Will note when all segments are uploaded.
Well unless someone would glady finish it. But I tried the mission a few times and it is hard without strafe drive extension to take out subsystems of the Khaak M0 or without a Paranid Perseus which can hold three Beta Phased Shockwave Generators. Shockwaves do splash damage so it would most likely be the best ship for the last mission.

P.S. Segments uploaded...